
𝑷𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆'𝒔 𝑷𝑢𝑽

"Penelope" Clifford said as he entered the room


"Laurence and Scarlet said we go check on the house. They said that it was ready so we can move in" He divulged, "They're waiting for us outside, I'll go get Jason

"That's great, I'll go get Cheryl" I said getting up

I left the room and walked upstairs, "Toni, Cheryl" I said trying to open the door, "Oh god their busy"

Soon Toni opened it, "Oh hey Mrs.Blossom" she looked behind her, "Babe your mom"

"You need something?" Cheryl asked

"Laurence and Scarlet said we could go check out the house" I divulged

"Okay, Toni and I will be there in a minute"

I nodded and walked out of the castle

π‘»π’π’π’Š'𝒔 𝑷𝑢𝑽

I bent down, "Should we take Olive?" I asked picking up the animal

"Mhm, she mostly plays at the garden so it would be nice if she went outside" She said taking my hand

We then walked out of the castle, "Can I hold Olive?" Jason asked smiling

I nodded my head and handed him Olive, "Don't lose her J" Cheryl divulged

He nodded his head as he started to play around with the little dog

"Your new home Blossoms" My dad divulged

"Thisβ€”this is much bigger than our old house" Cheryl divulged

"Dad can we go inside" I asked

He nodded, "Here's the key" he said handing it to Clifford

"Thank you" He replied, then unlocking the door

The Blossoms and I walked into the house
"Who designed this?" Penelope asked, "It looks amazing"

"I did" I responded

"You did?" Cheryl asked

I smiled as I nodded my head. She then kissed my cheek, "Thanks babe"

"Anything for my Princess" I looked behind me, "Before Jason comes inside, lets pick your room"

We both walked upstairs, "This is so much bigger than our old house" she said walking through the halls

"I thought it would be nice to make it two stories, your old house was kind of cramped" I divulged

"Thanks babe"

"No problem. You know which room you want?" I asked

"The one at the end, it's the 2nd biggest bedroom" she divulged as we both entered the room, "You guys furnished it already too?!"

"Well of course. I wasn't just gonna get someone to build your house and just leave it empty"

She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me. The door swung open, "You guys in here?" Jason asked closing his eyes

Cheryl chuckled, "Yes and you can open your eyes, we're just hugging"

He opened his eyes, "Are you kidding me. You got one of the biggest bedroom"

"First comes, first serve" She said chuckling

He rolled his eyes, "You can have your child back, I'm going to Polly's again" he said placing Olive on the floor

"Use protection" I said

"I know" he replied leaving the room

"Babe!" Cheryl scolded

"I was joking!" I replied

"Woah, there's a balcony" she said as she walked outside, "Did you tell them to put this?"

"Mhm, thankfully you chose this room" I said as I kissed her cheek, "I'm gonna go get Olive's stuff"

She nodded as she picked up Olive and plopped onto the bed

I walked downstairs, "Toni where are you going?" My mother asked

"I'm gonna go get Olive's stuff" I replied

"Don't worry about that. I told Abram to go get it"

"Oh, thanks" I said going back to Cheryl's room

"That was quick.." Cheryl said as I entered the room, "You didn't even bring her stuff"

"Apparently my mom told Abram to bring them here" I replied laying next to her

She then wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head in the crook my neck

"Your so tiny" I whispered

She looked up at me, "Your not that much taller than me babe"

"Still, tiny" I replied kissing her forehead

She rolled her eyes at me then pecked my lips. There was then a knock on the door

Cheryl got up and opened it, "Yes?"

"Blossom, here's the stuff for Olive" Abram said handing her multiple things

"Oh thanks"

"No problem" he said walking downstairs

Cheryl closed and locked the door, she then placed Olive's bed down, "Olive, sweetie, you wanna use your bed?" She said patting it

Olive ran towards her and jumped onto the bed

Cheryl giggled, she then sat on the edge of the bed. I wrapped her arms around her waist as I laid behind her

"I have to buy some clothes" she divulged

"I put some of my clothes in your closet" I replied sitting up next to her, "I have enough clothes for the both of us"

"You already gave me a lot of stuff, I can't take your clothes" she said looking at me

"Remember what I said, anything for my Princess" I said smiling, then pecking her lips. I straddled her on my lap

"I don't deserve you" she said caressing my face

I rolled my eyes and started kissing her. A few minutes later she pulled away, I pouted

"I have to feed our little child Babe" she said getting off me

"Fine" I said laying back down

Cheryl and Olive both left the room

I grabbed my phone and dialed my mother

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"𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 π’ˆπ’π’π’…"

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"π’ƒπ’šπ’†" 𝑰 π’”π’‚π’Šπ’… π’‰π’‚π’π’ˆπ’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝒖𝒑

"Baby" Cheryl called

"Yeah? Something wrong?" I asked as I went into the bedroom

She shook her head, "Can you help me bathe Olive, she stinks" she said holding Olive away from her

I laughed as I took Olive to the bathroom, "Alright time to bathe you stinky" I said placing her in the bath tub

"Go get me a towel while I bathe this child" Cheryl said kneeling down

"Okay" I said going to the cabinet and pulling out a towel, "Be careful, she'll splash you" I said entering the bathroom

Cheryl glared at me, "Mhm, she sure loves to do that"

I laughed at her as I saw that she was soaked with water

"Hey instead of standing there and laughing at me, fucking help me with this one!"

I laughed as I went to help her. While rinsing Olive off, Cheryl pointed the water at me, "Babe!" I said blocking myself

Cheryl laughed at me as she went back to washing Olive, "We have to get changed after this" I said
spooning in water in my hand then throwing it at her

"Okay okay! We're already soaked" Cheryl said smiling as she dried off Olive, "I'll wash our clothes tomorrow, just put it in the hamper" she said as she placed Olive on her bed

"Okay" I replied as I took off my shirt and jeans
When I went to grab a sweatshirt and shorts, I caught Cheryl staring, "Cher babe, my eyes are up here" I said smirking

"Sorry" she said blushing, "My girlfriend has a very sexy body"

Once I got changed I handed Cheryl a pair of clothes

As she was getting undressed, I stared and looked her up and down. When she turned her head, I quickly looked away, "Y-you umm done" I stuttered

She hummed in return as she climbed into bed

once she laid down I wrapped my arms around her, "Olive fell asleep?"

"Yeah" she said drowsily

I smiled, "Is my Princess tired?" I said as I rubbed her back soothingly

"Being in your arms is soothing" she responded

"You didn't even eat dinner yet"

"I had lunch it's fine" she said as she hid her face in the crook of my neck

"Okay, goodnight Princess"

I was answered with quiet snores. I soon then fell asleep
