Spirit Traveller

"Gabi..",Barry asks me after the most awkward silence ever.


"How do you feel? Any different?"

"I don't know. Its pretty real but some of this is like a dream."

He gives me a sad smile.

"I don't want to be just in your dream. I want to be with you in real life too."

My face better not be red right now.

"Uh, me too."

Seriously, that's the answer I gave him? How am I so terrible at this?

"So Barry!", I say, trying to change the subject,
"Hows it going with Iris?"

The car stops at a signal. "I know I've told you before but, how did you know?"
He cocks his head to one side when I say, "The way you looked at her", I say simply.

I'm looking at him for an answer. He obviously doesn't know that I like him.

My old self in this life, probably didn't even more tell him if she did. She, me it's all the same thing. Isn't it?

"Gabi, where do you live in your other life?", he runs his hand through his hair. He is so hot. At the same time nerdy- and cute.

"Yeah", I say stuttering for a moment. "I live here, in central city. In my life, I kinda applied for the same job. Today was supposed to be my first day. CCJitters, everything is the same. Barry, take a right at this intersection"

"Am I in that world?", his voice goes soft.

"I don't know. I told you, I have no friends or family whatsoever"

"So, will you stay here?"

"I want to."

He pauses for a moment. Feels like an eternity.

"Is Star Labs there? Has the particle accelerator exploded?", he suddenly sounds excited.

"Check and check", I mark the check in the air with my fingers.

Barry pulls over to the side of the street and stares at me.
"What?!", I ask.

I turn to face him.
"What did I say?!"

He holds my hands and asks me," Has anything weird being happening in the city lately?

" He looks at me, his eyes beaming.
"I guess weird could be this scarlet guy who-"
"- Hell has blessed me!"
Barry shouts into the roof of the car.

"Why are you-" but before I can finish again, he calls a man called Joe and tells him he won't be coming to the site.

"What are you doing bar- agh!!!"

Barry swivels the car around. Is he trying to kill us in the most gruesome way possible?

"What the hell Barry?! Are you trying to detach my limbs?!"I try to sound as angry as possible.

He looks at me and grins
"Detour to Star Labs!"

