Chapter 91-100

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91. Chapter 91 Two bags of vegetables
  I packed two bags and divided them up before.

  "Let me take this!"

  Ye Mianmian had no doubt that he was there. Only the two of them could use this kind of thing.

  Two men will definitely not fight over it, it is equivalent to personal things.

  Jiang Yuan left the house and went to the safe passage.

  Holding a flashlight by yourself, you can see the situation clearly during the week.

  After making sure there was no problem, she quickly changed the things.

  Now she has two large woven bags in her hands, full of vegetables.

  The space is really easy to use, and the cucumbers, eggplants and other things I planted before have grown very tall.

  I have to find something to put up those climbing plants.

  She now had to admit that the plants in the space were growing well, which was probably related to the well.

  Maybe the water quality is better, not only does it grow faster, but the fruits it produces are also very tender and taste particularly good.

  She pressed the password and was about to open the door when the door opened from the inside.

  When Qin Yue saw her daughter, she immediately put her arms around her neck.

  "As long as it's okay, it's okay!"

  Jiang Yuan was still holding something, and her mother must have seen her on the surveillance camera.

  Sure enough, it pays to be cautious.

  "Mom, go in and talk."

  Qin Yue realized it later and responded quickly.

  "Yes, go in and talk."

  When he saw what his daughter was holding, he immediately went to pick it up.

  The two people entered the room, and Jiang Yuan took a breath.

  "Daughter, you must be exhausted. Wait, mom will pour you some water. Take a sip to warm yourself up first."

  Jiang Yuan did not stop her. She also went back to the bedroom. This outfit was really unnecessary. .

  Seeing that she had gone back, Qin Yue sent another pot of hot water over for her to wash up.

  However, she ran out of time.

  You can simply wet the towel and wipe the areas that touch the water first.

  Then she put on a velvet and thickened self-heating thermal underwear set, and wore a medium-sized black parka outside.

  This one is waist-cinched, looks neat and keeps you warm.

  It was also very convenient to work, and I put on a pair of more comfortable snow boots.


  Mom's voice came in, and Jiang Yuan also packed up and hurried out to take a look.

  "What's wrong, Mom?"

  It turned out that Qin Yue opened the two bags, and Jiang Yuan ran over nervously.

  "Shh, Mom, please keep your voice down."

  "Daughter, why are there so many vegetables? It's too much!" "

  Mom, we went to the flower market this time. There are many hydroponic plants, all in incubators. .

  There is a family that specializes in making this vegetable. I secretly picked it myself. Don’t let me know."

  After Qin Yue's excitement, she was only excited.

  "I know, I know, my daughter, don't worry, I won't tell you nonsense.

  But why do vegetables grow in the flower market and are they sold?"

  Ah, this...

  Jiang Yuan had no choice but to make it up. .

  "Of course, mom, you don't know, cultivating vegetables can make more money than selling flowers.

  Today's children grow up in cities and have no contact with nature.

  But growing vegetables is different. This kind of The feeling of having enough food and clothing with your own hands is highly praised by schools and parents.

  You don’t know, these dishes are pretty good, those peppers, small persimmons and so on.

  They are all in a flower pot. If it weren’t for the lack of time, I would definitely I need to make a little more.”   
  Jiang Yuan deliberately exaggerated, and Qin Yue naturally believed it.

  She picked her own vegetables, as well as the green bamboo shoots and bell peppers she had bought for "zero yuan" at the vegetable store in front of her.

  I finally got the opportunity, so of course I had to match it with some.

  As for the radish and cabbage, forget it, there are still a lot of them at home.

  I usually eat a lot and change the taste appropriately.

  "Okay, Mom, I put these away myself. They don't know, so you hide them quickly.

  I'll go in and take a look at Xiao Nuan. There are a lot of things downstairs waiting for me to clean up." "

  Okay, don't worry. , Mom must have kept it properly."

  Qin Yue said and became busy.

  She couldn't sleep at all at home. If she didn't have Xiao Nuan to take care of, she would definitely have to go out with Jiang Xingzhi.

  Jiang Yuan didn't talk too much and went in to see her daughter.

  Then I drank the cup of hot water on the table. My mother added honey, which was very sweet.

  I ate two packs of beef jerky and shredded squid with hot water.

  Being busy this time consumes a lot of energy and makes you easily hungry.

  "Daughter, let me cook you some dumplings."

  "No, Mom, I'm going down now. Come back and eat. You should also rest for a while." "

  I know, pack these away, or they'll freeze. ."

  Jiang Yuan knew that she couldn't stay idle, so she didn't say anything and went directly to the twentieth floor.

  Ye Mianmian and Grandma Ye have already started to sort things out, clearing a space on the coffee table.

  "Mianmian, let grandma go and have a rest. We can just share it." "

  It's okay. I'm older and don't have that much sleep."

  This was the first time she heard Grandma Ye speak, and she looked very loving.

  "Grandma, just go back quickly. While you are here, I still have to take care of you and be obedient."

  Ye Mianmian said, coaxing her back by pushing and pulling her.

  Jiang Yuan saw four bags next to them and knew they were one for each person.

  This coffee table is not big, so you can't put too many things on it.

  If there are four portions, they will be divided directly, one portion per bag, and the remaining portion will be placed on the table, waiting for the final pairing.

  "Mianmian, this is already a bag. You can take your bag back, and put Zhang Kaiyang's bag in his room.

  I'll send mine and Song Yi's bag up as well, and free up the space bit by bit. "

  Okay, Sister Yuan, don't worry. I'll go up with you and bring these two liquefied gas tanks."

  Ye Mianmian is very fast. It's difficult to walk on the 20th floor now.

  In addition to dividing things, they also have to make room.

  It would be inconvenient for them to bring things back.

  After putting their things away, the two took the gas cans and bags and went upstairs.

  Jiang Yuan sent hers in first, and then went to open Song Yi's door. His house also had a double door.

  There is a key on the outside and a combination lock on the inside.

  As soon as the door was opened, the little one swooped out.

  "Little one, be good and don't make any noise..."

  Although she was scared, but once she got used to it, it was okay.

  The dog just circled around her and made no sound.

  Jiang Yuan put her things in the living room and did not go inside. She left a night light at home, probably for fear of inconvenience for the little ones.

  "Hey, little one, we are not going out to play. You are obedient and behave at home." "

  Sister Yuan, this dog doesn't seem to want to go in. How about we take it down."


  Song Yi should Not angry, Jiang Yuan patted its head and said softly: "Let's go!"

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92. Chapter 92: Buying supplies in 2001
  The little one rushed out immediately, as if he knew what they were doing, and went straight down to the twentieth floor.

  "Mianmian, let's get down quickly!"

  Although this dog is humane, it is not a human after all. It would be bad if it ran away or alerted other people.

  Moreover, Song Yi is not here yet, so if he loses everything, it will be hard to explain.

  The big dog looked very well fed and was covered in tendon meat. This was a day when there was a lack of food, so someone might have a bad idea.

  It was scary just thinking about it. Ye Mianmian didn't dare to delay and followed Jiang Yuan downstairs.

  This dog is really well-behaved, waiting right at the door of 2002.

  He didn't make any noise or fuss, he stared at his round eyes as if he was waiting for them.

  "Okay, honey, let's go into the house."

  Ye Mianmian and Kaikai Yang now have keys. They are spare keys found inside the house, which is a lot more convenient.

  The two of them didn't dare to delay and quickly packed their things.

  After dividing the two bags, they sent them up, one for her and one for Song Yi.

  It's almost dawn, and things are gradually decreasing. It's hard to move mineral water and the like.

  It's so heavy and there are so many, it's almost exhausting.

  But the two of them didn't dare to stop. When they came back, it would still be a fierce battle.

  At around seven o'clock, the two started moving again. This time there were more things, and it was also the last trip.

  Once these are done, you can take a break.

  However, when I went downstairs, I encountered an uninvited guest.

  The little boy stopped in front, growling "wuwuwu".

  It was taught well by Song Yi and did not bark when it found the enemy.

  When Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian came down, they met a man and a woman.

  Standing at the door of 2002, I saw them, and there was surprise and hope in my eyes.

  "Well, hello, we are neighbors next door.

  We don't mean any harm, don't worry.

  We just want to buy something to eat with you. There is nothing at home."

  It seems that the two people who came over to move things were alarmed. The person next door.

  Seeing that the two of them were silent, the woman became a little anxious.

  "Two sisters, please do your best. I have a child at home, and I haven't had anything to eat recently. I really can't bear it anymore."

  Ye Mianmian did not dare to make a decision in private, and turned his attention to Jiang Yuan.

  After a battle in the service area, her trust in her reached 100%.

  "There is no food. We don't even have enough for ourselves. The wind and rain outside have subsided. You can go out to find food by yourself."

  Jiang Yuan had a cold face, but she wouldn't let go anyway.

  The woman was also anxious and knelt down with a plop.

  "Please, please give me some food. My child is only five years old. I am willing to pay any amount. Please."

  As he said this, he began to kowtow.

  The man also knelt down, Ye Mianmian felt a little sad, but Jiang Yuan didn't let go, she couldn't make the decision.

  "How much money do you have?"

  The man immediately raised his head when he heard something was going on.

  "One million..."

  "One million?"

  I was a little shocked. Would ordinary people keep one million at home, or in cash?

  It's somewhat unreasonable.

  Seeing her doubts, the man quickly explained.

  "This is really our money. Don't worry. I was planning to change to a house in a larger school district, so I bought the house in my hometown.

  Then the weather got hot and I was afraid that things would change, so I took out all the money."   
  One million, one hundred hours, Jiang Yuan's heart was moved.

  To buy a house, this is probably just a down payment, but it is still enough.

  "You wait for a while and come out in half an hour. We will go back and discuss it."

  "Okay, okay, then you can discuss it carefully and we will come back later..."

  The man had a flattering look on his face, fearing that they would refuse.

  The two entered the house, and Ye Mianmian was a little worried: "Sister Yuan, what should I do? Do I really want to give them something?
  I'm a little scared, and they still live next door, what should I do?"

  "I also have this doubt, what if If you don't agree to them, you're afraid of causing trouble.

  We are moving things back and forth, and they probably saw it. If everything is really dead, then we won't be able to leave anything behind."

  Ye Mianmian sighed, really not knowing what to do. .

  "Why is it like this? It's too difficult for us."

  "It's okay. I'll make a deal with them later.

  Move the contradiction upstairs. As long as they have some abnormalities, there is still a chance to change things."

  "But, Yuan, Sister, then you are in danger."

  "This is the best way at the moment. Okay, Mianmian, we have a lot of people at home, and we have surveillance, which is better than yours.

  You can also monitor it from downstairs. ."


  "Stop it, do you have a better way? That's it, let's clean it up quickly!"

  Jiang Yuan has her own plan. One million is not a small amount, so she can give her more. thing.

  Of course, warnings are indispensable. When the time comes and there are rations, the family will naturally live in peace.

  If they really go out and talk nonsense, they will be in danger upstairs and downstairs.

  Before, everyone only knew that there were supplies on the 21st floor, but many people didn't know that Ye Mianmian and Kaiyang Kaiyang moved to the 20th floor.

  Moreover, no one knows how much supplies there are.

  It was different in 2001. They knew how many times they had moved back and forth, and their words had more basis.

  After being comforted, it can be considered stable for a while.

  The most important thing is that she is greedy for the one million.

  Therefore, letting her come forward on her own can divert attention.

  Secondly, the money was taken for granted, and even my companions couldn't say anything about it.

  It was rare to come across such a big deal. It was still unknown whether there would be any banknotes in the back, so she absolutely couldn't give up.

  The two moved four or five more times, and the things here were finally packed.

  On the last trip, she left the little one next door and gave him two ham sausages.

  Song Yi is not here, so she will be a good person and do it to the end.

  After returning home and starting to prepare things, Qin Yue and Xiao Nuan were sorting out the items they had just brought.

  I saw her carrying a woven duffel bag and heading to the attic, which was a bit baffling.

  Jiang Yuan took a ten-jin bag of rice, a ten-jin bag of flour, two cans of milk powder, five handfuls of noodles, two bags of ham sausage, and some snacks and drinks.

  Anyway, fill the bag.

  Because it was too heavy, she was afraid that the strap would break, so she hugged it directly.

  When she was going upstairs just now, the man saw her and glanced at her. Now he was already outside the corridor door.

  Seeing Jiang Yuan come out with such a big bag of stuff, her eyes widened.

  He quickly took out the money and went back to her to regret it.

  "This is all the money we have. Count it..."

  Jiang Yuan opened the door and exchanged things with him without counting.

  Then close the door and look alert!

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93.Chapter 93 The perfect space was successfully created
  The man was still immersed in the joy of changing to food. It was so heavy, so there must be a lot of stuff.

  Although I spent so much money, I didn’t know what was most important until I was about to starve to death.

  Not to mention money, he may be willing to pay for more things.

  "I've given you something, do you know what to do with it?"

  The man looked blank and immediately promised: "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

  Very good, he is someone who knows the current affairs.

  "You also know the situation in our building. Most people have no food. You are not among the majority of people now."

  This threat was obvious, and the other party was not stupid, and he immediately understood the reason.

  Jiang Yuan had supplies, and he also had supplies, and they were both the targets of struggle.

  Once exposed, no one will be better off.

  Besides, they are capable of fighting and there are people to help them, but they only have one family.

  "Don't worry, I know what to do."

  "That's good. In addition, let's forget about this incident and don't talk about it in the future.

  Then, we will avoid making everyone look ugly."

  Her meaning was obvious. Anyway, There is no next time.

  "Also, don't bother your neighbor. We are not good people, you know."

  Of course he knew that he could do anything to kill people. This woman was a Rakshasa.

  "I know. Thank you for the things. From now on, we will pretend that we don't know each other and we won't talk nonsense.

  When the weather gets better, we will go out to find supplies ourselves."

  After the man said that, he went down quickly.

  Jiang Yuan knew very well that for such a person, a favor would be a life-saving kindness.

  If they help each other again, they are probably only a few steps away from turning against each other.

  Also, Kaikaiyang and Ye Mianmian were too close to their homes.

  It can be regarded as gaining some safe space for them, but after all, we can't be careless.

  Looking back, I still need to give you a few more instructions. All safety hazards must be nipped in the cradle in advance.

  Back home, Qin Yue was waiting.

  "Girl, you take a rest. There is hot water on the table. I'll get you a dumpling. You can take a nap after eating." "

  Okay, Mom, where is Xiaonuan?"

  "Mom..." the little guy heard the voice, She also ran out, and she was watching cartoons in the house.

  Jiang Yuan picked up her daughter and kissed her again and again. She was extremely happy.

  Qin Yue was very quick and made her sour soup dumplings. The food and drink warmed her stomach, and the person also warmed up.

  "Mom, I'll go in and take a nap later. Just keep an eye on the window. My dad and the others should be back by now. I don't know why there's no movement yet!" "

  Okay, I understand. Don't worry, leave it to me."

  In fact, she really wanted to ask why she hadn't come back yet.

  I was afraid that my daughter would be worried, so I kept it in my heart.

  Jiang Yuan knew what was going on as soon as she saw it, so she pretended to be relaxed and told her.

  "Many of the roads outside are hard to find. Mom, don't worry. It's normal for my dad and the others to be a little late.

  Every time we go out, it's not always the case that we don't come back early.

  Just relax, or else When my dad comes back, he should feel distressed when he sees you looking so sad."

  Qin Yue rolled her eyes angrily, this damn girl has learned to tease her mother.

  "I know, but I'm just worried. Eat quickly and go back to sleep for a while."

  Jiang Yuan had been working hard all night and finished the last mouthful of soup.

  So she obediently entered the room. Qin Yue filled her with a hot water bottle, placed it under her feet, and took another one for her to put in her hand.

  This way, it will warm up faster.

  After she closed the door, Jiang Yuan got up quietly.

  Go to the bathroom, lock the door, and step into the space.   
  There are a lot of things in the space now, but they are not cluttered.

  She put the furniture and the like on one side, and kept everything else separate.

  It is now three thousand square meters in size, which is more than enough space.

  Jiang Yuan went in and first exchanged all the cash in the space.

  I just received one million, plus those I got from outside, which adds up to more than two hundred hours.

  Looking into the space, one thousand and fifty-six hours, thirty-seven minutes and forty-nine seconds.

  She felt satisfied in her heart, money, she needed a lot of money.

  There are not many things left in the space. The next upgrade will be a thousand times or ten thousand times.

  However, she is very content with this area now.

  In addition to living on your own, you can grow vegetables or even some food.

  There were still many materials that could be upgraded, and Jiang Yuan decided to include them all.

  In the end, the "gold" was not enough.

  However, she has been able to have a lot of things.

  The five-bedroom main house remains unchanged, but a basement and second floor have been added.

  The area is the same as above. The basement is entirely used to store supplies, and the shelves used for space exchange are also used.

  Except for the first room on the first floor, the rest of the bedrooms are not ready for use.

  The second floor will be used as a refuge and for daily living.

  The furniture is all ready-made, and all those things that were very expensive before are now put to use.

  Next to it, everything has been converted into a connected house.

  Including the east and west sides, they were all made into wing rooms.

  Her space is sixty meters long and fifty meters wide.

  In addition to the main room in the middle, there is a considerable distance to the left and right.

  The backyard is not big, so just keep it as it is.

  In this way, she will have fifteen more houses on each side.

  There are ten rooms in the east and west wings respectively, and the rest of the room is made like a hand-copying corridor.

  There are also six spaces left as garages.

  The yard is also very large, with two bluestone paths crisscrossing it in the middle.

  In the southeastern part of the center, there is also a pavilion, where some tools can sometimes be placed.

  It would be more convenient to go to work later.

  Now that there are more houses, many things can be stored separately.

  For example, clothes, food and oil will be easy to find when the time comes.

  Jiang Yuan was still thinking about ordering a variety of dishes, but she was so tired that her eyelids started to fight.

  I have no choice but to come out first.

  I went to the window and saw that it was gray outside. The wind and rain seemed to have subsided a lot, but no one came back downstairs and it was still quiet.

  She lay back on the bed and began to sleep.

  After resting for a while, I have to help pack things, so I can’t waste time.

  She was indeed sleepy, and within a few minutes, she fell into a deep sleep.

  Qin Yue has been watching here, but he hasn't come back yet, and it's almost getting dark.

  Unable to bear it anymore, Jiang Yuan slept for a whole day and didn't get up to eat at noon.

  Looking at the time now, it was already past five in the afternoon.

  She was a little anxious, so she put on her clothes and left the house.

  "Mom, haven't my dad and the others come back yet?"

  "No, my daughter, do you think anything will happen? It's already this time.

  Logically speaking, they should have come back a long time ago..."

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94. Chapter 94 Going out alone to find dad
  "Mom, don't worry. It's still early. My dad and the others might not want to come back during the day. There are

  so many people and things, and they're afraid of running into other problems."

  "Yes, my daughter, you're right, your dad That person is the most cautious.

  A lot of people went out during the day today, and only a few have come back. Your dad must know that, and is afraid of being jealous, so he doesn't come back.

  Let's wait a little longer, and I'll go cook. You and Xiao Nuan pack up and you'll be fine soon."

  As she said that, Qin Yue hummed a song.

  Jiang Yuan sighed, her mother was trying to comfort herself and pretend to be calm.

  However, it was time for Jiang Xingzhi and the others to come back. Is it because they were really afraid of being discovered, or because they were in trouble.

  Jiang Yuan went to call Xiao Nuan over. The mother and daughter were sitting by the window. If they don't come back, they won't be seen.

  Qin Yue worked very quickly. She heated up the pork ribs that she had cooked before, stir-fried a plate of garlic lettuce, and cut a small plate of kimchi that she had pickled.

  Served with steaming rice, she felt extremely satisfied at this moment.

  After eating and resting for a while, I saw that the time had reached 8:30 pm.

  Jiang Yuan went next door, found a lot of dog food for the little one, and poured some hot water for it.

  The dog was a little irritable and circled around her.

  "What's wrong, little one, do you miss your master?

  It's okay, you are good at home, I'll go out and take a look..."

  After saying that, Jiang Yuan patted the dog's head, feeling very worried in her heart. .

  Ye Mianmian also came up, looking anxious.

  "Sister Yuan, is something going to happen? I'm a little scared after such a long time."

  "Mianmian, don't worry. Song Yi is smart and has great decision-making ability. They may have encountered some problem. We must You can't mess up on your own."

  "Well, I listen to you, Sister Yuan."

  "Go back first, grandma is home alone!"

  After Ye Mianmian left, her mood became even heavier.

  No, we can't just sit back and wait for death.

  After making up her mind, she went back and changed her clothes.

  Qin Yue saw it and was a little scared: "Daughter, you still want to go out!"

  "Yes, Mom, you take good care of the child at home and protect yourself. Ye Mianmian and I will go downstairs to take a look and we can help. "

  Daughter, why don't you go? Your father hasn't come back yet and I don't want you to go."

  Qin Yue didn't want anything to happen to Jiang Yuan. It was so chaotic outside and Jiang Xingzhi was not here.

  Although she usually looks very powerful, when she really encounters a problem, she is also a person who has no idea.

  "Mom, we are not doing anything else together. We are just taking a look downstairs. Don't worry.

  I will be downstairs in a while. There are still some things that have not been packed away. You take Xiaonuan and go to bed early. "

  Jiang Yuan is talking nonsense, just because he is afraid that she will worry.

  She was planning to go out for a look, but she was going alone.

  When they reached the twentieth floor, they called out Ye Mianmian.

  "Sister Yuan, are you going out when you are dressed like this?"

  "Well, I'll go downstairs and have a look first. If they haven't come back yet, then I'll go out and look for them.

  It's been too long, I'm not worried."

  " Okay, then you wait a moment while I change clothes and go with you."

  Jiang Yuan stopped her, but Ye Mianmian didn't know why.

  "Mianmian, I'll go by myself. The oldest and the youngest in our family have to leave one person behind.

  I told my mother that I would stay with you, and you can help me make things right later."

  "You must be sure of it yourself. No, Sister Yuan, I’ll go with you.”   
  "If you are obedient, it may not be what is going on outside. If you stay at home, I will rest assured.

  When they come back, you can also help."

  Ye Mianmian couldn't defeat her. Although he was worried, there was nothing he could do.

  There is quite a feeling of separation between life and death.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to go alone. It was very convenient to go by herself if there was space.

  If she had Ye Mianmian with her, she would be at a loss.

  When she reached the seventh floor, she skillfully inflated the kayak. This one also had a motor and was never exposed.

  I just wanted to leave a way out for myself, but I didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

  The community was quiet, or rather lifeless.

  She started the motor and ran straight out. This was her first time driving, and it was much easier than driving.

  Within a few minutes, you will be able to master it skillfully.

  The road was smooth and smooth. After leaving the community, she found a place to stop and hung up a big night light.

  This can be seen from a distance. Although it shouldn't be so conspicuous, it can only be so.

  Going out alone was a bit scary after all, she told herself over and over again.

  She has space, so just go in if you can't. Don't worry, don't worry...

  There is nothing in the service area. She plans to go directly to the Building Materials and Home Furnishing City.

  In all likelihood, that's where they are.

  As we sped away, we met a few people on the road.

  But the speed is so fast that no one can catch up.

  Jiang Yuan's mood is getting worse and worse. Does this mean that they really met a lot of people.

  In about forty minutes, we arrived at the Building Materials and Home Furnishing City.

  She ran directly up and found that the place where she had put her things was empty and all the supplies were gone.

  Did it go astray?
  Now that the water is so wide, except for high-rise buildings, nothing underneath can be seen.

  Song Yi and the others must have just missed her, and

  the visibility was not good either. There were several faint figures, and nothing could be seen at all.

  When I go back, I can only go back and wait.

  Just when she was disappointed, she suddenly remembered a place.

  There is a relatively large clothing wholesale market in the West Market, which is right in the old city, only two kilometers away from where she is.

  Now that you're here, let's go and walk around. There are several buildings in that area.

  In addition, there is a shopping mall, a food court on the first floor, movie theaters and other places for leisure and entertainment.

  The most important thing is that there are two floors full of gold jewelry, which is very famous there.

  There are many things and they are cheap. Many people in the old city choose to go shopping there.

  After making up her mind, she didn't hesitate, took the compass and headed that way.

  There is no gold in her space now, so it would be a good thing to stock up on some at the right time.

  She did what she said. Because the road was unfamiliar, it took her half an hour to get there.

  The building of the wholesale mall stands in front of you and looks very obvious.

  Jiang Yuan was happy in her heart. She took the lead and ran to the building in the shopping mall. There were many things in it.

  Although the water level was high, it had only reached the thirteenth floor, leaving the nineteenth floor waiting for her.

  Thinking of the abundant supplies, the gloom in my heart was swept away.

  Song Yi, you must bring her father back safely. At this time, all she can do is not only pray, but also believe.

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95.Chapter 95 swept two floors of gold and jewelry
  Such a powerful person would not be able to handle such a small scene.

  After comforting herself again, Jiang Yuan began her solo adventure.

  The main purpose this time is the gold, but now I don’t know the specific situation, so I have to touch it layer by layer.

  It's better to be alone, the kayak can be retracted directly into the space, and you don't have to let out any air.

  It’s much more convenient when you use it for a while.

  The gold jewelry is on the 25th and 26th floors, mainly for wholesale.

  The price is the same as the international gold price, plus some craftsmanship fees. There are also many stores on the first floor, all of which are well-known domestic brands, but the prices are relatively high.

  Therefore, although the decoration upstairs is not that good, it is still very popular.

  There are many boxes in her space, and they can all be used.

  We reached all the way to the twenty-fifth floor. Oh my god, this place is still the same as before.

  Jiang Yuan only came here once, when she was married to Xia Chaoyang.

  At that time, the business had just started, and they bought a house. They had no extra money, so they bought it here for three gold.

  She was so considerate of him, but she didn't expect that it was just herself that moved her, which was so disgusting.

  If you come here now, things will have changed a long time ago.

  The shops here, unlike the counters in shopping malls, are not closed at night.

  In addition to a lot of monitoring, the security is also quite good.

  As soon as you enter this floor, there is a resting spot for security guards. They maintain order during the day and work at night.

  Therefore, the shops here are simply locked, and Jiang Yuan is very happy.

  Her skills are completely up to the task.

  When we arrived at the security lounge, there were no people there, but there were a lot of things.

  In addition to some regular supplies, merchants here often give them some things, just so that they can take more care of their own shops.

  After Jiang Yuan came in, she started searching everywhere.

  There is a duty list on the table, as well as a sign-in sheet and three pens.

  It was surrounded by a circle that looked like a bar, and there weren't many things underneath. Apart from the security uniforms, there were some water glasses and the like, all of which were employees' personal belongings.

  Finally, in the bottom cabinet, she saw what she had been dreaming of.

  There were five electric batons, and they were taken away with chargers.

  She had seen it before. The security guards here were all wearing electric batons. After all, it was gold and jewelry, so it was somewhat understandable.

  In addition, there are walkie-talkies, these are useful, all packaged.

  After getting these in her pocket, she was very happy.

  I started to go shopping. There were probably more than thirty people on this floor. In addition to gold, there were also silver jewelry, jade, and pearls.

  However, it is still mainly gold.

  Opening the door of the first house, Jiang Yuan took out the big night light and looked at every corner to make sure there was no danger, and then started to scan the goods.

  They are all influenced by Song Yi and do this habitually.

  The first store didn't have a big storefront, but it had a lot of stuff. She put all the gold in wooden boxes.

  Then I opened their cashier and found more than 30,000 yuan, which was the price of a bracelet.

  There is no way, now all payment is by mobile phone, the cash is very little, and there is still no time to collect it.

  Then came the second and third stores, and Jiang Yuan began to receive the goods happily.

  When she arrived at a "Liu Ji Gold Store", she looked at it for a long time. This was an internet celebrity store.

  It's always crowded, but it's hard to get in on holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.

  Now, it's all hers.

  The store was estimated to be sixty or seventy square meters, with many counters and various styles, which dazzled her.

  It is indeed an Internet celebrity store, no wonder it can capture people's hearts. She likes it because it looks so good.   
  I am also a gold lover, but most of the jewelry is bought in stores, which is more expensive than here.

  It was so enjoyable to take it all the way, but by the end, she was a little tired.

  So, let's just stop doing it and just put the counter in.

  The jewelry inside is all on trays, and one tray can hold many of the same kind.

  The pallets can be stacked, so you can just go back and tidy them up slowly.

  She put all these counters in one room, and soon they were filled.

  The red tray, paired with golden jewelry, is festive and precious.

  Jiang Yuan held a stack of trays, and the joy in her heart could not be added.

  No matter what this store sells, go all the way and grab it all.

  If you jump over it, it will be difficult to find it behind.

  There was no room for them on the counter, so they were placed on top and stacked one by one.

  After finishing the twenty-fifth floor, go to the twenty-sixth floor.

  No one has been coming here, which is great.

  Going further up, there are mostly clothes sellers.

  There are still more autumn clothes here, but there are also summer clothes, the kind that are on clearance.

  Now that she had space, she searched them one by one, even the counter.

  There are quite a lot of things and a lot of cash.

  As soon as I got busy, I was very excited.

  There is a particularly large children's game center on the twenty-eighth floor. Jiang Yuan looked at those things.

  I decisively collected the two rocking cars and went back to give them to my daughter to play with.

  There was no way to take away many items, so she took some building blocks, ponies, big balls, etc. back.

  Further upstairs, there are various leisure areas, including water bars, milk tea shops, cake rooms, cafes, etc.

  Now that she's here, she can't go back empty-handed. She now has many houses and plenty of space.

  Even the beautiful decorations cannot be left behind. There are two boutiques and a ten-yuan store on this floor.

  There are also all kinds of things inside, and girls have no resistance to this kind of store.

  Beautiful water cups, pen holders, tableware, some commonly used stationery, and crafts can be used as birthday gifts.

  Daily necessities, dolls, cosmetics, etc. are all exquisite and beautiful.

  Jiang Yuan simply stopped doing nothing and put away the counter together with it, and then took a closer look at it when she got back.

  Searching this level has yielded a lot.

  The last floor was the food court. She went up and went directly to the kitchen.

  Apart from anything else, liquefied gas is a good thing, and she doesn't have much of it.

  Although the space has electricity, sometimes it still needs a strong fire.

  After all, cooking with gas is delicious, so if you encounter it, just stock up on some.

  Here she was, sweating profusely from work, when she suddenly heard a thin sound, which seemed to come from the stairs. .

  Oh my god, this is not a good thing. Someone must be here.

  She quickly turned off the big night light. There were two entrances on this floor, and the sounds came from the opposite side.

  She took three steps at a time and hid in the stairwell next to her.

  Fortunately, I started from one side and the distance was very close now.

  Within a minute, a wave of people came. They came with flashlights and took random photos.


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96. Chapter 96 Clothing Wholesale Market
  It seems that this is someone who has the same purpose.

  "Boss, there seems to be no one here."

  "Then quickly search to see if there is anything to eat."


  The group of people were obviously very excited. Through the crack in the door, Jiang Yuan saw what was going on inside. There should be about five or six people.

  In a head-to-head confrontation, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

  And there aren’t many things inside.

  Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy.

  She was alone now, quietly, and no one would notice.

  I don’t know if my father and the others are home yet, so I feel a little worried.

  Tiptoeing, he started to go downstairs, not daring to make a sound.

  Their goal is food. With so many stalls up there, it will be busy for a while.

  Jiang Yuan arrived on the twenty-fourth floor. There were brand clothes here, most of them were autumn clothes, and some summer clothes were on sale.

  After struggling for a moment, he came out of the corridor. He was already here. The group of people was on the top floor, not very close to here.

  This time, instead of taking out the big night light, she turned on an ordinary flashlight.

  There was no one else here, and she was pressed for time, so she had to hurry up.

  Starting from one side, sweep shop by shop.

  If there are floor-standing clothes racks, just put them in, and you can also put some other clothes on them.

  If not, just throw it into the space first and wait to clean it up slowly when you get back.

  Time waits for no one, Jiang Yuan also paid special attention to the bar counter of each store, who knew there might be cash there.

  It turned out that she was right, and some of the cash registers did contain cash.

  Although it's not much, fly legs are also meat, so you must not let them go.

  She worked very quickly, layer by layer, and in less than two hours, the rest of the place was plundered.

  The types of clothes are very complete, including men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing, and underwear.

  There are also various styles and types, and their family will never be able to wear them all in a lifetime.

  There are many jewelry stores, toy stores, and cosmetics stores below, and Jiang Yuan didn't miss them all.

  The more fragmentary things are stored together with the shelves.

  In addition, she also received a lot of packages, which should be goods that others did not have time to unpack.

  There are a lot of express delivery at home, and I have never had time to open blind boxes. Mainly because I feel that doing such things in space is too much of a waste of time.

  When I get back, I still have to take the time to deal with these things properly!

  Feeling that there were more and more things in the space, Jiang Yuan felt happy, but she also felt very tired.

  The high-intensity work and frequent use of her mind to perceive made her a little tired.

  But it doesn't matter, as long as you take a good rest, you'll be fine.

  After taking out the kayak, we have to go to the next place. There are three wholesale stores here.

  One is the cheaper one, which is basically a small shop on the street, or where people who set up street vendors or go to the morning market or night market come to get goods.

  Then there are the people who go to the village to catch the big market.

  The other one is better clothes, most of which are exported and engaged in foreign trade.

  Regardless of whether it’s true or false, it’s how the ads are advertised and the price is the highest.

  The clothes inside are not bad, and the quality is pretty good. Jiang Yuan has been here before with a friend.

  Although this is a wholesale store, you can try on the clothes, but not the cheap ones. They mainly buy them for quantity.

  This place is relatively high-end, with many styles of clothes, and the seasonal changes are relatively small.

  Inside, you can basically find all types of clothes you want.

  There is a shopping mall in Lingwai that mainly sells clothing for middle-aged and elderly people.   
  Her energy is limited now, so she chooses the best one, which is also very close to here.

  Five minutes passed in the kayak, and this was the slowest speed we could use.

  Although I knew there was no way the people upstairs could hear me, there was nothing wrong with being careful.

  This place also went up from the thirteenth floor. She was on alert for a long time, and when there was no movement, she found the nearest store.

  The lock was opened neatly, and there was a wicker chair for resting inside.

  Move the chair inside. There are two rows of floor-standing clothes racks in the middle. She can rest inside and cannot be seen from outside.

  Very good, the temperature is also very low now. Jiang Yuan thought for a while and went directly into the space. The living room on the first floor also had hot water that she had heated.

  The water is drawn from the well. It is sweet and warm inside.

  She made herself a pack of instant noodles, and after eating, she felt relieved.

  After lying on the sofa for five minutes, Jiang Yuan came out. Now her body functions are slowly recovering.

  She couldn't waste the time in the space, which she had earned so hard.

  Risking my life, when I gave people food before, I was not without tangles in my heart.

  But comparing the two, that decision is also the most feasible at the moment.

  Later, when she really needs it, space can be life-saving.

  Moreover, she is not stupid, so she will naturally pay attention to those people.

  After about ten minutes, she started fighting again, but first she went to the bar.

  You can sit down, pack the things inside, and rest.

  After finishing these, it's time to collect the clothes. The extreme cold is coming soon. It would be good to sell these clothes to make money in the future.

  Her space is different from other people's. It needs upgrading and more time.

  She is so difficult!

  The area here is much larger, with hundreds of shops on the first floor.

  She started at the bottom and worked her way up.

  It’s already one o’clock in the morning and half of it is still finished.

  Sure enough, choosing this building was the right choice.

  The above are all good stuff, furs, factory stores directly supplied by brands, down jackets, high-end windproof jackets, woolen, double-sided cashmere, and even thermal underwear.

  The higher up, the more she needs.

  Come down from the top, it's embarrassing.

  After resting for a while, I still had to work quickly.

  Jiang Yuan's legs couldn't be used anymore and she could only move them mechanically.

  I have been extremely busy these past two days. This time it is over and I must take a good rest.

  However, the effect of running seems to be quite obvious, and my physical strength is much better now than before.

  It wasn't until five o'clock in the morning that she put away all her clothes, and she was completely exhausted.

  She had filled up all the houses in the space, and there were many piled up outside.

  You have to go back, otherwise it will be too late.

  I don’t know if dad and the others are home yet?

  With Song Yi here, there must be no problem. He cheered himself up and started walking back.

  I don’t know if it’s because I’ve stocked up a lot of things, or I just rested for a while, but I feel refreshed.

  The way back went smoothly and I didn't see anyone.

  When she was approaching the community, she vaguely saw a kayak behind her.


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97. Chapter 97 Meeting teammates halfway
  The speed is quite fast, but what the situation, why does it feel like the power of the motor is more powerful than hers.

  If this continues, he will probably surpass her.

  At that time, if you follow him to the community, it will be troublesome.

  Seeing an abandoned building next to her, Jiang Yuan had an idea and turned around and drove over there.

  The huge building directly blocked her and the kayak.

  Still a little worried, I took a high-powered telescope to investigate the enemy's situation.

  As we got closer and closer, our heart beat faster and faster. We were just as nervous as when we met the group before.

  "What's going on?"

  Two smaller kayaks actually fell behind the kayak.

  The operation is so similar to what they did before, could it be said to be dad and the others.

  But it was too far away to see the person clearly, and with the blessing of the rain, the lens was also blurry.

  It feels so similar!

  Apart from anything else, the man driving the boat was so tightly wrapped that she couldn't see his face clearly.

  I was worried. If I had known better, I wouldn't have hid so far away.

  When the three kayaks passed by her, she was already sure that it was her father and the others.

  No one saw it, but her own kayak was still recognizable.

  The pattern of Spongebob Squarepants looks particularly coquettish in the dusty world.

  Song Yi's motor was definitely modified, and hers also cost a lot of money.

  The owner of the outdoor store said that it was the best, but it was far inferior to the speed of his one.

  So now, she can't catch up.

  We can only try our best to follow behind and try to go back together.

  The people in front seemed to have observed what was going on behind them and moved faster.

  Within five minutes, she was left behind.

  Damn it, you don’t cheat your teammates like this.

  Fortunately, it's not far from the community, so it doesn't matter if she goes back by herself.

  Twenty minutes later, she also arrived at the community. Time waited for no one, it was already around six in the morning.

  At this moment, everyone was still asleep and no one came out.

  I don't know if it's raining or it's winter, but it's still dark right now.

  When we arrived at Building 13, we saw the kayak and there was no doubt it was them.

  Jiang Yuan ran over happily. Just as she was about to get closer, someone came over with a paddle.

  The hostility was obvious, Jiang Yuan was wrapped up tightly, and the poncho outside also came with a hat, the kind that directly covered her face.

  Turn off the motor and the sound stops.

  Opposite her was a vigilant Kaiyang Kaiyang. She opened her mask and Song Yi came over from inside.

  He probably heard the noise and came over quickly for reinforcements.

  "Jiang Yuan, hurry up..."

  Song Yi recognized her at a glance and hurried over to help pull her kayak over.

  Then he reached out and took her over.

  "Sister Yuan, why are you at the back?"

  "It's a long story, where is my dad?"

  "Uncle went up to change clothes..."

  She knew there must be no problem, Song Yi's motor was different from others.

  He is definitely a big boss. I will tell him some invisible worries later.

  Let him help analyze and see what should be done. If he can take action, that would be even better.

  "Sister Yuan, you are finally back. You worried me to death."

  Ye Mianmian also ran over, with red eyes, and hugged her directly.

  "It's okay, it's okay, it's not okay, don't worry."

  She patted the girl's back gently, feeling a touch of warmth.

  "Let's move things first, it's almost dawn."

  Song Yi's words were an order, and everyone got busy quickly.   
  The three kayaks, packed full of things, looked at the liquefied gas tanks.

  She guessed that she might have gone to the flower market as well.

  That should be it, but everyone was so busy that they didn't have time to talk.

  From the seventh floor to the twentieth floor, the dozen or so steps in between are not easy to walk.

  Not only do you need to move things, but you also need to be as quiet as possible and try not to make any noise.

  Just like this, you still have to race against time, it is simply too difficult.

  Jiang Yuan was arranged to unload supplies here. Together with Ye Mianmian, they took the things off the kayak and placed them in the stairwell of the corridor.

  They didn't dare to take too much, for fear that someone would come and snatch it from them.

  "Mianmian, come here first, and I'll put away the kayak behind you."


  She went to put away her own kayak. The area of ​​​​the three companies is not small. If someone comes from behind, they will Still very dangerous.

  It's not bright now, so I don't dare to turn on the lights, especially outside. It's very dangerous to walk close to the side.

  Jiang Yuan thought and untied the tarpaulin of the last kayak.

  Move the things in here to the front first, and put away the things in the back.

  This way, the targets can be smaller and they are safer.

  Ye Mianmian saw her bringing back two bags of things and immediately knew her intention.

  "Sister Yuan, you take a rest and I'll go over and clean up.

  Later, you can explain it to your uncle. I didn't hide it."

  She looked embarrassed, and just as she was talking, Jiang Xingzhi also came down.

  When he saw his daughter, his eyes were a little red.

  Jiang Yuan hurried up and called out to please: "Dad!" "

  Well, are you okay?"

  "It's okay, you're fine!"

  Seeing that his daughter was really okay, Jiang Xingzhi felt relieved and started to move things.

  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian also started to move forward. Song Yi took the little one down and let him guard the front.

  The two of them, if they could move faster, put away the third kayak when they were done.

  This is Jiang Yuan's. The colors and patterns are quite eye-catching. It is not as mature and stable as Song Yi's, which is all black.

  "Mianmian, please take care of the rest."


  Ye Mianmian was very obedient and followed Jiang Yuan, and they cooperated quite well.

  The two people moved much faster than they moved upstairs.

  After a while, there was no room ahead.

  The second kayak still had half of its stuff on it.

  Jiang Yuan left Ye Mianmian and Xiaodian behind, and followed her to move things.

  On the second trip, Ye Mianmian will go over. If anyone is tired, they can stay here and rest for a while.

  The three men were anxious and would not rest here.

  As we watched, it was almost dawn, and no one dared to be careless.

  At 7:10, she finally finished moving all the things, and she helped Song Yi put away the kayak.

  The other party looked at her a little seriously.

  "Jiang Yuan, don't act alone next time."

  "Aren't I worried about you, so I went out to take a look." "

  I said I would come back safely, don't you believe me?"

  The man's eyes were half-squinted, as if Testing her.

  Is this the authority of the superior? It cannot be provoked at all.

  This girl used to be a leader, but now she has retired from the army, and she is still under pressure.

  "It's not that I don't believe it, I'm really worried. By the way, why did you come back now?"


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98. Chapter 98 Suspected by Song Yi
  Nonsense, if she didn't believe him, Jiang Yuan would have run out long ago.

  Do you still dare to go to the clothing wholesale city by yourself?
  Song Yi looked at her very seriously.

  "It was getting late when I got there, and I thought it would be less safe if I came back during the day.

  So, I went to the flower market and brought the liquefied gas over there with me."

  "Oh, that's it, No wonder, when I went to look for you, I didn't see anyone."

  Jiang Yuan put on a look of understanding, trying to get Song Yi to put aside his doubts.

  But who is the other party that can let her go so easily!
  "Then why didn't you come back in time?"

  "The visibility was too low at night. I couldn't see clearly. I was alone again, so I was quite scared.

  I took the wrong road and ended up at the wholesale market in the old city.

  I've been there before. , I knew there was a food court on the top floor, so I thought I would try my luck

  there. Who knew, there would be people there, but fortunately they were loud and had flashlights dangling around.

  I was alone and worried that I wouldn’t be able to do it. He left quietly."

  She said it with great sincerity. This man was testing her and he must not show any timidity.

  In the end of the world, all alliances are not worth mentioning.

  Without common interests, no one would be tied together, and the same is true for them.

  If you lose your mind, you lose.

  "You did the right thing. Preserving yourself is the most important thing."

  Song Yi said this. Was he caring about her?
  Jiang Yuan also felt strange and asked involuntarily: "You didn't encounter any danger when you went there, right?"

  "There was no danger, but we found another small supermarket."

  This time it was her turn to widen her eyes. No wonder it took so long to come back. It turned out to be like this!

  There were three kayaks just now. If you had been back before, it would be quite a lot.

  It was far higher than the supplies they had left before. They were just moving stupidly and didn't even think about this.

  "So lucky."

  Song Yi put away both kayaks, plus her two, there were four in total.

  He took three and let Jiang Yuan hold one by herself.

  "You still have a kayak with a motor?"

  It's coming, it's coming, you can't hide.

  "Well, I bought this kind of thing before when I went out for fun, and I don't understand it either."

  She didn't blush or her heart beat, and deliberately pretended to be calm.

  Anyway, as long as she is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

  "Go up and talk!"


  Jiang Yuan turned around and went upstairs first.

  Song Yi behind him had a sneer on his lips and shook his head.

  Once the seeds of doubt are planted, no matter what happens next, there will be problems.

  Jiang Yuan felt that this self-rescue team might not be able to survive.

  She is not at a loss either, so many things are completely enough, and the space is now well built.

  Don't be afraid of anything, you have a strong backing.

  When they reached the twentieth floor, it was no longer packed inside, just like they hadn't tidied it up before.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, come in quickly."

  Zhang Kaiyang's voice was full of vigilance.

  Jiang Yuan looked at the place where his eyes glanced, which was 2001 next door.

  My heart skipped a beat, and I felt something was not good.

  "What happened?"   
  Zhang Kaiyang closed the door, took another look, and then walked over.

  "When we were moving things just now, the person next door opened the door. I didn't know what he wanted to do, but when he saw my uncle and I, he went back immediately." "

  Yeah, it feels weird."

  Jiang Xingzhiye He echoed that, under normal circumstances, he would definitely come over and ask, but they actually avoided it.

  It was as if these two people were some kind of savage beast, which was really abnormal.

  "I know what's going on."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over.

  Jiang Yuan told her about selling things to 2001. Of course, her warning was also completely ignored.

  Seeing that everyone was silent, Ye Mianmian couldn't hold it in any longer: "Sister Yuan can't help this matter.

  They live next door, and it's normal for people to find out that we move things here and there.

  And, I think it's not just There are probably many of them who have seen it, but they just don't dare to come out."

  What she said was not unreasonable, and everyone knew it in their hearts.

  But it is really put on the surface, and it is an existence that everyone is afraid of.

  "Besides, they are right next door. If we do nothing, it will be really dangerous."

  Song Yi sighed. Although the voice was very low, Jiang Yuan still heard it.

  "Well, you might as well give them some supplies and stabilize them first. If they jump over the wall in a hurry, you two will be the first to suffer."

  After saying this, his eyes glanced at Kai Yang and Ye Mianmian.

  The two of them didn't know this, and they couldn't help but become nervous.

  "However, we must also be vigilant. No matter what happens now, if there is any abnormal movement next door, you will know what to do!"

  His tone was unquestionable, and the answer was obvious, but everyone felt a cold sweat in their hearts.

  Even Jiang Yuan, who had done something before, was a little afraid.

  "Brother Song, don't worry, I know what to do."

  "Yes, leave it to me and Zhang Yangyang. We won't cause trouble, and we won't be afraid of it.

  His reaction just now proves that he is afraid, so we will Don't be too nervous, you're just scaring yourself."

  After coming out of the service area, Ye Mianmian's world view was different.

  She didn't have much expectations for the world she lived in before.

  "Okay, okay, it's not a big deal. Let's just pay more attention. Let's pack things quickly. There is no place to walk in this room."

  Jiang Xingzhi laughed. He just saw Ye Mianmian coming out to defend Jiang Yuan. He Still quite happy.

  Now that nothing has happened, don't worry about it here.

  "Yes, pack your things!"

  Because Jiang Xingzhi joined, several people felt it was inappropriate and insisted on dividing these things into five parts and giving him one.

  Jiang Yuan doesn't think it's necessary. It's almost enough if we are together, and she has a lot of things.

  However, these people are also grateful.

  After the bags are divided, there are always a few more small things for her.

  Let Jiang Xingzhi bring some up first. She was afraid that her father wouldn't be able to keep an eye on her after working for such a long time. After all, she was still young.

  With four people working, it would be much faster. Ye Mianmian and Kaiyang Zhang were put into their rooms directly.

  Because there were so many, they were piled up at the door, and the remaining ones that couldn't be divided into four were given to Song Yi and Jiang Yuan.

  The two of them got out of the kayak, along with Jiang Xingzhi.

  Jiang Yuan didn't refuse, her politeness seemed false.

  "These things are enough to last for a while. If you don't have anything important to do recently, don't go out."

  After Song Yi finished speaking, the three of them nodded in agreement.

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99. Chapter 99 A cozy hot pot meal
  "You two have also been more careful recently. It's best to put a heavy object against the door.

  You should also be careful when you go to bed at night."

  Ye Mianmian nodded and took what Jiang Yuan said to heart.

  "Yes, we need to strengthen our physical exercise in case of emergencies."

  They are now the owners of materials. They are probably the richest people in the entire community, not to mention the entire building.

  The common man is not guilty, but he still has to understand the principle of carrying a jade.

  "Sister Yuan, don't worry, we will definitely be more vigilant."


  After listening to the advice, they are good children and there is still a possibility of playing together.

  The four of us moved things upstairs together. Since there was only one floor, it was much easier.

  It was all over in ten minutes. Everyone went back to their homes and looked for their mothers.

  After working around for so long, everyone is exhausted and it’s time to take a good rest.

  As soon as Jiang Yuan came in, her mother came over to greet her. She had just wanted to go down.

  I couldn't worry about Xiaonuan anymore, I was worried to death.

  "Daughter, are you okay?"

  "It's okay, Mom, I'm not fine."

  Jiang Xingzhi looked bad and sat at the dining table without saying a word.

  "You said you had such a good idea, but you actually ran out alone and kept it from us. You are really going to piss me off."

  Good guy, there is no way to escape the three-chamber trial.

  "Mom, my good mother, your daughter is tired and hungry now, can you stop scolding her later!"

  After her coquettishness, Qin Yue immediately lost her temper and felt sorry for her.

  Jiang Xingzhi hurried over to order noodles for her. Jiang Xingzhi sighed, not knowing what to say.

  "Dad, you are worried about me, and I am also worried about you. It's okay that it's okay. If something really happens, I will be sad too. We

  are a family, and I am an adult. My feelings for you and my mother are the same. You two treat me and Xiao Nuan the same way.

  If I don't come back for such a long time, will you leave me alone?"


  Jiang Xingzhi sighed deeply, this girl is older.

  "I can't help you, but there will never be a next time.

  My daughter, my father is old and can't protect you anymore. He has lived for several decades, which is enough.

  In the future, don't take risks because of this."

  His It’s so heartfelt, it’s so painful to hear.

  Jiang Yuan shook her head and said seriously: "Dad, don't say that. You are not old. We all count on your protection. You are the backbone of our family.

  Even if we encounter this situation again in the future, I will go out to find you." Yes, our family must be neat and tidy."

  After saying that, her eyes were red.

  In my previous life, I felt sorry for my parents.

  In this life, I have to make up for whatever I say.

  "Oh, my daughter, dad's love for you is not in vain."

  The touching atmosphere was broken with the arrival of a bowl of egg and tomato noodles.

  Qin Yue also brought her a lot of pickles. Jiang Yuan ate them quickly, and her father asked her mother to go back and rest.

  She was also anxious to go back and get some sleep, as there were many things to do.

  It was almost noon now. I told my mother not to call her if nothing happened. I stopped eating and went back to the room.

  As usual, her mother filled her with two hot water bottles, one on the bottom of her feet and one in her arms.

  The familiar smell hit her, and Jiang Yuan felt sleepy for a moment, and fell asleep within a few minutes.

  Jiang Xingzhi also went back to rest, but Qin Yue couldn't stay idle. She also made food for Xiao Nuan and asked her to go back and sleep with Jiang Yuan.

  There is no way, her grandpa snores, which will affect the baby's nap.

  When her mother came in, Jiang Yuan was conscious and held her daughter in her arms.   
  "Mom, I love you..."

  "I love you too, go to sleep, baby..."

  Xiao Nuan lay in her mother's arms contentedly. Her mother was not at home these two days, and she was obedient.

  They slept until seven o'clock in the evening. The mother and daughter were next to each other, so warm that they both slept for a long time.

  Jiang Yuan got up, helped Xiaonuan go to the toilet, cleaned up briefly, and then went out.

  The smell was overwhelming outside, and the greedy food in her stomach was brought out.

  "Mom, are you making hot pot?"

  "Yes, wash your hands quickly and get ready to eat."

  Jiang Yuan was very happy, Qin Yue had prepared everything.

  A mother's child is like a treasure, and this is the best portrayal of it now.

  "I think those dishes are quite fresh. We won't be able to finish them in a while. We haven't had hot pot for a long time, so it's just a luxury." I really feel that my

  daughter and Jiang Xingzhi have worked hard, and this meal is to reward the two men. Son.

  "It's great, Mom, it's so fragrant."

  The mandarin duck pot is steaming. The spicy pot is the hot pot base she bought before, and the clear soup pot is the bone soup she cooked herself.

  In addition to these, there is also a whole bucket. Qin Yue said that the weather is cold now.

  The bone broth will condense into skin jelly, and when needed, it will turn into soup when heated, which is most delicious when used to cook noodles.

  Moreover, it is extremely nutritious.

  Fresh leafy vegetables, lettuce, large-leaf chrysanthemum, chicken feathers, lettuce, rapeseed, Chinese cabbage, and your own bean sprouts, which are white and plump, especially pleasing to the eye.

  As well as potato slices and green bamboo shoots, soaked day lily, tofu skin, fungus, and shredded kelp.

  The variety is relatively complete, but the quantity of each item is not large, which is enough for everyone.

  In addition, I also took out a lot of the hot pot meatballs I had stocked up on before.

  Qin Yue also cut a lot of beef, not fat beef, but beef with plenty of ingredients.

  And, her favorite hairy belly.

  Today, I am destined to be full.

  "Daughter, you can make a mixing bowl yourself. There are chopped green onions and coriander here."


  The family enjoyed themselves and even put some hand-rolled noodles in at the end of the meal.

  Since the end of the world, their family has been eating well, but for such a comfortable hot pot, this is the only meal.

  All the fatigue disappeared.

  "By the way, dad, did you encounter a small supermarket again later?"

  "Yes, that guy Song Yi said it!"

  "Well, I mentioned it, but didn't say what happened specifically."

  Jiang Yuanyou Whatever you say, I am quite interested in this small supermarket.

  "We went to pull the liquefied gas tanks and came back. We passed by a construction site, and there was a supermarket over there." A supermarket

  at a construction site?
  "It's flooded over there, how can there be anyone there?"

  "Daughter, you don't know that building a building on a construction site and opening a supermarket inside is very simple and you can leave immediately. And,

  it doesn't matter, you can't get in at all.

  Workers earn a lot of money, they do physical work, and they are willing to spend money."

  Jiang Yuan is in the building materials industry, so naturally she is very clear about this kind of thing.

  "It must have been moved there temporarily, and we encountered it by chance.

  There are quite a lot of things inside, and many of them are unopened goods, which can be regarded as treasures. I just

  don't know, but people will find it later. , will you be angry?"

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100. Chapter 100 Grandma Ye is sick
  "In this case, I don't know if the boss can survive until the rain comes and the sky will shine.

  Dad, don't worry about it."

  What Jiang Yuan said is a fact, and it is something everyone knows. Now it is subconscious. reaction inside.

  It seems that ideological work still needs to be done!
  "My daughter is right. The situation is not certain yet, so let's not think about it so much. The

  weather has been going back and forth for so long, and many people are gone. We also relied on Jiang Yuan's blessing to do it in advance. Prepare.

  But what happened to the child?"

  Mom and dad are still thinking about Jiang Yuan, which is good. It proves that she has done a good job.

  "I don't know either. Later they conducted secret experiments and no communication equipment or anything else was allowed.

  However, don't worry, he is a cutting-edge talent and will definitely be protected."

  Qin Yue nodded, I agree with her statement.

  "Daughter, your classmate is really nice, and he treats you well.

  If it weren't for him, we wouldn't know what we would be doing now. He has told you such confidential things.

  Tell your mother honestly, is he right? Are you interesting? The child is not married yet, right?"

  "Mom, you can do it, but why are you getting more and more confused the more you

  talk about it." "Mom is right, you can't stop looking for it, while you are still young... "

  Jiang Yuan couldn't help but hold her forehead. How could things have turned out like this? She was really speechless.

  Sure enough, every single man and woman will experience this kind of urge to get married.

  "Mom, Mom, don't say it, don't say it now, and don't say it in the future.

  Jiang Yuan has a partner, we just had a chat by chance, and someone revealed it.

  Let her girlfriend know He'll be angry. We can't repay kindness with hatred!"

  Qin Yue chewed her teeth with a look of regret on her face: "When I was in school, I was optimistic about that child, but I wasn't sure. It's a pity."

  "Dad, look at it. Mom, what are you talking about!

  Xia Chaoyang did such a thing, I am a little disgusted with marriage, and my mother keeps saying..."

  Jiang Yuan pouted her mouth in grievance, and Jiang Xingzhi immediately felt distressed.

  "Look, what are you talking about? It's just adding salt to my daughter's wounds."

  Qin Yue also shut up after hearing this.

  However, Jiang Xingzhi still had to refute a few words about her.

  Jiang Yuan has no choice. If everyone doesn't feel her disgust, then this matter will not be easily revealed.

  Now, although it can’t be said to be permanent.

  At least, it can stop for a while.

  Next time, if mom mentions it again.

  She accused Xia Chaoyang of creating an image of a single mother who was hurt by a scumbag, strong on the outside but fragile on the inside.

  The topic ended and several people began to sort out the supplies. Jiang Yuan took the lead and took two bags to the attic.

  Now, there are too many supplies at home, and she has to move them into the space in a planned way.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue did not stop them. They were sorting things out below. She moved five times and ten bags of things by herself.

  Last time, a lot of things were put in and kept very clean, but there really wasn't much room on top.

  It is said to be tidying up, but in fact it is also to free up space.

  Jiang Yuan picked some things with a short shelf life and put them in the space.

  Now in the space, many rooms are equipped with shelves.

  She was afraid that she would forget, so she separated the rooms where supplies were stored according to categories.

  Then I put a sticky note on the door and wrote something down.

  A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. It may be fine now, but over time, it is very likely to be forgotten.

  There are so many houses, it would be a waste of time to search them one by one.

  Previously, I put all the milk and yogurt at home into part of the space.   
  Now there are only some products with a long shelf life left. Qin Yue puts them in foam boxes and covers them with quilts.

  There was no way, the temperature at night was too low, Jiang Yuan could just put it in.

  "Daughter, the little girl downstairs is here. Come down."


  Ye Mianmian actually came over. It's so late. I don't know what's going on.

  She hurried down, but Jiang Xingzhi did not go out, but watched from the monitoring station.

  "Xiao Song next door is out. My dear, can we go out?"

  "I can go out by myself. Dad, you wait at home and I'll see what's going on."


  Ye Mianmian looked at the pear blossoms with rain. , obviously he had cried, something must have happened.

  Although Jiang Xingzhi did not follow him out, he was still monitoring the situation outside.

  "Is it Ye Mianmian?"

  "Well, it should be, let's see what's wrong?"

  The two people opened the door, and opposite them was Ye Mianmian's anxious face.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, my grandma is sick. She has a severe fever. I don't have any medicine at home.

  Can you, can you help me?"

  As she said this, she felt a little nervous and was about to kneel down.

  Jiang Yuan unlocked the door and opened the outermost door.

  "Mianmian, get up quickly. What are you doing?"

  He said and went to help her.

  "Sister Yuan, my grandma, my grandma is so hot. I'm so scared."

  "Don't worry, I'll go back and look for any antipyretics."

  Song Yi next to him frowned and said calmly: "You stay here with her. I have some at home. I'll go get it."

  As soon as she heard that Song Yi's house had medicine, Ye Mianmian immediately looked over: "Thank you, thank you Brother Song, woo woo woo..."

  "Okay, Mianmian Stop crying. Grandma is fine. Why did

  she suddenly have a fever?" "When we went out before, she was worried and kept guarding her because she was freezing.

  After I came back, I didn't notice it. By the time I found out, it was already worse. .

  I really deserve to die, Sister Yuan, I didn’t take good care of my grandma."

  Jiang Yuan sighed, this kind of thing would be scary to anyone, after all, the old man is so old.

  "Mianmian, don't blame yourself. The top priority now is to solve the problem.

  Cheer up quickly. If you are like this, who will take care of her."

  Ye Mianmian wiped her tears, twitching, but Jiang Yuan's words still remained I can hear some.

  I was just too scared, so I collapsed for a moment.

  Song Yi moved quickly and took out half the bag.

  "There are cold medicine, antipyretic medicine, and a thermometer here. Let's go down and take a look."


  With that said, the three people hurried down.

  Zhang Kaiyang was guarding the door. When he saw them coming back, one of them gave them a mask.

  At the critical moment, you have to take precautions. If you catch a cold, it can be serious or minor.

  When we got to the back room, there were supplies everywhere. Grandma Ye was lying on the bed, frowning, not very stable.

  "Grandma, wake up. I'll take your temperature first."

  Ye Mianmian was very gentle and walked over with the thermometer.
