Chanted 18

Mitch's POV

I'm running now. There's voices and screaming all around me. In the trees, in the air, everywhere. I can't escape it.
A voice calls to me. A gentle and kind voice. I stop. Jerome. I look frantically around, trying to drain out the other voices to find his. But I just can't.
"Mitch.." His voice whispers in my ear, I can feel him breathing on me. I turn around, but he isn't there.
I try to call for him, but my voice is gone. I try anyways, its just barely a screech. I hear him again.
I see him standing in front of me, smiling and happy. He's clean, and his eye is healed. The softness has gone back to his face, and he holds his arms out for me.
I practically jump into his arm. Choking on tears, I try saying his name and to say I'm sorry. I feel his lips press against my forehead.
"Its okay, Mitch. You are safe here, with me." He holds me closer.
I look back up at him, sniffling, trying to get myself together.
"J..Jerome... I-I..." My voice cracked, but I still tried getting the words out.
He smiled a kind smile, looking down on me. "I know, Mitch. I love you too." And just like that, the other voices where gone.
My face is red, I bury it into his shirt. I feel safe when I am with him. It feels like we stand there forever, but I'm happy.
I open my eyes, to see we are on the ground. I'm still on Jerome's chest, and he is still holding on. I smile. I move up to his face and kissed it.
I get out from under his arm, and I gaze around. We were laying in a beautiful area, full of flowers and bushes, we were even next to a river.
I walk over to the river. It looked so clean. I dipped my hands into it and formed a cup. Lifting the water up to my mouth, I drank. While I drank, I heard Jerome moving, sitting up.
"Biggums?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes.
"Morning, G." I smiled. "Hungry?"
He shook his head fast. I frowned. "Come on, Biggums. I can go catch us some squirrels or rabbits."
"I don't want any." He said, harshly.
I frowned. "Well if you are not hungry, I'll go catch my self something." I moved to get up, but Jerome stopped me.
"Mitch, I said no." He was up close now, holding on my wrist, restraining me.
"Jerome, I'll be okay. I'll be gone not even an hour." I tried to pull away, but his grip tightened.
"I said no!" He slapped me, knocking me over. He was surprising strong.
I rubbed my cheek, looking down. "Why did you hit me, Jerome?"
He grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me up. "Don't you get it? If you leave my side, something bad will happen. You can't leave me. Not again."
I didn't look at him, but I pulled him from me. "I'm going to go hunting." I start to walk away, but his voice called me again.
"Mitch.." His voice was small. Other voices started again.
I turn around, the sight was different now. I was in a dark forest, not the bright clearing I was in just moments ago.
I hear my name being called over and over by different voices. They started to scream my name. Jerome's voice stood out more.
I looked for him, but he did not appear. I called for him, but my voice was drowned out. I bump into someone.
"Mitch.." Jerome.
I look up, waiting for a smile. But my heart dropped at the sight of him.
He was dirty again, his eye was bandaged like before. And his throat was slit. He was bleeding all over himself.
I tried speaking, but my voice was gone again, taken from me.
"Mitch.." He whispered to me. "You did this to me, Mitch."
The other voices got louder. I shook my head violently.
"I...I didn't..."
I was cut off by him. He pushed me to the ground. The rest of his body was bloody and beatned, arrows in the arms and legs, on sticking from out of his side.
He started screaming. "YOU DID THIS TO ME, MITCH! YOU DID THIS."
The voices got violently more louder and louder, but his voice stood out.
I crying, hiding my face from his. I couldn't look at him.
I started to scream too. "IM SORRY!" I screamed it over and over.
Then there was silence. I couldn't move. A hard hand pulls my head up from my knees. Two people are dressed in black hold me and Jerome. Jerome is crying. He has a knife up to his throat, the other man is holding him. I croak, trying to tell them to stop. Jerome crys, and he is looking at me. I'm terrified. The man holding Jerome smiled at me. And slit his throat.

My eyes open, and I start screaming. I flail and get up. No one is around me. I hear no vocies. I am alone, yet again.
I jump up and start to run. I have no time, I must find Jerome. Before its too late. He is alive, I know now. He is alive, and I have to find him. I can't leave his side. Not ever again.
Don't worry, Jerome. I won't make this mistake again.
