Chapter 38: The Hatred

•Ariadne's POV•

I couldn't keep it in anymore. Mme. Giry..

I ran to the bathroom and began to cry on the floor. I didn't care if it was filthy.

Moments later, I heard the door open and close.


I looked up. Erik stood there, seeming concerned.

"Yes?" I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"It'll be okay." He sat down next to me and put an arm around me. I leaned into his chest.

"Can..can you sing me that song again?" I asked.

He smiled and kissed my hair.

"Nighttime sharpens,

Heightens each sensation

Darkness stirs

And wakes imagination..."

~ ~ ~ ~

2 minutes of lyrics later..

"The power of the music of the night."

Then, because I knew the song and the tears went away, I sang the last part, but he joined me on the last line.

"You alone can make my song take flight." Our eyes met.

"Help me make the music of the night."

We drew in close to each other, and our lips connected. The fireworks from long ago relit, passion and desire flowed, and I felt happy. I needed this. I needed to let go of all the pain of knowing in at least 45 minutes Mme. Giry was going to die.

Erik was the perfect drug to make me forget.

Soon, I found myself sitting on the sink counter, while Erik's hands wrapped around my waist. I've sewn mine around his neck, and lust was clearly visible in our eyes. But I couldn't. Not here. Not anywhere. Not anytime. I released myself from his grasp as we breathed heavily.

"Sorry, Erik. I can't."

"Why not?" He asked seductively.

"Look where we are, dumbass. A bathroom, with your son, a depressed Giry, a dying Giry, and a boyfriend that no one really knows. Besides, Jack might be looking for me."

It took me a minute to process what I just said, and my mistake. Erik analyzed it quickly.

"Jack?! The man who violated you?"

I could've easily lied. I mean, how many men in this world is named Jack? A pretty good percentage of it. But, damn, those brown eyes were hard to lie to.

"Maybe." I muttered. "But it's a long story."

"Oh, so I've done nothing to you and you push me away, yet this man almost killed you and you respect him?" He stared at me coldly.

I pulled up my dress sleeve to reveal the bandages from his little "breakout."

"Don't lie. You've done things to me. He helped me fix this after what happened, and it was only then when I figured it out. He told me why he did what he did, and I forgave him. Is that so hard to believe?" I shouted.

"Yes, because what I did was in the heat of the moment, and not out of being drunk!" He yelled.

I didn't even continue. I ran out, down the hall, to Jack's car that was unlocked.

"Are you alright?" Jack softly asked.

"Just...take me home please." I didn't look at him. I saw Erik's shadow under the streetlight, watching everything.

I am so done with love. No more.

Not ever again.

This is it.

Finally, my hate for love has begun again.

I missed it.


Songs of the chapter:

Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

Not Alone by Darren Criss <3

Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling and Lzzy Hale

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