Part 6

She put her hand shakily up to her chest trying to inhale some more air, a fact which wasn't lost on Robert.

"Andy I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. You're injured and I shouldn't have done it anyway. I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Andy just nodded, "Don't apologise...I just.... I haven't been this energetic for a while."

"Do you want me to take you back to your room?"

Andy shook her head. "Just give me a minute... wow... bet you didn't know your kisses... could render women breathless eh?"

Robert smiled, "I am sorry you know, I just got caught up in the moment. But I really don't regret it though."

Andy gave Robert a shy smile, "Neither do I... I... I'm just surprised... I mean.... I went from thinking you hated me a few days ago to this...and to love."

"Andy, once again I never hated you. And this, well, it hit me when you were injured that I had feelings for you and I didn't know where they came from and the more time I spent with you the more time I wanted to spend with you. I just... I want to be with you all the time. And this, telling you how I feel and admitting I have feelings for you. This isn't usual Robert behaviour by the way. This is totally out my comfort zone so any time you want to jump in and help me out would be much appreciated."

Andy laughed. "Okay, my turn then I guess, now I've got my breath back. I feel the same. I mean I've been lying in that bed and when the door opens with a visitor I'm disappointed if it's not you. And I tried to tell myself that it was friendship, but then I'm friends with Maya and Jack and Vic and I never got excited for their visits. But I talked myself out of it. Told myself you would never like someone like me."

"Someone like you?"

"Yeah, a stubborn, fiery, pain in the ass and your Lieutenant!"

"You are none of those things, well maybe a little." Andy bobbed her tongue out at him and he smiled. "Look about the whole Lieutenant situation. I guess I didn't really think any of this through. I was too busy grappling with what I was feeling for you, the fact that I'm your Captain kind of just faded into the background. But it is an issue."

"Can we not talk about that right now and just enjoy this moment for what it is?"

"Of course. Do you think you might be okay if I kissed you again?"

Andy smiled, "To be quite honest I don't care if I'm not, just kiss me."

Robert smiled back, brushing a piece of hair from her face, before placing his lips gently against hers.

"I'll go gentle with you this time." He murmured against her open lips.

Robert gently transferred Andy from the wheelchair back on to the bed. She held her good arm across her ribs, her face grimacing in pain as she sank back against the pillows.

"You okay?" Robert enquired, placing his hand on Andy's leg.

"Yes," She breathed out, "As amazing as all that was, I have got to say that lying back here now is also bliss."

"Does it hurt that much?"

"Sometimes. I'm okay now though and the pain was totally worth it for what just happened."

She gave him a shy smile and Robert smiled back, both of them still in shock somewhat.

"I have no idea how I just did all that. It's very unlike me. I'm just glad you felt the same else it would have been really awkward back at work."

Andy laughed, "You mean it's not going to be awkward anyway?"

"Hmmm, you have a point, although not awkward, more difficult. For me to keep away from you that is."

"I'm seeing a new side to you Robert and I think I like it."

Robert smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, "On a serious note, do you need me to get anyone for some pain relief?"

Andy shook her head, "I have all the natural pain relief I need at the moment with you here."

"Do you want to talk about us, if there is an us? If there can be an us? I mean it's not a normal situation. I'm your Captain, we aren't allowed to have a relationship. I don't know any way around it. I kind of feel like I've started something that I can't finish now, because everything is against us."

"I think you're overthinking things. Let's just take one day at a time, I mean this... Us, it might turn out good in the long run or we might hate each other after spending more time together. I don't think we need to worry about the job for now. Just see what happens with us and then go from there. We don't need to announce what we feel for each other, we will just take it slow and see what happens I guess."

"I like that idea."

"I can't believe everything that has happened in the last week, it all feels like it's happening to someone else."

"I will never get the image of you under all of that rubble out of my head. I thought you were dead...". Robert stopped to compose himself before speaking again, quieter this time. "I had to check for your pulse and you were ice cold, you just felt and looked like... well you know. And when I felt you had a pulse, I literally started praying in my head for you to be okay, someone must have been listening to me."

Andy smiled, "Half listening maybe," She grinned looking down at her battered body, "Be more specific next time." She laughed and Robert was certain he had heard no sweeter sound. "Seriously though, I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Andy you don't have to apologise for a floor collapsing on you. It's just...."

There was silence.

"Go on," Andy encouraged.

"My first wife Claire. She died. A car accident. I was first on the scene with Ripley. I had to watch her die in front of me. That's not something you ever recover from."

"Oh my God, Robert. I'm so sorry." Andy grasped Roberts hand in her own. "I didn't know."

"It's okay, no one does. I don't talk about it. It's too painful. But I've realised as time went on that I have to move on. Claire will always be a part of my life but I know now that I can love again and that I need to love again. I think when you find the right person everything just falls into place."

"Have you found the right person now?'

"I have found my person and it feels so right." He leant forward and kissed her gently, "I'm never ever letting this person go." Robert felt Andy smile back against his lips.
