Chapter 96 Temples and Wildfires

Stars drove westward for more than an hour until the RV’s fuel tank approached the red line and sounded an alarm, so they stopped to rest.

Lou Jingce jumped out of the car, holding a large oil barrel in his hand. The full barrel had just been taken out from the space. He looked around while refueling.

The terrain here is not flatter than before, and the gradual upward trend is obviously climbing. Not far ahead lies a towering mountain.

Lou Jingce had never been here before, but he had heard a little bit about this mountain - Shangguan Mountain.

What makes this mountain famous is not that it is so tall and steep, nor that it has any novel landscaping. When it comes to heights, it's just average. There are no strange pines, rocks, seas of clouds, and the scenery can't be said to be as beautiful as clouds.

Shangguan Mountain is famous all because of a temple halfway up the mountain - Shangguan Temple. It is said to be very efficacious, and there is an endless stream of pilgrims.

But at this time of the end, no matter how devout a believer is, he probably won’t think that he can survive these difficult days relying on Buddha.

There should be no one on Shangguan Mountain who is right.

Lou Jingce looked at the mountain from a distance. The temple that was originally looming in the woods was now covered with lush vegetation, tall trees and deep forests, and no trace of it could be seen.

Nature cannot be seen. Trees will grow taller, but temples will not.

Lou Jingce weighed it, shook it, and poured the rest of the oil barrel into the tank.

The smell of gasoline is a bit too strong.

Just as he was putting away the bucket, climbing on the pedals, and pulling the door handle to get into the car, his eyes glanced inadvertently.

Suddenly, there was a pause.

He seemed to hear someone singing in the wind, and the small black dot swaying in his sight should be a figure walking as fast as flying on the mountain road.

Lou Jingce stared at the small figure, his expression gradually becoming strange.

How could he go down from the mountain to fetch water when he saw someone carrying a pole and bucket in the last days?

The scene in front of him seemed to match the content of the nursery rhyme "One, Two, Three, Three Monks and Drinking Water", which made Lou Jingce look up at the sun that had not set for a long time.

Yes, the sun no longer rises in the east and sets in the west. In the apocalypse, there will still be monks coming down from the mountain temples to fetch water, which is not too weird.

That’s weird!

Lou Jingce told the news to other people in the car, and everyone was surprised.

"You're crazy." Yin Shenghan immediately opened the blinds and looked up the mountain.

"My ears must be ringing and I didn't hear clearly. Brother Lou, what did you just say?" Zuo Dihua dug his ears and couldn't believe what he just heard.

Lou Jingce repeated it to him again.

Zuo Dihua held his head and screamed, then started to think wildly.

"Is it possible that he is some kind of reclusive boss? The kind who has become an immortal and has jumped out of the world. He doesn't care about the end of the world at all?"

"Or is it now the end of the world that the Buddha has gained strength and started to provide protection to believers?"

Zuo Tanghua is not as good as him. The younger brother was so excited that he just made the most likely guess based on the current situation.

"Is that person a wood or plant type superpower? Or is there another powerful character in the temple on the mountain?"

Lou Jingce shrugged, who knows.

But then again...

"Can I still drink water if I find it outside?"

Zuo Tanghua looked around the wilderness. The only water source that could be found here was the gift of nature.

It doesn't matter if animals are used to drinking raw water, but it needs to be boiled before being consumed by humans. Even if it boils, the water quality will definitely not meet the standard.

Not to mention anything else, during the previous heavy rains and floods, nothing had been soaked in the water. Not to mention any dirt and filth, even swollen human corpses were not uncommon.

It's not that they can't understand that not drinking water on such a hot day is tantamount to courting death. Even if you have such ability, where can you find a way to survive?

They really couldn't understand the behavior of the monk who came down from the mountain to fetch water.

"What monk?"

Mingji sat aside and dug three ice cream balls in a small bowl. He listened to them for a long time and asked a question.

"If you shave your head, does it mean you are a monk?"

Is there a possibility that he is actually a fake monk?

People are not standing guard here like monks ringing bells, but are they doing business like those people before?

Going down the mountain to fetch water just because there is no water-type superpower in the team?

"Yes, it's hard to say whether the current monks still abide by the previous precepts." Zuo Tanghua agreed.

Mingji took a mouthful of ice cream and shivered from the cold taste. He ate the ice cream with the air conditioner blowing, and it was indeed very refreshing.

The electronic sound suddenly came to mind.

[The spatial landing point of the escaped person has been calculated. 】

Mingji immediately took a big spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth. The remaining half of the ice cream ball, the bowl and the spoon were stuffed into Lou Jingce's hand.

"Where is the landing point?"

As he finished speaking, a suspended three-dimensional map spread out in front of his eyes. Bright blue lines outline the mountains and landforms of the surrounding area, dark blue outlines the water map, and lines of various colors are dotted everywhere, symbolizing various resources, from minerals to natural resources, as well as rare species and beneficial plant resources.

On the huge three-dimensional map, there is only one point that stands out. Right in front of them, a huge red mark pointed pointedly at the hillside of Shangguan Mountain in front of them. It was nothing but a temple.

"What a den of thieves."

Mingji did not avoid them. The map appeared in front of him. Even if others couldn't see it, they could see some abnormalities in Mingji's demeanor and movements.

"That temple is the next stronghold we are looking for."

This group of dead people is really good. They either occupied such a prison-like building and built a nest in it, or they directly robbed the Buddha's house.

Smelling the incense smoke, under the statue of Buddha, being stared at like that, and still doing bad things, this is really "open-minded".

Yin Shenghan came back from the cockpit and made a five sign.

"There are five people hiding in the woods. They are well hidden. I'm afraid it's not a good place over there. There are too many people watching."

Lou Jingce informed him of what Ming Ji had just said. Two factors confirm that there is a problem there, which can be said to be a certainty.

Before they can discuss how to simply raid each other's hometown, the escaped fire-type superpower must be handed over to Mingji himself, but there are no restrictions on the rest.

Stars suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

[Master, he’s awake. 】

Everyone immediately gathered around the big fire boy.

"Didn't you say he's awake? Why are his eyes still closed?"

"Did he hurt his head so much that he can't open his eyes?"

"We didn't find this situation during the previous check."


Yao Lin was babbling like this. While discussing in a low voice, he slowly opened his eyes, blinked again and again with a blank expression. It took him a while to regain his senses.

He covered his head and recalled the previous situation.

Tentacles all over the granary, a monster that looks like an octopus, are floating in the air. Their attacks didn't hurt it, but it casually crushed them with a wave of its hand. Everyone was crushed to death in the tentacles one by one. The captain gritted his teeth and prepared to take this monster to hell at all costs...

And he was the only one who was protected by everyone at the back and was thrown out by the captain at the end.

Everyone died.

Uncontrollable grief surged up, and Yao Dulin couldn't control the soreness at the tip of his nose. Tears rushed out of his eyes. He reached out to wipe them away, soaking a large area on his sleeves.

He didn't cry for long, the emotion came and went even faster.

Everyone could see a sense of mission on his still immature face.

Tears had dimmed his vision, but after being stunned for a moment, he quickly recognized Mingji and Lou Jingce.

It's just that the reunion was accompanied by tears and the sacrifice of his companions, and it was really difficult to smile.

"It's you."

He looked around and saw a few unfamiliar faces, but he wasn't too surprised. No need to ask anymore, they must be teammates of the two of them.

Yao Lin tried to grab the sleeve of Zuo Dihua, who was closest to him, but was cut off midway by Xing Xing who came up to him.

Holding the cold mechanical hand in his hand, Yao Lin was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

He clenched the finger tightly and looked at Mingji and Lou Jingce whom he knew.

"Help me, send the news back."

"That monster is very dangerous. We must get rid of it at all costs."

He was shocked to realize that he seemed to be in a car and the vehicle was moving. He immediately changed his expression and threw himself at the blinds. He lifted up his side and was dazzled by the sunlight outside. He tilted his head to adjust for a few seconds and then turned back.

Outside the window is an unfamiliar environment.

There was some vigilance in his expression.

"Where is here?"

The Zuo brothers and Yin Shenghan looked at each other and remained silent. Since they are people known to Brother Ming and Brother Lou, then leave everything to them.

It's hard for them to speak, and it's hard to tell people: It's gone, it's gone, the monsters in the granary, and the remains of your teammates were all blown to pieces under Brother Ming's little black box.

Even if you didn't drive away at this moment, you wouldn't believe it if you saw it and stopped in place.

"You are safe in the RV."

"The granary has also been solved."

Lou Jingce didn't know how Mingji solved it. Anyway, this is the current situation.

Mingji grabbed the right to speak.

"We can send you back, but we have to wait until we solve this problem."

"Perhaps, you can tell us first."

Mingji smiled slightly: "Which organization are you from?"

Yao Lin heard that it had been solved at first glance. It still feels incredible. Their whole team folded in, how could it be solved like this?

But look at the bandages on the wounds on the body and the medicines applied everywhere. If it was not solved, how could he be rescued under the eyes of that monster?

Before he passed out, he still remembered that the captain failed to drag the monster into the water. All their efforts were in vain, maybe in the eyes of the monster they were just little bugs.

Only the last blow, which used all the captain's powers, made the monster roar in anger.

"Really dead?" He confirmed again in disbelief.

"It's all turned into ashes." Lou Jingce was very sure. Not only was it just ashes, there was not even a bit of residue left.

Yao Lin took a deep breath, his bandaged chest rising and falling. He tried to calm down and took another deep breath.

He buried his head, tears bursting out again and falling to the ground along the tip of his nose. There are so many complex emotions mixed in it that it is difficult to describe them all at the moment.

After crying, he wiped his eyes, his eyes were swollen from crying, and his voice was heavy.

"I, we are from [Wildfire], the non-staff armed organization in the central area."

Now it was the turn of the Zuo brothers and Yin Shenghan to look at each other.

Central District!
