Chapter 115

After making breakfast downstairs in the kitchen, Matt smiled as he finished putting his and Gabby's plates of pancakes together. Starting to make his way upstairs, he couldn't keep a smile off his face because he was enjoying his dream life. Nothing like a bunch of time in bed with Gabby. The truth was, Matt missed spending just hours in bed with his wife. If he could've had it his way...this is how they would've spent their lives as newlyweds rather than fighting for Louie. But at the end of the day, everything worked out. Matt and Gabby now had their dream life.

Their (biological) daughter Sofia and (adopted) son, Marcus. And they just loved them to pieces...and that was a fact everybody knew. They could see it based on the way that Matt and Gabby looked at their kids. They always smiled at them, especially when they were holding them close. Great sight. Walking into his bedroom to see Gabby sitting in bed, Matt just smiled at his wife. "Ready to eat?" Looking up at her husband when he spoke to her, Gabby just smiled at him because he looked really handsome. The reason? He walking around in his (tight) boxers. 

Licking her lips (a bit) as she looked at him, Gabby just smirked because she wanted to touch him. "Yeah, I'm ready to eat. However, that's not the only thing I'm ready to do." Laughing when his wife said that, Matt was already well aware of what Gabby was talking about. She wanted to touch him while he was wearing his boxers, always did. But right now, they just had to concentrate on having a bit of breakfast. After all, Matt made sure to make a great meal for him and his wife. Walking up to their bed, Matt just smiled as he went to give Gabby her plate.

Matt's POV:
As I finished setting our drinks down on her side table, Gabby smiled at me and then proceeded to reach out for her plate of food. "Can you give me it? I can set it down next to me." I agreed with her when she told me that and just smiled as I went to give her plate to her. "Here you go." Gabby agreed with me when I said that, grabbing her plate before going to set her plate down on the bed. "Listen, how about you slip over in bed and I can cuddle up to you while we have breakfast? I already had my morning coffee." Gabby agreed with me when I told her that.

"Sounds good." I smiled and just nodded as I watched Gabby slip further into bed so that I could sit down next to her. Doing just that, I went to wrap my arm around her and got cozy in bed. Moving to grab our plate, Gabby just smiled as she went to set it down into our lap before grabbing the fork I got for the both of us. Going to give me my fork, I smiled as I just looked down at the pancakes that I made for us. "You like the idea of me making pancakes?" Gabby agreed with me when I asked her that and just smiled at me. "Yeah, I like that idea. Thanks"

 I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she told me that before going to grab her hand. I then watched as she turned her head. Going to lean my forehead against hers, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly before kissing her forehead softly. Just holding her close to me, I smiled because we were so happy together right now. Gabby is the love of my life and I'm so happy. But now, It's time for me to talk to Gabby about something. Most importantly, a dream that I had last night.  "So, I had a dream last night." Gabby looked up at me when I said that. "Oh, you did now?

I nodded. "Care to share?" I took a breath when Gabby asked me that. "It's uhm a change in our plans." Gabby just looked at me when I said that, seemingly getting nervous. "What's wrong Matt? Talk to me." Reaching over for her hand, I went to grab it and just rubbed it with my thumb. "In my latest dream...we had 3 sons." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and smiled at me. "Oh really? You like that idea?" I took a breath she she asked me that. "I'm a lil' nervous about it." Gabby seemed confused. "What are you talking about?" I then took another breath.

"You my latest dream, we have twin boys." Looking at me when I said that, Gabby was about to take another bite of her pancakes when she stopped. "Say what now?" I nodded and agreed with her before going to take another bite of my pancakes. "What do you think about that?" Gabby just took a breath when I told her that before looking at me. She then went to grab my hand and got a lil' nervous. "And you're sure that I had them ok? I was fine." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "Yeah, you were fine." Gabby agreed with me.

"What do you think about it? Would you be okay with us having another set of twin boys?" I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that, continuing to eat our pancakes with Gabby. "Yeah, I think I would. Means that we would have 3 boys. I mean, I already have my baby if we have twin boys, then we're fine." Gabby agreed with me when I told her that. "But would you really be okay with me being pregnant with twins?" I agreed with her and smiled. "By the way, it's not like this is something out of the blue. We did talk about it last night."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "So, 3 boys and Sofia?" I nodded and agreed with her. "Twin boys, Matteo and Andy." Gabby smiled when I said that and just agreed with me. "God, I love that name. Matteo." I smiled and just agreed with her before going to get close to her. Leaning in, I went to kiss her and smiled as I went to take it slow with her. "How about we keep eating and then we can talk about it again?" Gabby agreed with me when I said that and smiled. "You do realize that I'm going to have to feed the kids right?" I nodded and agreed with her.

"We can talk about it while we feed the kids. I know that you're still half asleep." Gabby agreed with me when I told her that and smiled. "Yes. Now let's just finish eating. Then, we can feed the kids and talk about this while we relax here in bed." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that before smiling as we both continued to eat breakfast together in bed this morning. God, now this is a nice way to start our morning. Nothing like cuddling up in bed with the woman I love. She's so beautiful and this is exactly how I want to start our day.
