Chapter 30

"Come on....Chimchim..."

You shudder at the very words as you stand at Jimin's doorway, waiting for him to come out so you both can go to practice.

How he ate that much food I will never know.

He's like an alien species.

Jimin in the end won the competition, finishing his entire plate of pancakes before you could even get a fourth of yours gone.

Jerk, he knew I would lose.

I wanted to see him in a pink dress so badly too.

You sigh and look around the halls, seeing no sign of Jungkook at all since you heard him stomp out of Jimin's room.

They really do hate eachother don't they...



Your heart stops when you look over at Jimin, set in perfectly fitting slack pants, hanging loosely off his hips and fastened with a shiny black belt, tight white button up shirt hugs his thin toned stomach and shows off the muscles in his arms.



You snap out of the trance and look up at his face as he smiles at you, extending his hand to intertwine your fingers.

"Ready to go?"

" yeah...yeah..."

You can barely hold a thought as your face lights up red, the only thing you have ever seen Jimin wearing is baggy clothes or sparkly competition outfits.

You've never seen him dressed casually like this.

Walking downstairs, the both of you pass the kitchen where Jin is making Kimchi for stew.

"Ah! Have fun you guys! See you tonight!"

He gives you a wink and a flying kiss as you exit the house, giggling softly.

"He's so cool."

"He really is."


"Where is Jimin? Training is supposed to start."

You blush hard and stand in your skates on the ice, the air in the room getting even colder with the coaches growing agitation.

"Um...he said he had to go change....his clothes weren't very practice ready..."

His coach scoffs and walks away as you practically shudder from awkwardness, even though his coach can be nice, she's still ice cold.

"Well Y/N, go ahead and start warming up then."

But....we always warm up together....

You pout and skate out onto the ice, getting ready to start stretching.

Maybe he got sick before practicing, he did eat enough waffles to give an elephant diabetes.

Suddenly, something pink passes you going extremely fast on the ice, you almost fall backwards as you try to focus on the object.


Is that....



You hear his coaches voice bellow through the rink as Jimin does a twizzle.

In a bright pink sparkly dress.

Tights and all, Jimin twirls around and skates up to you, giving you his best innocent smile.

"Come here often?"

Is he.

Is he seriously flirting right now?

You break out into the biggest laughter possible, falling on your knees and holding your stomach.

"Oh my God!"

That's all you can muster up before you fall into deep laughter, Jimin begins giggling too from how much you're laughing.

Jimin is the best.



"You are not stopping until you hurt."

You pout softly and stretch as Jimin is stuck in the corner doing endless push ups with his coach, apparently she doesn't like his sense of humour.

I love it.

"Y/N focus."

You nod and sigh, sending yourself into endless jumps while secretly stealing glances at your boyfriend who is about to drop from exhaustion. boyfriend.


"Ready for lunch?"

You plop yourself down by Jimin who is leaning against the bar panting.


You giggle and pass him a cold water bottle, which he chugs almost immediately.

"I lost the bet, why did you wear a pink dress?"

"I wanted to make you laugh..."

"Did you know you'd get punished like that?"


"Then why did you do it!"

"Cause I love your smile."

Your cheeks turn pink as you stare at the now sweaty Jimin, his eyesmile weak from exhaustion.

"Well...I yours too..."

He smiles and reaches into your lunch bag, pulling out half of your sandwich and smiling.

"Hey! That's mine!"

"What's yours is mine."

"That is not how this works Ji-....Chimchim."

"I deserve half of this, I wore a pink dress for you."


In the end you give up ans allow him to have the sandwhich half, the entire time he eats it, he looks like a child that just won a trophy.

"You're a dork."

"I'm your dork though."

You smile and nudge him witb your arm, causing him to dramatically act like he's falling over.

"Drama queen."

"Drama King thank you."

"Not with that pink dress, you're a queen."


"Jimin, I hope you behave better tomorrow, see you later."

You snicker when Jimin shudders under his coaches words, nodding and giving her a bow.

"Of course I will..."

You both quickly exit the gym, racing to the car as fast as possible so they can't stop you.

"Hurry Y/N! To the batmobile!"

"Okay! Wait....seriously?"

You giggle and shake your head as you slide into the plush black seat of the Audi, with how fancy his car is, it could be a batmobile.

"So...wanna go somewhere with me?"

You look at Jimin in light shock, it's already 9 p.m.

"But...its pretty late.."

"So? Come on Y/N, I wanna show you something."

"Another one of your secret spots?"


You smile softly and click your seatbelt over you, the sense of adventure churning in your stomach.

"Sure, let's go."

"This time, how about you tell me about when you were younger Y/N."


He wants to know...

My past...

Will I be able to tell him?...

The color lighly drains from your face as Jimin starts the car and pulls onto the highway.

Will he still like me after he knows my past?...

Everything that has happened to me?...

You look out the window and feel Jimin's fingers push themselves into your hand, your heart skipping beats in your chest.

I'll do my best....Chimchim...

(A/N): I'm focusing sort of hard on this story rn because I need to finish one before I start another XD so you will see many updates coming XD

As always, have a wonderful day my lovelies!!! <3
