
"Senku, just 3 more days and she'll be discharge. Are you sure you don't want to see her?" Byakuya asked his son it's been 6 weeks since the incident, and not once had Senku visited (name) after meeting her grandmother.

"No." He said working on his expirements.

"Senku, she's still your girlfriend you should go see her." The older male told him Senku placed the screw driver down, then turned to Byakuya he told him everything about their deal while the albino male just sat, and listen to him.

"Now, I don't know if I should see her, I don't think I ever could."

"You should go talk to her, you might regret it if you don't." Byakuya said he then got up, and left his room Senku lean his head up, with hands on the back of his head.

"Maybe I'll go see her tomorrow." He got up from his chair and went to get ready for bed just was Senku was about to lay his head on the pillow, a tapping sound is heard he turned to his head, and sees a couple of pebbles on the floor of his balcony curious, Senku got up and walked towards his window, his eyes widen seeing a familiar face on the street.

'stay there' They mouthed Senku unlocked his window, and opened it moments later the person is standing in front of him, they went inside and closed the window behind them.

"(name), what are you doing here?" He asked (name) sat down on beside his bed, and Senku sitted across from her.

"You didn't visit me, so I got worried." She wasn't wearing her hospital grown, but instead a hoddie jacket, shirt, jeans and some sneakers.

"Can we watch a movie on your laptop?" She asked and Senku agrees taking out the device from his drawer along with the charger, (name) laid down on his bed and he beside her Senku took out his earphone, and handed a bud to her she placed on her ear as did Senku.

"So, what movie do you wanna watch?" He asked her and she shrugged her shoulders, they ended up seeing the princess bride, (name) lean her head on his shoulder, but he never mind.

"Hey, Senku?"


"Why didn't you visit me?" She asked Senku then explains, having (name) balled her hands into fists, Senku notice that he took hold of her hand she relaxed.

"I was gonna visit you tomorrow." He told her (name) turned towards him they started to lean, and their lips met half way (name) placed her hand on his cheek, they pulled away she still have her eyes closed.

"We have to stop this... Pretending, I meant..." She said softly opening her eyes Senku lean his forehead on hers, running his fingers through her hair.

"I guess we have to..." He lean in for another kiss movie long forgotten, they pulled away once more (name) started to close her eyes, and cluddled on his chest Senku his hand wrapped around her shoulder, his head on top of hers sleeping soundlessly.

Stirring she opened her eyes (name) looked up, and was met with crimson colored eyes she smiled towards him, Senku lean towards her forehead then kissed it.


"Goodmorning." She said taking his alarm clock and looking at the time '6:09' she needs to go back to the hospital, (name) got up from the bed.

"I need to go before, grandma finds out." She said then walked towards the window Senku got up as well, waking towards it she gave him one last peek on the lips then said her goodbyes, and left.

After school Senku went to the hospital and see (name) he opened the door, she turned towards him smiling he walked inside, and shut the door behind him.

"I'm gald you showed up." She told him.

"Well, my girlfriend is in the hospital. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I don't come, and visit her?" He said placing a plasic bag beside her table she opened it, and her eyes widen.

"You didn't get to finish yoir crepe at the school festival, so I brought you one." He told her (name) took the spoon, and scoped some strawberries, and cream then placed it in her mouth.

"This is so good." She said taking another scope the door opened they turned seeing Suika, and the same blonde male.

"(name)-nee chan!" Suika said she smiles towards her, then turned to the blonde.

"Ryusui, takes for taking care of her for you." She said he smiles at him.

"No problem." He turned towards Senku.

"Oh, Senku this is Ryusui my best friend since 8." She told him.

"Suika, can you stay here with your sister for a bit? I need to talk with Senku alone." He said (name) frowned at this Ryusui turnwd towards him, and gave a 'he needs to know' Senku followed the blonde outside of the room.

"What is it?"

"Senku, have (name) ever told you how we met?" Senku raised his brow at him, then shooked his head Ryusui walked towards the chairs in the waiting area, and Senku sat down beside him.

"No, (name) never told me about it."

"Well, me and (name) met because of her grandma." Senku tried to put the pieces together he was introduced by her grandma, they met when she was 8 years, and her grandma wants them to break up.

"I'm (name)'s fiance." He told him the words felt like a slap to the face to Senku, fiance!? As in her future husband!?

"I'm sorry, (name) she didn't want you to find out like this, but after everything I thought that you needed to know." Senku got up then walked away Ryusui went back to the room, (name) turned and sees the blonde.

"I'm sorry, (name), but it wasn't fair for him to not know about this." He told her Ryusui walked towards her, and held her in his arms as she cried.

"I-I need to see him tonight." She said then turned towards Ryusui.

"Please help me..." Ryusui nodded his head.

Later that night Senku laid down on his bed mind kept going back to Ryusui's words, why did she tell him? A light tapping went to his window Senku got up and walked towards it, (name) waved her hand to him she ran to the side of the house, then climbed up the drainage and to his balcony.


"Senku, about what Ryusui said it's true I'm engaged to him, but you know how my grandma is she's too controling." She explains.

"(name)... I don't care what Ryusui said, but why didn't you tell me this before?" He asked her.

"I-I didn't know how." She told him it was then that Senku noticed the bags beside her, and his eyes widen was she planing to leave after this?

"Your leaving?" He asked (name) turned to her bags, then to him and she nodded her head.

"Grandma, she was planing to take me back to London with her." She told him Senku turned his back (name) looked down to her shoes, and began to walk away.

"So, where we going?" (name) whipped her head back towards him, and sees two bags beside on either side.


"Did you really think I was gonna let you go alone?" He asked (name) smiled, she ran towards him then wrapped her arms around his neck.

"We're about to make a life together (name), so get excited." Senku told her they sneaked out of the house their bags behind them, then made a run for it once outside they headed to the train station.

They sat down on one of the empty chairs heads lean onto each other, without a care of what was the future in store for them, (name) held onto Senku's hand.

"Love you, Senku."

"Love you too, (name)." He said to interlacing his fingers with her's.
