Chapter 103 Advanced Melon Seeds and Behind the Scenes

Just when everyone felt that they were in a low pressure situation, it was best not to touch Mingji’s bad luck.

Mingji was messing around on the second floor of the RV, and there was a ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-dong situation.

Several people sitting around were doing their own things, but they couldn't help but look up.

"Brother Ming, what are you doing?"

After finishing the last part in his hand, Zuo Dihua leaned on Zuo Tanghua's arm, dawdling. He spoke in a ruffled voice, stuck in his throat, as if he was afraid that he would be heard if he spoke.

Who can know this.

The three leaders all looked at Lou Jingce: How about you go and take a look?

Yao Lin mingled among them, just like Erha who had strayed into a pack of wolves, with clear innocence in his confused eyes. Just because everyone was looking at Lou Jingce, he followed suit.

Lou Jingce thought about this and stood up under the expectant eyes of several people.

As soon as he turned his toes around the corner of the table and pushed away the seat, several people's eyes spared him and looked at Mingji who came around the corner of the stairs.

There was no emotion or anger on Mingji's face, his brows were relaxed, and he was holding a flowerpot in his hand. There are sunflower disks larger than a human face in the flower pots. There are four flower disks on one sunflower, forming a lush bunch. The most amazing thing is that the four flower disks are different in color, gold, orange, cyan, and black. Those who don't know it think they are experimental strains used for grafting experiments.

Mingji buried half of her face behind the sunflower plate and squeezed down from the stairs with this big bunch in her arms. The upper half of her body was completely covered. He poked his head out from behind the flowerpot and saw the Zuo brothers, Yin Shenghan and Lou Jingce sitting together, so he walked towards this side.

The Zuo brothers and Yin Shenghan's eyes fell on the large flowerpot. The sunflower's flower plate was larger than the basin. Could it be that it was the same as the rose on the roof of the RV, a new breeding target for Mingji?

Lou Jingce understood better and reached out to pick it up, but was shaken by Mingji and dodged it.

"Is this an alienated plant?" Yao Lin was obviously seeing such a sunflower for the first time.

Zuo Dihua wants to say that those roses on the roof of the car are much more powerful than this. Whoever tries will know how it feels to slap people with the stems. When talking about roses, I can’t help but think of the iron flowerpot I made at that time.

Wait, the flowerpot that Brother Ming is holding looks familiar.

Mingji put the flowerpot on the table before he could react.

The flowerpot was held lightly in his hand. It didn't look like it weighed much, but it made a "clang" sound when it was placed on the table. Just by listening to the sound, it doesn't look like a flowerpot, but like a solid shot put.

Mingji freed up one hand to fiddle with the sunflowers in the flowerpot, picked one and put it into Lou Jingce's hand, and gave the other three to the others. Judging from the movements he looked at and selected, this was not a random assignment.

The four of them held it in their hands, looking at the full flower plate and then at the cum.

"Watch what I'm going to do, peel the melon seeds."

Mingji threw the flower pot, which instantly became bare, to Xing Xing who came out of the kitchen.

"Pour the remaining soil to the roses." Maybe a few more mutants will appear.

The star took the flowerpot and quickly disappeared.

Lou Jingce and the others held the flower disks in their respective hands and looked at the flower disks in each other's hands. The colors seemed to correspond to their respective powers.

Lou Jingce found a sturdy bag from the space. He didn't know when he bought it before, but it was just big enough and thick enough. He put the flower plate into it and tied the opening tightly, a bit like holding a pot in his hand.

A small space wrapped the bag and the black flower disk within it under his subtle control.

He knocked on the bottom of the flower plate with his fingers, very gently, even lighter than knocking on the door normally.

The melon seeds in the flower plate poured down like rain, quickly accumulating layer after layer in the bag.

Lou Jingce shook the bag twice more, and more melon seeds fell out.

He shook it off one after another, and the flower plate he opened was clean, and the bag contained less than half a bag of fresh melon seeds.

Mingji nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

Lou Jingce curled his lips. His movements just now were so natural that no one could tell anything by just looking at him. In fact, the previous knocking, shaking, and shaking were like flying through a sea of ​​butterflies in another world where there were only bags and flower trays. Under the magnification of the butterfly effect, that world was almost broken.

With Lou Jingce proofreading, they discovered that Mingji's mood didn't seem to be what they had guessed before. This seemed quite normal, and the previously tense atmosphere relaxed.

Several people were tinkering with their own flower plates.

Lou Jingce shook off the flower plate and moved close to Mingji.

"This flower plate seems to have a different color."

Mingji stretched out his right hand, pinched the tip of his index finger with his thumb, and gestured in front of his eyes: "Add a little bit of other cultures in." When it comes to his research and experiments, he is always enthusiastic. Be proud of yourself, talk and laugh happily. But today, before he spoke, he suddenly stopped and said, "It's better not to say anything. You can try it first."

Lou Jingce shook the bag in his hand and looked at him with raised eyebrows. He always felt that it was a bit subtle that he stopped talking at this place.

Mingji turned his head and refused to say anything.

Over there, a puddle of melon seeds was piled up on the table in front of Zuo Dihua. Seeing that it was about to roll together with Zuo Tanghua's orange melon seeds next to him, he quickly reached out to stop it. He looked at one end and then lost the other. The hill of melon seeds kept rolling down and was about to approach the table.

Yao Lin, who was sitting over there, stopped him.

He observed it for a while, but he didn't know what was unique about this melon seed. It looked simple.

Seeing this, Zuo Dihua put his arm on his arm and slapped him on the chest, "Thank you."

Then he stuck to Zuo Tanghua's side, showing off his skills as a journeyman.

"Oh, brother, why have you done so much in the past half day? Try using your mental power and you can peel it off quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, his brother knocked him on the head.

Zuo Dihua held his head in frustration and rubbed the place where he was knocked.

"Why are you hitting me? I didn't scratch my head."

Opposite Yin Shenghan picked off a melon seed at this moment, and he didn't see any movement. The melon seed shell cracked from the middle, and the melon seed kernel fell down and fell from the fingers into the palm.

He flicked his fingers, and the melon seed shell poked the place covered by Zuo Dihua's hand.

Zuo Dihua suddenly glared over.

"You idiot who is putting the cart before the horse."

Zuo Dihua didn't understand. Zuo Tanghua shook his head and continued to fiddle with his flower plate without giving him an explanation.

The flower plate that Mingji developed this time was obviously improved on the basis of the previous ones according to their respective abilities, so it is best to let each of them deal with their own share.

Zuo Dihua didn't get an explanation. He turned around and saw Yao Lin spinning a melon seed on the table with his fingers.

His mind changed and he had an idea.

"Yao Lin, do you want to try it?" Zuo Dihua tried to deceive people. Peeling melon seeds is fun, and it can also train the control of supernatural powers. It is a perfect combination of the effects of food and the training of supernatural powers in the apocalypse.

Yao Lin heard his deception, but he was indeed somewhat interested, so he nodded and accepted the scammer.

Probably because his superpower is fire. When the soldier next to him used his superpower, the fire was slightly touched.

He tried to concentrate a little of his superpower on his fingertips. He felt his hands were warm, and then touched the melon seeds.

Suddenly there was a "squeaking" sound, which was similar to the sound of grilling meat on a sizzling plate.

Everyone looked at it and saw that the melon seed on his fingertips was not only crushed, but also turned from silver to black, just like coal used to burn a stove.

Yao Lin was frightened by the gazes and his hands shook. The flat black melon seeds fell on the table, like a dropped steel ball. It bounced twice on the table, trembled slightly and then stopped moving.

"What's wrong?"

His voice was not as powerful as a boy of this age. He realized that he had done something bad and shrank his head as if he wanted to hide himself.

Several people looked at each other again and again, as if nothing happened.

Zuo Dihua, the deceiver, was the first to react and patted the person on the shoulder. He imitated his brother's previous gesture of comforting him, and the hand he extended to touch his head was blocked. He took it back with some embarrassment: "It's okay, I just lost one. I still have many more."

The flower plate that Mingji gave him was indeed similar to the one given by Lou Jingce, and a bit larger than the other two.

After all, those who are capable work harder, and those who work harder will get more. If you get more, just use more parts.

Mingji didn't know when he came over and twisted the "black flat melon seeds" twice in his palm.

Lou Jingce stood beside him, and it was obvious that Mingji's eyes lit up, as if he had another idea.

"Brother Lou!" Mingji grabbed his wrist, "Follow me."

He hurriedly pulled the person into the laboratory.

Lou Jingce watched him tinkering for a while, and the flat black melon seed that triggered the inspiration factor was thrown carelessly on the table.

Seeing Mingji's full concentration, Lou Jingce opened his mouth to ask and then closed it.

Forget it, he'll find out later.

Lou Jingce didn't wait long.

After Mingji rummaged through the space device he got from Du Sheng like a plow three times, he took out a headset. They looked very old, the ear protection had already turned yellow, the skin near the ears had been torn in several places, and there were glue marks where the headset was connected with the tape that had been re-wrapped.

Lou Jingce became more and more confused as he looked at the old and somewhat broken headphones.

Mingji quickly disassembled the earphones, disassembled them into various parts, and then put them into the machine he made with the parts left by Zuo Dihua during this period. The other end of the machine is connected to two headphones, which look similar to the one split into eight parts.

Mingji handed one of them to Lou Jingce and motioned for him to put it on.

Then he put on another one.

He stood face to face with Lou Jingce and adjusted his earphones. There was still excitement in his eyes. "Wait a moment and pull your hand, and you will release the power to the earphones."

"Send the power to the earphones?" Lou Jingce reiterated his confirmation.

"Yes." Mingji's eyes were sharp, "Let's try to catch that big rat hiding behind the scenes."

Big rat?

Lou Jingce was puzzled, but still followed his arrangement.

At the moment of skin-to-skin contact, spatial energy is transmitted to the earphones.

At the same time, Lou Jingce noticed the spiritual power of Mingji around him.

Mingji closed his eyes and frowned slightly.

The eyes rolled violently in their sockets.

Lou Jingce maintained the transmission of supernatural powers while observing his movements. His subconscious mind made him feel a little uneasy. Mingji seemed to be taking risks again. This behavior, which he described as very simple, seemed very dangerous behind it.

The room was silent for more than ten minutes, so quiet that Lou Jingce couldn't even hear Mingji's breathing.

What stood opposite him seemed to be just a body, and the soul inside wandered away to an unknown place that was beyond his reach.

Thinking of this, Lou Jingce took two quick breaths and then suddenly held his breath.

Time became unbearable, so long that it seemed that my heartbeat stopped.

Suddenly, an angry voice came from the earphones that I had never expected to hear.

"Damn! How could you! How could you find me!"

Lou Jingce's eardrums hurt from the deafening roar, but Mingji didn't say he could take them off, so he couldn't take off his headphones rashly.

At this moment, Mingji, who was standing opposite, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of unbridled pride, and there was a smile that belonged to a winner that spread across the corners of his lips and cheeks.
