Chapter 58 Arrangement

"Big Terror?"

Half of the puff that Zuo Dihua was biting in his mouth fell off and bounced twice on the table, leaving a cream mark.

Is the apocalypse not over yet? He chewed it twice mechanically, unable to tell what it tasted like.

It turned out that he and his brother were caught doing bad things at that time, and they were said to be staying here to work for free. In fact, Brother Ming and Brother Lou took care of them a lot. Before going to bed last night, he was still thinking that the apocalypse was over, and there was no need for Brother Ming and Brother Lou to keep them here for food and accommodation, but he really didn't want to leave.

I still want to perform better these days, so I recommend myself.

Fortunately now, the end is not over yet, and his struggle is over.

They can still stay with Brother Ming and Brother Lou until the end of the world. If the end of the world ends, they may have to leave... He can't explain why he is so dependent on Brother Ming and the others. In short, he just doesn't want to leave.

Compared to Zuo Dihua, whose expression changed like a palette, Zuo Tanghua and Lou Jingce were obviously much calmer. I am also much more mentally prepared for this so-called "big terror" in Mingji's mouth.

"Is it the sun?"

Lou Jingce thought carefully after Mingji left the kitchen.

Recall the past life and compare the two. This time the flood receded quickly, unlike in the previous life which lasted for several months. There was a period of peace after the flood receded. That short and busy time left no good memories in his memory. The only thing he could vaguely remember was that he met a kind-hearted old man who lent it to him when he was hiding on the top of a mountain. A thin quilt that has been exposed to the sun.

Now that the date of the previous life has not yet reached, the floods have receded during the earthquake, and there should be more people surviving, but it is difficult to say whether that peaceful period will still exist.

After a peaceful life, the world will be exposed to the sun.

Combined with Ming Ji's actions just now, the answer is ready to come out.

Zuo Tanghua didn't speak, but he obviously meant the same thing.

Mingji nodded in affirmation.

"According to the star records, the time when the sun emerged from the horizon today was 6:12 in the morning."

In summer, it gets bright early, and it is not unusual for the sun to get bright at around 6:00 in the Eastern District.

"However, I compared the usual sunrise records for this time period. The time is between 6:40 and 7:00 in the morning." Mingji bit his puff and emphasized the time difference. "It's half an hour earlier.

"After the rain stopped, it seemed that there were no more clouds. There was no cloud cover, and the sun stayed up. During this period, it was able to suppress the water line of the previous heavy rainfall, but time passed . If it takes a long time, it will be difficult to tell."

Several people had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Don't look so sad." Mingji stretched out his hand and gave each person a puff, and then passed the plate with the remaining puffs in front of him. It was obvious that he would not share the rest with them. "There are signs but it's not confirmed yet. We can make some preparations in advance."

The three people sitting around the table looked at him. Except for Zuo Dihua, the other two opponents didn't even bother to eat the puffs they were given.

"Meow--" Chui Qing slipped under the table at some point, raising his tail high, as if he also planned to participate in this less formal meeting.

Mingji took out one hand to rub the big cat's head. He smelled the sweetness of the cream on his hand, and immediately made a fuss about pushing his head on the table. After being pressed several times, he still didn't give up, sticking out his tongue and licking his hands, no matter what. Just eat.

The three of them silently watched the big cat act coquettishly. After its interruption, the atmosphere became much more lively.

Zuo Dihua stared at the big fluffy tail sweeping around the dining table. He was about to reach out, but Zuo Tanghua, who understood his intention, knocked him on the head.

Zuo Tanghua glared at him, saying that such a big cat dared to touch its tail and scratch you without even being sent to the hospital.

Under his brother's "be honest" look, Zuo Dihua snatched the puff that Mingji had just given to him on the plate in front of Zuo Tanghua and stuffed it into his mouth.

Zuo Tanghua saw that he was frustrated and silently kicked him under the table.

Zuo Dihua smashed the cream in his mouth and shut up obediently.

Mingji calmed down and returned to the topic.

"Zuo Tanghua, clear away all the plants in the courtyard and within 500 meters of the surrounding area."

When he opened his mouth, he was still unexpected.

"Cleaning up plants?" Zuo Tanghua didn't quite understand the purpose of this.

If the sun is strong, plants around them can help them withstand some of it, and they can also keep the surrounding air at a certain humidity. After everything was cleared away, the surrounding area was completely bare. No matter how you thought about it, it was harmful rather than beneficial.

"Yes, clean them all up." Mingji was very sure and told him, "You can tear down the original fence. Anyway, there should be no houses around that survived the flood. Take the villa as the center and expand five hundred meters outward.

"Don't leave any plants within these five hundred meters." "

I will put all the plants in the villa on the open balcony on the second floor. You'd better not go there after that." Pointing gesture, with a look of pleasure on his face, "I will do a little experiment there later."

The three of them nodded, understanding that they would never go there in the future.

"Zuo Dihua." After arranging the elder brother, the younger brother followed.

"Brother Ming, tell me." Zuo Dihua blinked, full of enthusiasm.

Mingji glanced at him and closed his eyes again: "First wipe off the puffs on the corner of your mouth."

"Oh." He hurriedly reached out to wipe it, wiped it to his mouth and stuck out his tongue to lick it, "No, Brother Ming Tell me."

Mingji curled his lips and said, "If it gets hotter and hotter, do you still want to use the air conditioner?"

"Yes!" Zuo Dihua's eyes lit up instantly. How could you not want to? When summer comes, my biggest wish is to stay in an air-conditioned room without going out.

It is no exaggeration to say that in summer, life is given by air conditioning!

"Sub-zero refrigeration freezer, ultra-low temperature air conditioner, temperature-sensing fan, portable temperature adjustment patch."

Mingji reported a series of seven or eight things, all of which were things that he had never heard of, but you could know them just by hearing the names. Probably the effect. He grasped the Achilles' heel and drew a blueprint for a better future life. He bit open the puffs and his cream-stained mouth felt as if it had been smeared with honey. He said it better than the devil.

"Do you want all these things?"

Zuo Dihua was still excited about the black technology when he heard it, but when seven or eight of them were thrown at him, he suddenly became a little afraid to get excited.

"I want... I want it." Even though he was a little panicked.

Mingji revealed his original purpose and threw it away into a big cake.

"Sixty parts are made in a day, and you can own all of them one by one."

"Sixty!?" Zuo Dihua couldn't help but scream, even the donkeys in the production team didn't dare to do this. He calculated in his mind how long it would take to reach sixty at his current efficiency. A simple calculation of multiplication and division takes twenty hours.

After calculating, Zuo Dihua couldn't help but hug his head and scratch his head: "Twenty hours, I sleep four hours a day, and spend the rest of the time rubbing myself to death."

He was afraid that Mingji would agree according to his words, so he hurriedly Begging for mercy: "Brother Ming, I really can't do it. I will die suddenly within four hours a day."

Lou Jingce watched silently from the side, seeing how pitiful he was, his face full of true feelings, and then looking at Mingji's raised corners of his mouth that clearly said bad. Silently rolling his eyes, he went to see the brother involved - you don't care about your stupid brother? I fell into the same pit several times.

Zuo Tanghua kept smiling and shrugged helplessly - Silly brother is not enlightened, it's okay to work more, since there are no games to play anyway, so being idle is just idle.

As long as they can make one of those things, their lives will be much easier in the future.

Lou Jingce silently withdrew his gaze.

Sacrifice one and make the whole family happy.

"Okay." Mingji made the final decision, "Then rub forty-eight parts a day."

He also helped to calculate: "According to what you said, sixty will take twenty hours, and the forty-eight parts will be sixteen Hours, there are still eight hours for you to rest. As long as you can improve your efficiency, you can rest longer, I don’t care when you do it, flexible working system.”

“In short, I will see you at twelve noon every day. Rubbed parts."

Zuo Dihua was dumbfounded.

The silly boy banged his head on the table, causing the plates on the table to jump.

Three eyes were fixed on him.

Seeing that he had just lost his temper, he stiffened up after knocking, quietly raised his head, and paused without daring to move.

He quietly moved his hand over, put it under his head, and buried his head. He couldn't hear anyone speaking for a while, and he stiffened again.

After a while, a voice of helpless compromise came from the hugging arms.


Out of sight of the silly child, the three adults smiled tacitly.

"Brother Lou."

Lou Jingce was shocked, and his eyes moved from the lying Zuo Dihua to Mingji.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Zuo Tanghua raising an eyebrow and looking at him. Zuo Dihua, who was lying on the table, quietly turned his head to look at him with a pair of surprised eyes.

Mingji reorganized the things he had stocked before and confirmed with himself: "There are no pesticides, herbicides or the like in the space, right?"

Lou Jingce recalled the list he had made before and was very sure: "No." "

Now . Can we still buy goods in the city?" Mingji asked as if it was a matter of course.

Lou Jingce stunned him for a moment when he asked. The flood was so big before, even the warehouses with storage would have been destroyed by the flood. Even if the building can still survive, the things stored inside will probably be damaged.

"It's probably not feasible." He did not hesitate to say that if there is any chemical factory, the warehouse will be earthquake-resistant and strong.

Mingji held his chin in his hands and considered it, and felt that the situation was not very optimistic, and it would still be difficult to find him.

"Forget it." Mingji didn't know what he had crossed off the list in his mind, and he moved to the next item.

"Where can I get a flower pot that is as big as that?" He pointed to a small round table in the corner of the restaurant. It was estimated to be about 1.4 meters in diameter.

Lou Jingce and Zuo Tanghua looked at his hand, both of them were silent.

Zuo Dihua couldn't restrain his curiosity, raised his head and turned around, and was equally silent when he saw the small round table.

Who could be so kind as to plant flowers in such a big flowerpot? This is simply a small flower bed.

Mingji didn't care and didn't read their silence.

"Where is it?" he asked.

Lou Jingce pointed at Zuo Dihua: "Make one out of metal?"

Mingji took advantage of the situation and looked at Zuo Dihua. It was not impossible.

Another heavy burden fell on him. Zuo Dihua looked at this and that.

With a "thud" sound, he chose to continue lying down.

He wanted to show off, but he didn’t do it this way!
