Tainted Love


I hustled myself out of the carriage and prayed for Lafayette's safety. I should never have done what I did but it was essential. General Washington had to know; the country was at deep risk. Within any given moment, the Redcoats could destroy everything. Homes, families, lives.

And we were stuck here.

I struggled to wedge the key through the lock yet soon managed. On opening the door, I wrestled it shut and rested upon it. "Be quick, Laf..." I sighed. I grew restless. What if someone I knew was there? What if the Redcoats were to strip away their life whilst we unknowingly waited for the ship? I took a deep breath to clear myself, stepping into the living room.

"Olivia!" I scuttled back from the startlement. Eric himself stood from his seat on the couch.
"E- Eric!" I exclaimed. "What... are you doing here?"
"I thought I would come and say hello, have a little chat."
I checked the front door- it was certainly locked when I'd entered. "...How did you get in?"
He gestured his head at an open window leading to the garden.

"Oh, I'm..." I trotted over to close it.
"Don't feel humiliation. We make mistakes, we're human."
"Couldn't you have waited or returned another time?" I questioned.
"I was longing and it was too cold to await you outside."
I groaned. "Please don't do it again. If my husband were here, he would annihilate you."

Eric smirked. "Would he now?"

"Yes. Now what is so important that you must intrude on my property?" I trudged over to him and crossed my arms. For a second, I was frightened. He narrowed my eyes at me and stared, daring not to lose contact. No motion, none whatsoever.
"You are a most intricate specimen, Miss." he flattered.

"When you saved that man, you reminded me of myself. Bold. Spirited. Valorous." -He snatched my left hand- "That day, I knew I could prove a fine suitor to you."
I slid my hand away and stepped back to the wall. "Let me remind you, Sir, that I am a married woman."
"Is that so?"

I must've trapped myself to a corner, the envious look in his eyes devouring me. "Yes, and I am to be a dutiful wife and tender mother to his children someday."
Eric slithered closer. "That is, if you were to sustain your little secret."
"You accuse me of secrets when I have none to hide!"

He locked both of his hands to either side of me; there was officially no escape. His eyes were penetrating straight into my soul and I only wished to scream. "Tell me the truth."
"I have told you e- every truth!" I stuttered.
"No... I don't believe you have, Sophie Hamilton."

"Why would you purposefully intend to make the Marquis de Lafayette your own husband, Miss Hamilton?"
"My name is Ol-!"
"Don't. Lie. To. Me." He threw his face directly against mine. My breathing quivered alone, my hands searched the walls for an escape route. But nothing I did could avoid his eyes.

He relaxed with a sudden forbearing grin, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. "You need not be afraid of me, Miss Hamilton. I'm in great debt to you."
"For what? I seem to amuse you." I uttered.
He snickered. "I'm sure you remember it. Famous Charlie Miller." He leaned to my ear. "You gave me my freedom."

I glared in confusion. "My brother and I were taken hostage to the Redcoats. With no visible chance of survival, we presumed our fatal deaths. That is until you came along with your 'husband' and his friend."

When we saved John. Eric must have been there, along with Cedric. I just... hadn't known them to recognise them.

My face rapidly sunk, but he lifted my chin up. "You saved my life, Sophie." he confessed. "Now I must return the favour." I did anything I could to flee from him, though it was no use. I was compressed into a compact corner with a pair of lips on mine for the second time tonight. Lafayette had for our safety and was no more than a friend. That was beyond established.

Eric held passion.

He cupped my face into his hands and allowed me as much tranquillity as I was willing to feel. Surprisingly, it was much more than I'd hoped for. He deployed a soothing warmth that I had only ever felt around Charles. I relaxed. He pressed on for another. Another.

No, it was enough.

I was committed to Charles, and I mustn't forget that.

I gathered the strength to shove him away. He fell backwards with alarm. "I may not be married, Sir, but know that I am courting someone."
"Oh? And what is this gentlemen's name?"
I gulped. "Charles Fernández."
"Psh, an immigrant." -He came closer again, stretching out his hand for my face- "Love, I can give you so much more than some foreign misfit."

Promptly, the front door slammed open and shut. Just as Lafayette was about to hustle his coat off, he noticed Eric. I saw this as my opportunity. "Dear husband..." I cried out, burying myself behind him. "I arrived to discover that this man had trespassed our humble home."

Lafayette immediately scowled at him. "I suggest you take your leave before I murder you for pestering my wife." he warned.
Eric knew who Lafayette was. He'd known about us all along. Alas, if he spoke up against him, Lafayette would be sure to publically shame him. He glanced at me. "Right as you are, Sir."

He took off past us, rummaging his hands into his pockets as he did.

"Monsieur Harrison, was it?" Lafayette enquired.
"...Yes..." I confessed.
He crouched down to meet my height. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, I just feel..." I abruptly left him for a seat on the couch.

Lafayette followed. "If... If it was about what I did earlier-"
"No, you had no wrong intention." I reassured him. "It's what I did for that man that's making me feel like... like a betrayal."
"He did not hurt you in any form, no?"
"No, but he made me feel-!"

I fell wordless, instead exiting the scenario and finding a piece of paper. "Sophie?" No more childish fantasies, we were at war. I had no time for these games ceasing me from my work. I had to stop thinking about Charles, about love, about family.

This was war.

I was going to help build this country, and nothing would stand in my way.

I struck the desk in my room, droplets of ink spluttering about. Washington had to know.

I was going to save our country.

