Chapter 25: The Bonds

•Erik's POV•

It was great to take the load off my shoulders and tell Ariadne the truth, but I couldn't tell her about Christine. At least not yet.

Jasper had called me once to his home to retrieve a special ingredient he needed to test on Christine for her "resurrection." It was a small bag of jade. I didn't ask questions.

I was questioning myself what I would do if Christine were to come back. Would she remember me and Gustave? Or would she just know the Victome and leave with him?

But Ariadne...

We have agreed to be friends, I told myself. After the dressing room, we talked for a bit, trusted each other a bit more, and chose to take it easy.

Christine is my true love.

Ariadne is.





I needed rest. Gustave had a big piano recital tomorrow, and I had to attend. After all, he was performing a piece written by him.

My son.

My little composer.


Meg's POV

"So who is Mason's bride?" I asked and plopped down onto Ariadne's bed.

"He said he wanted to keep it a secret, and that we'd see her at the wedding. I wonder who it is?" She replied and offered me a cherry from the fruit bowl she was eating.

I started twirling a lock of my golden hair. "Ooh, mysterious! I like it!" And I took the cherry from Ariadne.

She chuckled. We were becoming such great friends since that day when I apologized to her. I was pretty bitchy, and I agreed to keep my temper down. So far, I've done a good job. We've told each other secrets, gossip, and the latest trends.

"Did you hear? The fashion industry is thinking about separating bathing suits into two pieces!" I said.

Ariadne gasped. "Will that will show the stomach? That's too revealing!"

"Like I said, they're considering it. In my opinion, they should make more patterns for the single pieces! That is what women love, and we will always love it!" I stood up dramatically with my fist in the air.

Ariadne laughed. "That reminds me so much of a book I'm reading. Leś Mi- something. It's about rebellion and stuff. And I hope that single pieces are still going to be fashionable 100 years from now."

As I was about to reply, a thought came to my mind. "Ariadne! We still need dresses for Mason's wedding! What are the colors again?"

She took a quick peek at her invitation. "Black and the movies."

A plan started forming in my head. It was like all the pieces of clothing just fit.

"I have an idea of what we could wear! Hand me some paper and a quill before I go mad trying to remember it!" I shouted, and Ariadne rushed to find some.

I sketched quickly once she handed them to me. The curls in our hair, the slowly came to me.

"What do you think?" I asked and picked up the sketch once I'd finished.

Ariadne grabbed it and stared at it with surprising eyes. "Wow! I love the hat! And the it appropriate for women like us to wear something like that?"

"Of course! It isn't too revealing, see here the fabric lines up with..." And I explained the outfit to her.

"I want to try to make it for Mason's wedding in a few days. The store is still open, so we can gather some cloth, and I could make them!" I concluded.

Ariadne nodded. "Handmade outfits...they're always better." She laughed to herself.

I walked to the fabric store while Ariadne cleared out an area at home for me to work.

Black and white buttons...small zipper...

As I tried to reach the zipper on the high shelf, I tripped and lots of ribbons, pins, and zippers fell.

"Shit." I muttered and started to pick them up.

"Assistance, madam?" A husky voice behind me said.

"Yes please!" I said quickly without a moment to waste.


6 minutes later...

Thank God we finished.

"Well, th..." I stepped towards the man who assisted me and slipped. Then I felt two strong arms pick me back up.

The man. He had perfect tan colored hair and forest-green eyes. And he had big, big muscles...

"T-thanks." I blushed.

"No problem madam." He bowed.

I laughed and asked," What's your name?"

He came back up."Phillip. Phillip North."

"And I'm..."

"Meg Giry. I know." He interrupted me.


"I come to your shows in Phantasma a lot." He smiled and looked down.

"Really? Thank you!" It was nice to know I had a fan.

"Your welcome." He looked back up and smiled again shyly." You and that other girl, Alice,are very good singers. And your voices combined is definitely a show worth seeing."

"It's Ariadne. And thanks again! If there's anything I can do to repay you for helping me..."

"No, nothing. But you look like you'll need a little help taking things home." He gestured to my pile of things.

"Oh!" I blushed. "Yes, it would be amazing for you to help me, but you've done enough already."

"I insist." He grabbed 3/4 of my things and brought them over to the cashier.

I grabbed the zipper from the shelf, and , success. It came down without all it's brothers, sisters, and Great Aunt Susie's. Phillip looked at me from the counter and I gave him a look to say "I'm getting the stuff, be patient, stud." Then I softly whispered to the zipper. "Thanks for getting me a hot man." I got my things, paid, and walked home.


I realize how much hate Meg gets in Love Never Dies because she kidnaps Gustave and shoots Christine because she wants attention, but seriously, she's just a misunderstood character. She has been hoping for one guy to notice her, and her mother was absolutely


(But Mme. Giry makes up for it all when I listen to her sing that part when she overhears Erik saying he'll give everything to Gustave. She sounds so badass when she says IF THAT BASTARD HAD NEVER BEEN BORRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNN)

So I decided Meg needs at least a tiny bit of love in her life. Because there's some people in this world who need a little bit more love than others do. :)

Thank you for reading!!

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