Chapter 56-60

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Chapter 56 Understand the secret of space
  Chapter 56: Understanding the Secret of Space
  There are indeed many things in Ye Mianmian’s house.

  She has a lot of beauty makeup, all of which are heavyweight.

  After helping to clean up, it was already half past eight in the evening.

  These two days have been exhausting.

  "Kai Zhangyang, I see you have a drone there."

  "Yes, I bought it when we went out to shoot outdoor scenes. If we hadn't moved, I wouldn't have remembered that I still had such a thing.


  He said, He patted his forehead.

  "With the drone, if there is any danger later, I can use it to notify you."

  Well, how should I put it, it is a way.

  "Okay, you guys pack up first. We'll go back first."


  "By the way, if you have a chance, find out what's going on next door."

  Song Yilin confessed when he went out.

  Kaiyang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian did not dare to be careless and nodded repeatedly.

  Living next door is also very dangerous if you are not a good person.

  After Jiang Yuan got home, she felt very tired.

  "Mom, what should we eat for dinner?"

  "Can we have tomato and egg noodles, and sweet and sour radish..."

  "Okay, why not? My mother's cooking is the best in the world."

  Qin Yue saw that she was still If you have a naughty mind, you can rest assured that it shouldn't be that serious.

  Turn around and go to the kitchen to make noodles for the father and daughter.

  She and Xiao Nuan had already eaten, and there were a lot of supplies in the room. They tidied up some of them in the afternoon, and there were a lot of them on the ground.

  After dinner, Jiang Yuan took her daughter back to her room.

  Xiaonuan usually goes to bed after nine o'clock, and now it's time for her biological clock to rest. After a few minutes of coaxing, she fell asleep.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to delay and hurried to the bathroom.

  She wanted to enter the space, and she couldn't let the little girl find out anymore.

  Anyway, inside, you can also hear the noise outside.

  The space is simply a mess. Although the land is large, there are really many things.

  Looking at the green vegetables, she had an idea and picked up an opaque black garbage bag.

  I pulled out a lot of them and stuffed them in, and then left the house mysteriously.

  Sure enough, Qin Yue and Jiang Xingzhi were both awake and packing their things.

  There were so many paper towels on the floor, many of them half used.

  "Mom, Dad, let me show you something good."

  As he said that, he took out the vegetables as if he were offering a treasure.

  Mom and dad were also shocked. Such fresh vegetables are now more valuable than gold.

  "Where did this come from?"


  Jiang Yuan deliberately acted exaggerated and lowered her voice.

  "I found this in an office and kept it in an incubator. Not only did it not freeze to death, it also grew quite well.

  They didn't know this, so I brought it back secretly."

  Forgive her, if I don't say that, in case The day the secret is revealed, it will be bad.

  "Oh, such a good dish, so tender. It just so happens that Xiaonuan has been having a hard time going to the bathroom these past two days, so I need to give some to the child." It's

  already this time, but her parents are still thinking about her and their daughter, and they feel in their hearts. A moment of emotion.

  "You guys eat first. I see there are quite a few over there. I kept a close eye on them and hid them all.

  I'll go out and look for them when everything is fine in a few days."

  "Okay, let's see how capable my daughter is. ."

  Qin Yue said something to Jiang Xingzhi in a showy manner, but the other party was not convinced.   
  "That's my daughter too..."

  "Dad, Mom, this thing is afraid of the cold, so it needs to be put away."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know. Girl, go back and rest quickly. I'll ask your dad to go up and find a foam box."

  "Okay. , then I will go back."

  Jiang Yuan was happy in her heart, it was a good thing to be able to eat vegetables openly.

  After entering, upgrade the time first.

  Put the 20,000 yuan in it and fill the bed with it. This is more than 6 million yuan in cash.

  What a concept, if this bed wasn't strong, it would probably collapse.

  She didn't know the specific amount, but it could only be exchanged in batches.

  After finishing it, Jiang Yuan looked at the timer, which read 695 hours, 40 minutes and 31 seconds.

  "Oh my God!"

  I gasped. This is only 28 days, and there are still a few more hours.

  It’s been almost a month, absolutely amazing!
  However, don't be too proud, these times are far from enough.

  The bed was vacated, and without any time to think about it, Jiang Yuan hurriedly looked at the upgrade.

  Now there is no land on the display panel, and the stone road will occupy the original land.

  Not a good deal.

  By the way, she still remembered that she had chosen an electric socket before.

  After searching all over the house, I finally found a five-hole socket next to the cabinet.

  I took my mobile phone and charger to test, and sure enough it was charged.

  Great, I won't starve to death even if there is no fuel.

  There were still a lot of icons, so she just chose them all without stopping.

  After all, the land is gone, so the more the better for other things.

  I don’t need tables and chairs, I got so many of them.

  There are so many clothes, why not choose more wardrobes.

  Jiang Yuan thought this and clicked on the wardrobe icon.

  As a result, something magical happened.

  Two other icons appear above the wardrobe icon, which still look like wardrobes, but one has four doors and the other has three doors.

  She felt strange, what was going on, the cabinets were not the same size?

  Of course she would choose a four-door, and she could put some more things in it, and she wasn't stupid.

  After clicking it, the icon disappeared.

  "Hey, my God!"

  Sanguan was shocked again. It wasn't that there was an extra four-door cabinet, but that the original three-door cabinet became a four-door cabinet.

  She couldn't believe it, so she quickly went over to check it out. It was just an ordinary four-door cabinet without any buttons.

  Don’t give up and try again.

  Good guy, there are three options this time, three-door cabinets, five-door cabinets, and four-door cabinets with top cabinets.

  The case is solved, sisters, it turns out that the things in the space can be upgraded.

  People coming from outside are no good. Jiang Yuan has really discovered the New World.

  You need one of everything, and then upgrade it according to its practicality.

  Although there are still a lot of "metal, wood, water, fire, and earth" things now, you still have to use them sparingly!
  In order not to waste time, I started to upgrade like crazy, and a strange icon appeared at the back, which seemed to be a house with two windows on it.

  With an excited heart and trembling hands, Jiang Yuan quickly opened it.

  Sure enough, grandma’s house can actually be upgraded.

  The three icons above are one house, two houses, and one on the side, which should be a wing room.

  I chose two houses without hesitation. Sure enough, there was an extra room next to it, but there was nothing in it.

  This seems to be a game that I have played before. I get rewards for completing tasks and can upgrade my manor. Xiao Nuan played it.

  Jiang Yuan held back her excitement and began to choose what she needed to create her own utopia...

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Chapter 57 Find a way to save your life
  Chapter 57 Find a way to save your life.

  Half an hour later, the entire space changed drastically.

  Five large houses, four bedrooms, a living room, plus a kitchen and a bathroom.

  The basic furniture inside is also fully equipped, and with water and electricity, it can fully guarantee basic life.

  The remaining small details have not been added, and Jiang Yuan feels that the utilization rate is not too high.

  Even things at home can be brought in and used, so there is no wasted opportunity, but the wardrobe has been fully upgraded.

  The furniture is all custom-made, so no space is wasted.

  She also took the time to water the vegetables in the space.

  The temperature here is suitable, and vegetables grow quickly and tenderly.

  The front yard is estimated to be 300 square meters, and the backyard is another 200 square meters.

  Although not particularly large, especially for someone who needs to grow vegetables.

  However, it is enough.

  There are still a lot of things in the space, which are messy, and I have to find time to sort them out.

  Jiang Yuan was happy in her heart. When she came out of the bathroom, Xiao Nuan was sleeping peacefully.

  Because the weather was cold, they plugged in an electric heater and placed it in front of the bed.

  Although it is not as warm as the floor heating, the effect is not bad, and the battery reserve now has a lot of spare power.

  This one consumes a lot of electricity and is basically not turned on during the day, only at night.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue didn't open it at night, but put one in Jiang Yuan and Xiao Nuan's room.

  Her space cannot be increased by land now, but other things can still undergo a series of upgrades.

  At present, it is still "earth" and relatively in short supply.

  She had a bold idea to wait until all the upgrades were over.

  Will there be a new round of upgrades? After all, she has unlimited space when reading novels.

  Therefore, these materials should be stocked up as much as possible.

  In addition, there is a problem of time, which has to be increased, and the money is becoming less and less valuable.

  Slowly, the banknotes will probably disappear, making it even more difficult for her to collect them.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan tossed and turned, and actually couldn't sleep.

  More than six hundred hours seems like a lot, but it’s not forbidden.

  Normally she would have to go in, which would waste some time.

  If it's really time to save your life, it won't be a day or two.

  what to do?
  So annoying!

  I don't know if she was too tired in the past two days or thought too much, but she still fell into a deep sleep in the second half of the night.

  The dream was full of what Xiao Nuan looked like in her previous life after her death, and the scene where she was humiliated by those scumbags.


  Jiang Yuan sat up suddenly, panting heavily, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her body.

  Turning around, I saw my daughter's peaceful sleeping face.

  Fortunately, it was just a dream.

  With this thought in mind, she got up, took a clean pair of warm clothes and put on a three-layer quilted pajamas.

  It was five o'clock in the morning and it was still dark outside. She turned on the flashlight on her phone and quietly entered the bathroom.

  No, since she was given another chance, she must seize it.

  She doesn't have any advantages, except that she came back after being reborn and stocked up on a lot of supplies.

  Also, I got this space by accident.

  But her own abilities are not good enough, so whether she can hold on to this space is a problem.

  Therefore, we can no longer be lazy and take action quickly.

  She hasn't thought about the specific plan yet, but she just feels like she can't stop.

  She brought a lot of clothes over before, and she didn't need to enter the space, she just took them out batch by batch through her thoughts.

  The wardrobe in the current space is not small, and these clothes can be put in as long as they can.   
  There are some things you don’t need, so sell them. You can’t delay them anyway.

  Her wardrobe is also full of clothes. In addition to daily wear, the rest are placed in storage bags, stuffed to the brim.

  Not only had it rained heavily these past two days, but the wind was also very strong. She probably wouldn't be able to get out for a while.

  Then at home, put everything away.

  These clothes took up a lot of space. Jiang Yuan didn't take them all out at once, otherwise they would definitely not be able to fit them in the room.

  I have collected a lot of clothes with floor-standing clothes racks and clothes supports on them.

  Other loose items, mostly from inventory, are inside the bags. Only some of them are unpacked and not hung up.

  Having bought a lot of furs before, Jiang Yuan chose some styles that were warm, thick, and convenient. She found the sizes she could wear and put them in the cabinet in the space.

  I found a few more pieces and will give them to my mother to wear tomorrow.

  The weather will get colder and colder, and fur will have better warmth retention properties.

  I picked out a few extra bulky ones and saved them for my dad to wear.

  Because fur is only available for women's clothing, not men's clothing. Fortunately, dad is not fat, so he can definitely wear it.

  There were also quite a few pie suits, so she chose some and put the rest on floor-standing hangers.

  I didn't dare to take out too many, so I could only keep two.

  If there are too many, the secret will be exposed easily.

  Xiao Nuan had brought a lot of clothes before, but most of them were thin. Jiang Yuan brought the storage bag she bought before.

  According to different sizes and types, they are stacked up and stuffed on the wall cabinets in the space.

  Then mark it with sticky notes and stick it on the outside of the storage bag.

  Just put thin clothes into the space, along with the hangers, and just find an open space.

  Jiang Yuan had been tidying up mechanically, and before she knew it, it was already past eight o'clock, and a lot of space had been freed up.

  "Daughter, are you awake?"

  Qin Yue got up to cook. When she heard some movement here, she came over to take a look.

  "Oh my god, why are there so many clothes?"

  The ground was already in a mess.

  In addition to two racks full of furs and parkas, there is also a small selection of pajamas.

  There are a lot of them piled underneath, all ready to be sold.

  "Mom, the clothes I bought before are all folded. I packed them out and prepared to sell the useless ones."

  Qin Yue did not doubt that he was there. After all, she had tidied most of Jiang Yuan's room by herself. of.

  "Mom, take these clothes and give these to my dad.

  This furry fur is very warm to wear."

  "Oh, there are so many!"

  Qin Yue looked at the clothes in her hand and touched them fondly. Touch it, it's really warm.

  "Okay, then you hurry up and pack up. I'll cook some food. I'll call Xiao Nuan later."


  Qin Yue left, and Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. This was another level.

  After thinking about it, she pushed the two hangers out and placed them in the corridor.

  No one can come in anyway, it's safe here, and the rest can be carried out.

  There were also some packaging bags, and Jiang Yuan sorted them out and put them together.

  Qin Yue made millet porridge, fried garlic rapeseed, and fried pickles before.

  The four of them had a wonderful meal, especially Xiaonuan, who liked this green vegetable very much.

  "Dong, dong, dong..."

  There was a knock on the door, and several people looked at each other...

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Chapter 58 Giving each other things
  Chapter 58 Giving things to each other

  "It should be the one next door. Mom, please tidy up this place. I'll go over and take a look..."


  Qin Yue, with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately brought the vegetable plate into the kitchen.

  You can't let others see this, otherwise you will definitely feel uncomfortable.

  As soon as Jiang Yuan opened the door, Song Yi appeared at the door in a black sportswear, with a majestic little guy standing next to him.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Kakaiyang and Ye Mianmian are here."

  Song Yi said, pointing to the door of the stairwell.

  Jiang Yuan didn't know what was going on, but she opened the door anyway.

  She was wearing three layers of warm pajamas, a pair of thick cotton slippers on her face, and her hair was tied back casually.

  This outfit is too homely, forming a sharp contrast with Song Yi next to him.


  The door opened, revealing the smiling faces of Kai Yang and Ye Mianmian, but they were still blocked by another door.

  There is a protective fence above this door, so you can see the situation of the other party.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, we have brought you good things."

  Zhang Kaiyang said excitedly, shaking the bag in his hand.

  Song Yi opened the door and let the two of them in.

  "Look, what is this..."

  Zhang Kaiyang was so excited that he opened the plastic bag and found a ham inside.

  They have found this kind before, but they are all packaged, usually about two kilograms.

  This one is obviously not the batch discovered before.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, my grandma made the cured ham for you to try."

  There is a lot of meat on it. After all, it is estimated to be ten or twenty kilograms.

  "Yes, there are also these drinks. I got them. Although you also have them, this is what I want."

  After a long time of fussing, it turned out that the two of them came over to thank them.

  "There's no need for this. These things are very precious now. Put them away quickly and don't let others see them."

  There was a lot of food at home, and Jiang Yuan didn't care about it.

  "How about that? Sister Yuan, don't be polite. We'll keep it for ourselves. My grandma's craftsmanship is very good. You guys have a try."

  She looked at Song Yi with some embarrassment, not knowing what to do. The other party nodded. .

  "Okay, thank you."

  "By the way, Sister Yuan, this is just for you. See if you can use it."

  Ye Mianmian said, handing over a bag full of Dengdeng. It's cosmetics.

  "So many!"

  "Yes, I have a lot of cosmetics at home, and I can't use them all. If you don't mind, just pick and use. I still have a lot at home." There are a lot of them

  . When she moved yesterday, she saw arrive.

  "Thank you, Mianmian, just in time, I have something for you."

  With that, Jiang Yuan went to the door to get her clothes.

  I chose a pink fur with fur on the outside. It looked like something I would wear on a catwalk.

  I also picked up a military green parka. I don’t know what kind of fur it is, but it feels quite comfortable.

  "Mianmian, these two are for you to wear, and these two darker ones are for grandma to wear."

  As he said that, he took the light brown one and the black one next to him and handed them to her.

  "Oh my god, Sister Yuan, why did you buy so much fur? It's quite expensive, isn't it?" "It's not expensive

  . I used to do business in partnership with my friend, but then I stopped.

  This is my share, and I can keep it at home." It’s no use. I thought the weather was getting cold, so we’d all share a few pieces to wear. I’d sell the rest to get some money.

  By the way, these pajamas are pretty good too. They’ll keep me warm. You Come here and pick something out."

  Jiang Yuan said, going to look through the three-layer quilted pajamas underneath, and Ye Mianmian also participated.   
  They were in the West Market and usually just wore fleece leggings to celebrate the New Year. When had they ever encountered such cold weather?

  Most families don't have this kind of pajamas, but they wear them when they are in their hometown. They are the kind that can be worn directly when going out. They are warmer than cotton-padded jackets and trousers.

  Kaiyang next to him quit and came over angrily.

  "Sister Yuan, do you have mine? I'm so cold..."

  "Well, they're all women's clothes. If you don't mind it..."

  "Don't mind it..."

  Zhang Kaiyang said nothing and immediately picked up one. A black fur was put on.

  He is quite thin, and you can't tell by his clothes.

  "Hey, I'm dressed just right. I'll also get a set of big pajamas."

  After saying that, he went to pick out pajamas from Ye Mianmian.

  "This is what I took a fancy to first..."

  Ye Mianmian snatched the light blue flower pajamas from his hand, which he had chosen for his grandma.

  "Then you want it. I'll give you the purple one."

  Well, this young man is willing to accept anything, which is pretty good.

  At least, the integration is relatively strong.

  "That Song Yi, why don't you choose one too? It's so cold now, maybe..."


  Jiang Yuan thought that such a tough guy would be very repulsive, and she was ready to persuade her, but who knew that the clown would actually It's herself.

  "Sister Yuan, thank you, this is really warm!"

  Zhang Kaiyang tugged on the big bunny ears on his pajamas, like a tall and thin Star Delu, without any sense of disobedience.

  It’s hard to judge today’s young people.

  "They went out just now. In addition to the kayak, there seemed to be two big basins."

  When they mentioned this, everyone became serious.

  "Approximately how many people are there?"

  "About ten..."

  Zhang Kaiyang also opened the topic and talked about the situation there.

  "Yesterday, they knocked on the door next door and asked the men in the family to follow them to find supplies. Those who didn't go would have to pay.

  When the time comes, they can also share some things."


  Jiang Yuan was a little confused. Doubtful, it sounds like it is true, but will people who don’t go really have anything?
  Even if there is, is the amount reasonable?
  Even if it's unreasonable, does anyone know?

  These are all problems!

  "It was Sun Yian who was the one who picked it. He seemed to say that he is now the building manager elected by everyone, and he asked everyone in the building to follow his unified arrangements. In

  our house, there was no knock on the door, so he probably didn't know that we had moved in."

  After all, the body of the person who lived here before was still soaking in the water downstairs.

  "They didn't come to knock on our door either. This automatically excludes us."

  Song Yi nodded. Even if he came to knock on the door, they wouldn't open it.

  "I don't know if they can come back. The wind was so strong today that I didn't even dare to open the window.

  Yesterday, the glass of a building was blown to pieces. Did you know that it was right here?"

  No wonder, she heard That loud noise when I arrived turned out to be like this!

  "Everyone, please be careful. The wind has been strong recently, so stay at home and don't go out casually." "

  Well, in that case, who do you want to sell these clothes to, Sister Yuan?"

  "It's from our building. People, others can't get out."

  Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan felt a little melancholy again, she needed money so much.

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Chapter 59 Find ways to make money
  Chapter 59 Find a way to make money

  "If there is food, people will definitely come here to help. I guess not many people need these clothes and such.

  But, Sister Yuan, what do you need money for? Money is not worth anything now." "

  You think it's worthless, but I want to save it in case it can be used in the future."

  Jiang Yuan made an excuse, which was considered a normal person's thinking, nothing special.

  "I still have some cash there, but it's not much, only a few hundred yuan. Let me get it for you."

  Zhang Kaiyang said this, and Ye Mianmian wanted to agree.

  They usually use mobile phones to pay, but grandma doesn't know how to use it, so she still has some cash at home.

  "No, I appreciate your kindness. This thing is just to keep it from being idle. It's not necessary."

  Jiang Yuan directly declined their kindness. There was really nothing that the money could do.

  "The Internet is not good now. Otherwise, we can mobilize people from the whole community to come and buy clothes, and they will always be able to sell them." "

  No, just these few items. If they can be sold, just sell them. If they can't, forget it. No. Anxious."

  Jiang Yuan said this, but felt troubled in her heart.

  Sure enough, it was getting harder and harder to make money, and she was somewhat helpless.

  You can't rob a bank, she's not that cool.

  Moreover, the bank's anti-theft facilities are even more powerful than those at her home.

  Just think about it, it's simply impossible to achieve.

  The few people talked for a while and then went home.

  Jiang Yuan didn't put away her clothes, so the corridor was safe.

  When she got home, her parents saw that she had nothing to do, so they didn't ask any questions and were just packing things aside.

  "By the way, Mom and Dad, I think there will be nothing to do these two days. You should exercise more. If you can't go out now, the treadmill can be used." "It's

  cold today, and I'm really too lazy to move. I just want to curl up in bed."

  "Mom, this is not possible. I feel that the temperature will get colder and colder. We must improve our physical fitness.

  If this situation continues to persist, we will still have to wait until the rain stops. Went out to look for supplies..."

  When Jiang Xingzhi heard about going out, he also advised: "My daughter is right, we can't be lazy. Only when our physical fitness improves will we not be held back later." "

  Ah, okay, wait a moment. Let's go for a run, don't worry, daughter."

  In fact, Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue have been in the countryside and often work in the fields.

  Although they don't grow much, the two of them are not idle. Their physical fitness is still much better than that of their peers.

  "I will train with you later. Our whole family will not be left behind."

  After Jiang Yuan explained, she went back to the house and locked the door.

  There are too many things in the space, so we need to tidy them up.

  She took down three office buildings by herself, which contained more stuff than the three of them combined.

  This is still the result of not all being put away. If you search carefully, you can probably reach the top of the space.

  Now through your mind, you can perceive what is at each location.

  By pressing the password, you can take things out without reducing the countdown.

  After she has sorted it out, she can take it back with her thoughts. There is no need to shorten the time. How great!
  Xiao Nuan is not in the room, so she can show off her skills, but she doesn't dare to show off too much, otherwise it will be messy and difficult to clean up.

  At twelve noon, there was a knock on the door.

  "Daughter, what are you doing? Come out to eat."

  "Okay, I'll be here soon. I'm changing clothes."

  He said and put the box in.

  There were a lot of shelves inside, and most of the things were stacked in the other bedroom and around each room.

  Try to keep things visible without blocking the furniture.

  However, at this moment, she actually felt very tired.   
  When I stood up, my center of gravity was still a little unsteady.

  Could it be that I have used my thoughts too often, so my physical strength is exhausted.

  When I was in the office building before, I basically threw them away casually, and the time dimension was longer, so this problem did not arise at all.

  For lunch, we made the sweet and sour short ribs, mushrooms and greens, and pickled sweet and sour radishes.

  It's so simple, with a combination of meat and vegetables. Mom and dad are reluctant to eat green vegetables, so they keep giving it to Xiao Nuan.

  "Dad, Mom, you guys should eat too. There are still so many."

  "Mom doesn't like it, so hurry up and eat it."

  "Just a broken green vegetable, what's so delicious about it..."

  Jiang Yuan looked at the two The old man felt uncomfortable when he was like this. There were still a lot of vegetables in the space. What reason should she use to take them out?

  "Eat quickly, the rest will be bad..."

  Jiang Yuan picked up a chopstick, and Qin Yue immediately took the bowl away.

  "Mom, if you don't want to eat, then I won't eat either."

  Xiao Nuan next to her looked around and put down her chopsticks.

  "Grandma won't eat, and Xiaonuan won't eat either..."

  "Oh, dear grandson, you have to eat, otherwise you won't be able to get your daddy out, how uncomfortable..."

  "Look at you, you are eating, why are you talking about this? What."

  "I'm not telling the truth."

  Qin Yue rolled her eyes at Jiang Xingzhi angrily, and Jiang Yuan took the opportunity to put the vegetables into her bowl.

  "Dad, Mom, you both eat, don't be reluctant, if you don't eat, it will be ruined.

  Wait a minute, I will go and sort out all our supplies. I have nothing to do these two days, just exercise and this."

  "Okay, I'll help you later."

  After finishing lunch happily, the old couple and the child wanted to take a nap.

  Jiang Yuan naturally brought Xiao Nuan with her. She sorted out a lot of things and took a woven bag.

  Turn around and take out more while he's not paying attention, and exchange for more money.

  Among them, there is also some food.

  But they are all snacks, the kind that are not very eye-catching.

  Although she wanted money, she wanted her life even more.

  At four o'clock in the afternoon, Sun Yian and others came back. Although they were in a panic, they had obtained supplies.

  "Jiang Yuan, this is your kayak. It's not damaged at all. Check it out."

  She took it and handed it to Song Yi next to her. In this situation, she definitely couldn't go out alone.

  "We also found a few kayaks and fished out a lot of food from the water.

  Although the quality is not good, it is still edible. Thank you this time."

  Well, I finally said something human.

  "You're welcome. By the way, Lawyer Sun, I still have some leftover clothes here, all made of fur and so on. There are many mink coats, which are very warm.

  If anyone needs them, you can come and buy them."

  Sun Yi'an Renjing As if, he immediately understood what she meant.

  "Okay, I get it and I will promote it for you."

  "Thank you then. I still have the same request. I just want cash. The amount is not much. If you need it, let them do it as soon as possible."

  "No problem!

  " He would be happy to do anything that would increase his authority.


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Chapter 60 Selling clothes to raise money
  Chapter 60 Selling Clothes to Raise Money

  I don’t know what Sun Yian said, but someone came over at night, but Jiang Yuan didn’t go out.

  The power is out now and it's pitch black outside.

  She must be stupid. If she goes out now, what if the other party has ulterior motives?

  The next day, the temperature was even lower. When I woke up in the morning, the room temperature was only minus 5 degrees Celsius.

  She is not afraid, not to mention that there is heating equipment in the house.

  It's their hometown, and it's often minus 20 or 30 below zero in the winter.

  For thirty-nine days, it can reach minus ten degrees during the day.

  When I was a kid, I didn’t just run out and play.

  She thought so, but the others didn't think so. Early in the morning, before breakfast was finished, many people came.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Miss, we all came here to buy clothes according to the advice of the Sun Building Manager."

  The speaker was 1602, who had bought drinks from her before.

  At this moment, he was shivering from the cold, his nose was red, and he was rubbing his hands.

  My spirit is no longer as good as before, and I am listless.

  "Really? Let's take a look, which one do you like in the photo?"

  Jiang Yuan became more energetic when she heard this, and directly pulled the floor-standing clothes hanger in the corridor over.

  They are all equipped with universal wheels at the bottom, which is also very convenient.

  "Look, I have all women's clothes here, do you want it?"

  "Yes, women's clothes too. Are there any children's clothes?"

  "Yes, then come in and take a look!"

  She said, preparing to open the door. Let 1602 come in.

  A hand suddenly held her down, and Jiang Yuan was shocked as if she had been electrocuted.

  It was a hand with distinct joints, and there was a cocoon-like touch between the hands.

  When he looked up, it was Song Yi.

  The other party also looked at her and shook his head.

  Jiang Yuan realized instantly that she was not allowed to open the door.

  "Which one do you like? I'll get it for you."

  1602 also thought that he could go in, but now it seems that he doesn't think about it anymore.

  "That's called the black one. See if you have a large size. The purple one for women is also fine. Show them to me." "


  Jiang Yuan started doing business. She started out as a salesperson. , easy to sell something.

  Moreover, it is not the customers who pick her now, because she is the only one who sells things here.

  "Song Yi, please go back first. I can handle it..."

  "Well, okay!"

  When he came out, he also heard the noise. Jiang Yuan is a powerful character.

  Now that he said that, he wasn't worried anymore.

  After one person and one dog left, Jiang Yuan began to concentrate on selling things.

  1602 has dealt with her before, and this person is still okay, at least before.

  "How old is your child? What size do you need?"



  Jiang Yuan said and went to look at the clothes in this size.

  In two minutes, I picked up a 130 short hooded down jacket and a 140 coral velvet pajamas.

  "Take a look at these two..."

  Even a grown man wouldn't know how to choose. If they are about the same size, that's fine.

  "How much is it?"

  "Fifty thousand..."

  "Why, it's so expensive."

  "Oh my God, isn't this a money grab?" The

  person who spoke was a middle-aged woman, and the other was an old lady, both of whom were sarcastic. face.

  She even doubted whether it was mother and daughter.

  There were a man and two women beside them, but they didn't speak.

  Jiang Yuan is not used to it, it is the end of the world, no one is better than the other.

  He who has the material is the king, and it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t accept it.

  "If you want to make a quarrel, get out of here. This is a mink. I have never killed a pig, and I have never eaten pig feces!"

  1602 saw her bad temper and came over to be the peacemaker.

  "Little sister, don't be angry, fifty thousand is fifty thousand, I just have these."   
  After saying that, he actually took out the money. He put it close to his body and he was wearing thick clothes, so he really didn't notice it.


  Jiang Yuan accepted the money with a cold face, and her mood relaxed.

  I can't believe that someone in this building would keep so much cash at home.

  It seems that she is too small.

  "Wait a minute..."

  she said, and went over to get two pairs of 130 autumn pajamas.

  Although it is not thick, it is also long pants and long sleeves, so it can be warmer when worn inside.

  "You can take these two items back too!"

  "Thank you, thank you very much..."

  1602 went back with a lot of thanks. The remaining people looked inside, a little anxious.

  "What do you want?"

  Jiang Yuan pointed to a girl next to her. She was in her twenties and was wearing several clothes. She probably didn't have thick clothes.

  I blindly guessed that I was renting a house and hadn't had time to buy thick clothes yet.

  "Miss, I only have two thousand yuan. I don't know what I can buy?"

  "Give me the money!"

  Jiang Yuan felt that she was extremely domineering now, but the other party did not dare to say anything.

  "Hey, I gave you the money, what if you don't give me clothes?"

  "That's right, this kind of person, but you can't tell..."

  The old lady looked contemptuous and asked her to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy clothes. , it’s simply a fantasy.

  Jiang Yuan looked at the girl and tilted her head: "You make your own choice."

  "I want it!"

  After saying that, she handed over the money with trembling hands.

  Yes, he is a polite boy.

  After collecting the money, Jiang Yuan began to rummage, and finally gave her a pair of three-layer quilted pajamas, and two pairs of towel socks.

  "Thank you!"

  The girl thought she couldn't buy it with this little money, but she didn't expect she actually had clothes.

  Prices are soaring now, and many people cannot afford to buy anything even if they have money.

  "What do you want?"

  Jiang Yuan pointed to the man next to her. He was in his early thirties and looked very energetic.

  It seems that I have met him before, but I have never spoken to him.

  "I want clothes for my child, and here's the money."

  As he said that, he handed over five thousand yuan very obediently.

  Su Qing sighed, why are they always like this? How long will it take to get an hour together?


  "90 or 100, either..."

  "It's not that small. I'll get you a 110."


  She went over and rummaged for a long time, got a 110 cotton-padded jacket, and then two more Coral velvet pajamas.

  Children, don't freeze. Xiao Nuan was frozen to death in her last life, and she can't let go.

  "Thank you..."

  Three sets of clothes are not too much, and five thousand yuan is still worth it.

  The man took the clothes and suddenly touched his pocket and found a piece of chocolate inside.

  Immediately, the dark man left in a panic, while Jiang Yuan looked as usual, as if nothing had happened.

  "It's nothing serious. Bring me the black one and show it to me..."

  The old lady was bossing around and was very angry.

  "Get out..."


  She asked quickly in disbelief.

  "Go away, I won't sell my stuff to old Bden like you!"

  "Who are you scolding? It's your blessing that I can buy your stuff. Who do you think you are?"

  Jiang Yuan lowered her head slowly, pretending Go get something from the bag.

  "Give you one last chance, get out of here?"

  He said, pressing the water gun against the guardrail.

  "How dare you..."

