Part 9

They stood in the hospital corridor yet again waiting for news on Andy. They should have been used to it by now, but you could never get used to waiting for news on a loved one. Even though she had been awake and talking the whole way to hospital, (Maya made sure that Robert drove, she was not leaving the 2 of them together) they just needed confirmation that she was really okay.

Maya saw the look of anguish on her Captain's face and making her excuses to Ryan, she pulled him further down the corridor, into the corner where there was no one about.

"What's going on Captain? I'm sorry to ask, but Andy is my best friend and you have obviously hurt her in some way and I'm not okay with that."

"This has nothing to do with you Bishop. Leave it alone."

"I won't, my friend is injured again and she's in a bad place, she has been really down the last few days since leaving hospital and I think you are to blame for that."

"Andy is a big girl, she can fight her own battles, she doesn't need you fighting on her behalf."

"I think she does. She's hardly in any position to fight for herself at the moment. I saw the way you were with each other when she was in hospital before. We all did. We're not blind. We could see the looks and the glances between the 2 of you. It's obvious something is or was going on."

"Bishop, I'm warning you."

"And I'm warning you, you don't get to mess around with my friends heart. She is the most amazing person and deserves someone who is going to treat her right and treat her well. If you can't be that person then step away and leave her alone."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes I do, I know Andy better than you ever will and I won't stand by while someone messes around with her heart for fun."

"That's not what I'm doing," Robert almost shouted, "I would never do that.... I love her."

Mayas face showed pure shock as she let Roberts words sink in.

"You love her?"


"So why is Andy so upset with you then?"

"Because I've been blanking her. Because we got close and then Ripley found out and he said I had to choose between my career or Andy."

"Think carefully before you speak next Captain. If you tell me you chose your career over Andy I will hurt you."

"I haven't chosen anything yet. I've been trying to work it all out and I've been going crazy trying to figure out what to do. I love Andy and I will always choose her but my career is important to me, I've worked hard to get where I am and I can't just throw it away."

"But you can let Andy cry herself to sleep at night? You're okay with that?"

Roberts face dropped, "She's been crying herself to sleep?"

"Yes, I heard her, so I went in and she tried to tell me it's because she was in physical pain, but I knew that was a lie as she was full of painkillers. I had never seen her like that before. I managed to get her to tell me it was about a guy and she thought they had something special, but that he'd suddenly stopped answering her calls and her texts. So why didn't you reply?"

Robert sighed and looked around him checking no one was listening.

"You're wasted as a firefighter Bishop, you should have been a Detective instead."

"I don't mess around where it concerns my friends."

"Okay, okay, we got close while she was in hospital. But then I realised it can't happen. I'm her Captain. I have a position of power, I can't be in a relationship with my subordinate."

"Thats all it is? You're worried about your job?"

"No, I mean yes, I mean I don't know."

"Robert! Andy almost died! Twice! How did that make you feel?"

"Sick to my stomach, I can't even think about it."

"But you can think about not being with her and you can think about hurting her?"

"Ripley said..."

"Screw Ripley, grow the hell up. This has nothing to do with your friend or your job. This is about what you and Andy want and if you want to be together then that comes first and everything else comes after it."

"You make it sound so simple."

"That's because it is." Maya placed her hand on Roberts forearm, "Andy is special, any man who ends up with her will be the luckiest guy out there. Don't mess her around. Sort your priorities out. Choose her if you want to, but make sure you stick to it and don't just ignore her when things get tough, you're not a teenager Robert."

They were interrupted by a nurse coming to tell them they could go and see Andy. Maya went to walk off but Robert stopped her gently.

"Can I have 5 minutes first please? I think I need to apologise."

Maya nodded and made her way back to where Ryan was sitting, her eyes keeping a firm watch on Robert as he took a deep breath and entered the room Andy was in.

Andy opened her eyes on hearing the door to the room open. She was not looking forward to seeing everyone. They would all be moaning at her about how she had managed to fall and she knew for sure now that she wouldn't be getting anymore alone time any time soon. If her head wasn't already pounding that thought alone would be enough to give her a headache. The room was dimly lit, the nurse had dimmed the lights after Andy had complained it was hurting her head even more so when Robert walked in the room, she was sure she must have been imagining it.

"Get out." She said, her voice void of any emotion.

"Andy, please. I need to speak to you."

"And I needed to speak to you for the last 4 days but hey we can't all get what we want."

"I'm sorry."

"So am I. Sorry I ever trusted you."

"I know I've hurt you and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. But please, just hear me out and then if you still want me to go, I will."

"You have 5 minutes."

Robert sighed, he knew this was going to be difficult but he didn't realise how hard. Knowing he had hurt Andy so much killed him and he just wanted to make things right between them.

"You've got a terrific bruise coming across your face, are you okay?"

"Cut the small talk, 4 minutes left."

"Okay... I'm sorry. I got scared. I haven't done dating, or women or relationships since Claire and I was scared okay. I was feeling things that I never thought I would again. I spoke to Ripley, I just needed a friend to tell me it was all okay and that I wasn't going to mess things up. Turns out I did mess things up and talking to Ripley was a bad idea."

Even in the dim light, Robert could see a tear falling down Andy's cheek but he knew he was in no position yet to wipe it away.

"So, me and Ripley we discussed you and how I felt and how it was normal and how Claire would be happy that I was finally moving on. Then we started talking about work. About how me and you can't have a relationship at work and how people would find out. He told me I had to either finish things, marry you or move to another firehouse. I was scared. After Claire died all I had was my job, I threw myself in to it and made a good career for myself. The thought of losing that terrified me. But I've realised now that the thought of losing you terrifies me even more."

Robert took the chance and moved closer to the bed. He slowly reached out his hand and wiped the tears from her eyes, gently caressing her cheeks as he did so.

"I already knew that but it took seeing you hurt again today to bring me to my senses. Plus a telling off by Bishop. I love you Andy and I want to be with you. If that affects my job then so be it. I will find another job. I would move heaven and earth to be with you. These last few days have been awful. I've missed you so much. Please forgive me. I promise I will always be here for you from now on and I'll stop running away when things get tough. Can you forgive me?"

Robert held his breath, there was silence in the room, the only sounds from the hustle and bustle of the hospital corridor outside.

"You really hurt me Robert. You totally ignored me for days when I needed you." Andy's voice was a whisper.

"I know and I feel horrible about that. I plan to never hurt you again in my entire life, I'm so sorry babe."

"Kiss me, " Andy whispered again, "Then I'll know if I forgive you.

Robert didn't need telling twice he leaned forward and connected his lips to Andy's. Slowly they began to move against each other and then Robert felt Andy's tongue sneak its way in to his mouth and he could hold back no more, he sat on the bed and pressed himself against her, letting his tongue do battle with hers. The only sounds now were of the heavy breathing and kissing that was emanating from the 2 of them. Eventually they pulled apart from each other breathless and wide eyed.

"So am I forgiven?"

"My head still says no but my heart and the funny feeling in my belly say yes."

"Let's listen to you heart and the funny feeling in your belly." Robert said gently planting some soft kisses on the side of her neck.

Andy moved her head to the side to allow him more access.

"I just... I mean... How do I know you won't do this again? When things get tough, when Ripley threatens your job... how do I know you'll choose me?"

Robert stopped kissing her neck and bought his head back to in front of hers, their eyes level.

"I need you to trust me. I've learnt a big lesson. I am listening to my heart now also. You're my person Andy. I just needed to almost lose you again to wake me up. I don't want to live without you. I want to tell everyone that you're mine and that I'm yours. I love you. With all my heart."

"I love you too, but I swear Robert this is your last chance. I'm not messing around, if you hurt me again, there are no more chances."

"I won't, I promise.... But you have to promise me something as well?"

"Now you are pushing your luck... go on."

"Promise me you'll stop getting hurt, promise me you'll stop keep almost dying. Promise me you won't ever leave me."

"I promise to try to stop getting hurt and I promise I won't ever leave you. Now I have another promise for you."

"Another one."

Andy nodded biting her lip between her teeth, "Promise you'll always kiss me like you did just now. I mean... that was the best painkiller I have ever taken."

"I more than promise," said Robert smiling and leaning forward to connect their lips again. "I have so much making up to do that I am never going to stop kissing you all over your body."

Andy laughed as Robert bought her hand to his lips and kissed his way across it and up her arm.

"While that idea sound perfect, I think maybe we should wait till I get home again otherwise Maya is going to get a bit worried." Andy laughed again and pulled her hand away from Robert pointing at the window to her room where Maya stood on the other side of the glass grinning back at them.

"Point taken," Robert said, "Just you wait till I get you home and alone at last, I promise to make you feel so good, you'll wonder why you were mad at me in the first place"

"I doubt it," said Andy raising her eyebrows at him.

"Just you wait and see." And with a final kiss to her lips he got up and went to open the door to let Maya in.

"Well this looks promising," Maya smiled as she walked over to the bed, grasping Andy's hard between her own. "You are telling me everything later." She said raising her eyebrows at Andy, "But first how are you?"

"Oh my God," Robert groaned, "I didn't even ask what the Doctor said, I just launched fully into my sorry speech. Are you okay?"

Andy smiled, "I'm okay, 4 stitches in my head and I have to stay in overnight so they can keep an eye on me but after that if I'm okay I can leave tomorrow."

"That's great," Maya grinned, "I was just getting used to having you around the place again, still with you not there tonight, least I can clean the floor. You know how I feel about bodily fluids in my apartment."

Andy and Robert both laughed, "Sorry Maya, I'll make it up to you."

"Girl night, film, chocolate and wine, me you and Vic. Deal?"

"Deal. Sorry to be a pain, can you fetch me again tomorrow please? If not, I can get a cab."

"Course I can. No friend of mine is getting in a cab to leave hospital for the second time."

Maya laughed but Robert remained serious.

"Babe, I can fetch you if you want?"

Andy looked from Robert to Maya and back to Robert before laughing.

"No offense Robert, but after last time I'll just meet you at the apartment."
