Perfect (Reprise)

!!WARNING!! - Blood

°~22nd January, 1782~°


Three days ago, Eliza's waters had broke. Alexander had called upon two nurses, both trained to a relatively suitable standard, who he could assure would not harm his wife or his child. He was still determined to believe that his child would be a son whilst Eliza's bet was placed upon a daughter. I hoped for a girl, for I could see a boy evolving in the exact replica of his father, something that I was unsure that I could handle.

Alas, I could not be in the room with Eliza; Alexander and the nurses supervised her. Meanwhile, Sally and I stayed in Emily's company. She did not cope well with the news of John's death, and neither did I, truth be told. John was a true, loyal and honest friend to me who I would later find no hesitation in calling my brother. Perhaps his actions of leaving Martha were wrong, and perhaps he should not have chosen my very own sister over the likes of herself. But he was a gentleman who cared deeply for those around him. I couldn't even bare to think how Martha and Frances were dealing with this...

With the weight of Charles' death upon my back, too, I struggled to carry myself through it. Even if it meant that I had to pretend that I had stayed sane, I had to do it. For Emily. She had left their ring untouched on her finger for these almost three months after our discovery of his death. She had no heart for anyone anymore, only Sally, who had perched her head onto Emily's lap peacefully.

"The baby will arrive soon..." I began. "That's great, isn't it?"
"Should I care?" she questioned, almost begging for a genuine answer that it no longer seemed rhetorical. "It will just be dead by the time we're born. So why should we care about it?"
"Because this is our life now, Em. Our family."
"...We don't have a family."

"Of course we do-!" She scuttled away from me across the bed. At first glance, Sally was startled by this but shuffled herself over to rest upon her owner's lap again.
"Isn't it just ironic how the tables have flipped?" she asked. "You're the one that didn't want the family and now look at you!" Emily took a deep breath and continued to stroke Sally's head. "Maybe you were right all along." She slowly decided to slip the ring off, stowing it away on the side. "We really can't find love here... It will only get them hurt."

"Don't blame yourself, this was not your fault-"
"Why didn't you tell me?" she gasped. "Why didn't you tell me that he was going to die?!"
"Emily, I didn't know-!"
"Well of course you knew, you were the one in love with the musical!!"
"I couldn't-" I thought about it. "...I couldn't... remember..."

"Well what can you remember Y/N?! To save everyone else from being killed!"


...I don't remember anything..."

Abruptly, Emily collapsed into a pit of tears. "You, you-!!" She punched me in the arm, one after another, each weakening in force. Eventually, she gave up and fell onto my shoulder.
A tear fell from my eye. "I'm sorry, Em, I don't k- know what's wrong with me..."

I could not remember a single thing. My past life was clear to me; every single detail was mapped out. All expect the ones of Hamilton. I didn't know why I was so excited to meet Burr. I didn't know why John had to die. I didn't know what was to come. Whatever had sent me here... It had erased my memory for some unknown reason. It had inevitably caused the death of my dear friend.

"Y/N, it's coming!!" Alexander barged through the door, sweat leaking from his forehead.
"Coming? Now?!"
I used my sleeve to wipe the tear away. "Stay here, alright?" I advised Emily. I kissed her on the cheek before making a run out of the door.

"I- I don't know what to do! What if it's unhealthy? What if Eliza's in pain and I can't be there to help her? What if she's left permanently injured?! Oh God, I'm no woman, but I can feel the pain and the urge to make myself sick is tremendous! What if these women haven't to know what they are doing?! Oh God save me, I'm hyperventilating and I d--!"
"Alexander, relax!" I soothed him. "Everything will be fine, I promise you!"

From the inside of the room, Eliza wailed an agonizing scream.

"There she goes again, screaming from the sole of her lungs!!" Alexander covered his ears. "And they will not even allow me in there to support my own wife! My own wife!! I actively participated in the creation of this child, I should be able to see its birth!!"
"She's going to be fine, Alex, just--"

"Oh I can't lose her, Y/N, not her, not another..." He was, without a doubt, referring to John. Alexander had tried to keep his distress a secret, despite his constant muffled sobs from his office.
"You are not going to lose her, okay? Women are designed to carry out such unpleasant things, you need not worry about her."

Her screaming commenced.

Noticing Alexander's anxious face grow a bright red, I made my attempt to comfort him. "You're going to be gifted with a handsome son, Alexander, okay?"
"And you and Eliza are going to raise him to be the most charming gentleman a woman has ever seen."
"He will get a good education and he will have the best family that the world has ever provided. He will bless you with children of his own someday with a wife that you feel no hesitation in calling your daughter."


A baby's cry.

Alexander instantly threw the door open without being invited to come back in.

"Mr Hamilton, you should n-"

"It's a boy!" he squealed. The red had faded and he was immediately filled with delight. The other nurse gently cut through the cord, wrapping the child over with a blanket and handing him to Eliza. She didn't even consider wiping the blood from his body. Therefore, Eliza naturally did it herself, insisting another towel that was not smothered in her own blood.

Alexander knelt down at the side of her bed, kissing his son on the forehead. Eliza directed the child to suckle upon her breast, ending his weeping. "He's perfect, Betsey..." Alexander sighed. "Unconditionally perfect..."

Carrying Sally in her arms, Emily stood by my side. I hadn't expected her to arrive so early, but curiosity must have struck her. She inspected the child, a small grin latching onto her face.

"So..." -I smiled- "What will you call him?"
Eliza giggled, stopping Alexander from suggesting. "No, he will not be named Alexander!"
"How about James? He quite looks like a James." I submitted forward.
"After my brother shares that same name?" Alexander shook his head with a laugh. "I don't think so."

"Emily?" Eliza asked her.
"...I'm only qualified in girls names." she admitted. As we all chuckled together, the nurses were clearly uninterested by this merry sight and chatted between themselves.

"How about after your father?" Alexander proposed. "Philip?"
"Philip..." I contemplated. "Philip. It suits him."
"Philip..." Eliza whispered. She caressed her hand through his thin hair.

"Our son...

...Philip Hamilton."


My comrades.

We have officially made it.

As of March 12th, 2020, History Has Its Eyes On You (Act 1) has been completed.




Pfft, of course I'm not waiting around, I'm in a routine of writing now and caNNOT BE STOPPED-
