
Toni's POV

I was woken up by light shakes, "Baby wake up, we're gonna go visit Tyler and Sarah remember" I hear Cheryl whisper

I slowly open my eyes and turn my body towards her, "Is Sera and D awake yet?" I ask

She nodded her head, "I already changed them to. We need to get changed, I already did my make up" she kissed my forehead

"Make up seriously love? You look beautiful without it" I said as I sat up

"It makes me feel more confident about my self TT" I sighed, "Fine, lets get dressed then"

The both of us entered our walk in closet and picked out our clothes. Once we chose our outfit we got got dressed

Toni's outfit:

Cheryl's outfit:

"Mmm, this outfit I like" I say as I wrap my arms around Cheryl's waist

She fixes my collar, "Sera and Dorian have been waiting for a while, lets go"

We grabbed our things and entered the twins room, "morning princess" I say as I picked up Sera, Cheryl took Dorian, "Okay, lets get going"

The both of us exited the room and headed downstairs, I saw my mom and my grandparents, "I see you have changed your minds" I said glaring at them

"Not right now Antoinette" my mother divulged as she put her heels on

"Where's Father?"

"He already visited Tyler early this morning, he had to do something"

I roll my eyes and exit the palace, Cheryl behind me, "I bought some flowers" Leon said opening the door for us, "Thanks Leon" I say as I entered the car

Once everyone was inside we started driving to Tyler and Sarah's grave. The whole way there was quiet

After 10 minutes we finally arrived at our destination, my mother took the flowers and placed them in Tyler and Sarah's spot, I bent down, "Happy birthday Ty"

I heard my mother let out a shaky breathe, she soon left us and entered the car, "We're gonna go check on your mother, I'll take Sera with us" my grandpa said patting my shoulder, I nodded and handed him Sera, Cheryl held Dorian

I stood up and gazed at the graves, a few tears rolled down my cheeks, I quickly wiped them away, "It's okay to cry Tones" Cheryl said caressing my face, I nodded, "let's get going now" I said as I walked away from the graves

Cheryl and I entered the car, the ride was once again quiet but I broke the silence, "Do you guys actually miss Tyler" I ask my grandparents and Mother

"Antoinette" my grandmother scolded

"What?! I'm just asking you a simple question!"

"Toni of course we miss Tyler! He was my son!" My mother yelled

"Then why does it seem like you don't care" I responded, I feel Cheryl hold my hand

"Toni, you know how hard it is to pretend I'm fine everyday! I'm still mourning the loss of my son, I cry almost every night wishing-!"

"Wishing it was me?" I ask cutting her off, "Antoinette no! I never wanted Tyler nor Sarah killed, neither do I want you to be, I love you" I hear her sniffling, "Since I'm the Queen I handle a lot problems happening in the town, I can't let my emotions get to me, that's why it looks like I don't seem bothered!" Her voice cracks

"Tyler was our grandson Antoinette. We're still mad at ourselves for not being able to come to his funeral, just like your mom we're trying to stay sane" my grandmother divulged

I nodded, "๐ผ ๐‘“๐‘ข๐‘๐‘˜๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘’ ๐‘š๐‘ฆ๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘“" I thought to myself

I clench my fist and lower my head , "I-I'm s-sorry"

"It's fine, you were close to your brother more than your father and I" I leaned my head on Cheryl's shoulder, "I'm sorry" I whispered

Cheryl rubbed my back soothingly, "There's nothing you got to apologize for" she whispered

"Antoinette I love you okay, nothings your fault and no ones blaming you. We all miss Tyler" my mother stated, "you understand right?"

"Yes" I replied. We soon arrived at the palace, grandpa handed me Dorian, "We just wanted to drop you home" my mother divulged

"Where are you guys going?" I asked

"Your father. We're helping some families out, we'll be back home later" my grandmother responded. I nodded my head and proceeded to exit the car, Cheryl and I entered the palace

Cheryl rubs my back, "Why don't you go ahead and get some rest love"

"What about you?"

"I'll go change Sera and Dorian into something comfortable and I'll come join you" I nodded and entered our room. I took off my shoes and my blazer. I then plopped onto the bed


Cheryl's POV

I laid Sera and Dorian in their crib after changing them into comfortable clothes, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go check on momma" I then the left the room and entered our bedroom

I picked up Toni's blazer from the bed and hanged it in our closet, I pushed her shoes to the side. I sat next to her and stroked her hair

She turned her body to face me, "Do you want hugs?" She nodded her head, "yeah"

once I laid down she cuddled my side, "you should take your shirt off, it's probably uncomfortable"

She shook her head, "I'm gonna sleep", "okay" I replied. A few minutes went by and I soon heard Toni's quiet snores

My phone started to ring, it was Veronica

"What's up?" I ask once I answer the phone

"Sooooo, I'm now dating someone!" she responded

"Mmm, and who is this person that has captured my best friends heart? Is it by chance Sawyer?"

"Nope, it's a girl and she goes by Betty Cooper"

"Wooow! The coopers are good, JJ is dating Polly"

She laughed, "What are you doing?"

"I'm just laying down next to Toni, she fell asleep"

"If you haven't eaten I can come by to give you some food"

"No it's fine, you spend some quality time with your lover" I chuckled

"Can we hang out sometime this week I miss you"

"Do you miss me or my children V?"

"I miss all of you!"

"Sure, and I'd love to see the person you have fallen for. Where shall we meet?"

"My house!"

"Okay, I'll tell Toni about it"

"Alright,I'll talk to you later" she ended the call, I put my phone away and hugged Toni

I noticed some sweat forming on Toni's forehead so I unbuttoned her shirt and slowly took it off her along with her pants, leaving her in just her sports' bra and boxers. I dropped her clothes on the floor

As I was about to fall asleep I heard the sound of crying. I tried to escape from Toni's grip but she pulled me into her, "Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna check on Sera and Dorian, I'll be back" she nodded as I then got out her grip and exited the room, entering the nursery I saw Scarlet feeding Dorian

"Oh did you guys just come home?" I asked picking up Sera and feeding her

"Yeah, Laurence told us that we could head home and that he could take care of it" I hummed in return

"Cheryl where's Toni?" She asked

"She's asleep right now, why?"

"How has she been lately?" I sighed, "she keeps blaming herself for Tyler and Sarah's death. I remind her that it's not her fault"

"Cheryl thank you" I looked at her with confusion, "You don't need to thank me, I love Toni, I'd do anything for her"

She nodded and went to sit in the rocking chair, "I must be a horrible a mother, I wasn't able to protect my son and his girlfriend, and now my only daughter thinks she's to blame"

"What? No, of course not! Your family loss someone dear to you, it's understandable why you and your family aren't yourselves lately"

She looked up at me and smiled, "Can Toni just marry you already, I don't want her to lose you"

I laughed, "I'll always be with Toni, especially now that we have kids. But I never had or will have any intentions on leaving Toni"

"You should go and rest, I'll go ahead and take care of these two"

"You sure?" I ask

"Of course! I wanna spend more time with my grand babies! Plus my parents are here, and we will spoil these two just gonna warn you" she said laughing

I handed her Sera, "Thanks Scarlet" I then left the room and went to our bedroom and saw Toni sitting up, "I thought you were gonna sleep"

"You took too long" she pouted, "sorry babe"

She stood up, "I'm gonna go take a shower" I stared at her abs, "okay", she walked over to me, "my eyes are up here my love" she smirked as she lifted my head up

I gently pushed her away, "go shower I'm gonna get changed" she grabbed a towel and entered the shower

I went into our closet and got changed into a shirt and shorts, I grabbed me and Toni's clothes and put them in the hamper

I laid on the bed and used my phone, waiting for Toni to finish. 20 minutes later she came out of the bathroom with just a sports bra and boxers, I just stared at her, mouth agape

"Staring is rude babe" she said as she cuddled up next to me, "I'm sorry but my girlfriend has an amazing body" I said as I placed my hand on her abs

She smirked, "Is Dorian and Sera asleep?"

I shook my head, "They're with your mother and grandparents"

"I hate myself for what I did earlier in the car" I caressed her face, "it's okay, your family lost someone dear to you. I think they understand why you said that"

She smiled at me, "I love you so much!" She started peppering my face with kisses, I laugh, "I love you to"

She then started to kiss my neck, I moaned as she started sucking on my pulse point, "fuck babe"

She pulled away from my neck and touched the kiss marks with her finger, "I haven't done that in a while" she said smiling at me

"Oh don't act all innocent, how many did you make?" She smirked, "you can find out yourself" I rolled my eyes at her

"Wanna watch a movie, I'm bored" She lays her head on my chest, "My mom and grandparents are probably occupied with Sera and Dorian"

"Sure but nothing sad like yesterday" she nodded, "Let's watch The Half of It"

"You want ice cream? I'll go get it downstairs" she nodded, I exited the room and jogged downstairs, when I went to get our ice cream I saw Scarlet, Noah and Vel in the garden with the twins

"Hey, are you guys okay with having Dorian and Sera for a bit? Toni and I are gonna watch a movie" I divulged

"Of course! These two are the best" Velverosa responded

I smiled, "If they want us just come into our room, I might get them half way through the movie" they all nodded, I then headed back upstairs

"Why'd you take long?" She asks as I sit next to her

"I was just making sure that they were okay with having Dorian and Sera while we watch the movie" I replied

"They love kids, of course they'll be fine with it" she takes the carton from me, "Don't you dare eat it all"

"Sureee" she smirked as she played the movie

After the movie

Toni's POV

Cheryl was laying on top of me, "I miss Sera and Dorian" I smiled at her, "Baby, it's only been an hour"

She pouted, "I know but I like hugging and holding those two"

"Lets go check on them then" she said sitting up, "Get into some clothes first" She got off me and threw me a shirt

Once I put the shirt on we headed downstairs and saw Lucy, "Lucy have you seen my mother and grandparents?"

"They are in the family room, they've been playing with the twins for the past hour! Sera and Dorian are going to be spoiled in this family" she said laughing

"Oh I know that for sure" I said as we walked towards the family room, "Seems like the 3 of you are having fun with our kids" Cheryl said as she took a seat on the couch

"Oh I though you two were watching a movie" My mother asked as I sat next to her

"We finished it a few minutes ago, Cher said she wanted to check on the twins" I looked at my mom, "Your not tired?"

"Not really, these two are fun to be with"

"Have you guys eaten?" She shook her head, "You guys should eat"

She patted my head, "We will don't worry" she looked at my legs, "seriously"

"What? It's comfy just being in boxers!" I responded, she laughed, "Your grandparents and I are gonna go eat then" she placed Dorian on my lap

My grandfather walked past me, "You be packin!", "Noah!" My grandmother yelled. Cheryl and I laughed as my grandmother pushed him out the room

"Come here" I patted the empty space next to me, Cheryl sat next to me and kissed my cheek, "seems like your in better mood now TT"

"Well of course, especially when I'm with my beautiful girlfriend and wonderful kids" I leaned my forehead against hers, she started to laugh, "What?"

"Your grandpa wasn't lying when he said your packing" I smiled at her, "of course you know, it's been inside of you" I whispered in ear, she blushed a bright red

I looked down and saw that Dorian and Sera had fallen asleep in our arms, "Seems like they tired these two out" I divulged

Cheryl nodded as she caressed Dorian's face, "They're so cute!" She whisper yelled, "I wanna squeeze his cheeks but I don't wanna wake him up"

"Cute" I mumbled, "hey bub, Veronica said she wanted to hang out next week"

"Sure, where does she want to meet?" I asked

"At her house, and she has a girlfriend now!"

My eyes widen, "really?! Who?!" I questioned

"Betty, Betty Cooper" she replied, "Damn the coopers are good" I laid back on the couch and laid Sera on my chest

She tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, "Are you hungry? I can cook you some food" I smiled at her, "I'm fine baby. Why don't I cook for you more instead of you doing it constantly" I suggested

"You might burn down the castle hun", "N-no I won't! I'm not that irresponsible!" I retaliated

She laughed, "I love cooking for you so I don't mind. But if you insist on cooking for me, I'm gonna help. I don't want you getting hurt"

"You can help me once, but then I'll do it by myself" she cupped my face, "fine, make sure your careful though"

"I know, I know" I responded as I softly rubbed Sera's back, "can we take a picture" she said pouting, "Of course"

she smiled and got closer to my side, "You better smile" she said taking out her phone, "I'll smile don't worry" she held up her phone and took multiple pictures of the 4 of us

"Yay!" She said as she looked through the photos, "How many picture do you have of us?" I asked, she sighed, "Too many to count"

I gently rubbed Sera's head, "Are they comfortable like this?" I asked worried

"Yeah don't worry, if they were uncomfortable they would've woken up" she responded, "let's just stay here and relax for a bit" I added

"That'd be great, can we listen to music?" , "sure" I played some music for the 4 of us as we rested on the sofa
