
A/N: Hey! I think this chapter is kinda fun, at least in my opinion. I laughed quite a bit when I wrote it cause of my own dumb humor. Anyway, hope you enjoy!


"Harry..." I said, kind of annoyed. "Yes, Lass? " Harry said. "How did you get my number?" I asked, crossing my arms, still looking for a tree to climb up. "Umm... Your dad gave it to me? " He said, unsure. "So by that, do you mean you stole his phone, got my number, and gave it back?" I asked, still looking for a tree. "Yeh, okay, that maybe wasn't teh smartest ting to do, " Harry said. "Yeah, it wasn't," I said, finally finding a tree that was by a waterfall. "So, what's it like in Auradon? " Harry asked. I walked over to the waterfall and sat down at the edge of the water.

"Oh, it's... Something." I said. I took off my boots and socks and put my feet in the water. "That good, huh? " Harry said with sarcasm. "That good," I said back. "We miss you, Zar, " Harry said. "I seriously doubt that," I said watching the fish swim by. " Okay, well. Not everyone misses you, but Uma, Gil, and I miss you. " Harry admitted. 

"That's cute, Uma misses me," I said in a joking tone. "She really does Zar, " he said sounding genuine. "I know. Well, I gotta go, tell Uma and Gil that I miss them." I said. "Alright, bye Zar, " Harry said. "Bye." I sid hanging up. I put on my socks and boots and stood up to go back to the dorms. I decided to go to Mal and Evie's dorm because I was bored and wanted something to do.

When I walked in, Mal was chilling on her bed drawing and Evie was sewing a dress. Jane was also there but she had new, longer hair. "I like your hair, Jane," I said when walking in. She looked like she got startled but said thank you nonetheless. I sat down at the table in their room and pulled out my laptop and earbuds. 

I put my music low so I could hear what was going on while I was doing some homework. "Mom said, "If a boy can't see the beauty within", then he's not worth it." Can you believe it? What world does she live in?" Jane ranted. "Auradon." Mal slickly said. I rolled my eyes, changing the song I was listening to.

"Mal, Zar, do you like?" Evie asked, holding up her dress that she was sewing. "Yeah. It's cute. It brings out your eyes." Mal said. I nodded. "It's cute," I said, looking at the black and blue dress. "I know," Evie said, going back to sewing. "I'll never get a boyfriend," Jane complained. "Boyfriends are overrated," Mal said. I pointed at Mal in an 'agreed' way. 

"And how would you know, Mal? You've never had one." Evie said. I chuckled. "True," I said under my breath. "Oh hush Zar, you haven't either," Mal said. "That you know of." I shot back. "Oh, you've had a boyfriend?" Evie asked. "We're not getting into it," I said dismissively waving my hand. "I forgot to do Chad's homework! Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no." Evie panicked, grabbing his bag and doing his homework.

I rolled my eyes. "And that is exactly what I mean," Mal said to Jane. Then a girl walked into the room. She had short hair and bangs. "Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie. My mom's Mulan? No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?" Lonnie asked Mal. "Why would I do that for you?" Mal asked. "I'll pay you 50 dollars," Lonnie said, holding out a bag with money in it. "And I think this is where I take my leave," I said, grabbing my things and getting ready to leave. "Don't leave me," Mal whispered to me.

I turned to her, a smirk on my face, and walked out, going to my dorm. My phone immediately dinged and it was a text from Mal.


Mal: I hate you 😒

Me: I love you too Mal 😏


I chuckled and put my phone back into my pocket. When I got to my dorm, Aiden and Maddie were already there, chatting away. "There you are, we thought that you got swamped with guys hitting on you already." Aiden teased. "Glad you think that guys would want to hit on me," I said, grabbing my key and unlocking my door. 

I walked in like normal but Aiden and Maddie looked around in awe. "Dang girl! Your room is nicer than ours!" Maddie exclaimed. "Is it? I thought that the upperclassmen rooms were about the same?" I asked. Aiden shook her head when looking around. "Hmm. I guess little Benji pulled some strings then." I said, putting my bags down.

"You guess!" Maddie exclaimed, running at me, grabbing my shoulders, and shaking me. I laughed at the way she was acting. Maddie stopped shaking me, ran over to my bed, and flopped on it. I chuckled. 

"Alright, I know it's a bit early, but there are three of us and we need to get ready, sooo... We're getting ready in your room." Aiden said, sprinting to my bathroom. "Aiden!!" I yelled after her. She laughed and locked herself in my bathroom. "Did you bring makeup?" I asked, knowing it would get her out of the bathroom. She quickly opened the door and went to her bag.

"I completely forgot! Oh, and by the way the party is red-themed." Aiden said, walking into my bathroom and closing it behind her.


I hope you enjoyed this part! Oh, and there might not be a double update tomorrow, depending on how much I get done tonight and tomorrow. 🙃

Anywho! I have memes!!!












Wait for it...









Oh, and I have another one!
















Almost there...















Drink some water and eat something! Or go to sleep if it's late!

