Chapter 33

This is paradise...

Laying on the blanket under the stars with Jimin, his arm softly under your neck, your heart flutters softly when you look over at him.

He's so handsome...

While laying with Jimin, you realize just how warm he really is, He's like a human heater in the freezing winter air.

This boy could heat a small hpuse with just his body.

When Jimin's eyes meet yours, his black hair dusting over his soft teddy bear brown eyes, just his gaze can freeze you in your very place.


What's he doing to me.

You give him a soft smile and grab your phone, looking at the time you see it's past midnight.

"Aish! Jimin it's so late!"

His intoxicating eyesmile stretches along his beautifully sculptured face as he lets out a light chuckle, his arm making Its way around your waist.


"So? We have practice tomorrow..."

"Ugh...stupid practice."

You giggle softly when Jimin pushes himself off of the blanket, looking over at you with mischevious eyes.

"We could run away."


"Let's run away and give up our careers!"


"I know...we can't."

You giggle and sits up with him, his absence of warm causing chills to creepy up your entire body.

"Ah...why does it have to be so fricken cold."

"Because it's winter."

"Really? I had no idea."

You shoot the handsome male your best sarcastic tone, this causes his eyes to gleam as he walks over to you.

"Are you giving me sass?"

You smile wide and give a soft nod, pressing your freezing cold body against his.

"Yes now let's hurry and get to the car before my face freezes off.


"My face is freesing off."

"Sweetheart, your fave can't freeze off."

"It so can to! I left my nose back in the trees back there, froze right off like a nugget."


Jimin's nose wrinkles at your description, but he offers a light chuckle as he leads you out of the woods towards the car.

"We're here, better now?"

You nod and turn to him with an innocent look, batting your eyelashes.

"I'm so cold."

Jimin smiles and pushes you softly towards the car, getting in the drivers seat and turning the key, the engine roaring to life.

"Come on, it's nice and warm in here."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

Hopping in the passengers seat, you look over at Jimin and smile, pressing your hands against the heater vent.

"Thank you...for um...showing me that place..."

You watch the males cheeks turn a soft shade of rose, his eyes tenderly looking up at the stars.

"Well...a beautiful place for a beautiful girl."

Aigoo...he's so cheesy.

I love it.

You smile wide and lean your body back in the seat, the heat sweeping across the entire vehicle as you sigh.


"Ya know, for someone who's an ice skater you sure hate the cold."

"I know...I should have been a surfer."

"Oh yeah."


"Yeah then I could watch you fall off your board over and over again."

"Oh like you're any better!"

"I won first place in a competition."

Ugh...another first place trophy.

"You know...Jimin..."

The male turns his full ebony eyed attention to you, his hands on the steering wheel ready to take off.

"Just because we're dating...doesn't mean I'm not going to try in the competition.."

Jimin nods and gives you a wide smile, a small chuckle erupting from his chest.

"I know that. I'm not going easy on you either, if you wanna play with the big dogs, then you're playing with the big dogs."

You smile wide and stick your hand out, excitement coarsing through your veins.

"Let's promise that whoever wins, the other will be happy and we will go out and celebrate."

Jimin nods and pushes his hand in yours, his normal excited glint shining in his dark orbs.

"Deal, and this time, the winner pays for the meal, doughnuts and ice cream."

"Doughnuts and ice cream it is."

With smiles on both of your faces, you shake hands and lock in the promise, Jimim turning the wheel and getting the car back on the highway.

Best day ever...


"You two were out late."

When you both walk in the door, you loom forward and see Jin sitting in a recliner, pajamas and all on display with his agitated face.

"Hyung....sorry...we got uh...caught in traffic?"

"Traffic? Don't make me laugh Jimin-ah, it's one in the morning."


Crap crap crap.

"Hyung I'm really sorry...we won't do it again...we were just enjoying some scenery and lost track of time...can you please forgive us?"

You blink and give Jin the best innocent puppy look you can muster, staring at the man who gives you both a deep sigh.

"Alright...just this once."


"You two go to bed now, I'm about to die from how late I had to stay up."

You both nod and bid both eachother and Jin goodnight, escaping into your room and laying down on your bed. was so fun...

Reliving all the precious moments of the day as you push yourself off of your bed and open your closet, searching for pajamas.

I need the warmest, fuzziest pajamas this world has to offer.


Tugging on your fuzzy teddy bear indie, you push the hood up on your head and sit down on your bed again, cruising the internet on your phone.


I wonder what Jimin is doing...

Is he sleeping?

Maybe he's doing something embarrassing like dancing in his underwear.

Jimin in underwear.

Your eyes widen and your cheeks turn red as you roll over on your pillow, trying to push the unholy thoughts out of your head.

What in the world!

Who would I even think that?!

Ugh...time for bed!

You throw yourself on your back and huff, pulling your comforter over you and reaching for Collin, who is usually sitting right by your pillow.

That's odd...

Sitting up and blinking rapidly, you look at the empty spot and panic immediately rises in your chest.

Wait a minute...

Where's Collin?

