Chapter 2

Jerome's POV

Everything went to a complete blur when the games started. I can't really remember what I was doing. Maybe I was looking for Mitch? Or maybe even the packs at the center? I don't really remember. All I really know is that I'm running through a deep ass forest, or so it seems like, and that I'm covered in blood.

I didn't stop running for 10 minutes, I think. I don't know why I was running for so long anyway. It isn't really good to run this long with out a breather, or water to help for that matter. And since I don't even have food, I couldn't even risk running much longer.

I stopped and his behind a large tree. I fell down on my butt and took deep breaths.

Crap... I didn't know I had so much stamina in me I chuckled at my thought, but I was so out of breath, I started having a coughing fit. Thats not really a good thing to happen considering there are literally people hunting people.

I took a deep breath, then started stumbling to get up. Have to get up. Have to find Mitch. Those were the only things on my mind right now. And I tend to keep it that way. Once I find Mitch, we could easily take out a couple of people. That is, unless he's dead. I thought.

I punched myself for even thinking that. Of course Mitch wasn't dead. He couldn't be. Could he?

Nah, I'm sure he's fine. Mitch buddy always knows what to do, he's probably stalking some people right now, waiting to take their stuff when they least expect. I smiled at the thought of Mitch. He's my best friend, and he's a good one too. I couldn't wait to find him.

I hobbled up and started to walk alittle, trying not to make to much noise to attract anyone near by. Then the canons went off. It nearly have me a heart attack.

The canons. Telling you how many people died. I looked up into the sky to see who exactly parrished.

6 people died so far. None of them Mitch. Most of them where 18 or 17, exept one. A girl named Madison, who looked about like she was 14 or so. She had glasses, hazel eyes(or maybe they were a different color, I don't really know.) And longish brown hair. I felt sorry for them. And I felt sorry for their parents. To lose someone they love.. I just hope I don't have to go through that, not for a long time. If I make it that long.

As the canon fires died down, I started walking again.

"Maybe I could find a lake or a river near by. I could probably get water and, hopefully, some fish to cook." I whispered to myself. I looked around as I walked. Nothing but large trees.

I sighed. It might take a while until I find some kind of water source around. That really sucked. I was kind if hoping I could start this on a brighter note. At least I'm not as hungry as I thought I would be. But that was only for a few hours.

I started thinking about some things to pass the time as I walked. I thought about the time me and Mitch met. And the time I accidentally pushed him out of a tree and straight into a river as kids. That was fun, except for the fact that he got a broken wrist. But he still smiled, bragging how far he dropped and only got a broken wrist from it.

Mitch... I missed him. Sure, it's only been a few hours since I saw him, I think, but I still miss him. I wish I could just find him already. I wouldn't even care if we didn't have any food or weapons or even water.

Okay, so I might care a little bit about that. But still, I just want to see him. That's really all I want right now. That and a damn lake. Dangit, where's a lake when you need one?

Bleh okay, so here's chapter 2. So basically right now, I'm doing separate POVs until they find each other or I just get tired/bored.
Any who, I will try to update this daily, of not then tough walnuts.(just kidding, but school is starting back up again and I might be busy.) Soooo... That's basically it. Kbye
