Chapter 41-45

  Chapter 41: Distress on the Road
  That's right, a few people got a bathtub in someone's house.

  It's not too small, probably two meters long, and the three of them can sit down easily.

  Putting some more supplies on it won’t be a problem at all.

  After they left, Song Yi started to inflate the kayak.

  It's also electric. He brought over an electric pump, the kind with a battery.

  It takes less than five minutes, and this kayak is much bigger than the last one.

  It looks like five meters long and about two meters wide.

  "Put on the life jackets..."

  Zhang Kaiyang helped put the kayak out. Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian put on life jackets and also helped beside them.

  The rain has already reached the bottom of the third floor, so just jump off the window sill.

  Kaiyang Kaiyang wanted to sail the boat, but Song Yi was afraid that he wouldn't get it right the first time, so he asked him to come back and sail.

  In the past, he was at the helm.

  Ye Mianmian sat in the back and observed the situation. Jiang Yuan brought a telescope and looked ahead for any obstacles.

  When passing by the three people, they were obviously stunned by the equipment.

  Just one word of "fuck you" and you were left behind.

  It’s good to have a motor. Kayaking along the way is much more exciting than traveling.

  It was raining heavily and accompanied by wind, which made several people feel a little embarrassed.

  Jiang Yuan found it very strange. The feeling of standing on the bow of the ship and setting sail against the wind was quite awesome.

  Many places were submerged on the road. Jiang Yuan had an offline map, and Ye Mianmian was very familiar with the road, so he could still distinguish the iconic landmarks.

  A distance of several kilometers is quite difficult in this environment.

  Moreover, we met many people looking for supplies on the road.

  It has been raining heavily for less than half a month now, plus the period of extreme heat.

  If you don’t go out to replenish supplies in the meantime, your home will basically be empty.

  These people are also very strange.

  They saw some people bringing kayaks, others bringing basins, and even swimming rings.

  "Hey, hey!"

  "Someone is calling for help..."

  Jiang Yuan held the binoculars and could see clearly. It should be a man holding a tire.

  "No matter what, keep walking!"

  Song Yi yelled. Just now Kai Yang's hands felt itchy, so Song Yi asked him to give it a try.

  At this moment, his sudden words made him excited.

  "Hurry up, someone is catching up with you..."

  Before he could sigh, the danger came.

  Because Kaiyang slowed down just now, a person suddenly jumped out next to him.

  He sits in a big basin, probably for bathing children, and it also comes with two paddles, which is the children's version.

  They came from behind. Their kayak was relatively high, so Ye Mianmian didn't notice.

  "Don't come here!"

  Ye Mianmian was a little nervous. This was the first time she encountered such a situation, so she tried to push him away with a paddle.

  At the critical moment, the man actually took out a fruit knife and slashed at the kayak.

  Song Yi had already strode over, and the big paddles in his hands knocked him over.

  Originally, the man had reached the kayak and wanted to climb up, but later, seeing Ye Mianmian stop him, he actually wanted to destroy it.

  Once the air leaks and the kayak is destroyed, the four of them are in danger.

  "Open the ocean and move forward at full speed!" The

  frightened big boy cursed secretly in his heart. He didn't know where the courage came from, and he slammed the gas.

  Jiang Yuan stumbled due to an unsteady move, and Ye Mianmian at the end of the bed was even worse. She fell directly. Fortunately, the kayak was big enough, so she didn't fall out.

  Looking at her like that, it probably wouldn't be good either.   

  Jiang Yuan handed the binoculars to Song Yi, and then pointed at Ye Mianmian.

  The other party understood and nodded to her, then picked it up and took her place.

  Jiang Yuan held the edge and walked to Ye Mianmian.

  Her face turned white and she was obviously frightened.

  He patted her shoulder. The sound of the rain was too loud, so she had to shout loudly: "Cheer up..."

  Ye Mianmian looked at her blankly, and then nodded tremblingly.

  Keep your spirits up and hold the wooden paddle like a real warrior!

  There was a small hiccup, but everyone arrived smoothly.

  Seeing the familiar place, Ye Mianmian also regained some energy.

  "Over there, let's go over there first~"

  She was referring to the place where her own company is located, which is Building C.

  Stopping at the edge of the sixth floor, Song Yi took out a fire ax and smashed the glass. The four of them entered the building from that side.

  It is warmer inside the building after all. Jiang Yuan is well armed and can feel it.

  Not to mention the others, Ye Mianmian returned to his home ground and became much calmer.

  "Our company is on the 18th floor. Let's go up and change clothes first, and then go to the 17th floor. They sell snacks over there. I think we can get a lot of things." "


  It's raining heavily outside, and if the packages aren't packed properly, it's inevitable that everyone will come in. water.

  Changing clothes can also prevent colds.

  After discussing it, they started to collect the kayak and climbed to the 18th floor.

  Of course, the elevator was not available, but the safety passage was better. Song Yi was very vigilant and walked in front.

  Going straight to the 18th floor, Kaiyang opened the lock with a piece of iron wire.

  Coming back again, Ye Mianmian felt a little emotional.

  "Before, because the weather was too hot, I stayed at home. Later, the water supply and electricity were cut off, so I stopped working.

  Looking at this now, it seems that nothing has changed from before."

  Jiang Yuan doesn't know this feeling, but she can't help it , things are already like this.

  "It will be fine, don't worry."

  "Sister Yuan, is it illegal for us to do this now? If the rainstorm ends, will we be arrested..." "

  What are you thinking? If we don't do this now, we will be hungry. If he dies, he probably won't be able to wait until the day he is brought to justice."

  Kaiyang Kaiyang thought broadly, and now he was willing to come over and persuade Ye Mianmian.

  "It doesn't matter to me, but I can't bear to leave my grandma. If I really go in later, can you help me take care of my grandma?" "

  Stop talking, go change clothes first."

  Song Yi spoke, and everyone was speechless.

  The Internet celebrity company is indeed different. The decoration here is very exquisite and there are no cubicles.

  It looks quite high-end, but I don't know if there is anything they need.

  Jiang Yuan was well wrapped, so she just needed to take off her raincoat. She didn't need to change clothes, so she just waited for Ye Mianmian in the bathroom.

  She changed into a clean, windproof suit, military green, and she looked dashing.

  Good-looking people will look good no matter what they wear.

  The four of them gathered in the hall, and Kaiyang Kaiyang had already started searching.

  "Mianmian, your company has a lot of good stuff. There are a lot of expensive coffees and fruit teas in the pantry..." "

  Let's go to the 17th floor first to see the specific situation before we finish the rest."

  "Okay! ”


  Chapter 42 Internet Celebrity Company
  No one had objections, so the kayak was placed on the 18th floor. Song Yi found a place to hide it.

  "I wonder if there is anyone else in this building, but everyone should be in high spirits."


  As soon as these words came out, everyone became serious.

  Song Yi took the lead and walked in front, followed by Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian, who came to the rear.

  There are two companies on the 17th floor, both of which are relatively large.

  Ye Mianmian has told everyone before that these two companies are engaged in e-commerce, one is snacks and the other is children's clothing.

  Snacks occupy a relatively large area and are also the final destination of their trip.

  When we arrived on the 17th floor, we communicated with gestures throughout the process. Zhang Kaiyang opened the door and Song Yi went in. He checked every place and made sure there was nothing wrong. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Have a look next door too. If you're not afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of anything unexpected."


  Because they were all ordinary locks, Kaiyang opened them easily.

  This company selling children's clothing is not big, only about 200 square meters, and has only one live broadcast room.

  After confirming that no one was there, the four of them were relieved.

  "Let's go next door first, find out the food, and put it all in the hall. If there are boxes, put them in the boxes. If there are no boxes, put them in the editing bag. Let's see how

  much there is first, and then see how to get it. "

  Okay, I suggest that we act separately. One person is responsible for one area to avoid wasting time."

  "Agree!" Soon

  , the center of the hall was divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and Jiang Yuan was responsible for the east and the other. There are several offices.

  Now the space is stuck on "wood". The desks at this work station are all made of synthetic materials and do not belong to the category of "wood", so she can only stare at those offices.

  "Let's go, let's open the blind box!"

  Zhang Kaiyang set out excitedly, and Song Yi locked the door before coming over.

  Jiang Yuan first went to an office, which should be like a conference room. There was a display rack with a lot of snacks on it, which should be samples.

  Self-heating hot pot, self-heating rice, peppercorn rice, tea half sugar, dried mango...

  Any food that is popular online can be found in several households here.

  Although it's just a sample, there are quite a few shelves on one wall.

  I took out the woven bag I picked up from the supermarket last time and started filling it crazily.

  They are arranged very neatly here. There is only one of the same thing, and the ones with different flavors are put together.

  Others were really lonely, so I put two of the same ones.

  She was very happy. The conference room was so good, as well as the live broadcast room and the warehouse. There were absolutely too many things.

  Ten minutes later, the six editor bags were packed.

  Jiang Yuan started to move into the hall and happened to meet Kai Yang.

  When the other party saw her, he smiled and bared his big white teeth: "Sister Yuan, it's a good harvest!" "

  No, there is a display rack in a conference room with six bags. What about you, how are you doing there?"

  "Beautiful, That's a live broadcast room. It's a good thing. There are a lot of hairy crabs, but they all stink. It's a pity."

  Well, it's a pity. Don't those people know how to put them in the refrigerator?

  "Okay, hurry up and pack up..."

  The two of them were also putting things out and bumped into each other. Jiang Yuan took out all six bags. There was only an oversized conference table and some chairs, as well as multimedia and projectors left in the conference room. .

  They're not made of wood, so they're useless.

  I decisively arrived at the next office. It said Administrative and Human Resources Department on the door.   
  There are six workstations inside. It seems that this company has a relatively high status, and the working environment is quite good.

  As soon as Jiang Yuan came in, she closed the door. In order not to arouse suspicion, she did not lock it.

  Instead, he took a small cardboard box next to the work station near the door and placed it at the door.

  Once someone opens the door and comes in, they will bump into the box, and the sound will remind her.

  It won't make anyone aware of it. After all, it's normal to search for things and be a little messy.

  There is a money tree lying on the ground. It has not been watered for a long time. Most of the leaves have withered and the rest have turned yellow.

  This will probably become a rare species in the future, so take it!
  Moreover, this pot is nice. Even if the tree dies, you can still plant flowers.

  Opposite is a filing cabinet with the key in the lock.

  There are two rows of folders inside, as well as some unopened notebooks and signature pens.

  Xiaonuan will still have to study in the future, so she needs to stock up on these things.

  There is still printer ink left, as well as some colored highlighters and post-it notes.

  All stationery items should be stocked up.

  Jiang Yuan saw a lot of A4 paper next to this workstation, all in boxes.

  There are about five boxes, and there are four piles on top of the boxes. They should be scattered.

  He decisively took out a milk powder box from the space and packed all the stationery.

  She puts them in scattered pieces and has to clean them up when they get home. Her time is very precious and cannot be wasted here.

  The A4 paper was not spared and was packed up and taken away.

  Anyway, they came here just for food. If you like these things, you can take some.

  These are old rules, everyone understands them.

  There are six workstations, starting with the one by the window, which should be a girl. The keyboard is a cute Doraemon. There are aromatherapy, water cups, two crystal ball ornaments on the table, and half a pack of tissue paper.

  Except for drawing paper, this was not what she wanted, so she opened her drawers and cabinets.

  There aren't many things in the drawer, just a half-used notebook and a makeup bag.

  There is a lipstick, a powder, a sample of lotion and hand cream inside.

  No fun, her space is used for more important things.

  There is a piece of clothing and a pair of high heels in the cabinet. They should be worn to work and changed out of after get off work.

  The other table was relatively clean. Apart from the water glass, there was only a calendar.

  There is half a box of coffee in the drawer, a few sticky notes and some documents, all printed.

  Jiang Yuan collected the coffee and sticky notes, but there was nothing good left.

  The same was true for the remaining work stations, but I found three couriers.

  I took a pair of scissors, one of which was a mobile phone case, and the other two were a bag and a bag of green tea.

  It was still useful and not in vain. After sorting it out, I went to the next office.

  When she opened it, her eyes were blinded. It was too luxurious.

  It is said that Internet celebrities make money, but this is really true. This office is definitely a boss-level figure, and at the very least, he must be a general manager.

  Not to mention anything else, the nearly two-meter mahogany table made her almost jump with excitement.

  However, we still need to show some martial ethics and tidy up the things inside, as well as the things above.

  First there was the computer and keyboard, and then there was the laptop, which was also made from the Fruit brand. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. It would be troublesome if there was a location.

  They were all placed on the floor, along with a teacup.

  Chapter 43 Thank you boss for your dedication.
  The drawers here are also very large. Except for the big one in the middle, there are three layers on the left and right sides, a total of six drawers.

  The drawer in the middle was filled with documents, information, etc. Jiang Yuan was not interested, so she took them out and placed them on the floor.

  There is a handbag in the first drawer on the left. It looks like it belongs to a certain V. It is heavy inside.

  Jiang Yuan opened it directly and found a wad of money, about five thousand yuan, which should be used for making change. There were also a few cards, but they were used for nothing.

  The bag and money were cheap for her, so she placed a transparent storage box with a lid on the bed in the space.

  It is specially used to put money. If you have 100, you can put it separately. If you have enough 10,000, you can start upgrading.

  There was an exquisite tissue box next to it. The tissues inside were also very soft and from a brand she had never seen before.

  Use less than a third, rich people will enjoy it.

  There is also a cosmetic bag, which contains some commonly used air cushions, lipsticks, loose powders, eye creams, etc., all of which are big brands, and they are walking RMB!

  There are two photo albums on the second floor. I guess the boss is a nostalgic person and still uses photo albums these days.

  The third floor contains some unopened tea and coffee, all of which are the best of the best.

  Seeing that it was already half past eleven, Jiang Yuan stopped grinding and sped up.

  There are some company seals and contracts on the first floor on the right, which are probably more convenient to use.

  There are some snacks on the lower two floors, such as buns, chocolates, toffees, cookies and so on.

  There are also one and a half cigarettes, the long and thin ones, two matches, forty boxes, and a lighter.

  She had seen this kind of match before. It was the kind that was big and long and could light a group of people's cigarettes.

  Business attendance is essential.

  It seems that the boss is a lesbian, and also has low blood sugar, or loves high-calorie snacks.

  Put the useless things together and put the edible things in woven bags. These can be regarded as supplies that everyone grabbed together, so she won't keep them to herself.

  She took the rest that she found useful.

  After finishing, he put the table into the space, leaving enough space in front of the bed, and followed her in.

  The upgrade "wood" lights up, and the land is decisively chosen, adding another square meter.

  The water was prepared before, lit with matches, and the soil stored earlier was added.

  Upgraded continuously, and finally came to gold, wood, water, and fire. Unfortunately, there was not enough earth.

  In addition to choosing a socket-like one, another 7 square meters of land were added.

  There was no time to observe more, so I quickly continued to collect.

  There is a tea table next to this office, which is also made of solid wood, including cups and other tea sets.

  Although the sofa at the back is made of leather, the frame is undoubtedly solid wood.

  Those that will definitely be used later will be placed directly on the newly added land.

  Put the tea leaves on the tea table into the bag.

  After looking around, I discovered that there was a door in the most inconspicuous place in the corner.

  I couldn't wait to run over and it was locked.

  Although her skills are not as good as Zhang Kaiyang's, she can still open an ordinary door.

  Fortunately, I brought the tools with me when I went out, and they came in handy.

  "Oh my god!"

  The moment she opened the door, Jiang Yuan was simply stunned.

  What kind of place is this? The boss’s luxurious room!
  It is estimated to be sixty or seventy square meters, with only one house.

  Directly opposite is an oversized book shelf, made of solid wood, the emphasis is on solid wood.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to kowtow to her and thank her boss for his dedication.

  No matter, put it away first, the bottles, cans, and ornaments above look very valuable.

  When I went back and took a closer look, I saw that the bed, bedside tables, a six-door wardrobe, octagonal table, Taishi chair, and dressing table were all made of Chinese solid wood with carvings.

  If it weren't for space, she would definitely keep it well. From now on, it will all be a work of art!
  After the wardrobe was put away, a wall-mounted safe was exposed from the back.   
  Jiang Yuan was excited again. Jiang Xingzhi bought big scissors before, including steel bars.

  She brought it with her the last time she went out.

  This time, it really came in handy.

  However, this thing is of really good quality, and it took a lot of effort to open it.

  She was exhausted, but she couldn't stand her curiosity.

  Being able to put it in a safe is a top priority.

  "Oh my god..."

  When the door opened, her eyes were blinded.

  The door of this safe is not big, but the inside is really big. The white-flowered Mao Zedong probably has millions.

  Jiang Yuan didn't think much, so she took out an extra large woven bag and stuffed it inside.

  Also be careful if your companions come in, it's all about money.

  In the middle are some jewelry and gold bars, although I don’t know why the boss hid all the things here instead of at home.

  After looking at the twenty or thirty real estate certificates at the back, they all had the same name, so she probably understood.

  It is estimated that this boss is not a legitimate wife, or his family is not harmonious and he has been living outside.

  Anyway, no matter what, it was an advantage for her, so she must bow and thank her.

  The wind blew up the white gauze curtain, and Jiang Yuan vaguely saw something even more incredible.

  Outside is a balcony, separated by a glass door in the middle. There are many beautiful flowers and plants on it, including clivia, pothos, white gardenia, jasmine, daisies, and strange-shaped succulents.

  But basically I fucked her to death, it was so hard for her.

  However, the soil problem will not be solved immediately.

  Thanks again big boss.

  Looking further east, there is a dining table, Chinese style and mahogany.

  At the back is a kitchen, which is estimated to be twenty square meters.

  Is it really a make-or-break situation?

  Not necessarily!

  There are common kitchen utensils and electrical appliances inside, and they are also very clean.

  There is also an extra large four-door refrigerator. Strangely, it still has electricity. Could it be that it has its own battery?

  When I opened it, I was even more surprised. There were so many things in the refrigerator, and every space was full.

  Various vegetables, fruits, meats, foie gras, caviar and so on.

  After all this time, it still looks fresh.

  Without having time to think about it, Jiang Yuan packed the refrigerator together.

  Then he went out with his trophies, and when passing by the office, he took the laptop with him.

  "Oh my god, why are there so many?"

  "Sister Jiang Yuan, Brother Song has found the warehouse here. I will pack it up right away. You go and help them first!" "


  Ye Mianmian is in charge of the work station. , there are estimated to be forty or fifty, and they are diligently looking for things at the moment.

  "Mianmian, I don't want those cups, we don't need them either..."

  "Ah, I searched out all these beautiful cups, thinking that I can sell them for supplies in the future."

  Jiang Yuan unconsciously covered her face, this silly Girl, what do you think?

  Chapter 44 The trouble with too many things

  "Mianmian, is it possible that everyone doesn't need this thing so much?"

  "Well, this cup is nice, even though it's second-hand.

  If the person doesn't have mysophobia, it can still be used after brushing it. "

  Kai Kaiyang came out just in time, heard the conversation between the two, and said something carelessly.

  "I'm almost starving to death. Who would want your cup? Hurry up and find supplies!"

  Ye Mianmian also reflected, and the enthusiasm just now was gone.

  "What Kaiyang said is not unreasonable. The most important thing now is supplies. If you have something you particularly like, you can get some yourself..." "

  Sister Yuan, I understand. I'm sorry, I thought wrong just now."

  This girl I wasn't angry, I figured it out immediately, and my attitude was very good.

  She also knows that if she doesn't contribute well to the team with everyone, why should she share the supplies equally with others.

  "It's almost done here. Come on, let's go move things together."

  "Let's go!"

  There isn't much left. After almost two moves, there is nothing else.

  "There are so many things, Brother Song, we have made a lot of money this time..."

  Looking at the materials in the hall, he opened his mouth and showed his iconic smile, with big white teeth and bright sunshine.

  "Yes, there are so many things, enough to last for a while."

  Jiang Yuan was also happy, but then worried again, and Song Yi saw it.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I'm thinking about how to get so many things back. This kayak probably won't be able to get back in one trip. If you add the one from last time, it can barely fit it in.

  But there are so many things, It is inevitable that some people will be jealous. You also saw that person during the day.

  Now someone has died because of what he ate. I'm worried..."

  The good atmosphere just now was ruined, and everyone was slightly uneasy, because what Jiang Yuan said was truth.

  The reality is still the reality they are about to face.

  Plans are on my mind, worries are on my brows.

  "Yes, there are so many things that would make you jealous even in a quarrel, let alone now.

  Brother Song, what should we do?"

  Now, Zhang Kaiyang regards Song Yi as his boss and must seek his opinion on everything.

  "It's useless to talk about that. Let's sort things into categories first. Throw out all the redundant and useless things to reduce the volume as much as possible!" "

  Well, that's all we can do, but it's just a drop in the bucket. We still have to think about it in advance. Countermeasures."

  These things, even if they are not packaged, are not much different.

  Moreover, if you have a box, be sure to bring it with you so that it can be stored more easily.

  That is to say, remove the packaging bags, desiccant, and some things that have foam.

  Then fill in the gaps inside the box, that's all.

  "How about we go back at night, later, when most people are asleep, and it will be better."

  Ye Mianmian's suggestion was agreed by everyone.

  However, this is not a once and for all solution.

  Visibility is even lower at night and they are further apart, which is also a nuisance.

  "In this way, let's separate the supplies first, then pack them up, and organize them individually.

  Finally, mark them with a marker. This will make it easier to return to the community."

  Zhang Kaiyang nodded, thinking she was right.

  Song Yi also echoed: "Listen to Jiang Yuan, separate them first, then sort them out, and bring them back together."   
  "We'll go here first after a little while. I remember there is an unfinished building here. Because it is quite dangerous, there is usually no one there.

  In this way, the distance back will be shorter, and it will be safer to get to the community."

  Jiang Yuan opened the map and pointed around on it, analyzing it clearly and logically.

  "Okay, let's do it like this, eat first, and then divide the things."

  Ye Mianmian was confused again. She had no choice. The shadow left by the previous person was too deep.

  "Will someone come to snatch our things again? Last time we went back so late, we still met someone."

  "Our things must be taken and guarded carefully. If we encounter danger this time, we must use It's a special method."

  Song Yi's eyes were cold and he didn't want to be joking.

  He scanned the three people in front of him one by one and issued serious orders.

  "It's a matter of life and death now. We are a team. If others steal our supplies, they will kill us!"

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little excited and looked at Song Yi: "Brother Song, if I accidentally kill someone at this time, Is it self-defense?"

  "Yes, so don't be polite and don't show mercy.

  If we change our identities, they won't show mercy to us, you know?"

  Jiang Yuan understood what Song Yi meant and was naturally willing to follow him. explain.

  "Okay, I have no problem. What about you, Mianmian?"

  "I, I can do it too. Don't worry, I grew up in the village. Although I am thin, I am very strong..." "

  Haha, I just said, you are so beautiful. A girl like me is actually not very pretentious."

  Jiang Yuan has always had this question, but she just didn't have the chance to ask her.

  "That's right, I only have one grandma. If I don't want to be bullied, I must be self-reliant. Believe me, I can do it!"

  The atmosphere relaxed, and Kaiyang also started joking: "That man scared you so much that morning. "

  It was just an accident. Believe me, I'm mentally prepared now!"

  She was very determined. Song Yi nodded and didn't say anything.

  Everyone wants to prove that they are useful to the team.

  The one with the least advantage is Ye Mianmian, and now she is eager to let everyone know that she is really capable.

  Among these snacks, there are a lot of self-heating hot pot and self-heating rice, which can be regarded as a luxurious meal.

  In addition, Zhang Kaiyang found a lot of spicy sticks.

  Jiang Yuan found some beef jerky and dried tofu, and Ye Mianmian brought out milk tea bags. She also brought a thermos cup for everyone to drink.

  "Wow, so sweet..."

  Kaiyang narrowed his eyes. He didn't like drinking milk tea before, but now he only feels sweet and happy in his heart.

  "Brother Song, please drink some too..."

  She used a disposable paper cup, which was very clean.

  "No, I don't like anything sweet..."

  He said, taking a bottle of water from the side.

  Seeing that the little girl was a little embarrassed and aggrieved, Jiang Yuan quickly said, "It's so delicious. If he doesn't want to drink it, give it to me, Mianmian, I still want it." "

  Okay, I'll give it to you, Sister Yuan..."

  After experiencing this, Ye Mianmian Next to Jiang Yuan, Song Yi stopped talking to her.

  "Come and eat, it smells so good..."

  Zhang Kaiyang greeted everyone happily, Ye Mianmian also helped clean up, and they sat at a desk and ate happily.

  "I haven't had such a delicious meal for a long time since the weather was abnormal. It's so sad!
  However, if we have time later, let's go to other floors. This feeling of opening a blind box, I I like it so much!"

  Chapter 45 Separate Actions
  Jiang Yuan raised her eyebrows, even if Kai Yang didn't say anything, she was still going to scan them.

  If that's the case, let's just go with the flow.

  "Okay, I agree!"

  "It seems that there are several other restaurants selling food. We can take a look at them all and get some back then."

  "Brother Song, how about we work overtime today and come back tonight if everything goes well?" ."

  Song Yi ate a piece of beef jerky and looked at it coldly.

  The three people's eyes were on him, looking forward to his answer.

  "It depends on the situation!"

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little discouraged, but Jiang Yuan was very happy.

  It doesn’t matter if we are all together or not.

  In the apocalypse, no relationship is quite stable in the first place.

  Husbands and wives, brothers, mothers and sons, fathers and daughters will all turn against each other.

  Everyone should be grateful if they can walk together for a while.

  Later, she will come here herself. With so many things and a place that has not yet been developed, who can not be tempted?
  "Okay, after dinner, let's go out and take a look. Didn't Mianmian say that there are many good places?

  Song Yi is right, it may not be the same when we go back.

  We can collect things and hide them Go to a hidden place.

  Even if you can't come out today, you can come out later, don't you think?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was instantly happy when he saw Jiang Yuan agreeing with his opinion.

  "Yes, Sister Yuan is right. It also leaves a way out for yourself.

  Get more things and you can have more protection."

  "I think it's feasible too!"

  Ye Mianmian also agreed, putting pressure on Song Yi. side.

  "Then hurry up, we only have today, the wind will be strong tomorrow."

  "Anyway, the wind is not light today, not much different."

  Zhang Kaiyang was heartless, but Jiang Yuan was shocked. He said this, and there is a chance that the door will open tomorrow. They are all out, so we have to guard against them!

  "Okay, eat quickly, and move around after eating..."


  As soon as Song Yi spoke, everyone felt relieved and did not dare to waste time.

  I quickly cleaned up, put all the garbage in a garbage bag, and opened the window to throw it out.

  "Wait a minute, if you are seen like this, it will prove that there is someone here."

  "Ah, look at my brain, it must be my sister Yuan, work, work!"

  Jiang Yuan looked at it with disgust. At a glance, he really looked like a fool when he slapped his forehead just now.

  Let’s go with Ye Mianmian, the young lady is so beautiful and delicate, I really want to post it!

  Keep this place locked, just in case.

  However, we were not so lucky later. There was another store on the 17th floor that made children's clothing, and the company's name was hanging on the door.

  "I'll go in and pick out two clothes for my daughter, and then go over to find you, okay?" "

  I also want to go back to our company to have a look, and I want to pick up some personal belongings."

  Ye Mianmian also expressed that he wanted to go out by himself, and Song Yi also Didn't stop.

  "Well, let's go down the road and meet on the 15th floor. Everyone, hurry up."



  "Come on, Sister Yuan, I'll open the door for you..."

  "Okay, please, please. Big brother."

  "It's open upstairs, so I'll leave first. Sister Yuan, do you need any cosmetics? Come up and get some..."

  Ye Mianmian kindly invited, and Jiang Yuan readily agreed.

  Within two minutes, Zhang Kaiyang opened the lock.

  "It's not challenging at all, Sister Yuan, hurry up, Brother Song and I will go down first."   
  He opened his hand and looked at her with a look of arrogance.

  "Okay, you guys leave the door downstairs open, and I'll go take a look later. Maybe there's what I want.

  Besides, everyone has different ideas, and there might be some unexpected gains."

  She wanted to say, what is the difference between girls and women ? If you are more careful, you can discover more things.

  "Okay, no problem."

  The terrain here is not as high as Lushan Yayuan, and the water has already flooded the sixth floor, which is the floor where they stopped.

  Stopping on the 15th floor, going up and down several floors, is also convenient for emergencies. Others can come over at any time...

  This children's clothing store is not as big as the snack shop next door, but it has a full range of items.

  There are three live broadcast rooms, one is for summer clothes, one is for spring and autumn, and the other is for winter clothes.

  They are all above 90 yards and within 150 yards.

  What is needed most now is winter clothes. Jiang Yuan went in and put away all the winter clothes. She also did not let go of the remaining autumn clothes, including floor-standing clothes hangers.

  It's so simple and saves space.

  However, I still symbolically took a down jacket and a pair of cotton pants and put them in the editing bag.

  It's exactly the number Xiao Nuan is wearing now, and she doesn't know how to wear it.

  Let’s forget about summer clothes for now. I have stocked up on them myself, and I also bought a lot at the maternity and baby store before.

  In the middle hall, she came to the front desk first and pulled out the dead pothos.

  The lotus pots are packed with soil to tighten the space. There are still six couriers left. We will dismantle them when we go back.

  Two packs of tissues, a cherry blossom pen holder, half a box of winter melon and lotus leaf tea, all accepted.

  The tea room here is also good, with a variety of milk tea bags, scented tea, instant coffee, and a refrigerator.

  Everything inside stinks, Jiang Yuan almost screamed out...

  and locked it up quickly, there are still so many ice creams, it's a pity.

  However, there are six unopened barrels of drinking water next to it, and there is half a barrel on the water dispenser, which are all put away.

  Keep some of these things for yourself and put some in the bag, except water.

  I searched a company myself, and it doesn’t make sense that I didn’t get anything.

  The office here is not that fancy, with leather chairs and solid wood desks.

  Putting away the ones that could be used, Jiang Yuan became bolder when seeing no one around.

  The space is still in the "soil". Although there is not that much soil, the soil in the flower pot can also be used.

  There is nothing alive about the flowers, just pull them out.

  As for the only money tree, if possible, just plant it directly on the land.

  These soils are enough for four rounds. Counting the first one stuck there, there will be 20 more opportunities in the future.

  Jiang Yuan discovered that there were many new icons, and there was a similar one that looked like a bluestone slab.

  She probably doesn't want this kind of land, the kind that is paved and like a street.

  Put things now and plant them later.

  I didn't have time to think too much. I got twenty square meters and now the space is over one hundred square meters. I'm happy.

  There is also a small warehouse here. After thinking about it, I forgot about it.

  Many of these items are winter clothes, leaving them for those who need them more.

  With this thought in mind, I started going downstairs.

  There was a women's clothing live broadcast room on the 16th floor. The door was open, and the two of them were probably not there either.

  Jiang Yuan shouted twice, but no one answered.

  They were basically all autumn clothes, and she had enough clothes. She chose two windbreakers, a few sweaters, and a dozen sportswear.

  From the back, it is more convenient to wear sportswear.

  I saw some fleece trousers and took some twenty pairs so that I could wear them when I got home or give them to my mother.

  The tea room has been searched, and it should be Song Yi and Zhang Kaiyang.

  This place is very small, there is no front desk, and the office is also small.
