
A/N: Hey! This part is also kinda short but I hope you enjoy anyway! 😁


"Hey, Zarya." I heard from beside me. I looked up and Ben was there. "Hey, Ben," I said, going back to my drawing.

"What're you doing?" Ben asked, sitting down next to me. "Drawin' my sorroundin's," I said. It was silent for a moment. "Hey, I'm going to go to Tourney practice. Do you want to come to watch all of us?" Ben asked. I shook my head. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks though." I said, going back to my art. "Okay, see you later then," Ben said. 

"See ye, later," I said back. I continued to draw until two pairs of footsteps came my way. There were then two thumps on either side of me. I looked to my left and saw a girl with brown, wavy hair the fell to the middle of her back. She also had beautiful steel-blue eyes. She was wearing a cropped tank top that had cut-outs at the top as well as black jeans and heeled boots.

*This is her outfit(I suck a describing 😭)*

I then looked to my right and saw a girl with big brown eyes and straight dirty blonde hair. She was wearing a black top that showed her shoulders and black leather pants as well as black high heels. I put down my sketchbook and brought both girls into a side hug. "Hi, Zarya." Both girls said with smiles on their faces. 

*This is her outfit (again, I suck at describing things)*

"Hi, Maddie," I said, looking at the girl to my left. "Hi, Aiden," I said, looking at the girl to my right. "It's been so long," Aiden said, her accent the same as her mom's, who is Alice. "Too long," Maddie said, her accent not as thick as mine or Aiden's but still there. "What class do you have next?" Aiden asked.

"Art. What about you two?" I asked the younger girls. "Same." Both of them said. "Well, we better get goin' then, aye?" I asked, smirking. They stood up while I put my sketchbook back into my bag. I stood up, bringing my bags with me and we walked to class. "How's your dad, Zar?" Aiden asked, wrapping her arm around mine. 

"He's good... I think." I said. "What do you mean you think?" Aiden asked. "Well... He seems sad. It's probably because I'm here and not there wit him." I said, beginning to feel sad. "It's okay, Zar. He'll be okay." Maddie said, trying to cheer me up. "Thanks, Madds," I said, side hugging the shorter girl. "Of course." She said a toothy grin on her face.

~After Class(Brought to you by Ben's great sense of humor!)~

We were walking in the hallway to the lockers that were outside that had our lockers. "It's like the misfits get the outside lockers or something," Maddie said, making Aiden and I chuckle. "Why are you right though?" Aiden asked, shaking her head while chuckling still. I walked to my locker which was by Mal's. Aiden looked over and saw Mal. 

"Who's the purple-haired kid?" Aiden asked, nudging me. "That's Mal," I said, not looking over. "Ooh, that's Maleficent's daughter?" Maddie asked. I nodded. "Yeah, she's a good kid," I said, looking over at the short girl who was talking to Ben.

"How long have you known each other?" Aiden asked, trying to know more. "I've known her since she was about five," I said, thinking for a moment, leaning against my locker with my arms crossed. "Oh, so she's around my age?" Maddie asked, tilting her head to the side. I nodded. "Yeah, about. She's going to turn sixteen sooner or later," I said. 

Mal walked away after Jane, who I assume was heading to the bathrooms. "Oh, Zar, there's a party at 9 tonight. You wanna come with us?" Aiden asked. It was finally the end of the day and it was around 1:30-ish.

That meant that I had about seven and a half hours before I would have to meet up with them. "Yeah. I'll go." I agreed. "Great! We'll meet you at your dorm around 6:30." Aiden said. I nodded. "Okay. But how do you know where my dorm is?" I asked. "We'll just ask Doug," Maddie said, walking away with Aiden, hooked at the arms. I sighed, a low chuckle coming out. 

Since it was after school already, I decided I wanted to explore and find a space for myself. So, being in the middle of the woods, I thought that I wouldn't have any service, but I was wrong. My phone started to ring and I answered without looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?" I answered. " Hello, Lass~ " A familiar sing-song Scottish accent spoke through the phone.


I hope you enjoyed this part! And I hope you have a great day/afternoon/evening/night. 😁
