Where She Went

Gabi's POV

I dial Iris' cell phone.

"Gabriella Mariana Davis! You did not say no to Bartholomew Henry Allen!", she yells into the phone.

I sigh.

" Iris I didn't! He walked away before I could say anything, and I was shocked, you know I've lost my memory and I feel like I deserve a moment to breathe!"

Iris pauses.

"He walked away? Before you could say anything? How long was that?"

"Probably five seconds."

"Oh no."

"What?", I say.

"Gabi, I am so sorry I told him that he maybe had to move on if you never really liked him so-"

I cut her off," so he called Linda."

My heart sinks.

I continue," Iris you know I love him so much how could-"

"I was upset too okay? Don't worry, I'll call him and tell him. Have you tried calling?"

"Yes! I've left him 73 messages, filled up his voicemail and called him over a hundred times! Iris, I don't want to lose him. I really do love him."

"Okay gabi, I'll try my best."

She cuts the call.

He called Linda. He's already moving on. I thought he would wait. I thought he would catch me. But surely enough, I fell. And got terribly hurt.

This ones on me.

Caitlyns POV.

"Cisco, enough! I told you its okay. And you helped me make the antidote in less- Gabi?"

Gabi sits in a corner of the room, sobbing into her knees, her face damp and eyes red.

She looks at us, Cisco rushing to her side,asking her what happened. I walk towards her. Did Barry do this? What even happened?

"This is all my fault", she says.


Gabi's POV

" Iris I don't want to bowl! I've got a horrible cold and I don't wanna see anyone!"

"By anyone, do you mean Barry?"

"Yes, maybe, I don't know."

"He asked Linda out"

"Good. I'm happy that he moved on so quick in one week."

"Are you really?"

"No. Look, all that's happening is my fault. He's right, maybe I don't deserve a second chance."

"So you coming for bowling?", Iris whispers through the phone.

" Did someone say bowling?", Cisco bellows from behind me.

Iris groans.

"Fine, you can come to shield my presence."

Iris whoops going on about how she was the first person to get me out of caitlyns house.

I haven't seen Barry in a week. I've stayed clear of him before, but this time it's way harder. I miss him so much. I want to talk to him. But I just don't know how. And there's no going past the fact that he hates me now.

Iris says he doesn't think that I loved or even liked him. But he is so wrong.

You know, its fine now. It'll be okay.

I hope so.


I sit in the corner, with a hat covering my horrible face.

"Okay Gabi, take the hat off, you're not fooling anyone", interjects Cisco.

I whine as he pulls it off my head.

" Cisco!"

"He's right! Barry got over you. It's time you get over him!"

Okay that hurt.

"I can't okay Iris?!"

She looks a bit taken aback and Cisco drops his head.

"Then, let's at least enjoy tonight gabi", explains Eddie from behind.

Iris nods taking a bowling ball. Then her face goes limp.

" Linda, Barry! How nice to see you here too!"

Oh no. I whisper into Cisco's ear," please, can we go?"

He shakes his head," this is something good for you gabi!"

I wince.

"Gab, you're here too?"asks Barry.

Linda sniggers. She is so pretty, with her long brown hair framing her face perfectly.

"Cisco can we leave? Please?", I choke.

" I guess we can all play right?", suggests Iris.

Barry's POV

She looks tired. There are circles under her once sparkling brown eyes which are now red from crying. What used to be her smooth porcelain skin now looks dull and pale and she looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks.

Have I done this?

Was Iris speaking of the truth? Did she really love me? Does she still?

Cisco and Eddie glare at me, and Iris gives me glares here and there.

"Cisco, please, let's leave."

He gulps.

Tears roll down her face, and she takes her bag and runs out.

Iris raises an eyebrow.

I run after her. I'm not losing her again. Linda stands there, shell shocked with an exasperated look on her face. Sorry, not sorry. Like how Gab used to say.

But when I reach outside, she isn't there. How could I lose her?! I'm the flash!


Gabi's POV

I hailed a taxi. Back to Joe's house.

I knock on the door.


He finally opens it with a sigh of relief.

"Gabi, are you alright? Is everything okay? Did-"

"Joe I'm leaving. I'm going to starling city for a while."

He doesn't say anything. He just nods.

I rush up to my room, grabbing a bag and chucking all the clothes I find into it.

Zipping it up, and swinging it over my shoulder and running out the door.

Joe waits for me downstairs, embracing me and opens the door, but not before he hands me the keys. He supports my decision.

I get into the car and head off.

I just hope I've made the right one.


Barry's POV

I hit the door.


No answer.


The door opens.

"Yes Barry?"

"Don't act like you don't know where she is Joe! Just tell me already!"

"Barry, I respect her decision and you must too. Leave her alone for a while. You guys had a small hiccup which turned to a huge cough. And you cowering to Linda didn't help at all."

"But Joe-"

"No Barry. You've known her a long time now. She doesn't know you that long, whether she is the same, or she's remembering things. But I can say this, whatever's made her lose all her memory and this transportation thing, has made a break, and if you pressure her, you will see her break."

I nod, backing out and away from the house.

Maybe I won't run there. I'll drive. I'll drive to starling city. Because that would be where she went.

Where she went.
