Part 4

Maya and Pruitt returned to the room to see Andy awake and alert, Robert had been filling Andy in on the latest going ons at station 19, she had listened intently, Robert wasn't sure if she was taking all that much in, he knew she had a high amount of pain meds in her system and a head injury on top he was just glad that she was awake and not in pain for the moment. He held her hand whilst they spoke, a fact that wasn't lost on him, but as the others returned he quickly pulled his hand away from hers, she glanced at him as he did, her eyes questioning his decision although her mind not quite with it enough to raise the issue.

"Oh Mija you're awake." Pruitt exclaimed hurrying in to the room and grabbing the hand that Robert had only just released. "Oh gracias, mija you're okay."

"Hi Dad." Andy smiled before turning her gaze to Maya, "Hi Maya."

"Andy, I... I'm glad you're awake, you had us all so worried."

"I'm okay... they gave me good pain meds."

Robert and Pruitt laughed but Maya was upset by the comment.

"Are you, are you in a lot of pain?"

"I'm... well it hurts a bit... not now though."

"I'm so sorry."

Andy look confused

"What for?"

Pruitt shook his head at Maya and Robert moved closer to her his hands held up in a stand off position.

"Bishop, now isn't the time, Andy has only just woken up. She doesn't remember the accident at all. We need to take it slowly so we don't jumble her memories or upset her."

"Captain, I hear you but I need Andy to know how sorry I am."

"Bishop, you are trying to relieve your own guilt and now is not the time."

Maya shot Robert a look before turning her attention back to Andy.

"Andy I'm so sorry, it's my fault you got hurt. I made you go in to the apartment, you didn't want to go in but Captain asked me what I thought even though you said it wasn't safe and I told him that someone should go in and it should be you as you are the lightest. I'm so sorry."

"I don't understand." Andy said bewildered by Mayas outburst, her gaze moving between the 3 people in her room. "Made me go in where? What?"

"It was an apartment about to collapse and there was an old woman trapped inside and you said it wasn't safe and that we should wait for the structural engineers before going in but captain asked what I thought and I said that you should go in, that we didn't have time to wait, I was stupid. I was trying to impress and I didn't think about the consequences. Hell Andy I'm so sorry, if I thought for one minute that it was going to collapse I wouldn't have let you anywhere near there. I didn't think though, I just switched in to lieutenant mode and thought of you as an asset rather than a person, rather than my friend."

The room was silent as Andy took in what Maya had said to her.

"I'm... I... I want everyone to go... my head hurts and I just want to go to sleep."

"Andy no, please don't push me away."

"I'm not, it's just a lot to take in. I don't feel well and I just want to be alone for a bit."


"Maya, I'm not mad at you. I don't remember what happened and if what you say is true well, that's okay. You didn't know what was going to happen. Honestly I'm just really wiped out."

The three shuffled out of the room, after saying their goodbyes to Andy, leaving her alone for the first time. Andy looked down at her own battered and bruised body and felt a tear roll down her cheek. She was going to be out of action for ages, having to rely on people and she hated that. She didn't like to be dependant on anyone. She felt a sob escape from her as she tried to turn over and found that she couldn't move with the pain in her broken ribs. She banged her good hand angrily on the bed and cried until she fell into a restless sleep.

Three hours later:

Andy gasped and suddenly opened her eyes, startling Robert who sat reading the paper besides her bed. Tears began streaming down her face and she was grasping around for something to hold on to. Robert took her hand in between his own.

"Hey, hey what's all this about? Andy look at me, you're okay."

Andy made eye contact with Robert the tears still falling as she took big gasps of air.

"I fell, I was underneath the rubble, I couldn't get out."

"Oh Andy." Robert soothed, gently removing the tears from her cheeks with his thumb, "It's okay, you're safe now. Nothing can hurt you in here I promise, I won't let it."

"But I couldn't breathe and no one came. Why did you leave me there?"

Roberts heart broke at these words,

"We didn't leave you there, we just had to find you first."

"I remember darkness all around... I was so scared. Robert I don't want to remember any more."

"Come here." Robert said sitting carefully on the edge of the bed before leaning forward and wrapping Andy in his arms. It was difficult for her to move with her injured ribs but Robert did all the work. She was stiff at first but he soon felt her relax in to his chest, he could feel her heart beating against his own. "We would never leave you, never give up. We would carry on forever until we found you. I promise, as your Captain and your friend I will do everything in my power so that you never get hurt again."

"You can't keep that promise." Andy said pulling away from him, but remaining close.

"I know I can't, but I can promise to try and keep you safe, do everything I can so that you don't have to suffer like this again."

He gently used his hand to wipe some of the tears that remained on Andy's cheeks.

"Can I ask you something Captain?"

"Andy, I think we've crossed the lines of calling me captain. You're lying here in a hospital bed and I'm wiping your tears because of your nightmare. I think Robert would be more fitting."

Andy smiled and grabbed on to Roberts hand moving it from her cheek to her lap.

"Sorry, Robert. Thats weird." She gave a small sniff. "So anyway, I don't understand what this is. I mean like you here, always being here and helping me, comforting me. You hate me."

"What? I don't hate you Andy. Why do you think that?"

"Er because since you became our Captain you have had it in for me, Maya was your golden child and I was treated like the naughty kid at school. You told me enough times that I wasn't good enough and I wasn't anything special. All I did was mess up in front of you and give you reason to hate me more. And now well you're here more than anyone and you're actually nice to me."

Robert smiled, unsure how to answer Andy without going in depth with his feelings for her and hell he hadn't figured those out himself yet.

"Andy I don't hate you... in fact it's the opposite. I was hard on you because you have so much potential. All of the team look up to you. You're the most passionate about the job. It's in your blood and it shows. I just wanted to push you so that you could become the best. I didn't want you to get complacent and feel like you were entitled to everything, I wanted you to work for it and then see the rewards. You're a brilliant firefighter Andy, I just wanted the best for you. I probably went about it the wrong way. I didn't mean to make you feel bad or that I hated you. I don't hate you. I like you Andy. Hence why I have chosen to sit in what feels like a prison cell with a bleeping machine for the last who knows how many days."

Andy smiled. "Thank you. For being here I mean and I'm glad that you don't hate me. You being here has helped me, my Dad, he makes too much fuss and makes me feel worse and Maya, well, I can't cope with Mayas guilt at the moment, it's too much. But you, you just come here and you don't want anything from me."

"I kind of do though."

"You do? What do you want?"

"I want your pudding that the nurse left for you while you were sleeping."

Robert looked at Andy with a serious face whilst Andy laughed. She picked up the spoon from the dish and flicked a small amount of cake at him, Robert caught it in his mouth and munched on it.


Andy smiled back while Robert couldn't get the thought out of his head that Andy was indeed perfect in every single way.
