
"Morning, Senku." His dad greeted him Senku yawned and rubbed his still sleepy eyes, he turned to the kitchen clock '9:30 am' then he looked at the calendar 'Saturday'.

Saturday, 9:30 am...



His eyes went wide and he rushed to the bathroom taking a quick shower he was suppose to hang out with (name), oh shit! She could already be waiting for him! He can already imagine his tomstone when his dead.

'Here lies Senku Ishigami beloved son, and friend killed by his own fake girlfriend.'

"Sorry, old man I need to go." He said then ran of the bathroom, and to bedroom he opened his closet taking whatever clothes he could get his hands to, a ssuden ringing is heard Senku turned to the device on the bed, he ran towards it tripping on the floor in the process, and taking the device he swiped the screen to answer.

"Hi, (name). Sorry if I'm runing a bit la-" He began, but was cut off when she started walking.

"It's fine. I just wanted to let you know I'll be a bit late, I had an regent meeting at the student council about the school festival, that's going to happen in a few weeks." She said he breathed out a sigh of relief, then relaxed.

"Okay, I'll just meet you in school?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure see you then." Then she ended the call Senku stuffed his phone on his pocket, he walked down stairs then to the dinning area Byakuya watched as his son took a piece of toast, and poured himself a glass of orange juice.

"Senku, is something wrong? You were in a hungry earlier." He asked Senku looked at his dad, and took a bite of his toast.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said once Senku was done, he walked towards the door opened, then closed it behind him.

Meanwhile at school, (name) had just finished the meeting with the student council she checked the time on her phone, '10:15' the meeting lasted for almost anhour, and a half.

"(name), we should hang out today." Ruri said.

"Sorry Ruri, but I told Senku I'd hang out with him today." She told her Ruri's eyes soften it wasn't everyday two of your friends starts dating each other.

"Hey, ready to go?" A voice asked (name) turned to see Senku Ruri, waved good bye to them.

"Good bye (name), Senku see you on Monday." She said (name) nodded, and waved good bye to her as well. He took her bag from her, and carrying it over his shoulder.

"So, where we going?" She asked him Senku handed her a movie ticket.

"Hope you aren't scared horror movies." He said to her she let out a laugh and shooked her head the taking ticket, and stuffing it on his pocket they walked towards the school parking lot, he handed her a helmet she took it and clipped on the strap, Senku did the same he got on the motorcycle and she did as well, Senku started the engine carefully moving out of the parking lot.

"Hold onto something." He said to her (name) held onto his torso, and he drove off of the school at a fast speed.

They stopped in front of the movies, then sat at the 4th row (name) was carrying popcorns, and sodas feeling guilty having him carry her bag all of the time, they both took their sits then looked at the screen in fornt of them.

The movie started (name) took a handful of popcorn all of a sudden she felt that someone was staring at her (name) looked to left, then right Senku turned towards her.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." She said bring her focus on the screen half way through the movie, (name) felt something lean on her shoulder she turned, and her eyes soften Senku had his head lean down on her shoulder, his eyes closed from sleep, and mouth slightly opened.

The movie ended and she turned back to Senku who was still sleep on her shoulder, (name) shooked him slightly he stirred and began to open his eyes.

"Sorry, did I fell sleep?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"It's fine, what are we going to do next?" Senku sat up and stretched his arms on either side, they then walked out of the movies with (name) telling him about the movie, and all the parts he missed.

"Man, for the longest time I thought that the killer was Jack, but it was leo along." She said they while they walked towards the motorcycle, they went to the park with (name) telling him the parts he missed, all of a sudden a ringing from her pocket sounded off, they stopped (name) took out her phone looking at the Id caller, Gen? Why was she calling her? Unless... She swipe to answer and placed the phone close to her ear.


"(name)-chan sorry to bother you, but theres something wrong with Suika, I already took her to the hospital I'll text the address." He said.

"Okay, thanks." She said ending the call her phone buzzed, and a message from Gen appeared she turned to Senku, with an apologistic look on her face.

"I'm really sorry Senku, but I have to go." She said Senku nodded in understanding, and handed (name) her bag.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" He asked and she nodded her head they walked towards his motorcycle, (name) took the helmet as did Senku he got on the vehicle, and she sitted behind him grabbing onto his torso, Senku started the motorcycle then drove off minutes later they got to the hospital, she told him about.

"Thanks for ride, Senku." She said taking off the helmet, and handed it to him Senku took it.

"No problem." He told her then drove off (name) walked inside the hospital, she asked the fornt desk where her sister was they told her she was at room '408', (name) headed to the elevator prrssing the number 4.

It dinged and lowly opened she walked of the elevator, and looked for Suika's room '406', '407' '408' she opened the door Gen turned towards her.

"Thanks again, Gen you can go home now." She said handed him his payment Suika turned towards her, (name) smiled then walked to her side the door opened and a doctor walked in she looked up.

"Are you Suika's sister?" He asked and nodded her head.

"Well what happen to her was that, she have UTI we already gave her some medications, and tomorrow she'll be all set to leave." He told her (name) turned to Suika who was still sleep.

"Okay, thanks." She said the doctor walked out of the room, then she sat down beside her bed (name) breathed out a sigh then pulled her feet on chair, her eyes started to grew heavily she lean her head on her arms, and started to fall asleep.
