Chapter 4

Jerome's POV

Endless wondering seems like the only thing I'm able to do right now. No weapons, no food, no water. Nothing. I puffed my cheeks out like I was pouting. It didn't do much, but hey, if pouting worked as a child, it might just bring me some luck.

I start thinking of Mitch again. At this point, I can't really help it. He just seems to make me happy at this moment. His laugh, his smile. It just seems to brighten me up, keep going to say the least. But at this moment, its not really the safest thing to be daydreaming put in the open when someone can swoop down and kill me.

I seem to manage to push the Mitch thoughts out of my mind, and start thinking about the lake again. Making the plan again. I start thinking of the drinking water I could have.

Wait... Won't I have to boil lake water before drinking it? That question pondered my mind. I can't really remember if I have to boil first or I can just drink it.

Come to think of it, I don't really remember much of what happened after the games started. After that thought, I stopped dead in my tracks. I have blood on me. Blood.

Where the hell did it come from? Did some get on me when I was trying to get packs? Did.. Did I kill someone?

Fear jolted my mind, my heart pounded. Did I kill one of the people from the canons? Did I take a life from someone who never did anything wrong to me?

Swallowing hard, pushing the thought away, trying to bury under all the other commotion going on in my head. I countiuned walking deeper and deeper in the forest.

"Wish I could find a lake." I look up into the sky, dramatically, and start chanting, "Oh great Gods, send me a lake full of fresh water and fish-dishes. I pray to thee."

Well, it was worth a shot. Not that I really thought it would actually work, but what the heck? Might as well of tried it, seems like every drop of my hope has drained out.

Wonder what would happen if that happened? Dang, that'd be awesome. I might ask em for a-a magic pack full of loot that falls from the sky with everything I need in hopes of survival.

Laughing at the thought of that, I seemed to not of heard anyone come up behind me. I felt a something thick hit the back of my head. All at once, all I hear is a large thud, then I see darkness.
