
"(name)-nee chan!" A small blonde child yelled out when the door opened, then closed (name) turned and smiled at the small girl she ran towards her, hugging her legs.

"Hey, Suika. Did Ukyo-nii san video call us again?" She asked and Suika nodded her head running off to the living area, and came back just when she was taking off her shoes.

"Oh hey, your back." (name) turned to the Gen Asagiri then smiled at him.

"Thanks again for watching over her." The female said Gen waved goodbye to Suika,  then left the apartment closing the door behind him.

"Ukyo-nii san, (name)-nee chan is here now." She said shoving the tablet to her face, (name) chuckled taking the device walking into the living area, and sitting on the coach.

"Hey, (nickname)-chan welcome home." Ukyo said through the screen she smiled at him, and waved her hand at the male Suika ran towards her, then sitted at her lap.

"Thanks, Ukyo-nii san. Hows everything at the Navy, you good?" She asked Ukyo nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm good though I admit I kind of miss your home cooking." She let out a laugh.

"I'm glad your fine, Ukyo-nii."

"So, how was school?" He asked.

"It's been fine."

"(name)-nee chan, walk home with boy ear-" Suika said, but (name) quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

"Suika, how about you go and watch tv, I need to talk to Ukyo-nii san about important things." She said to her Suika jumped off of her lap, and ran towards the tv turning it on (name) took the tablet, then walk to the kitchen placed it on the table she took a glass, and a cartoon of orange juice.

"Who was the guy that Suika was talking about?" She turned towards him.

"Oh, you mean. Ishigami? His just a classmate." She told him.

"You better make sure, we don't want a repeat of what happen two years ago." He told her (name) frowned at this, and Ukyo started to panic she turned towards him, then smiled.

"Okay, I still need to make dinner for me and Suika. Bye, Ukyo-nii san." She said then exited the video call, and place glass the on the sink she turned to the fridge, then took out everything she needed to make dinner.

Once done cooking she sat the table, and called for Suika she walked towards the kitchen jumping up to the chair, taking some food to her plate (name) ruffled her hair, and sitted across from her taking food for herself.

"Chalk!" Suika called and the albino puppy that Ukyo gave her jumped towards her chair, and started licking her face.

"Suika, you know the rules. No dogs on the table okay?" She said Suika nodded her head, and told the puppy to sit down once they finished dinner (name) feed Chalk, after eating she took the dog's blow then washed it along with the other dishes.

She then wiped her hands clean (name) walked towards the living area, and turned off the tv Suika had fallen asleep while watching her show, (name) carried her on her arms walking towards Suika's room, she opened the door then laid her down on the bed, pulling the blankets over her shoulders tucking her in.

"Good night, Suika." She said then kissed her forehead (name) turned on her night light, and she walked out of the bedroom (name) walked to her room, taking off her clothes and walking to the bathroom.

She sat by the edge of the bath tub waiting for it to be half filled once it was, (name) tied her hair into a messy bun then dipped her foot in, she sat down then sighed once the water hit her body, and closed her eyes.



She crack open one eye then turned to her phone (name) on the screen, and sees she's got a message she then swiped it open.

Subject: Hi

Sender: Senku

Hey, how you doing girlfriend

Re: Hi

Sender: (name)

Ishigami, can you please not right now? I'm busy at the moment.

Re: Hi

Sender: Senku

I just wanted you to see this text I got earlier.

Forwarded text

You better stay away from her if you know what's good for you
I'm not gonna get killed I am?

Re: Hi

Sender: (name)

Yes, I'm make sure you won't be killed, now I really need to go. I'm busy.

Re: Hi

Sender: Senku

With what?

Re: Hi

Sender: (name)

I'm taking a bath

There was no reply after that she sighed, then placed a the device on the soap rack beside her when she was done, (name) pulled the drain stopper then stood up from the tub, she took a towel then wrapped it around her body (name) took her phone, and sees she's got message.

Re: Hi

Sender: Unknown Number

Hey, (name) congrats on you and your boyfriend Senku Ishigami was his name right? Well, I can't his perfect for you.

Re: Hi

Sender: (name)

Listen here creep I don't know who you are so, just leave me alone! You fucker!



She sighed annoyed swiping to answer her phone not bothering to look at the Id caller, she placed the phone in between her mouth.

"WHAT!" She said.

Meanwhile at Senku's room after her reply he was a bit too flustered to even think of anything to say, until now he.

"(name)? Are you okay?" He asked there was a pause, on the other line.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine sorry about that."

"It's fine, I wanted to talk about our deal."

"Oh yeah? What about it?"

"I wanted to ask how long we were going to keep this up." There was another pause followed by foot steps, and a bed creaking.

"It's just until granduation which would be in a year, and after we can just forget this ever happen." She said Senku got up and walked towards bed, then laid down forgetting about his science homework for once.

"Hey, you wanna just hang out tomorrow at 9:30?" He asked.

"Sure, I'm free tomorrow."
