Dunk the CEO

Joong had mentioned that Dunk had kindly allowed him to stay over for a few days as they were fixing the leakage at his studio room. Phuwin and Gemini didn't second guess his explanation but something seemed different between Joong and their brother's relationship. There were a lot of silent gestures that only they seemed to understand. Their brother seemed to be more responsive towards Joong. Pond hid a smile behind the spoon as he ate his breakfast. This was going better than planned.


Dunk's home office door was  left ajar. This was the first time Joong witness Dunk handling unpleasant business. The usual cheerful personality nowhere in sight.

"There is no need to talk about further collaboration, Mr. Anderson. I had made it clear enough before my leave of absence. I do not appreciate how you have been harassing my staff after. Do not test my patience." Joong heard a snippet of his conversation. His cold steel persona well in place, it spoke of the CEO that he is.

Joong wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of it but he found it unbelievably attractive. Even more so when he heard English rolling off his tongue.

 Joong saw the exhaustion set in as Dunk switched off his laptop. He gave Joong a weak smile as he heard him knock the door.

" Ready for some food and movie to unwind?" Joong asked trying to tempt Dunk to relax after the grueling meeting. 

"Dai sii khup (sure)."


Gemini and Phuwin came home to Dunk sleeping on Joong's lap as Joong watched the movie. Pond smiled at the domestic scene. He had asked Joong quietly if he had made any progress with Dunk. Joong told him that allowing him to take care of him was the furthest progress he had made. Pond squeezed his shoulder in support. 


A/N: What do you think of Dunk as a CEO? 

Almost...almost there... Just need Dunk to open his eyes😅😅

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 
