
So I haven't posted in a week that's a big oof.... sorry about that. But I do got some smut for you horny gays, so your welcome

"Morning bubba" Toni said as she cradled Sera in her arms, she checked on Dorian and saw that he was still fast asleep, "Let's wait until mommy and Dorian wake up, then we can go see Uncle Fangs" Toni said rubbing the little one's head softly

Toni entered her room and sat on the bed waiting for Cheryl wake up. A couple minutes later Cheryl turned her body, facing Toni and opened her eyes, "Morning~" Cheryl said in a raspy voice, "Morning love"

Cheryl crawled up next to Toni and laid her head on Toni's lap, "I see that our princess is awake" Cheryl said as she played with Sera's sock, "mhm, Dorian is still asleep"

Cheryl sat up and kissed Toni, "We need to get dressed so we can head to Marten" Cheryl said groggily, Toni chuckled, "Are you still sleepy babe?"

"Well Dorian was crying last night and wouldn't fall back asleep until 3 am" Cheryl stated, "Oh you should've woke me up", "It's okay, your the one who usually wakes up when their crying" Cheryl said as she got off the bed, "Did you shower already?"

Toni nodded, "You go ahead and shower, I'm gonna get Sera into a change of clothes and check on Dorian, okay sleepy head" she kissed Cheryl's forehead, Cheryl nodded and entered the bathroom

Toni went into the other room and got Sera changed into a new set of clothes, once she changed Sera, she sat her down in her crib and picked up Dorian "You've finally awoken" Toni said rubbing the back of the little boy gently

Dorian fussed around as Toni changed him, "D stop, I need to get changed too" She whined, soon enough she got Dorian in his clothes and sat him in his crib

"I'm going to change, don't do anything bad" Toni instructed and left the room, "Baby are you done changing" Toni asked as she entered her walk in closet

"Yeah!" Cheryl replied back, "Your parents are coming along as well right?" , "They're already in the car, they're also gonna leave Marten the next day"

"Okay, I'll go ahead and take Sera and Dorian, we'll be in the car" as she was about to leave the room Toni yelled out, "And babe, you look good in that outfit"

"I look good in everything" Cheryl stated and left the room, Toni laughed at her response. Toni got all dressed and headed downstairs to where the car was parked

Toni's outfit:

Cheryl's outfit:

"Oh yay! Your wearing the leather jacket!" Cheryl squealed as Toni entered the car, Toni nodded and smiled in return as she sat next to her

"What'd you get Fangs for his birthday?" Scarlet asked, "I got him a leather jacket, with a serpent in the back and it has name at the top and serpents on the bottom" Toni divulged

Laurence rolled his eyes, "You always give Fangs an amazing gift, you favor him over Sawyer and Forsythe don't you", "Uhh of course not *cough* maybe *cough" Toni grinned, "But we all know Fangs will always love Mom's gifts more because 90% of the time it's her cooking", Toni and Laurence shared a laugh

"Well since it's gonna be a long ride, if you need us just roll down the window" Scarlet said as she pulled on a hinge and put out a wall between them, "Wait huh what the heck?! Since when was this installed in our limo!" Toni yelled, Laurence rolled down a little window, "We've always had it, for personal reasons" he then closed the window

"Father!" Toni yelled, Cheryl laughed, "Well at least we can cuddle and kiss without them looking" Cheryl said as she kissed Toni's temple, "Good point" Toni looked at Sera and Dorian, who were both situated in their booster seats

"Don't worry about them, they'll fall asleep on the way" Cheryl said as she leaned her head on Toni's shoulder

"And you my love should get some sleep as well" Toni said as she stroked Cheryl's hair, "Sweet and caring as per usually TT" as Cheryl kissed Toni's neck, there were "awe's" heard on the other side, Cheryl giggled, "This is going to be a great ride" Toni stated sarcastically

At Marten-
Toni's POV

"Leon's gonna put out things in our estate, for now let's go see Fangs and his parents" My father stated, the three of us nodded and started walking towards the castle. Soon enough we arrived at the gates, "Ah, King Laurence nice to see you here again" one of the guards spoke

"Good to see you to, are the Fogarty's in the palace?" My father asked, the guard nodded and opened the gate, we thanked the guard and made our way towards the castle, as we entered the castle we heard two people bickering, "JB chill, Tones will be here soon" Fangs scolded, "I know I'm just super excited, I haven't seen Toni in a while" Jellybean stated

"Well then, I figure you'll be happy now seeing me here" I said smiling, "Toni!" JellyBean yelled, she started running towards me but stopped and pointed at Dorian, "child" my mother and father laughed, "We'll go see Marisa and Lukas" My mother said as she and dad left

Cheryl and I chuckled, "Yes a child, and this little girl is mine to" I said pointing at Sera, who was in Cheryl's arms, "Why didn't you tell me?!" She asked

I quirked an eyebrow, "Jug didn't tell you" I looked up and saw Jughead enter the main hall, "Hello!" He yelled waving, Jellybean turned her head glaring at him, "JUGHEAD!" She yelled, "and that's my queue to leave" he said turning around to leave the room. JellyBean tried to run after him but I patted her head, "Calm down JB, today's Fang's birthday, no killing Jughead", she nodded and looked at Cheryl

"I like your hair! It's pretty, is that your natural hair color?" JB asked, Cheryl nodded with a smile, "Thank you, and yes it's my natural hair color", JB smiled at her, "Toni's annoying right?"

"She's more annoying since she's my girlfriend" Cheryl said laughing, I looked at her offended, "your mean", "Oh! Your Toni's girlfriend! No wonder she's dating you, your hot!" JB blurted out, Cheryl blushed

I pushed Jellybean away, "Uhh schooch your ass away from my girl, she's mine" I said as I kissed Cheryl's temple, "Possessive as always TT", "Welp, I'm gonna go to the game room and totally not kill Jughead" JB said as she ran off

Fangs walked up to us, Cheryl and I hugged him, "Happy Birthday", "Thanks Red, thanks Tiny" he said ruffling our hairs, "Can I hold her?" Fangs asked Cheryl, "Of course" she replied and carefully handed Sera to him, "Fangs careful"

"I know Tones" he said as he cradled Sera in his arms, "Oh by the way Veronica's here, she's in the guest room right now", "Is she with a blonde female by chance" Cheryl asked, "Yep and my gaydar was right about Veronica being Bi"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Now is your turn to have a lover Fangs" Veronica said from behind, "speak of the devil" Cheryl stated, "is that your present for him? A hook up with Kevin?"

"That and other such things too Blossom. We need to let our other gay get some ass" Fangs flicked her on the forehead, "Ronnie shut your ass" He yelled, "what?! I'm stating facts sweetie"

Fangs rolled his eyes, "Well the party isn't until tonight, you can come hang with me and the guys in the game room downstairs", "You still have the game room?!" I asked with excitement, Fangs nodded with a smile

I looked at Cheryl, "Don't worry there's a little area where Dorian and Sera can lay and roll around" Fangs said as he started to head downstairs, Cheryl nodded, "yay!" I yelled and caught up with Fangs

"Toni is a literal child" Betty divulged, "no shit, she's my girlfriend and I live with her" Cheryl stated, "Babe!" I whined, "Sorry were coming"

We all walked downstairs and saw the others sitting down on the sofas watching a movie and playing games, "Oh hey Tiny!" Sweet Pea yelled, I sat next to him and he immediately took Dorian from my arms
"Get yourself a girl so you can have kids of your own Sweet", "I'd love that but I'm still single Tiny" he replied as he played with Dorian, "Ask Ronnie for help" he nodded in agreement

Cheryl sat down next to me, "Sera's still with Fangs", I nodded "And SweetPea stole Dorian from me", she leaned her body against me and cupped my face, "Baby" I hummed in return, "I want a kiss"

I rolled my eyes, "You know you don't have to ask me Cher" she nodded, I let out a small giggle and pecked her on the lips, she then situated herself on my lap, I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist

"D look at your moms, they're being all cute with each other" Sweet Pea said in a baby voice, "oh my god! What the hell possessed you for you to make that voice Sawyer!" I asked shocked

"One don't fucking call me that and two I use this voice when talking to babies so shut up" I laughed, "I'm happy Your their uncle" Cheryl divulged, "I'm gonna teach them how to ride a dirt bike!" SweetPea said smiling, Cheryl glared At him, "nice job sweets" he chuckled nervously "you know what I'll umm teach them how to bake, how...how's that red?"

"That would be great!" Cheryl said smiling and focused her eyes towards the screen, "Your mom's scary" Sweet Pea whispered

Party Time-

"Babe it's Fangs' birthday, he's supposed to be the star of the show not you" I said as I hooked my arms around Cheryl's waist, "I know but come on! I look sexy in this red dress" I rolled my eyes at her, "You do look sexy babe, as you said you look good in anything"

"I know your telling the truth, Toni Jr gave that away" Cheryl said as she grazed the bulge in my pants with her hand, "Toni Jr got excited"

"Girls hurry up!" My mom yelled from the other side of the door, "We're coming!" I yelled back, I grabbed my jacket and intertwined my hand with Cheryl's as we walked out of the room

Cheryl's outfit:

Toni's outfit:

We soon arrived at the palace, "Hello birthday bitch" I greeted Fangs, "Hello to you again Antoinette" Fangs replied with a smirk, "stop!" I whined

He chuckled and looked at the bag in Cheryl's hand, "Is that my gift Blossom?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows, Cheryl grinned, "Why of course it is, where should I place this?" Fangs pointed towards a table, Cheryl walked away to drop off the gift

"How old are you again?" I asked, "Dumbass I'm now 23, and my mother and father still insist on celebrating my birthday", "oh come on what's wrong about celebrating it? It lets me know your alive" I said grinning, he punched me on the arm, "I just want a small party, with you and the others, not this big ass celebration", "that's understandable, these big parties give me a bit of anxiety ever since you know what" I said as Cheryl walked up to us and hugged me from behind

He patted my head, "Hey don't be going all depressed on me, don't think about that right now" I nodded, soon his mother came over, "Fangs sweetie go and greet some of the guests" he groaned, "Will do mother" he then left us

"Antoinette nice seeing you again" Marisa said hugging me, I pouted "I told you not to call me that" she chuckled, "Fine Toni" she looks at Cheryl, "Well hello there, I'm Marisa, Fangs's mother" she said shaking Cheryl's hand

"I'm Cheryl Blossom" she replied smiling, I cleared my throat, "she is also my beautiful girlfriend and mother of two kids" I said smirking, Marisa's eyes widened, "You have kids?! Antoinette why didn't you tell me, you know how much I love kids!"

I laughed, "Leon's watching over them right now since they both fell asleep, you can see them tomorrow" she smiled and looked at Cheryl, "Now aren't you one lucky girl Cheryl", "I sure am Queen Marisa"

"No need to add Queen, your Toni's girlfriend it's fine", Cheryl nodded, "I need to go greet some people, I'll see you two later" Marisa said as she started to walk away, "Every time I introduce you to people I know they instantly love you" I said kissing Cheryl

"Well I am the Cheryl Blossom" she said wrapping her arms around my waist, "And your all mine" I pecked her lips, "okay okay! Break it up ladies!" SweetPea said as he pushed Cheryl and I away from each other, Cheryl flicked him on the forehead, "Don't take me away from my TT" she said crossing her arms, Sweets rolled his eyes "Jeez sorry Red, just don't fucking make out"

"Damn Topaz, you and Cher be looking fine" Cheryl held my hand and said, "Well of course when your this hot you'll always look this fine", "I wish to have Cheryl's confidence" Sweet Pea said chuckling, "Sawyer!" Someone called out, "I'll see you two later" he ran off, Cheryl tugged on my sleeve, "Can we go sit down, my feet kind of hurt" I nodded as we went to go sit down at a table where my parents were at

"Does this shit work?" Fangs said through the microphone, "Uhh o-okay" he chuckled nervously, there were a few laughs in the crowd, once the crowd was quiet he had begun his little speech. Once he had finished he came over to our table and sat next to Cheryl, "You did great with your speech sweetie" Cheryl teased, "Oh shut up!" Fangs slapped her arm, I slapped him back, "Don't slap my girlfriend" he placed his hand on his chest, "ugh rude" he said acting hurt

"Have you opened our present yet?" I asked Fangs, he shook his head, "Hold on I'll go grab it" he left the the table for a bit to grab his present, he soon then came back, "I got it personally customized" I said wiggling my eyebrows, he chuckled. He opened up the present and pulled out a leather jacket, "Wait! Oh my god this is actually amazing Tones! The 'Serpents' are back!", I grinned at him, "I thought you'd like it" he placed it back in the back, "I sure do, I'll be wearing this a lot", "Maybe when you meet Kevin" Cheryl winked making Fangs blush

One of their butlers passed by our table and handed each us a slice of cake, I looked at Cheryl, who smiling widely as she took a bite of the cake, savoring the flavor, "Your like a child whenever they try something sweet for the first time" I divulged, "Can I have yours to" she pleaded with puppy eyes, "Oh baby you look cute but this is mine" I took a bite of my cake, she pouted

Fangs laughed, "Here Cher you can have mine, I don't really like sweets" he pushed the plate towards Cheryl, "Thanks Fangs your the best!" She hugged him, "What about me? I don't get a hug?" I pouted, "you didn't give me your cake so no, you can only get hugs when we head back to the house" I groaned and stuffed my mouth with cake

"Antoinette, don't do that we're in public" my mother scolded, "sut up" I said with food in my mouth, my mom looked at Cheryl and Fangs, "She's pouting because Cheryl won't give her a hug" Fangs said laughing, my mother rolled her eyes and went back to talking with her friends

I turned towards Cheryl with puppy eyes, "But can I have kiss?" She kissed my cheek, I huffed, "I wanna go back home" I said crossing my arms, both Fangs and Cheryl laughed at me

1 hour later-

I plopped onto the bed, "Can I have cuddles now?!" I asked pouting, Cheryl laughed, "Your still in your suit, let's get changed first" she started undressing in front of me, "You look beautiful" I divulged, she turned her head to look at me, "And you in that outfit makes you look more hot, which I didn't even think was possible" she said sending me a wink

Once she took off her dress, I pulled her onto my lap, "Toni!" I started kissing her neck, "what?" I sucked on her pulse point, making her release a quiet moan from her mouth, "God TT your already hard" she said as she started grinding her hips on me, I groaned, "The kids might wake up" she said as she slowly got off me

I pulled her back on my lap, making her face me, "Your seriously going to leave me horny and all erect?" I ask looking straight in her eyes, she just stared at me with a smirk. I moved her hand down to my hard bulge, making her rub it, I then whispered into her ear, "When was the last time you had my hard cock pounding in and out of your tight little wet pussy love? The kids are in the other room, and my parents are in our other estate. Wouldn't it be nice to feel my hard cock in your tight little pussy again"

Cheryl's breathe hitched, "did that make you wet?" I said looking at the wet patch in her panties, tracing it with my finger, "Damn it Toni, just fuck me already!" She pleaded, I stuck my hand in her panties and started rubbing her clit, making her twitch. I ran my fingers through her folds, I soon plunged two digits into her making her moan

"Did that really make you this wet?" I cupped her face with my other hand while I pounded my fingers into her, all she could do was moan, I smirked and as I placed open mouth kisses along her jaw I curled my fingers in her. She jolted in pleasure as I repeatedly hit the spot that made her feel pleasure, she cling onto my shoulders, rocking her hips on my fingers as I fingered her, "T-Toni" she moaned

"Yes baby girl?" She buried her face in the crook of my neck, "I-I'm close" she stuttered, I quickened my pace, "f-fuck right there Toni" she soon came, she rocked her hips on my fingers as she slowly calmed down from her high. I slipped my hands out of her and sucked the juices of my fingers, moaning at the taste, I kissed her making her taste herself

She looked down at my bulge, "you've gotten harder", "With you moaning how could I not" I took off her panties, "this is ruined" she giggled

I unclasped her bra, throwing both articles of clothing on the floor, I pinched the little nub softly, I looked at Cheryl and kissed her, "We've been together for a year and I still can't get over how beautiful you are"

I lowered my head, holding her breast and placed the little nub in my mouth, licking and sucking it, I switched, giving attention to the other one, she lifted my head up, "yes?" I asked, "You have clothes on I don't like that" I threw off my shirt, Cheryl climbed off me and took off my pants and bra, leaving me in my boxers, "This is a little better"

She pushed me down, making me lay my back on the bed, she placed open mouth kisses along my jawline and my neck as she rocked her hips on my bulge, I sighed as she started sucking on my neck. I felt her run her hands up my side and squeeze my breast making me gasp, "Cher your making me so horny" I said squeezing her ass, "I can tell, your hard clothed boner is poking at my entrance"

"I wanna fuck y-" I was caught off when I felt her hand slide down my body and gently squeezed my bulge , she slowly pulled down my boxers revealing my hard cock, Cheryl stroked it making me let out a silent moan, I grabbed a condom from inside the cabinet, quickly slipping it on. She then slowly aligned my dick with her entrance, she then slowly entered me, I moaned as I fit my whole dick inside of her

She slowly moved up and down, once she got used to it she quickened her pace, both of us moaning in pure pleasure. I placed my hands at her hips as she rocked up and down. She leaned down and started kissing me, I then flipped us over, "Although you looked hot like that, I wanna pound your pussy" I leaned down giving her a peck on the lips before moving

As I quickened my pace Cheryl's moans got a little louder, "Try not to wake up the whole town" I husked in between thrusts, she nodded as she was consumed by pure pleasure.

A few minutes went by and I felt Cheryl scratch at my back harshly and her breath quickening, "T-Toni I'm close" she said in between moans, I smirked and gripped her waist and pounded into her hard and quick making sure to hit the spot that makes her feel most pleasured

She gripped onto the bedsheets, "Toni!" She moaned loudly, she soon started to shake under me as I then came into the condom. Both of us breathing heavy, I leaned down and moved her hair away from her sweaty face, "This time I used a condom" I panted, she let out a chuckle

I slowly got off her, tying the condom and throwing it in the trash. I looked at the baby monitor, "D and Sera are still asleep, we didn't wake them" I said as Cheryl and I laughed

I got back under the cover and cuddled her, "When was the last time we had sex?" She asked, I shrugged and kissed her forehead, "I love you" she smiled up at me, "I love you too" she replied

"Sleep time!" I said nuzzling my head into the crook of her neck, she giggled and started stroking my hair making me fall asleep

I didn't read this beforehand so if there's any errors my apologies. Hope you liked this chapter
