
A/N: I'm going to say sorry now cause this part is short. ๐Ÿ˜… But I still hope you enjoy anyway! ๐Ÿ˜


I locked the door behind him and grabbed the clothes I picked out earlier. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I started to strip off my clothing and put it into the hamper. I stepped into the shower and was hit with the relaxing spray of the warm water. I took a quick shower and stepped out, wrapping myself in a fluffy blue towel. I looked into the mirror, my reflection looking back at me.

I remember my dad telling me something along the lines of, "Reflections show one's true self." I never understood that until now. I put on my sports bra and boy shorts. I then put on my maroon basketball shorts, not bothering to put on a shirt right now. I walked out of my room, walking over to my computer, looking to see if I had any homework yet. Now knowing that I didn't I turned off all the lights and went to bed.

*Her outfit,(I suck at describing outfits) bag, and, because I forgot in the first part, what her hair looks like(not the color though)*

The next morning I woke up bright and early. I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to get dressed. I put on a fishnet shirt and fishnet stalkings. I also put on a cropped black shirt, black shorts with my combat boots, a leather waistband, and a black chocker. I tied back some of my hair to go around the rest of it. I walked out of the bathroom and packed my black owl backpack, making sure I had everything I needed. I put my laptop in its own bag as well as its charger. Making sure I had my key and my phone, I left going to Mal and Evie's room.

I knocked on the door and, after a few minutes, Mal groggily opened the door. I walked in and saw that Evie was still asleep. I put down my bags on the table and flopped onto the sleeping girl. "I'm up!" She exclaimed, trying to sit up. I chuckled. "Come on girls, get ready for school," I said, getting up and grabbing my bags. "I'm goin' ta get the boys, I'll see ya later," I said, walking out of the room. I went to the boy's room and I knocked. It opened with a very awake Jay. "Did ya have coffee or somethin'? I haven't seen anyone tis happy to be up in da mornin'." I said. He shrugged. "Alright, make sure ye get te class on time." I reminded and walked away, going to my first class.

~Le Time Skip! (Brought to you by Lumier's mustache)~

Jay, Carlos, Evie, Mal, and I were now in remedial goodness class. "If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother (F.G. - cause it makes it easier) asked. Evie raised her hand. "Evie," F.G. called on her. "What was the second one?" Evie asked, acting dumb. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, okay. Anyone else? Mal?" F.G. called. Mal was caught off guard because of drawing, but answered the question correctly. "C, give it a bottle," Mal said, going back to drawing. "Correct. Again." F.G. said. "You are on fire, girl!" Carlos said.

"Ye got that right," I said under my breath. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," Mal explained to the clueless teens. "Oh," Carlos said. "That makes so much sense," Evie said. "Oh..." Mal said sarcastically. Then a girl in a blue dress and a blue headband, cautiously walked over to F.G., holding a clipboard. "Oh. Hello, dear one." F.G said. "Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." The girl said, turning to look at all of us while handing F.G. the clipboard. "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" F.G. asked. "Mom, no!" Jane said to her mom.

She looked at all of us. I gave her a small wave along with a small smile. She gave me the smallest of waves back. "It's okay. Jane, this is everyone." F.G. said, moving her closer to us. She then went back to looking terrified. "Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." Jane said, leaving as quickly as she got there. "Ahem. Let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?" F.G. asked. Carlos and Jay both raised their hands. "Oh! Ooh... get off." Carlos said to Jay cause he was trying to put down his hand.

"Jay," F.G. called on him. "C. You turn it over to the proper authorities." Jay said smugly. "I was gonna say that," Carlos said, slumping his shoulders. Jay and Carlos then started to get a bit rowdy. "Guys!" I called for them. They looked over at me and they sat back down. "Boys. I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." F.G. offered. "Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, We'll... We'll pass." Carlos stuttered out. Class ended and we were sent to go to our free period. I went to the courtyard and sat in the grass. I grabbed out my sketchbook and started to draw my surroundings.ย 


I hope you enjoyed this part though it wasn't much. Anyway, I hope you have a great day/afternoon/evening/night! ๐Ÿ˜
