
Going to the funeral was hard it also didn't help, that her grandfather was there as well she frequently had to hold Senku's hand which he didn't mind, he was there to provide her some emotional support. (name) let out sobs as she got closer to her coffin below her, and throw the while rose towards it after the service she wanted to go back to his house, then back to Kyoto.

"(name)." A voice called out she turned and sees her grandfather Senku excused himself, and kissed her cheek before he walked away.


"(name), we need to talk." He told her (name) frowned.

"If this is about me going back to London, then no, I'm not going I like here. I love my life here, I know it's not what you, and grandma wanted for me, but I'm already happy here." She told him a sudden call of her name made her turn, her eyes widen seeing the albino behind her.

"Ukyo-nii san?"

"Hey, (name)." He said to her she turned towards him, and wrapped his arms around his neck, she pulled away.

"Ukyo-nii san, what? how? when?" She asked.

"I got here 3 days ago, and Ryusui called me about what hapoen to grandma." He told her.

"And, how about you? I heard you ranway with some guy." He told her (name) turned to where Senku is, she smiled seeing him paying respects to her grandma (name) took hold of Ukyo's hand, and lead him to Senku.

"Senku!" She called over the leak headed male turned, and gave a comfused look seeing she's with Ukyo, he walked towards them she let of the albino's hand and went towards him.

"Senku, this is my Ukyo-nii san." She intoduced Ukyo held out his hand, and so did Senku.

"Nice to meet you, I heard all about you from (name), and Ryusui." He told him.

"Same here, (name) talks about you alot."

"Anyway, I heard from Gen of what you did for her, thanks for that."

"You're welcome." Senku and Ukyo then started walking while making their way to the albino's car, Suika was already there.

"(name)-nee chan! Senku-nii!" Suika yelled out waving her hand (name) then walked towards the car, she opened the door then sat down beside her.

"(name)-nee chan, are you and Senku-nii staying here now?" She asked (name) shooked her head.

"I'm sorry, Suika, but weren't staying here me, and Senku have to go to Kyoto tomorrow morning." She told her Suika pouted she smiled sadly at her, and patted her head the door opened Senku, and Ukyo got inside the vehical.

Senku sat down beside her, and Suika moved to the front with Ukyo, he started enegine gently pulling out of the drive way and drove to the streets.

"Senku, I hope you didn't get offended of what our grandfather said, and if you ask me I think you, and my sister fit prefectly together." Ukyo suddenly said (name) gave him a confused look, the albino then explains that their grandfather approach them while she was inside the car, and started insulting Senku.

"It's fine, and thanks." Senku told him then he turned to (name).

"Were your grandparents always like that?" Senku asked she nodded her head.

"Yup, our family is pretty well-known on the business world, and to keep our family business running, our grandparents wanted one of us to marry out of money." She explained to him Ukyo, and Suika was silent the whole time which made Senku confused.

"Our dad didn't want that life for us, so he took us here in Japan, but after mom died things got complicated." She looked out the window, and watch the sky the sun was already setting colorful shades of pinks of blues appared.

"Than, let's get out of here we'll live in Kyoto, like we planed." Senku told her (name) whipped her head towards him, and she blushed.

"Y-you mean e-elope!?" She yelled out.

"Well, you have my premission I don't want my sister getting married to some guy, I don't know." Ukyo said and Suika nodded her head in agreement, then turned to Ukyo.

"Ukyo-nii san? What's elope?" She asked.

"I'll tell you when your older." He told her (name) looked away from Senku.

"D-didn't you say, that l-love is illogic?" She said.

"Not anymore." He told her (name) smiled then nodded her head, she lean into his chest while he wrapped his arms around him.

