
                                   5 days later
Cheryl's POV

"Cher when are you guys coming?!"

"V quit being impatient, we'll be there in like 10 minutes, I'm just waiting for Toni to finish showering"

"Okay, I'll see you later then" she ended the call

I put my phone in my pocket, "okay! Now that I finished changing you, I'm gonna change your sister okay?" The little boy smiled, I smiled back at him as I placed him back in his crib and took Sera

"Good thing mommy already fed you two, you won't be hungry when we go see aunt Veronica" I said as I got her changed into a new set of clothes

I picked her up and saw Toni leaning against the door frame in a bra and boxers, "Oh your done, Veronica just called and she's being impatient" There was no answer, "baby" I said walking up to her and cupping her face

"Hm? Yes?" She asked, "You spaced out" I replied, "I didn't I was just looking at the 3 of you" she said smiling

I gently patted her face, "Well if you don't hurry Ms. Veronica might yell at us" she nodded and went to our room

A few minutes later Toni came into the room all dressed, she then picked up Dorian, "okay let's go before we get scolded by aunt Veronica"

We both walk downstairs, "Where are you 4 going?" Toni's father asked

"Veronica's" Toni answered, "Okay, don't stay out to long", Toni scoffed, "I'm 19" he smiled, "fine, you 4 may go now" we then walked out of the castle

"Where to girls" Leon asked us, "Were going to Veronica's house, we can just walk there" Toni responded , "okay, but call me if you need me to pick you up" we both nodded and started to walk to Veronica's house


"Veronica!" I yelled as I knocked on the door, a minute later a female with blonde hair opened the door, "Hey, I'm Betty! Veronica's changing right now but you guys can come in" she said moving to the side, "thanks" Toni and I said as we entered the house

Soon Veronica walked downstairs, "Your here!" She yelled, "yes we're-" she took Sera from my arms, "Hey Sera!" She kisses Sera's cheek

"She totally missed the two of us" Toni said sarcastically, Veronica took a seat next to Betty and kissed her cheek, I smirked, "My Veronica finally has grown up"

"Oh shut up!", Toni and I laughed, "When did you two start dating" I asked the couple,

"We've been dating for 3 weeks now" Betty responded as she played with Sera, I gasped, "and you kept this from me for that long!"

"I-I mean you didn't even tell me you were dating Toni!" Veronica retaliated, "touché" I replied

"When Veronica told me you were dating Toni, I was shocked since she's the princess" Betty divulged, "Honestly I'm surprised she even asked me out" I looked at Toni "She fell for me first"

Toni nudged my arm, "that's a lie. When I would visit her to make sure she was okay I'd catch her looking me up and down" Betty and Veronica laughed

"Veronica fell for me first" Veronica looked at Betty, "are you sure about that sweetie?", Betty nodded, "Babe you constantly bought me flowers and sweets, you still do" Veronica blushed

"When's the wedding?" I asked, "Cher we've been dating 3 weeks while as for you two, you've been dating for over a year now and have kids"

"We know, just not yet, these two need to be a little bit older" Toni divulged, "in the meantime the promise ring I gave Cheryl is her engagement ring until I propose"

"So that's why you always have that ring on"Veronica pointed out, I nodded, "How about I get us some wine before we continue talking" Betty suggested

"I'm surprised Veronica hasn't drunken it all but sure" I divulged, Betty left to go to the kitchen, Toni handed me Dorian and leaned forward, "You guys fucked yet?" Toni whispered, Veronica chocked in her spit and shook her head 'no'

I pulled Toni next to me and slapped her arm, "You seriously asked that?" She looked at me with puppy eyes, "What? It was a very important question that I needed answers to", "Baby she didn't even ask us that question"

"Well of course not, she saw you pregnant. Pretty sure she was able to connect the dots", "Tones is right" Veronica added

Betty soon came out with 4 glasses and a bottle of red wine, "sorry I took long, I couldn't find the wine glasses" she poured us some wine, "thanks babe" Veronica said as she pecked Betty's lips

Toni whispered in my ear, "we're cuter" I giggled, "let them have their moment babe", "You didn't deny what I said" I rolled my eyes

"No Seraphina, I will bite your hand off if you keep grabbing my wine glass" Veronica scolded, "Hey! Your not allowed to bite my child" I said taking my daughter away from her

"Bet" Veronica and Betty said in unison, "No wonder you two are dating" I said as I filled my glass with wine, "Don't drink to much" Toni divulged, "I won't" I replied

"There were so many times I had to bring your ass to my house because of how drunk you were" Veronica added, Toni looked at me, "I'm friends with Veronica what'd you expect"

"6 shots and she was dead" Veronica laughed,  Toni took my glass away, "You and I have two kids to take care of, and unlike you I'm a heavy drinker" she placed our glasses on the table,

"When did you start drinking?" I asked, "When I'd hang out with Sweet, Jug and Fangs", "I'm drinking with you more often" Veronica divulged, "I rarely drink now Ronnie, unlike you"

No one's POV

As the 4 of them talked and laughed together, 3 hours went by, "Toni, seems like Cheryl is a little tired" Betty pointed out

Toni looked at Cheryl who was laying her head on Toni, she smiled, "Ronnie can you hand me Cher's bag, my phones in there I'm gonna call Leon"

Veronica nodded and grabbed Cheryl's bag and handed it to Toni. Once Toni called Leon, a few minutes went by and Leon arrived at the front of the house, "Mon amour, Leon's here" Toni said softly shaking Cheryl

"Even your names for each other are so cute" Veronica squealed, "I call you d-" Veronica covered Betty's  mouth, "No baby not here"

Toni snickered, "Baby, Leon's here, the twins fell asleep to", "Where's Dorian!?" Cheryl said sitting up, "Idiot, you let Betts and I hold him, but he and Sera fell asleep to" Veronica laughed, Betty handed Dorian to Cheryl

"We'll see you guys later" Cheryl and I said as we exited the house, Leon opened the car door for us, "Cheryl why do you look so flushed?" Leon asked, "She had a few glasses of wine" I said as I followed Cheryl inside the car, Leon chuckled as he then closed the door and entered the drivers seat

"I didn't even drink a lot" she wined, "Well your a light drinker, once we get home you can go back to sleep"  she nodded as she gently rubbed Dorian's back

A few minutes later we arrived at the palace, Leon let out a chuckle when Cheryl exited the car, "What?" Cheryl asked glaring at him, "Do you need a little help walking Blossom? You seem a little tipsy" she stuck her middle finger at him, "fuck off Gollum" she entered the palace

"did she just-", "yes she just called you a Gollum" I said laughing, I then went into the castle and went to go lay Sera down in her crib next to Dorian

After laying her down, I went to my room and saw Cheryl laying in bed, I crawled up next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist, "I told you not to drink to much" I flicked her forehead

"Ow!" She rubbed her forehead, "kiss it, that hurt" she said pouting, I kissed her forehead, "I didn't even flick you that hard, your just being a little baby"

"I'm not a baby!" She whined, "sleep, your tipsy Cher", "Hmph! Your not my mom!" I grinned, "I won't give you cuddles if you keep whining" she looked at me with puppy eyes, "fine" she cuddled my side

I asked in a baby voice, "Is my lil baby tired" she laid her head on my chest and nodded, I kissed the top of her head and she slowly drifted off to sleep. As she was sleeping I scrolled through my phone, I then got a message from Sweet Pea

SweetPea🖕: "Yo T"

Toni: "What?"

SweetPea🖕: "Did you forget? It's Fangs' birthday next month"

Toni: "Ofc I didn't forget, the parties being held in his palace right?"

SweetPea🖕: "Yeah, bring Red and your kids, I wanna see them!"

Toni: "But the drive to and from Marten is extremely long"

SweetPea🖕: "Stay for a couple days prick, the last time we all spent time together was a few years ago"

Toni: "Fine, I'll talk to Cheryl about it"

SweetPea🖕: "Make sure to get a present!"

Toni: "Ik, ttyl"

I put my phone away on the bedside table and hugged Cheryl. I soon then drifted off to sleep
