


W̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶  To Olivia,

What do you mean there will be a siege? That's a fight, right? A battle? Washington won't let you fight, will he? I asked Eliza and she said no. Speaking of Eliza, she's 4 months in now. She has the most utterly adorable bump I've ever seen. I'm going to protect that baby with my life.

I've been trying to write to John but he must be busy "ablishing slavery" or so he says. It feels like centuries since I've seen him. Eliza's been helping me set up the marriage and stuff, like the venue. I was thinking at Washington's house because that's where we first met.

Hubert and Charles decided to help me with the dress because their cool. I didn't force them or anything, I just came over and asked for a wedding dress and they were like "yeah sure". Charles has been looking around the women's section a lot, which I find weird. He's really chatty now, he's reached a maximum of 10 words in our conversations.

I don't know if bridesmaids exist here, but if they do then your one of them and you don't have a choice. Could Alexander be best man or not because he's technicly my dad and has to walk me down the e̶e̶l̶  e̶l̶e̶  a̶i̶l̶e̶  ile. But he's not my real dad. Dad's my dad. But here I don't have a dad. It's 1781, dad's alive in 2007. We should find a ring and drag him here so he can walk me down the ile. Then we can make him die again.

No, that's mean.

Basically, don't die so I can hire you as my bridesmaid, Alexander as my best man, find a ring, bring dad back for the ile, then send him back to d̶i̶  2007.


- Emmy <3

Despite her words, she had a point. No matter what, Alexander had to walk her down the aisle and appeal as a father. The whole concept of my sister marrying John Laurens and having Alexander Hamilton accompany her down the aisle was surreal. Like something you'd write in some... crazy fanfiction.

I was proud of Charles, nevertheless, for actually interacting with people other than me and Valentino. He was proving that he wasn't a boy any longer. A fine gentleman. Yet until we'd secured our positions in Yorktown, I couldn't get carried away with him. Until I knew that our nation was safe would I-

...It was a brighter, more optimistic morning than usual. I was snuggled in my bed whilst using Emily's letter to block the sunlight. It glittered through, though wasn't enough to blind me.

Regrettably, I believed that Lafayette had stayed up all night on guard of the house. I hadn't heard him enter his bedroom throughout the whole night. And I couldn't help but take the blame for it. Disobeying Rufus, disobeying Lafayette's orders not to disobey caused us trouble. He was yet to tell me what occurred the moment I left.

It must have been a nightmare for him to feel influenced to protect the house.

Instantaneously, a deafening bang struck at the front door. It was as chaotic as cannonfire, and I shuddered at the sound. Minding the cold that penetrated the tips of my feet, I scuttled to the door of my room.

Lafayette was halfway up the stairs as I opened. "Wh-?!"
He put his finger to his lip.
I distinguished the silhouette beyond the door. They banged again with fury. "HURST!!" Rufus screamed. Shit, he'd found us.

The stairs creeked as Lafayette charged his way towards me. "This isn't good." he whispered.
"What did you say to him last night?!"
He fell silent.
"He told me that you were his so I told him to stick his nose up his ass where it belon-!"

Rufus punched at the door. "HURST, GET OUT HERE AND FACE ME!!"
"Oh my God." My voice shook.
"I can't just allow him to break through our door, but I don-!!"

Rufus broke through the door.

Lafayette shoved me aside and locked me into my room. Displeased footsteps marched at him, with a thump following it against the wall. "How DARE YOU publically humiliate me?!" Rufus declared.
I placed my ear against the door.
"You good for nothing coward, keeping her away from everyone but yourself!"

"On the contrary, sir, she is indeed my wife and I have the righteousness of every husband but to conceal her." Lafayette argued.
"You conceal much more than that, Hurst, you conceal your profound pomposity. She will not remain sincere to you, and still you force it upon her!"

"I. Force. Nothing." I stumbled back with a yelp as something hit my door. Lafayette groaned, supposedly in pain.
"Prove to me, sir, with the obedience of any man." Rufus requested.
"How must I?"
"Two days. Meet me down at the riverbank. Bring your wife. We'll see who is the better man."

The footsteps faded down the stairs and out through the doorway. "Lafayette!!" I twisted the door handle but he hadn't unlocked it yet. He repeatedly fiddled with the lock until it was finally detatched. I threw the door open; a red mark stung the side of his face.

"Are you alright?!! He--"
"I've been shot in the leg, mon ami, I'm fine." he sighed.
Feeling the rush of air sweep by, I hurried past to shut the door. It was slightly loose but functioned normally. "What a horrible man..." I commented. "Tell me that he wasn't challenging you to-"
"-A duel. He was challenging me to a duel."

I strode back up to him. "Lafayette, you can't accept, you're not actually my husband!!"
"I presume I already had. And he doesn't know this."
"Yes, but... If he shoots you-"
"He won't. I'll make it certain."
"But if he did, Laf. If he did."

"...You would have to make it to Yorktown alone."



Golly gosh.


That's absolutely insane.

Thank you guys so so much, I can't express how grateful I am for every single one of you.

I'm in Burger King holding in a scream rn.


I made decision a few days ago that, when this happened, I would do a lil questiony thingy.

This is basically where I ask a bunch of questions related to the story because I'm intrigued to find out what you guys think about it!

Truthfully, I'm stunned that it's even gotten this far, and for the who knows how manyeth time, thank you.


On with the questions, I guess!

(P.S. Don't feel like you have to answer them all lol)


Who's your favourite character?

Who's your least favourite character?

What's your favourite scene so far?

What's your least favourite scene so far?

Which character do you trust the most?

Which character do you trust the least?

If you could get rid of any character, who would it be?

If you were in Y/N's position, back in 1776 when Alexander came to rescue her in the battlefield, what would you have done?

What do you think will happen from this point through to the end of Act 2? (Skip if you don't have a clue, which is a reasonable answer)

Is there anything you think that I could improve? (I take constructive criticism lol)
