GMMTV boys has other plans

Joong was teased relentlessly when he filmed the safehouse variety show, everyone was trying to guess who it was who believed in him. His Secret Within co-star said that it had to be Dunk without a doubt with Force's photo as evidence and the bracelet on their wrist. Joong had laughed claiming that the bracelet was a gift by the fans and it was in line with the Secret Within theme. But he couldn't hide the blush on his face. 

He finally explained the origin of his post once the teasing died down. Everyone was touched by the story. Joong had also shared the touching things that Dunk had done, such as the family photo that he had given him for his birthday last year. His eyes lit up when he spoke. Mix couldn't help but notice. "tam jing jing, Joong chaawp Dunk, shai mai (tell us honestly, you like Dunk, don't you) ?" he asked based on his hunch.

"Of course, I like him, he's my closest friend. He's my safezone." Joong tried to deflect but his blush wasn't helping his case.

"No, no, no. You really like like him." Force said.

"Why don't you court him then?" JJ said. Suddenly the conversation became an advice session on how Joong can jip (court) Dunk. It was an uproar of support from the fans after the episode was aired. Paaw Jack said that this could be the opening that he is looking for to go public but it was up to them after all.


"You know what would be funny, you actually following those advice and jip Dunk on your own." Pond snickered.

"What do you mean? I did jip Dunk on my own." Pond and the twins laughed and shook their head. They each claimed that he wouldn't be able to do it without their help and would place a bet on it. Unwilling to lose, he said he will do it once again to prove that he can do it without their help. The only thing that he had asked of Dunk was whether he was comfortable going public, which Dunk agreed if it doesn't affect Joong's career. Joong kissed him to chase his doubts away. He told Dunk to just be himself as he had a plan, which left Dunk curious.


Joong had a live stream for close friends during the dinner date that he had brought Dunk to. As Dunk takes in the atmosphere and the food that came, he had asked to bring Pond and the twins the next round. He would list what Pond, Phuwin or Gemini would each like about the food or the place. Pond and the twins were warmed by the thought that Dunk placed them first but yet they couldn't help but find the situation hilarious for Joong. Nonetheless, Joong did enjoy the dinner with Dunk. 

Perhaps he had forgotten that Dunk reserves the romantic side of him for private moments or perhaps Dunk is really as clueless as Pond and the twins said he is. The plans that he had in mind, somehow did not pan out.

The GMMTV boys couldn't take it anymore with OffGun taking the lead of the "Chuuay Joong jip Dunk (help Joong win Dunk over)" campaign. With their years of acting experience in BL series, they were sure they will be able to help Joong. It was a perfect opportunity as Dunk had agreed to have a photography session with the boys. Somehow words of it got out to the fans and they were cheering them on. 


A/N: the chaotic bunch is up to no good 🤭🤭what do you think?

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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