Chapter 24

You're frustrated.

You're confused.

Standing in front of your mirror, you swallow hard and press your hand against your chest, your heart slamming.


Why do I feel this way...

You feel almost like crying, frustration causing it to feel like an elephant sitting on your chest.


You jump slightly when Jin walks into your room, his eyes soft and questioning.

"Jimin is downstairs if you're ready to go."


Pulling your sweatshirt over your tank top, you grab your bag and head out of your room, the feeling never leaving your clouded mind.


The house has been so awkward these past few days, it's like Jimin and Jungkook are literally having a war with eachother, they keep snapping out about the most random of things.

Jimin even snapped for Jungkook not having a brush in the bathroom...

You've done your best to avoid the two men as much as possible, you don't want to get caught in their brotherly quarrels.

"Morning Y/N."

You nod and smile softly at Jungkook who eats a bowl of sugarpuffs, his eyes downcast.

"Um...morning Jungkook..."

He looks up at you with a smile, flashing the bunny teeth that causes your heart to melt. cute...

"Y/N...lets go."

You turn your head in the direction of the blonde haired male waiting at the door, the sun gleaming off his soft features.


Damnit Y/N.

You nod and walk past Jimin, getting to the car as quickly as possible.

Please don't have it be awkward..


It's  so awkward.

You sit in the warm seat, arms crossed in front of you as the car ride is nothing but dead silence.

You look over at Jimin, who look nothing but genuinely tires, dark circles under his eyes.

Aw...poor Jimin...

Trying to lighten the mood, you stretch your arms and look over at Jimin.

"I bet practice will be hard know since we've been gone..."

Jimin simply gives you a nod and continues to drive, your smile quickly fades into a pout.

It's all my fault...I probably made him feel so awkward...I shouldn't have slept in his bed with him...

Guilt settling into your already anxious chest, you lean your head against the window, tears brimming your eyes.

I'm so sorry Jimin....


"Eh? Where are the coaches?"

You finish tying the laces of your skates before pushing yourself onto the ice, Jimin joins you and looks around, his face just as confused.

"Who isn't like them to be late."

You nod and cross your arms, your cheeks heating up when Jimin skates beside you, the scent of his cologne drifting into your nose.

Aye Papi.

Y/N. NO.

"Um...lets...just get started..."

You skate over to the radio and switch on the music, the soft piano sending a smile across your face.

When you turn around, you watch in awe when Jimin begins skating to the beat, his blades gliding smoothly across the thick white ice, the wind catching his soft blonde hair.


You join him on the ice, keeping a safe distance as always, allowing the both of you room to immerse yourself in the music.

You smile and watch, trying to mimick Jimin's slow steady movements, he soon catches on to what you're doing because he begins to speed up.

Oh? That's how you wanna play it?

A devious smile spreads across your face at the silent challenge, picking up speed you skate beside him, his eyes slightly wide.

"What's wrong Jimin? Can't skate faster than me anymore?"

His eyesmile returns, his cheeks stretching out in a wide mischievous smile.

"You're on Sweetheart."

You both take off as fast as you can, your skates kicking up snow as you turn each corner, the music beginning to intensify as you skate.

Soon Jimin reaches over and clasps your hand, pulling you beside him.

Oh...Ice dancing?...

Your cheeks ignite red when you look up and see Jimin smiling at you, his eyes warm and inviting.

You're frustrated.

You're confused.

At this moment however, you feel happy.

Catching your skates on the ice, you send yourself into a soft twizzle, Jimin's laugh echoing in the arena.

It's not long before you both trip miserably trying to ice dance, both of you are individual skaters, but you don't care.

You're both laughing, not in a mocking way, but in the way of letting all your emotions out at once.

When I'm with Jimin...I'm happy....

You look over at Jimin and give him a smile, watching as his cheeks turn a soft shade of pink.

"That was fun...even though we suck at ice dancing."

"Excuse me? Sweetheart I am an amazing ice dancer, you're the one that sucks."

Oh this lil shit.

You smack Jimin on his arm and watch him bust out in a loud boisterous laughter.

"What are you two doing?"

You both look up at the same time as your coaches walk in the arena, their faces filled with confusion.

"Uh....we were just warming up..."

Both of you quickly stand up, cheeks fire red as your current situation dawns on you.

We just danced.

Ice danced.

Usually that's what couples do...

Blushing softly and skating to your coach, you stretch your legs and try to peel your eyes away from the blonde haired male across the room.


"Ah....practice sucked."

You lay down on the ice, your body softly sliding against the wall as Jimin looks at you with a chuckle.

"You're right, I'm exhausted."

You smile and tug your skates off, pulling on your converse as Jimin watches you softly.

"Um...need something?.."

He shakes his head and throws his bag over his shoulder, taking a deep breath.

"Next time you see me, I may look a little different."

You look at him, confusion spreading across your face.


Jimin smiles and gives you a soft wink, turning around and heading up the stairs towards his car.

What does he mean by that?....

Won't I see him at Jungkook's party tonight?....

(A/N): Ugh. Sorry it's taking me so long to update...idk what's wrong with me lately
