Chapter 75 A night of fighting monsters

The whole body was flashing with red light. The stars rushed into the darkness, and the darkness was illuminated.

In the shadows illuminated by a faint red light, tiny sounds could be heard. In the darkness, some scattered black shadows could be vaguely distinguished. The hair rubbed against each other, the claws collided with the body, and there were constant rustling sounds.

The sound of "creeping" kept sounding, as if chewing, grinding teeth, and hard objects like skulls colliding with each other. The empty echo echoed between bones and bones...

The night became colder. The coldness is unreasonably reminiscent of the white bones found in various gods, monsters, and supernatural beings. Two pale white flames light up in the eye sockets. It can be seen casually that it is the chill and horror after crossing the boundary of death.

Yin Shenghan stood at the door and looked towards where the stars were. A dot of red scattered into thousands of dots of red. The red light reflected in the pupils of those things entrenched in the darkness, lighting up a small cluster of red. There are so many that it is difficult to count them all at once.

There was no way to tell which side made the move first. There were just sharp squeaking sounds everywhere, and red lasers pierced the darkness, ruthlessly harvesting lives, or maybe just remains. The sound of cracking bones continued, and the aroma of roasted meat rose in the air, evoking a loud meow from the second floor of the villa.

A cat's meowing sounds equally eerie in the middle of the night.

Yin Shenghan had seen Chongqing in the car before and joked that Mingji and Chongqing were the beauty and the beast. However, he had never seen Chongqing when he woke up in the villa. For a moment, he did not remember that there was actually a cat in the villa. .


He looked up at the place where the cat's meow came from in confusion.

A dark shadow overhead passed over the balcony on the second floor. With just a few moments of strength, it jumped out of the high fence and flew into the darkness.

The ferocious light in his eyes flashed, and he no longer looked as coquettish as he used to, holding Mingji's shoulders or thighs to coquettishly, making the sound of clips making a cat meow, and coaxing Mingji or Lou Jingce to open cans or fruits for him. Soft and sweet.

The sharp claws hidden in the flesh pads were exposed to the night wind, flashing with cold light, as if even the wind could tear them apart.

"Meow--" The glowing beast's eyes narrowed, and its claws kept repeatedly grabbing, biting, and flying away. The efficiency was not as efficient as the laser on the star that swept away a large area, but it felt like it was born to deal with it. Calm and calm.

It was only when Yin Shenghan picked up a monster and bit it in his mouth that he used the long and thin tail that kept swinging in the red light to identify what the things that made the "squeaking" sound were!

——It's a mouse!

No wonder the cat catches the mouse so skillfully and calmly.

A small wisp of the night wind blowing through the villa area slipped through the exposed skull of the mouse. It playfully dug in, used the mouse's skull as a hat, and swaggered across the street and ran into Yin Shenghan's hand.

Yin Shenghan did not pick up the piece of skull, which was still attached to the flesh, flesh and eyeball tissue. He spun it around in mid-air and observed it carefully.

There are several cracks on the skull of this rat, which are deeply stained with flesh and blood. You can still vaguely distinguish a few teeth marks belonging to its kind. It was probably crazy from hunger. The knocks on the bones seemed to be for ancient exiled prisoners. The words are engraved on the cheek, three points deep into the bone.

When Zuo Tanghua saw the skull floating in the air, he recognized it at a glance.

"It's a mouse."

Zuo Dihua followed his brother out, and as soon as he heard it, he started shouting: "What! Rats, I hate rats the most."

Zuo Tanghua did not respond, and the ground began to follow him as he pursed his lips tightly. Shake slightly. Apparently this guy also hates rats.

Zuo Dihua immediately cooperated with his brother.

Sharp thorns sprouted from the gaps in the cracked earth, giving the big rats no chance to escape by digging holes. As long as they fell into the gaps, the metal thorns would pierce them. This is like an enlarged version of a steel virgin torture instrument. The ground opens and closes to "swallow" each big rat. The sharp metal "teeth" on both sides squeeze out the blood and then bury it deeply on the spot.

Zuo Dihua was worried that the dirty blood had seeped into the groundwater. The situation was already very bad, and the resources that could be protected had to be carefully protected.

Three people, one cat, and one robot eliminated nearly a thousand large rats. The remains of the corpses piled up a high hill outside the courtyard, which was much larger than the hill of melon seeds they had just eliminated. It was precisely thanks to these rats that the energy replenished by eating melon seeds was exhausted in the continuous supernatural attacks.

It made them feel a little dazed, as if they stayed up half the night eating melon seeds just so they could kill these rats in the second half of the night.

The Zuo brothers were too tired to move. They were not very familiar with Yin Shenghan, so they were too embarrassed to lean over to lend support. They all moved closer to Xingxing, whose oval and round body was very easy to pick up.

The gentle and considerate stars did not respond to their closeness. The red lights flashed around and around, seeming to show their presence.

Zuo Dihua's face had just been put on the metal shell of the star, and his hands touched the changed metal base. While rubbing the metal shell and complaining that he was sleepy and tired, he helped the star to remove the impurities that had penetrated into the metal base.

Suddenly his tone was a little erratic and he called "Brother".

Zuo Tanghua supported Xingxing's other shoulder and responded without saying anything else.

He was also sleepy and tired. He had not eaten as much melon seeds as Zuo Dihua before, so his stomach was a little empty now.

"Brother, the red light on the stars is in attack mode, right?" Zuo Dihua asked him dryly. He remembered what Mingji had said before.

Since the stars are still in attack mode, there must be some danger lurking in the darkness around them.

The Zuo brothers immediately cheered up and observed their surroundings.

Chongqing was the first to discover the target before any of them. Its black shadow flashed, and almost the next second something rolled down at its feet. When I looked closer, it turned out to be a zombie head.


Its all-black fur is a perfect camouflage in the dark night. Its powerful night vision ability helps it distinguish where its enemies are, and its sharp claws can easily cut its throat and spine. It is like a killer who moves at night. When he finds out and attacks, his head rolls down and he kills in all directions.

After Zhuoying took on most of the attack firepower, the other three were able to discuss the current situation and catch some fish by the way.

"Where did the zombies come from? We were running around looking for them, why did they suddenly appear?"

Zuo Tanghua felt very inexplicable. If there had been so many zombies around, the mobile phone detecting the situation would not be able to detect the situation far away. What's more, after the rain stopped, they went out and walked around the area, and they clearly didn't encounter a zombie.

It's impossible that these zombies just trekked and climbed half the mountain from the foot of the mountain to find them!

No one can give the answer to this question. The only thing that is certain is that after the rain, they went out to patrol and did not find any zombies.

Zuo Dihua kicked another zombie's head away from him as it rolled to his feet. He couldn't find the favored figure, and he couldn't tell whether the cat was being careful or not. Otherwise, why would the zombie heads always fall in his direction?

Mentioning zombies and the rat tide just now, Zuo Dihua couldn't help but have some wild thoughts.

"Brother, tell me, will the plants that Brother Ming planted on the outdoor Yantai on the second floor be able to fight zombies like in the game?"

Zuo Dihua felt that this was not completely impossible. Anyone who wants something will get it.

He secretly thought about it and planned to mention it to him tomorrow when he woke up from sleep.

Just in case Brother Ming finds it interesting, he can really train the flowers on the balcony that are full of energy and smash the flower pots all day long into attack turrets with leaves flying around and fruits exploding like in the game. Then if he encounters this situation again, he will just throw out the metal flower pot.

Zuo Tanghua glanced at his stupid brother and felt that he was always whimsical. The Wanjian returned to his clan and the mechas were still missing, and he was thinking about cultivating plants to attack zombies again.

However, after one comment, Zuo Tanghua felt that there was much to be done.

He has been cleaning plants outside these days and knows a lot about these alienated plants. The alienated plants are still growing and getting bigger, both in body and mind.

Yes, mind.

Zuo Tanghua walked further that day, and arrived at a radius of 500 meters outside the Mingji Circle, next to an old tree. He stumbled due to the suddenly upturned roots of the old tree. When he turned around, he stumbled. The roots of the tree have long since returned to their original appearance. If he didn't have earth-type powers and noticed the movement of the tree roots, he wouldn't have believed it until he saw it with his own eyes.

That old tree is like an old naughty boy.

When he tried to touch the root of the tree, a pile of leaves fell on his head, dazzling his eyes. When the fallen leaves returned to their roots, the tree root that tripped him was firmly rooted in the soil, showing that he was a bit of a rogue by defaulting on his debt.

Since the old tree can joke like this, it is very possible for plants to attack zombies or something. Zombies are actually not much different from humans, in the eyes of plants.

"Yeah." When Zuo Tanghua mentioned the old tree tripping people, Zuo Tanghua's interest was suddenly aroused, and even his sleepiness disappeared.

Yin Shenghan said with a sudden surprise: "Haven't you ever encountered alienated plants attacking zombies?"

He went out to hunt zombies alone and wandered through the ruins of the city. It was not unusual for alienated plants to attack. In fact, compared to human flesh and blood, zombies have one more crystal nucleus. For alienated plants to absorb energy, zombies may be more popular than living people.

What's strange is that after he arrived at the mountainside villa, he didn't encounter any attacks from alienated plants.

This place is clearly a mountain, and there is no shortage of various plants, including those that are old, have high medicinal value, and have floral juices with special effects... there are countless plants.

However, there were no alienated plants attacking them or the villa.

He originally thought that the people in the villa had done something to prevent the plants from attacking, but when he saw that they were ignorant, it seemed that it was not what he had guessed.

Zuo Tanghua asked tactfully: "If there were zombies nearby, do you think Brother Ming and Brother Lou would not directly harvest them?" Letting zombies leave one more footprint on the mountain would be disrespectful to them.

"That's right." Yin Shenghan thought about how they drove to the ruins to collect crystal cores and that all the zombies around them had been killed.

On the open-air balcony, in the metal flower pots, several alienated plants started fighting again, causing a commotion that caused a few more dents on the walls of the flower pots.

In the room, Mingji breathed long and loudly, while Lou Jingce stiffened and did not dare to move. Listening to the movement outside, he wanted to take a look, but Mingji's head was resting on his shoulder.

The night was long after all.

When the sky starts to dim, Xingxing piles up the proceeds from the night's work outside the courtyard, wipes the metal casing clean, and prepares breakfast for everyone. The three exhausted people sat with their heads on their shoulders, back to back.

After the sun shone through the shadows of the trees, the three of them were dappled and swaying, and they were all stunned.

The growth of these plants has accelerated again!
