Interlude Pt 3: The past that haunts him

Pond walked into the bar looking for Dunk. Fourth and his mother were with the twins, so he thought he'll pick Dunk up from the bar. But he was nowhere in sight. He saw Phi Charn and Phi Tinn.

"Phi Charn, Phi Tinn! Did you see Dunk?" He asked.

"He was here when we came in." They found it strange, Dunk never leaves the bar counter when he is on duty. Piploy walked up to them nervously.

"I think you need to help Dunk. Phi Aoey sent him up to private room 4." Charn and Tinn started running as they understood the implication of it. Pond trailed behind them, feeling confused as to what was the rush.

Tinn had quickly disarmed the two bodyguards outside the room. Tinn and Charn's blood boiled when they saw the scene that greeted them. They were holding Dunk down as they tried to undress him. Dunk was struggling to fight them off weakly. Pond was too stunned to move, as he stood at the door. Tinn and Charn had fought them off Dunk, pushing Dunk to Pond, asking him to take him home while they handled the rest.

Pond supported Dunk to his car. He drove him to his dorm. He knew that bringing Dunk home will bring too many questions. It was lucky that Joong was in Turkey with his family. He won't be able to explain if he asked.


Pond was fuming to learn that they had drugged Dunk. He had no choice but to tie Dunk's hands and hope the effect of the drug will be out of his system soon enough. It was challenging for Pond to see Dunk in this state. Pond dipped the towel in ice cold water as he wipes Dunk, hoping it will help. When Dunk fell asleep, Pond followed soon after in exhaustion.


Dunk woke up in fright the next morning, Pond had to remind him time and time again that it's him, before he calmed down. He stroked his hair as he hugs him. His heart ached for Dunk. He felt that he had failed him. He saw Dunk's haunted look as he took his breakfast. He had no choice but to ask Fourth's mom to bring the twins to school and drop them back after. Dunk seemed calm enough by late afternoon. He sent him back, taking quick glances at him as he was silent throughout the ride. He watched him as he prepared dinner for the four of them. He saw him slide on his cheerful façade for his brothers, asking them how their day was.

Pond stayed with him that night. It was lucky he did, as Dunk battled through flashback of what happened. One night became two, which became three. Phuwin knew something wasn't right by then. He was perceptive and observant. His brother had not seemed right the moment he returned home 3 nights ago. Pond never stays over when his brother was home. He saw Pond comforting his brother through the gap at the door. He wanted to rush in and ask what happened but he knows that Pond will send him away. He watched his brother battle through his nightmare helplessly. When Gemini noticed him hovering at Dunk's door in the middle of the night, he was curious. Phuwin shook his head and ushered him back to his room.


Phi Guy was actually furious to know what Phi Aoey had been doing in his business premise. He felt guilty that he had allowed Phi Aoey to manipulate Dunk. He was ashamed of facing Dunk, so when Charn and Tinn had asked for Dunk's info. He had given them without questioning as he had known them for years. He knows that they had Dunk's interest in mind. 

The moment they met Dunk, they assured him that he has nothing to worry about. They had settled the issue and he will never see them or Phi Aoey ever again. Dunk has asked Tinn to teach him martial arts. He never wants to be put in such a vulnerable state ever again. He wants to be able to protect his brothers if needed to. 

It was then that Phi Charn and Phi Tinn became Paaw Charn and Paaw Tinn to Dunk.

It was then that Dunk chose to build a wall around his heart and his mind- too traumatized by what had happened. He lost his trust in himself, choosing to suppress his emotion. Never wanting to be vulnerable ever again. 


A/N:  How do you feel about the back story? I have to keep reminding myself PG13, PG13 🤣🤣I hope I did manage to keep it PG 13. I have no idea how strict wattpad is.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 
