Chapter 59

An hour-and-a-half later, as Gabby wakes up:
Gabby's POV - Part 1:
As I wake up in me and Matt's hospital bed shortly after taking a nap, I smiled when I saw him sitting up in bed with Marcus (I think). But unfortunately, he wasn't shirtless anymore. Rather, he was wearing his shirt and that was not something I wanted. I wanted him to be cuddling up to our kids (and me) in bed shirtless. Whatever, I can get that later. That's when I decided to tell Matt I was awake. "Hey." Turning his head to look at me, Matt smiled at me. "Hey you. You sleep good?" I nodded and smiled when Matt asked me that. "Is that Marcus or Sofia in your arms?"

Matt smiled when I asked him that. "Sofia right now. She woke up. Meanwhile, Marcus is out with the doctors getting tests done to see how the drugs have affected him, if they have affected him." I nodded and agreed with Matt when he told me that. "You don't think that we're getting in over our head right? 2 kids already? One that might have drug problems?" Matt bit his lip when I asked him that and just sighed. "Gabby, if you are having second thoughts about this...then we can change our minds. I'm not going to force you to adopt him if you don't want to." I agreed.

"Matt, you're already emotionally attached to him. I'm not going to hurt you by telling you that we can't adopt him." Matt nodded and smiled when I told him that before going to grab my hand. Rubbing it, he just smiled as he leaned down and then went to kiss me softly. Taking it nice and slow with me, Matt just smiled before going to kiss my forehead softly. "I love you." I smiled and agreed with Matt when he told me that. "I love you too. And I love our family. We're going to have a great family and I promise that we're going to do this. He'll be our son."

Matt smiled and agreed with me when I told him that, obviously really appreciative of the fact that I'm on board with this. And honestly, I had every thing to stop this since he didn't support me at first when I wanted to have Louie. But at the end, he ended up supporting me...and that's why I'm going to support him through this. Anyways, we both know that we're not going to be able to give up Marcus. We've fallen in love with him and he's going to be our son. That can't be changed. That's when I heard Natalie at the door. "Hey guys, mind having a guest?"

Looking up at Natalie, Matt just smiled at her. "Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be resting? I mean, you're giving birth in a few weeks." Natalie nodded and smiled when Matt told her that. "I just finished another appointment. However, I wanted to come see you guys first. I hard that you guys are going to be adopting a lil' boy. That true?" Matt nodded and smiled when Natalie asked us that. "Yeah, we are adopting a lil' boy. His parents died in a fire. He held onto me so much during the fire and...I just already bonded with him." She agreed.

"Well, that makes sense. So, you are going to have 2 kids? How old is the lil guy?" I smiled when Natalie asked us that. "He was born the same day as Sofia. We're going to treat them as twins." Natalie just agreed with me and smiled when I said that. "Yeah, that makes sense. Wow, this is just crazy. Two kids already." I nodded and agreed with Natalie when she said that. "We aren't crazy right?" Natalie shook her head. "Hey, of course not. You guys are doing a wonderful thing. It's going to be a great thing for you guys to do. You guys already talk to a lawyer?"

 Turning to look at Matt, I took a breath. "Maybe we should do that. I want to be protected this time." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, I think that's exactly what we need to do." I smiled and agreed with Matt when he told me that. I then proceeded to turn my head and just looked at Natalie. "Well, I'm glad that we're having him join our family. This is going to be perfect. And since we want a big family, nothing is going to change that." Natalie agreed with me when I told her that. "So, how are you guys going to feed him?" I smiled.

"I think I'm going to breastfeed him. By the way Matt, does Sof need to be fed?" Matt shook his head when I asked him that. "Not yet, I just fed her." I nodded and agreed with Matt when he told me that and just smiled. "I feed her next time." Matt nodded and smiled when I told him that. He then proceeded to bend down and smiled as he went to kiss me softly again. "Ok, calm down. And maybe you can do me a favor and go check on Marcus?" Matt nodded and smiled when I asked him that. He then went to give me Sofia and just smiled as he got up.

He then went to go walk away to his clothes so that he could grab his pants. After all, he was just wearing his boxers. Meanwhile, I turned to look at Natalie. I wanted to talk to her mom-to-mom about this. I need to think about this and talk it out since I'm a little worried. This is a lot to take in all at once and I'm hoping that she can help me. That's when I decided to ask her. "Think we can talk Natalie?" Natalie just agreed with me when I said that, seemingly confused. "Everything ok?" I nodded and agreed with her. "Just want to talk mom-to-mom." She agreed, smiling.

Meanwhile, Matt went to go leave so that he can go check on Marcus for us. At the same time, I took a breath and looked at Natalie. "Mind if you sit down with me? I want to talk mom-to-mom." She agreed with me and nodded when I asked her that before going to sit down next to me. "You ok?" I then took a breath and sighed as I went to ask her the question that was really on my mind. I mean, this is a lot and I just need someone to talk to right now...someone other than Matt. Hopefully, she can help me with this question. "I'm doing the right thing right?"

Natalie's POV:
When Gabby asked me whether she was doing the right thing, I just laughed and agreed with her. "Hey, just take a breath and relax Gabby. Of course you're doing the right thing. You have a huge heart and I think that you guys are going to be great parents to both Sofia and Marcus right?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "Yeah. And I think this is going to be great. We want a big family...I guess I"m just scared." I agreed with her when she said that before going to grab her hand. "Gabby, you're doing the right thing...I promise." Gabby nodded and smiled at me.

"I guess I'm just nervous. There's a lot going on with this." I agreed with her and smiled when she told me that before going to grab her hand. "Gabby, I promise. You're doing the right thing." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that and just took a breath. I could tell that she was scared right now and that this is something that she needs help with. She just needs to relax. I mean, she also just gave birth herself. "Gabby, I know that you're a woman of faith." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Maybe this is God's plan. If it is, don't question it."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Thanks for you help Natalie. I'm just worried I guess." I nodded and smiled when Gabby said that before bending down to hug her. "Plus, think about it this have twins without having to give birth to twins." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I told her that. "Yeah, that's what we were and Matt." I then looked at Sofia while Gabby held her close. "Do you want me to give you a bit of alone time so that you can feed Sofia?" Gabby then looked down at Sofia, seeing she was hungry.

After all, she was tugging on her shirt and basically begging for Gabby to feed her. "I think I do want some time alone to feed my lil' girl. We're a family of 4 now." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Need anything to eat or drink?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "More water might be nice." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that and just smiled at her. "Well listen, I need to go rest before Will catches me here." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "Good luck when you give birth Natalie." I agreed.

"I've still got a month-and-a-half but, I'm good. Now, I'm going to let you go ok?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Thanks again Nat." Going to get up, Gabby  smiled at me and then went to grab my hand. Rubbing it, I just smiled as I went to go leave her be so that she can feed their baby girl. God, they are going to have two kids already. That's just crazy. But still, I know that Matt has always wanted a bunch of this is perfore for him. Now, back to Will downstairs to share these new scans with him. I know that he wants to see them.

Gabby's POV - Part 2:
Once Natalie left to go down to the ER, I smiled as I turned my attention to Sofia as I held her in my arms. I wanted to enjoy this lil' bit of alone time that I have with my girl. She is so adorable and I just love this. Bending down, I went to kiss her forehead and just smiled because I was so happy right now. I love being her mom and I'm going to love being Marcus' mom too.
