Chapter 1

Matt's POV: After rushing back to my office once Gabby called me, I just got scared because I wasn't sure what exactly was going on. Is she ok? Is the baby ok? That's when I walked up and just noticed something...a pool of water. "Oh god." Gabby just looked at me when I said that. "Uhm Matt...I think I'm in labor." I agreed with her and then went to yell. "FOSTER! VIOLET! Get the ambo ready!" Hearing a bunch  of yelling, Boden just came to rush over. "What's wrong Matt?" Walking over to Gabby, I just looked at her and got scared. "Oh, sit down babe. Deep breaths." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and just agreed with me.

I then turned to look at Boden, who was just confused. "What's with all the..." He then started to realize something. "Yes. Boden, I'm going to be a dad today." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Matt, I'm so sorry. I should've just let you stay home." I shook my head when she told me that and then went to go grab her neck. "Hey, take a breath and just relax. We got this babe. We're going to meet our daughter today." I then turned to look at Boden. "Boden, Stella's in charge of Truck 81 until further notice." Boden agreed with me when I said that. Just going to look at Gabby, I smiled at her. "Deep breaths for me Gabby." That's when she just looked at me.

"Matt, I'm scared. The last time I went to the hospital to..." I shook my head when she told me that. "Hey, this is nothing like last time Gabby. NOTHING! Baby, this are going into labor on time. We are going to be parents today. We're going to meet our baby girl!" Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that and just smiled at the thought of us meeting our daughter this time. That's when I heard Severide. "Dude, is it true? She in labor?" I agreed with him when he said that before going to grab my keys from my pocket. "Boden...Severide is taking a ride with us. He's driving our car there. It has our things." Gabby looked at me. "Wait, you..."

I nodded and agreed with Gabby. "Oh, I've had in there for the past couple weeks." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "Boden, call Antonio for us?" He agreed and smiled. "I'm just going to concentrate on Gabby right now." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. "You're the best." I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she told me that, leaning into kiss her softly. Just taking it slow with her, I smiled because I Was really happy. That's when I heard Violet. "Matt, we need to get in there. We're here with the gurney." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, going to get up so that she could get Gabby set up.

Just looking at Gabby, I smiled because I was really happy right now. We were having a baby and there was nothing else I've ever wanted more than to be a father. And now the woman I love is giving me just that. She's giving me a beautiful daughter today. Seeing Gabby get comfortable on the gurney, I smiled as they went to buckle her and I just smiled. They then went to go roll out of my office to go. But first, Gabby went to grab my hand. "Matt, don't let go of my hand." I agreed with her and nodded. "I know babe, you're scared. I promise though that everything's going to be okay." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I told her that.

Just following Gabby out of the firehouse, I smiled when I heard everybody yell at us. "GOOD LUCK GUYS!" I turned to look at them and smiled. "Boden, they stay here until I call okay?" He agreed with me and nodded. "Of course. I promise Matt." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that before going to walk out onto the apparatus floor with Gabby, Foster and Violet. God, this is just crazy. Today, I become a dad. "Violet, just go get in the ambo and drive. I'll help Emily get Gabby in the back." Violet agreed with me when I told her that. "Got it Captain." I agreed with her and just nodded when she told me that, watching her get in the front.

Meanwhile, me and Foster went to go get Gabby in the back. Going to look at her as she got in, I just listened to Foster. "Okay, lift." I agreed with her and nodded when she told me that. Picking Gabby up, I smiled as we both got ready to get in the back. That's when I heard Boden. "Matt, I got the back." I agreed and just nodded when she said that. Meanwhile, I just wheeled Gabby in and smiled as I went to go sit down on the little bench in there so that we could get out of here. Looking at Gabby, I smiled as I went to go grab her hand. "How are you feeling?" Gabby bit her lip. "I'm scared." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that.

That's when I felt the Ambo start to drive away. "Hey, remember what I told you last time Gabby?" Gabby looked up at me when I told her that and agreed with me. "I'm not even worried. Gabby, you're going to do great...and we're going to be parents soon." Gabby just agreed with me when I said that and smiled as I bent down and then proceeded to kiss Gabby nice and slowly. "Today, we meet our little baby." Gabby laughed and just smiled when I told her that before going to put her hand on my neck. "I love you and our daughter is so lucky to have you as her daddy." I nodded and smiled when she told me that, agreeing with her.

"You want me to call anybody for you Gabby? Your brother? Your mom?" Gabby shook her head. "Not yet. I just want it to be us for a little bit." I nodded and smiled when Gabby told me that. Bending down, I went to kiss her forehead and smiled because of how happy I was right now. Gabby is so beautiful and I feel so lucky to be her husband. "You're the best, you know that right?" Gabby just smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. "I love you." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "I love you too." Gabby nodded and just smiled at me when I told her that. Going to kiss her forehead, I smiled and just got her to relax.

"Gabby, everything's going to be fine...I promise." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, obviously ready to meet our daughter. God, I am so glad that we are having a baby. This is perfect because I'm so ready to be a dad. But back to what we're doing right now. Right now, I need to support my girl as we got ready to meet our daughter soon.
