Chapter 1-5

  Chapter 1: Divorce at the Beginning

  Jiang Yuan looked at the time on her phone, it was 14:27 on September 1st.

  As ridiculous as it is, she was truly reborn.

  If nothing else happens, Xia Chaoyang will come over again in three minutes to talk to her about divorce.

  Looking at her sleeping daughter next to her, Jiang Yuan turned on her phone and stared at the screen motionlessly. If he really came, it would prove that she was not dreaming!

  These three minutes seemed like a long time. As the numbers changed, the bedroom door opened with a creak.

  Sure enough, it’s still here!
  "Jiang Yuan, stop being stubborn. It's not good for anyone if this continues!"

  "Okay, I agree to the divorce, but I have conditions!"

  Xia Chaoyang didn't expect that it would go so smoothly. Jiang Yuan was right. There are no relatives or friends here, and they will give in after just two hungry meals.

  "What conditions, you say..."

  "I can give you this house and the store. I want the house on Lushan Mountain. As compensation, the ten million on the card will be mine." "

  No problem, your car too. You can drive away!"

  Jiang Yuan didn't talk nonsense. This large apartment has an area of ​​300 square meters. The house alone is worth 5 million. There are also shops. She can easily earn 3 to 5 million a year. With such a split, she is the one who suffers. !
  "In addition, you can give me another five million in alimony and pay it in one lump sum. If you agree, just sign the agreement!"

  She knew that there was a list in the store, which was settled last night, and the payment was five million.

  Sure enough, Xia Chaoyang gritted his teeth and agreed.

  Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. When she saw him just now, she really wanted to go up and chop him!
  She and Xia Chaoyang ran a building materials and home furnishing store, starting from scratch. He cheated on his ex-girlfriend during their marriage and gave birth to a son who was three months younger than Xiao Nuan.

  In the last life, because he was not convinced, he had to cleanse himself and leave the house. As a result, a natural disaster happened and everyone was trapped together.

  First there was extreme heat, then torrential rain and endless cold.

  After the food at home was finished, Xia Chaoyang and his family took the idea of ​​her into consideration.

  Jiang Yuan clearly remembered that night, she suffered four hours of inhuman torture. When she got home, her lower body was still bleeding!

  Xia Chaoyang promised her that he would take good care of Xiao Nuan, but what was waiting for her was a small corpse, lying there so quietly, with ice particles hanging on its long eyelashes.

  She cried heartbrokenly, while their family was still fighting for a pack of instant noodles that she had exchanged for her body.

  In the apocalypse, order collapsed and medical facilities were gone. Jiang Yuan still hugged Xiao Nuan and ran to the hospital, eventually freezing to death on the road.

  Before her consciousness disappeared, she could clearly feel that someone was coming to take off her clothes!

  Oh, this is the end of the world, darkness and haze are coming at the same time.

  It doesn't matter, Xiao Nuan is gone anyway, so what's the point of her lingering life.

  Maybe God thought she was too pitiful and sent her back to the half month before the end of the world. This time she wanted to live well.

  Xia Chaoyang and Bai Mengmeng, I don’t know what will happen to you without me this time!
  Jiang Yuan gathered her hatred and began to pack her things. She had lived in this house for three years, and she could not leave anything that belonged to her to them.

  In the end, I even took away the garbage bags I bought.

  Bai Mengmeng looked at the moving company called by Jiang Yuan and couldn't help but sneer in her heart, saying that she was blind to money.   

  Jiang Yuan doesn't want to talk to her, so just do whatever you want, sometimes she cries!
  Lushan Yaju is located in the eastern suburbs of Xishi City. The terrain there is high. When heavy rain comes, some low-lying floors will be flooded. This is a natural advantage!

  The house Jiang Yuan bought is on the top floor of Building No. 13, with 180 square meters, four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, a large balcony, and a utility room and a cloakroom!

  On the roof is a 90-square-meter loft and a 90-square-meter terrace.

  At that time, I was thinking of renovating the attic to make a toy room for Xiao Nuan.

  This was her first house, and it was also the first home with Xia Chaoyang. It was carefully decorated at that time, and all the hard furnishing materials were chosen to be the best. Now it saves trouble.

  Watching the movers come and go, Jiang Yuan opened her hands and started ordering takeout.

  It's been too long since I've eaten normal food, and the glutton in my stomach can't wait any longer.

  Fried chicken, delicious duck neck, stir-fried rice, I ordered a full 500 yuan before I stopped.

  When the master finished moving, Jiang Yuan was feeding Xiaonuan some preserved egg and lean meat porridge at the dining table.

  Looking at her smiling face, Jiang Yuan's heart became even more determined. They would definitely be fine in this life.

  Protect yourself and her family, no one can bully them.

  At nine o'clock in the evening, after putting Xiao Nuan to sleep, Jiang Yuan sat alone in front of the dressing table.

  She is not a person who comes up with an idea when her brain is hot. Her long-term sales work has made her understand the importance of organization.

  If I remember correctly, on September 15th, the temperature in West City will reach 45℃, and the sky in the circle of friends is filled with sighs of autumn tigers!
  But this is not over yet. By October 1, it will reach 50℃.

  By mid-October, there were heavy rains that lasted for a month. The river water rose and the drainage system of the entire city was paralyzed!

  Then the ground began to freeze, and the temperature dropped suddenly, finally reaching minus 30 degrees Celsius. I don’t know if it will drop again later, because she couldn’t resist it!

  It was at this time that the entire society became different, and all human nature disappeared.

  The law of the jungle has become an eternal truth.

  Therefore, the time left for Jiang Yuan is 14 days or two weeks. There are too many things to do, and she must plan them reasonably.

  At 9:30, I went to the living room and made a video call to my mother, asking her to come to the West Market with her father early tomorrow morning!
  "What's wrong, daughter, something happened!"

  Something happened, but Jiang Yuan didn't know what to say.

  "Xia Chaoyang and I are divorced!"

  "What, divorce? Why? Did he bully you? My daughter, don't be afraid. Mom will come over tomorrow to support you..." After

  hanging up the phone, he made a reservation for his parents for tomorrow morning. Passenger train tickets and high-speed rail tickets.

  In her last life, her parents also came to the West Market. It was the fifth day of the apocalypse, but before they arrived, the circuit and network collapsed. Jiang Yuan could not see them again until her death. It was probably a bad thing. .

  Her hometown is in a small county in Hebei Province. There is no direct bus, so she needs to take a bus to Beijing first, and then take the high-speed rail!
  After finishing all this, open the video software and start searching for movies and videos about the apocalypse and survival after the apocalypse!
  Because in the last days, there are so many unknown factors, such as the shortage of food, the lack of drinking water, and the distortion of human nature, I have to guard against it. Even if the water and electricity are cut off later, going to the toilet becomes a problem.

  She had to plan everything in the shortest possible time.


  Chapter 2 Scumbag Man and Bitch Woman
  September 2nd, there are still 13 days until the end of the world breaks out.

  In the morning, Jiang Yuan heated up the leftover takeout from yesterday, simply filled her stomach, and took Xiao Nuan out.

  Most of the movies I watched last night were about zombies. Although I have never encountered them before, there are endless incidents of home invasions and robberies in the later period. Those people are more terrifying than zombies.

  Jiang Yuan drove the Maybach that she got from the divorce and drove all the way to the building materials market. She found a fellow villager of hers who specialized in glass doors and windows.

  It is necessary to re-reinforce the doors and windows in the house, replace all the glass windows with four layers of one-way bulletproof glass, and build two layers of anti-theft netting outside.

  The door also needs to be made of four layers. In addition to the current anti-theft door, two extra-heavy bullet-proof security doors will be added to the outside. This kind of water and electricity insulation is not afraid of fire. The outermost layer will be added to make a giant anti-theft door without any hole spacing. Door.

  After thinking about it, I also changed the stairwell door. Lushan Yayuan has two staircases and two households. The house next to it seems to have never been occupied, and it is on the top floor, so no one will notice if I change it. She has an extra layer of protection.

  In addition, all door locks have been replaced with the best anti-theft grade, so money is not an issue!
  A 360°C monitoring facility with no blind spots must be installed outside. Of course, it needs to be a solar power storage type. If there is no sun, you can also use batteries.

  She has to firmly grasp the specific movements at the door of the house, the corridor, and the stairwell leading downstairs.

  There is no need to do sound insulation. During the decoration, all silent materials were used.

  She also measured the size herself, so workers didn't have to come to the door. It originally took seven days to order, but Jiang Yuan scolded her face and gave her an extra five thousand yuan as an expedited fee.

  Three days after it was finalized, it was ready for installation!
  He swiped Xia Chaoyang's credit card without mercy, totaling 215,000.

  Yes, she not only took away his credit card, but also his ID.

  Now, their family should still be immersed in the joy of divorcing this rotten wife, but she didn't know how long they could continue to laugh.

  Taking advantage of the lunch break, I just didn't stop doing anything and used Xia Chaoyang's ID card to borrow more than 30 online loans.

  Jiang Yuan only has fifteen million in hand, but there are too many things to store, and she is not sure the money is enough.

  In line with the principle of not giving anything away, I also managed to get two million here and there.

  Yes, Xia Chaoyang has a business license and can get more loans than others, and her mobile phone card is also bound to his ID card, making it much easier to do things.


  "Xiao Nuan, what's wrong with you?"


  Following her daughter's gaze, Jiang Yuan saw Xia Chaoyang, Bai Mengmeng and his cheap son.

  That's right, this restaurant is not far from the building materials market, so it's normal for them to come over for dinner.

  Jiang Yuan picked up Xiao Nuan and prepared to leave. After all, seeing this pair of scumbag men and bitches would affect their appetite.

  "Jiang Yuan, what are you doing? Even if we are separated, I will still be Xiao Nuan's father. You can't be so selfish!"

  Haha, I really appreciate it!

  "I'm selfish. You're so embarrassed to say that since you know that it's Xiao Nuan's father who cheated on me when I was pregnant, how shameless are you!"

  "Jiang Yuan, I know you feel uncomfortable, but this is not good for Xiao Nuan. Ah, children without father's love will have character flaws when they grow up."

  Jiang Yuan stared at Bai Mengmeng fiercely, this was intentional: "You are the only one who has flaws, your whole family has flaws, the mistress is the one who takes the top position. You’re still so arrogant, be careful if I hand out a photo of your naked butt as a flyer!”   

  "You..." Bai Mengmeng was a little angry, but what she said was true.

  In the previous life, this was what Bai Mengmeng told her. At that time, she didn't want to leave. Bai Mengmeng deliberately lived next door to me, dragging Xia Chaoyang to do exercises every night. She could hear her shameless screams through two doors. Voice.

  "Xia Chaoyang, although your parents favor sons over daughters, your cheap son is only three months younger than Xiao Nuan. I advise you to find a place to test it out. Don't abandon your wife and daughter and raise your son for others. That way It's fun."

  Yes, she did it on purpose. As long as there was discord between them, Jiang Yuan would be happy.

  Then came Bai Mengmeng's explanation and scolding voice, and she laughed it off, knowing that everything was almost over anyway.


  Holding her daughter in her arms, Jiang Yuan cried for the first time since her rebirth.

  Her Xiaonuan is only one and a half years old, and she still has trouble speaking. How can you ask your mother to explain it to you?

  "Don't be afraid, Xiao Nuan, mom will protect you, Xiao Nuan~"

  Yes, mom will protect you. This time, no one can hurt you.

  Parents' high-speed train arrived at 8:10, and it was now almost 4 o'clock. Jiang Yuan took Xiao Nuan to a clothing hypermarket near the high-speed rail station to do some shopping.

  She told their manager that she wanted to donate a batch of clothes to left-behind children and lonely elderly people in mountainous areas. In today's sluggish real economy, this was undoubtedly a big deal, and Jiang Yuan was treated like the God of Wealth.

  Six salespersons followed her with shopping carts. She mainly looked at children's clothes. Autumn clothes are on sale right now, and summer clothes are on sale at very cheap prices.

  I bought some small skirts, small vests, small short-sleeved shirts, suits, thin pants, fleece sweatshirts, hats, and coats in all sizes.

  Children grow up quickly, so in order to prevent them from shrinking without wearing any clothes, we limit them to about ten pieces of each type and size.

  Including socks, shoes, hats, even school bags and children's underwear.

  Who knows how long the apocalypse will last, if the natural disaster never ends, then these will come in handy!
  In addition, she also bought a lot of jackets, pants, sweaters, and warm suits according to her and her parents' body measurements.

  I didn’t miss out on summer clothes either. I chose lightweight suits with comfortable fabrics. Skirts were not considered. After all, the apocalypse could be a battlefield at any time, so just forget about that kind of thing.

  In the end, she had enough money to load six large carts. The store manager personally helped her deliver them to the car, and also gave her two boxes of laundry detergent as an event gift.

  It was still early, so Jiang Yuan followed the same pattern and raided another hypermarket before hurried to the high-speed rail station.

  In their previous life, this place had been a shelter for survivors. They didn't go there because it was too far and they might encounter dangers on the way.

  However, there were many people in the community, and she had thought about it at the time, wanting to take Xiao Nuan there, so that she could at least have food and drink.

  As a result, her thinking was too simple. There were many people there, the environment was particularly bad, the food was poor, and wherever there were people, there were rivers and lakes.

  Many people from the past have come back one after another. One can imagine the hardships involved.

  Jiang Yuan was waiting at the exit of the station with Xiao Nuan in her arms. There were obviously not that many people at night.

  When her parents got off the elevator, she saw them immediately and waved quickly: "Dad, Mom, here..."


  Chapter 3 Crazy Online Shopping
  The four of them were sitting in the Northeast home-cooked food outside Lushan Yaju Community. Jiang Yuan briefly talked about the divorce.

  "I knew that Xia Chaoyang was not a good guy at first glance. Now that he is rich, he actually dares to find a mistress.

  Yuanyuan, don't be afraid. Your dad and I will go find that couple tomorrow."

  Jiang Yuan was very worried. Touched, but this was not the main problem, she told her parents about the unusual weather recently.

  She had already thought of her words. Her high school classmate Jiang Yuan was working in a research institute, so she blamed him.

  Because his name is very similar to hers, my parents have a deep impression on this person.

  "It's normal for weather changes to happen. How serious can it be?" Mom Qin Yue obviously didn't pay much attention.

  "Jiang Yuan told me to treat it as if it were the end of the world."

  In order to prepare her parents, she specially selected one of the most serious apocalyptic movies and let them watch it before going to bed.

  Sure enough, after two hours of indoctrination, her parents had been successfully brainwashed.

  The reason why she asked her parents to come to the West Market instead of her taking Xiao Nuan back with her was a careful consideration.

  Jiang Yuan's hometown is in the countryside, where it is difficult to reinforce the houses. Although there are few people, it is not convenient to go out to find supplies later.

  They need to stock up on a lot of supplies, but they can't go out to buy them until the doors and windows are installed.

  You must be careful not to let anyone see any flaws.

  Before going to bed, Jiang Yuan used her mobile phone to turn on Xia Chaoyang's surveillance system.

  That's right, surveillance equipment was installed there. In the past, she was afraid that Xiao Nuan would be bullied by her patriarchal grandparents at home, but now she could just see how these scumbags survived in the apocalypse.

  Even if the battery runs out later, she doesn't have to worry. When she left, she specially replaced the battery with a super energy-saving one, so it should be no problem for the first half of the year.

  There was no movement in several pictures. The only noise was in the master bedroom. She turned up the picture.

  Xia Chaoyang and Bai Mengmeng are fighting fiercely. They are indeed young. There are so many tricks. Anyway, if you don't watch the movie about whoring, it will be in vain.

  September 3rd is 12 days away from the outbreak of the apocalypse.

  It feels so good to have her parents over. They have breakfast to eat when they wake up early, and they don't have to wait for their whole family. Jiang Yuan feels relaxed and at ease.

  That Maybach was priced at 1.8 million yuan and had been driven for a year. Last night, she listed it on a second-hand website for 1.2 million yuan, which was a full 300,000 yuan cheaper than the market price. She received several second-hand car purchase calls in the morning.

  Jiang Yuan finally decided to sell to a car dealer. Her father, Jiang Xingzhi, went with her, while Qin Yue took care of Xiao Nuan at home and was also responsible for drafting a material purchase list.

  The transaction went very smoothly. She took out a loan for a Wuling car with zero down payment, and asked the store's master to remove the back seat.

  Anyway, there are still 13 days left, so this car is considered free.

  At Jiang Xingzhi's request, they went to the largest pure gold wholesale market in the West Market.

  Boards, pliers, screwdrivers, nails of various sizes, electric hammers, hand drills, expansion screws, iron wires, hot melt machines, raw material tapes, hoes, shovels...

  Jiang Xingzhi used to be an installation worker in the factory, and these tools are all used Very soon, as she watched him move two large buckets of paint and a box of glass glue into the car, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but remind her: "Dad, food is what matters. Did you buy too much of these?"   

  "It's not much. If something breaks in the house, it's easy to repair. Besides, these wrenches and crowbars can also be used for self-defense at critical moments."

  Okay, you are indeed very thoughtful.

  As soon as they arrived, the two of them bought solar panels, a rainwater collector, and a large water purification filter. The delivery and installation time was scheduled for the afternoon of the 5th, and the doors and windows were completed in the same day.

  Jiang Xingzhi also led her to buy a generator, multi-functional light sticks, cold fireworks and six boxes of various types of batteries.

  The two of them hurried home until the van could no longer be loaded.

  Qin Yue is also very neat. She tidied up the things brought back from the move. She also bought two 100-jin bags of rice and noodles and some vegetables in the small supermarket downstairs.

  The list is almost complete. Although it is not convenient to go out to purchase supplies these two days, she can buy some things online, and when the door is installed, the courier will arrive, which is the best of both worlds.

  First of all, there are clothes. What I bought in hypermarkets before is far from enough.

  Xiao Nuan needs to carefully choose her clothes. Jiang Yuan opened the app and found tops, coats, sweatshirts, skirts, short sleeves, shorts, various sports suits, socks, underwear, cotton trousers, down jackets, and windproof clothing for all ages. , parkas, fur coats, hats, gloves, and shoes, all ready to start with ten sets.

  There will be a period of extremely cold weather soon, so I bought a few extra sets of cotton-padded clothes and trousers in two-year-old sizes.

  The ones for adults are much simpler, because the size does not change much, and according to the type, there are two to thirty sets prepared for each person.

  In addition, I also bought more than 60 brands of diapers and pull-up pants. Xiao Nuan will need to wear them for a while, so prepare more for her.

  There are also crazy orders for children’s snacks, cups, probiotics, milk powder, rice noodles, various complementary food semi-finished products, and even toys.

  Qin Yue is responsible for checking and filling in the gaps, mainly the children. She should be dealt with first and then buy the adult ones.

  The more milk powder, the better. Even adults can drink it, and it can be stored for a long time without expiration.

  I also bought a lot of baby warmers, sleeping bags, mugwort foot powder, flashlights, and searchlights.

  Of course, food is essential, including all kinds of dried fruits, dried vegetables, dried meat, as well as biscuits, instant noodles, snail noodles, hot and sour noodles, self-heating hot pot, snow cakes, potato chips, shrimp crackers, and drinks. Bought by the box, all flavors available.

  Electrical appliances cannot be neglected. I bought ten freezers and electric fans, which are also necessary. If the power goes out in a few days and the weather is too hot, it will be too dangerous to use air conditioners. Fans are safer.

  In order not to be noticed by the Internet, Jiang Yuan didn't buy a lot of anything, basically just one or two boxes. The address was also vague, and she only wrote down the community.

  I also commandeered my parents' shopping accounts. I looked at three mobile phones, each with three shopping apps, each with 500+ goods waiting to be received, and I felt a little relieved.

  However, this is not enough. She knows that food is the key, and meat, vegetables and other things need to be stored in large quantities. In addition, there are also some outdoor supplies, assault boats, weapons, etc., which are also relatively heavy.

  Fortunately, there was still time, so they checked and filled in the gaps and kept buying and buying!
  During this period, Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue would go out every morning to buy some vegetables from the market. After blanching them, they would freeze them in the refrigerator, so that they could be stored for two or three years without any problem.

  During the day, the two of them chop various fillings to make dumplings and steamed buns, and then freeze them.

  Jiang Yuan even heard the two of them discussing buying a vat to pickle some sauerkraut and reserve it.


  Chapter 4 Buy Buy Buy

  September 5th, 10 days before the end of the world breaks out.

  The master who installed the doors and windows arrived at 7 o'clock, and more than twenty people came at once. Jiang Xingzhi was left at home to watch, while Jiang Yuan took Qin Yue and Xiao Nuan to the textile market.

  As long as you see down quilts, cotton quilts, summer quilts, and four-piece sets that you can use, buy them all.

  The prices here are much cheaper than in the mall. Qin Yue even bought a lot of tight fabrics, as well as a lot of cotton, cotton silk, needle thread, and thimbles that can be used for clothes.

  Jiang Yuan also stopped by an outdoor supplies store. She told the store owner that her friend was going to the Arctic to inspect penguins and asked the store owner to equip me with some practical items.

  Sleeping bags, bright flashlights, woolen hats and gloves, waterproof and anti-fleece jackets, knee-length non-slip rain boots and insoles, and 100% UV-resistant sunglasses are all required.

  The shop owner also carefully equipped us with tents, assault boats, compressed biscuits, moisture-proof mats, climbing ropes, rock nails, safety ascenders and descenders, and finally a multi-functional wilderness survival kit, all of which are top-of-the-line.

  Jiang Yuan took a rough look at the high-powered telescope, compass, flint and steel, drone, etc...

  Well, it was indeed wild enough, so she packed them all up and took them away...

  In addition, she also bought four sharp daggers, and Four ordnance shovels.

  Why is it four? Because she includes Xiao Nuan. In the end of the world, she also needs to grow up.

  The stuff was really good and the price was very good. This trip cost more than one million, but Jiang Yuan didn't feel bad at all. At the critical moment, this was a life-saving thing, so it couldn't be careless.

  The van was packed to the brim, and Qin Yue was sitting in the passenger seat holding Xiao Nuan. The apocalypse was coming anyway, and she wasn't afraid of being photographed violating the rules.

  The master moved very quickly, and by the time they got home, it was just in time to finish!

  The person who installed the monitoring system also came. They chose corners that are not easy to detect, and adjusted every position. The control panel and screen are integrated and fixed directly at the entrance to the home.

  Jiang Yuan happily settled the balance. Although the workers were surprised as to what she was doing, they didn't say anything.

  The people who delivered the solar panels and installed the water purification filters came together and were working on the terrace. Jiang Xingzhi was watching the position and tried to install them together as much as possible. He might be able to plant some vegetables in the future if there was space left.

  In the afternoon, no one went out. They all watched movies about the end of the world.

  Jiang Yuan downloaded a lot of novels and only read the first half. She really discovered a lot of loopholes. I have to say that the authors of online novels are really imaginative.

  The person who delivered the refrigerator also came over and placed it directly on the attic. The height here is not low, a full two and a half meters, so there is no problem at all in storing supplies.

  She successively placed orders for some daily necessities: toilet paper, cotton towels, wet wipes, sanitary napkins, and various types of books. She also bought a lot of them.

  The list gets longer and longer as I delete, delete, and revise it!
  September 6th, 9 days until the end of the world breaks out!
  A lot of express delivery arrived. After binding Qin Yue's mobile phone number with hers, I asked my mother to take Xiao Nuan to the express delivery point to pick it up.

  Dad drove his magic car and took her to the largest grain and oil wholesale market in the West City.

  It costs 30,000 jins of rice, 20,000 jins of white flour, 100 barrels of peanut oil and melon seed oil, and 20 boxes of salt, vinegar, grain oil, chicken essence and other condiments.

  I roughly calculated that one cubic meter can hold 1,600 kilograms of rice. After purchasing these, less than half of the attic is used.

  There are also a lot of dry ingredients sold here, including Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, aniseed, cinnamon and so on.

  In addition, I bought a lot of vermicelli, yuba, dried kelp, dried shrimps, hot pot balls, etc. that I could see.   

  I took the few things back by myself and asked the boss to deliver the food. The appointment was for 10pm, which was too early for fear of affecting the normal use of the elevator.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to stop, so she sent her things home and hurried out without even eating.

  I bought a lot of simple shelves and some screws for installation.

  After returning home, Jiang Xingzhi did not go out again and stayed in the attic to assemble the shelves. Qin Yue also brought back a lot of express delivery, which was piled everywhere in the living room.

  Before the rice delivery person arrived, Jiang Yuan went to the nearby communications business hall and bought ten tablets, twenty power banks, three spare mobile phones and a hundred USB flash drives.

  The store was filled with joy, and the manager on duty personally brought me tea and a fruit plate.

  Her request is very simple. All tablets and USB flash drives must be filled with movies, TV series, and e-books.

  Of course, half of them are cartoons that children like, as well as children's songs and dances.

  Although they didn't understand it, they still went over and downloaded it.

  At 8:30 in the evening, Jiang Yuan took Xiao Nuan home, charged up all the power banks, and then ate the dumplings filled with pork and cabbage made by her mother, and watched a variety show with great interest.

  At half past ten, the person delivering grain and oil arrived as promised, and the boss called two trucks.

  For insurance purposes, I paid a thousand yuan directly and asked the master to unload it downstairs at the unit door.

  The three of them pulled the trolley and worked until 3:30 in the morning to transport all these things!
  Although it was very sour, I felt very at ease.

  There were still nine days before the apocalypse broke out, and the three members of their family couldn't get up. They slept until 12 noon. It was because Xiaonuan complained that she was hungry that Jiang Yuan had no choice but to share a bed.

  Her physical condition is not very good. The high-intensity stretching yesterday meant that she can no longer lift her arms and her legs feel like they are filled with lead.

  But I dare not stop like this. There are still many things to do and many things to buy.

  I made a cup of milk powder for Xiao Nuan and ordered some takeout before I went to tell my parents to get up, and then I went to wash up.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Yuan and Jiang Xingzhi went to a nearby water station and asked for a hundred bottled water. She calculated the space and found that all the bottled water was placed at the bottom of the shelf. The space above could still be used, and they still had rainwater. One hundred barrels of collectors and water purification devices are completely enough. The appointment was also for delivery at ten o'clock in the evening.

  I went to the meat cold chain wholesale market and bought 500 kilograms each of pork and beef, 200 kilograms each of mutton, and 200 kilograms each of chicken, duck, fish, and shrimp. These will be delivered early tomorrow morning.

  On the way back to the city, I went to the pet store and bought a lot of cat litter. This idea was drawn from the novel. Not having a toilet with water is indeed a problem.

  I went to the hardware store and bought two large bags of cement and a bag of putty powder. I went in and raided all the maternity and baby stores and pharmacies I passed.

  I didn't cook at night, so I chose a hot pot restaurant downstairs with a good reputation. Qin Yue has been collecting express delivery today, so it's hard work.

  Looking at the hot steam from the hot pot, Jiang Yuan felt a little moved. She would never be able to eat such delicious food again in a few days.

  Before she could sigh, her cell phone rang.

  It was Xia Chaoyang calling. Why were you calling her? Jiang Yuan looked disgusted, but she still answered the phone.

  Chapter 5: Waiting for the end of the world
  "Jiang Yuan, do you know where I put my credit card?"

  It turns out that Boss Xia found that the credit card was missing. Unfortunately, he didn't know that she had maxed it out for him.

  "If your credit card disappears, go and get a new one. Ask me what I'm doing."

  After saying that, I, Jiang Yuan, turned off the phone directly and dipped the shrimp sliders Qin Yue gave her into the sauce. It was so delicious!
  To apply for a new credit card, you need an ID card, and it will take half a month at the fastest. Xia Chaoyang estimates that he will never use the credit card in his name in this life.

  There was another fierce battle in the evening, but bottled water was much lighter than rice and white noodles, and it took more than half an hour to finish.

  The most important things now are weapons and medicines. Although she bought some at an outdoor store, she still feels that they are not enough.

  As for medicines, ordinary ones don't matter, there are also many special medicines available.

  I started turning on my mobile phone again and started shopping online. As expected, there is nothing you can’t buy except what you can’t think of.

  Fever medicine, cold medicine, pain relievers, anti-itch medicines, insecticides, toilet water, alcohol, cotton swabs, including gauze, penicillin, and needle barrels. If you think they are useful, place an order for them all.

  There was still more than a week left, and the courier delivered it without any problem. I also used my parents’ mobile phones to pick it up again in the same way, and it was almost enough.

  Jiang Yuan finally bought three jars for her mother, two for pickling sauerkraut and one for pickling pickles.

  They are all top-notch large tanks, one that can pickle more than two hundred kilograms of cabbage.

  September 8th is 7 days away from the outbreak of the apocalypse.

  The weather has been getting hotter and hotter in the past two days. It was 33℃ when I woke up in the morning, and it reached 38℃ at noon. Many people complained about Qiu Huhu in the circle of friends.

  The meat delivery person arrived as scheduled, Jiang Yuan helped move upstairs, and then took Xiao Nuan out.

  Qin Yue couldn't handle so many things by herself, so she left Jiang Xingzhi at home.

  Those meat bones and so on need to be washed and cut, put into vacuum bags and then frozen, so it is not easy to handle.

  I bought my mother the seeds she was obsessed with. In addition to vegetable seeds, there are also flower seeds, as well as all the tools, soil, rooting powder, and stackable planting racks needed for growing vegetables on the balcony.

  Going to the supermarket again, Jiang Yuan told the manager that she was going to give benefits to employees on October 1 and asked him to directly give the group buying price.

  I bought ten boxes each of laundry detergent and washing powder, as well as ten boxes of various beverages, juices, cola, and Sprite. I also bought a lot of tissue paper and rolling paper, instant noodles, ham sausage, canned fruits, canned meat, and Laogan. Mom, mustard and so on.

  I have bought a lot of them online before, but if I keep them now, I probably won’t be able to use them up or eat them all in ten years.

  Of course, she didn't put the van down and called another four-meter-two.

  The community security guard was still puzzled. Jiang Yuan's family had bought a lot of things in the past two days and didn't know what they were doing.

  The excuse was that it was originally planned to be sent to the mountainous area, because the company had some problems recently and there was not enough manpower, so it had to be placed at home.

  I stuffed him with another pack of cigarettes and passed easily.

  However, Jiang Yuan still had lingering fears. They frequently bought things, but they were still discovered. She still understood the reason why ordinary people were not guilty, but they were guilty of carrying a treasure.

  I told my parents about this when I got back, and asked them to be careful in their recent actions.

  By now, the things that needed to be bought were almost done. After a simple meal, Jiang Yuan went out again.

  Because Xiao Nuan was taking a nap, she stayed at home with her parents. It happened to be more convenient for her to be alone.

  This time, she came to an urban village in the western suburbs. This was a place she found on a forum that was selling sheep's meat to others.

  He spent a lot of money to buy three Tang knives, two mountain splitting axes, and a red tassel gun.   

  Wearing hats and masks during the entire transaction, the atmosphere was still terrifying. Even when I sat in the car, my calves were still shaking.

  She went to the mall again, this time buying whatever she saw.

  Good-looking clothes, skin care products, storage boxes, treadmills that can generate electricity for running, badminton rackets, basketballs, footballs, family dumbbells, skipping ropes, some combs, thermos cups, etc. were all crammed into half the car.

  I passed by the farmer's market and bought a few bags of soybeans and mung beans, as well as two bags each of potatoes, onions, and carrots.

  There is literally no room to walk at all in the house, and the living room, dining room, and bedrooms are all piled with stuff.

  While her parents were still busy in the kitchen, Jiang Yuan picked up large boxes, moved them up to the attic, placed them on the shelves, and then labeled them.

  She was busy until nine o'clock in the evening, and she ate takeout, boiled fish from a restaurant she liked very much.

  "The biggest problem now is that fresh vegetables and fruits are too difficult to preserve." Qin Yue also felt a little powerless: "We can grow some simple leafy vegetables ourselves, but not so much with fruits." "Except for dried

  fruits I also bought a lot of canned vegetables and dried vegetables. In addition, we can freeze some more. That's all we can do now." "Vegetables can be pickled and some fruits can be made into jam..."

  Qin Yueyi Said, she suddenly felt that there was still a lot of work to do, alas!
  In the novel, people who are reborn will have a space to stay fresh.

  Jiang Yuan fiddled with all her bracelets and necklaces, but nothing changed, so she had no choice but to accept her fate!

  September 9th is 6 days away from the outbreak of the apocalypse.

  The family's life became more regular. In the morning, my father took my mother out and went straight to the vegetable market. They bought all kinds of things. In addition to fresh vegetables and eggs, they also bought a thousand kilograms of sausages and bacon.

  When her parents come back, she takes Xiaonuan out again. She comes back from shopping malls, supermarkets, bookstores, maternity and baby stores, and pharmacies with several bags full every day.

  In addition, she also raided the delicatessen in front of the West Market. She bought a lot of roast chicken, roast duck, soy sauce beef, pig's trotters, and chicken feet every day, vacuumed them all, and threw them into the freezer.

  In the afternoon, everyone basically didn't go out and tidied things at home.

  We ate dinner outside, picked the food we liked, and then walked around the community to get acquainted with the surroundings.

  Qin Yue is very careful. She removes the labels from all the clothes, washes them, dries them in the sun, rolls them into categories, and puts them in the wardrobe.

  September 14th is one day away from the outbreak of the apocalypse.

  In the morning, her parents went to buy the last batch of fresh vegetables and fruits. She left Xiao Nuan at home and went out alone.

  I still had 1.3 million yuan left in my hand, so I went to the bank to exchange for 1 million gold bars, and took out all the remaining 300,000 yuan.

  I filled up the car with gas again, and took one last look at this busy metropolis. In two months, this place will no longer be prosperous, and will be full of decay and gloom.

  Now, except for the two sleeping bedrooms, the rest of the house is full of supplies.

  The family sat together and ate a meal of dumplings quietly, enjoying the final peace.

  As long as they protect themselves well, there is no problem in eating these supplies for ten to eight years.

  It seemed that in the end, I calmed down inside, not very scared or very excited.

  After eating, everyone hurriedly washed up and went to bed, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

