One-Shot - Part 2

A/N: Hey! I know I haven't posted in a while and this is to make up for it cause I have been too busy to write another part. I'll also write a Halloween part later on because it's almost Halloween. Anyway, on with the part! (Yes that was an Alice in Wonderland reference, like off with their heads... No, okay...)


*Zarya's corset, she's also wearing black leather pants, and black leather boots*

*Zarya's hair for this part*

~1 year ago~

I walked towards Ursala's Fish and Chips with my hand resting on the hilt (it's the handle for those of you who don't know) of my sword that was attached to my belt. I pushed through the swinging doors and put my sword into the sword barrel. I made my way over to the counter where Gil and Harry were hanging out. "Man! It is busy today!" I said, grabbing a piece of Harry's food. He sent me a look and I smirked at him. "Uma must be havin' some trouble..." I said to no one in particular. Said girl then walked from the kitchen with her hands full of trays. I quickly walked over, taking some of them. "Zar-" Uma started to say but I stopped her. "Tell me where the tables are at and I'll take 'em," I said. She pointed where the tables were and I brought them over.

I then went to the kitchen, finding Ursala. "Hey, Aunt Ursala. You have another pair of hands today." I said, trying to keep my accent back and grabbing some trays. "Thank you, Zarya." She said, still cooking. She then told me the tables and I took them out to the tables. I then saw the tables that were a mess and went over to the boys. "Hey, could you guys start clearing tables and bringing the dishes back?" I asked them. "Yeh lass, we'll do it," Harry said without any complaints. Gil still needed some persuading. "I'll get you more eggs~" I offered with a sing-song voice. He nodded excitedly and they both got to work.

I grabbed some more trays and brought them to their respective tables. I went to the back and started with the dishes. Uma came over, assuming that she was going to have to start the dishes but was surprised that I was doing them. "Zarya, you didn't have to do that." She said. "I know. But I am. It's okay to be a captain and ask for help. That's what first mates are for." I said with a small smile. "I thought I was her first mate," Harry said with an amused tone, walking over with a smirk and more dishes. "When I'm dead Hook," I said, giving him a smirk and a side glance. He chuckled and walked out.

Uma bumped her hip with mine and wiggled her eyebrows at me. "In your dreams Uma," I said, splashing a little water on her. "Oh but that doesn't mean I can't ship it." She said, walking out backward with her arms crossed and wiggling her shoulders. I rolled my eyes and continued with the dishes until Uma's shift was done. I kept getting visits from Gil and Uma but most of all Harry would keep me company most of the time. I walked out of the kitchen and towards my friends who were at the counter.

"So... Since we're done here... What do you guys want to do?" I asked, leaning onto the counter. Uma hummed, Gil scratched his head, and Harry just pointed at me. "That's what I want to do." He said, smirking at me. "Haha. Funny..." I said with a deadpanned tone. "We could go to the cove?" Uma suggested. I tapped the counter. "I like the way you think," I said, going towards the door with everyone behind me. I grabbed my sword, putting it on my belt. Before Harry could grab his sword, I grabbed it and walked out normally. I then ran because I heard him call my name from the shop. "Zar!" He called again. I could hear him running after me.

I laughed and continued running towards the cove that the four of us found when we were younger. I made it to the cove but I couldn't run anymore so I stood, watching Uma, Gil, and Harry running towards me. Uma and Gil stopped running and started to walk but Harry kept running at me. I giggled and ran out of the way and towards Uma and Gil with Harry still chasing me. "Uma! Gil! Save me!" I yelled with laughter as I hid behind her. "You did it to yourself, Zar." She said, crossing her arms and laughing. Harry was standing in front of Uma and Gil as I was hiding behind them. "Have either of ye seen a blue-eyed girl with dreads? She's also a huge pain in the behind?" He asked rhetorically. "I think she went up yer butt and around the corner!" I yelled, running around Gil but getting caught in the arms of Harry.

I went into a fit of laughs and squirmed in his arms. He started to walk towards the water with me in his arms. "Noo!" I whined, knowing that he was going to try and throw me in. "Ah lass, that's just what happens when ye take something that isn't yers." He said. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. "If I'm going in, yer going wit me Hook!" I squealed with a grin. "Oh well!" He said, flopping back into the water. I went into a fit of giggles from him tickling me. "Harry!!" I squealed. "What was that lass? Yer sorry?" He asked sarcastically. "Yes! I'm sorry!" I giggled again. He stopped tickling me. I then splashed him and tried running out of the water, only for him to drag me back in.

"Nooooo!" I dragged out.  Harry and I then had a splash fight. When we stopped, Uma was just sitting on the shore looking at us with a knowing look and Gil making a sandcastle by her. "Wow, Uma! Ye would just let me get attacked!?" I said dramatically. "Nope. I would help if you actually were, but it's just Harry." She said. "That hurts," Harry said from beside me with a dramatic tone, putting his hand on his heart. I laughed. "Look what ye did Uma. Ye hurt poor Harry's feelings." I said with a pouty look. Harry splashed me in retaliation. "Hey!" I exclaimed, splashing him back. He laughed. We got out of the water and went over to our two friends. Gil was making another sandcastle and Uma was just watching. "I thought you two were the oldest?" She said sarcastically with her eyebrow raised. "Shut up," I said with a small smirk.

I decided to help Gil with his sandcastle, letting him take the lead. "Harry, could ye grab that shell over there for me?" I asked, pointing at a shell. He got up and grabbed it for me. "Thanks," I said, putting the shell where it needed to be. I smiled at Gil and I's work. We made one more castle and decorated it with shells. "I think we did a great job, Gil," I said with a smile. "I think so too." He said. We gave each other a high five. "I call the shelled one as my castle!" Uma said, raising her hand. "I want the biggest one!" Gil said, raising his hand too. I looked at Harry with a squinted look. "Well lass, I think ye know what has te happen now..." Harry said.

"I think I do," I said, looking straight into his light gray eyes. "Oh no. Not again." Uma groaned, throwing her head back. Harry and I stared into each other's eyes, not looking away or blinking. "What's happening?" Gil asked confused. "They're having a staring contest... Again... For the billionth time..." Uma explained to Gil. After a minute in a half that felt like 5, Uma made us blink and said that we should just share ownership of the last castle. We sighed and agreed. But in the end, we had a fun afternoon, all of us watching the sunset over the water that we were able to touch and swim in.


Hey! Alright, I had a lot of fun writing this part! I thought it was cute and showed the kind of relationship Zarya has with Uma, Gil, and Harry. I promise the next one of these I'm gonna do is going to be with the VKs!

Oh and for Zarya's accent, imagine Jack Sparrow's accent but with Harry's speech mannerisms. That's the easiest way to explain it honestly.

And thank you guys for almost 130 reads and 10 votes! That's huge for me, so thank you! 😁😁

Anyway, I hope you guys, gals, and non-binary pals have a great day/afternoon/evening/night, be safe!
