
This is a Fanfiction for the famous musical Phantom of the Opera and its sequel Love Never Dies. I truly had a total meltdown after Love Never Dies! I just didn't feel like it was an appropriate ending. So this is MY opinion on what happens AFTER Love Never Dies. I hope you enjoy!

Before reading, please watch either:

The Phantom of the Opera (2011)

Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler

(Only on DVD)


The Phantom of the Opera

25th Anniversary (2011)

Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo

(DVD, Netflix, and YouTube)

Also watch:

Love Never Dies (2012)

Anna O'Byrne and Ben Lewis

(DVD and YouTube)


Love Never Dies (2010)

Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo


(Can only be found on YouTube, but only recorded by someone in the audience, so it has bad quality. But, I found this one video called Love Never Dies OST Full, which is just the audio of their performance.)


And by the way, the Erik I picture for this story is the ever so fabulous Ramin Karimloo. He was amazing as The Phantom!!!

My goal for this book is 1.5k votes. Please help make this happen by clicking that little star to vote after each chapter. It helps me out a lot!

{ 2016 edit : I now realize we've surpassed that amount. Go you, guys!  Let's go for something impossible...5k votes, perhaps?)

A lot of people say this story is really good, which is something new for sure, lmao. I hope the new readers enjoy it as well.

Please take a look at the cast so you can visualize who I had in mind for the characters.  Keep in mind that at times, I change who I see for who.  Keep tabs on it!

{ 2 0 1 6  n o t e s }

Keep in mind that I add songs I love or songs that helped inspire me at the end of every chapter. Check them out!

And, look out for notes in the { }. Sometimes, it'll tell you if I've edited the chapter or not. Believe me, I am still editing this story.

Happy reading! Don't forget to vommet! (vote and comment)
