I'm what?!

"So you wanna grab something to eat?",asks Barry.
Cisco left and again, I find myself alone with Barry.

"Uh, yes please! I'm starving!",I say patting my stomach. Barry laughs and says,"And I know the best place to go!"

And we drive off into the blissful sun.

I wish.

5 minutes later, I step into Big Belly Burger. "Mmmn, isn't That delish! ",I say.

"Excuse me? Did you just say,'delish'?", Barry says, marking the quotations with his fingers.

I laugh and say,"mmyeah,  trying that Downtown Abbey thing!"

Barry laughs and tosses his head back.

(Haha am I the only one who giggles at grants /Barry's cuteness? Comment and tell me!!)

"Well, fair maiden, may I just say -"
Then the fries come over and Barry's face lights up.

"Ah, these fries are here! Very nice!"

I giggle as the waiter gives Barry the weirdest look ever.

Barry offers me a fry.

I smile graciously and say," why thank you, kind sir!"

He laughs and does the most stupidest thing ever.

He puts two fries in his nose.

"Allen, you did NOT just do that! ", I point at him threateningly.
He shakes his head from side to side," well believe it missy!"

I pout, "you just like ruined fries for me."
I look at him.
He bursts into a laugh and the fries pop out of his nose.

"Ew Barry! I'm going to kill you!"I yell hysterically.

In the middle of his evil laughter, he manages to say," so I get the rest of the fries?"


"I want to come with you!", I protest.
"No!  Its way too dangerous!",Barry argues.

"What if I stay in star labs?"

"This guy is dangerous. He makes people angry by flashing red light into their heads or something. If that happens to me, I may hurt you. I don't want that happening."


"No Gabi!! You are gonna be with Joe,  safe and sound."

I grunt,  fold my arms and say,"Fine."

Barry gives me a pity look.
"Don't Allen. Don't even."

"I just don't want you getting hurt."

"Hey! You don't know what kind of powers I may have! Like for instance, electricity flying out of my fingertips!"

Barry laughs," you'll be fine with Joe. I told him everything."

All I can say is," OK."


Knock knock knock.

"Gabi!", Joe sighs and gives me a hug.

"Hi Joe!"

"I am so sorry, I heard what happened. Don't worry, we can be a crime fighting family together!"
I chuckle.

A family. I've never had one before.

"So," Joe says, walking in, "you want to watch your favourite movie with Cheddar and caramel popcorn?"

I look around the house and say," yeah, that's cool."

"Good, I am gonna make the popcorn, make yourself comfortable."

I nod.

This place is vaguely familiar.

I hear a knock on the door.

" you think you can open the door hon? I think it's Oliver!", Joe yells from the kitchen.

Oliver queen?

I rush to open the door to see him.

"Olii!!!!!!",I yell, I throw my arms around his neck and give him the biggest bear hug ever.

"You remember me?", he frowns.

"Yep. Well, if anyone told you-"

"Yes he did-"

"So in my dimension, you raised me. Since I was twelve till sixteen.. I found starling city  too dark, so I moved to central city. "

"Well, I am really happy! Its awesome that you remember me! But here , I raised you for nine months till Joe could get the legal papers done."

"You?!  Happy?", Felicity pops from behind him.

I laugh and walk to Felicity to give her a hug.

"I miss you guys!"

"And, have you grown!",says Felicity

"Hey! ",I point at her, "I am as old as you are!"

Oliver laughs and felicity gives me her 'blank' face.

"So", I say, "why are you guys here?"

"Barry, needs help fighting this guy. He is dangerous so, stay away."

"Oh lookie, Oliver is back!", says Felicity bringing out the jazz hands. "Apparently," she says with a matter o fact look," he 'whammies' people"

"So, we need to go, but I'll see you, k?"

"K", I say. And they leave and I, go back into the house.

"Time for that cheesy movie!", says Joe, coming back with a gigantic bowl of popcorn.

"It is NOT cheesy, it's high school musical!"


In the middle of the movie I get a call from Cisco.
"Hello?", I pick it up.

"Hey Gab, it's Barry."

I sit up.

"He's been whammied."

