Chapter 6: Sheep, Sheep, Sheep...

Henry's POV:

I forced myself to keep moving forward in hope to distract myself from y/n. Right outside y/n's office, I found a door that led to what used to be Sammy's office. But I couldn't get inside of it because a huge leak of ink was blocking off the doorway.

"Well, there's the pump switch alright. But that's one hell of a leak blocking the door though. If I could just stop the ink from flowing, maybe I could get in."

I had already looked around everywhere in the studio and couldn't find any way to stop the ink from flowing.

But then it hit me: I had been everywhere except for the closet to my right.

I pulled through the sticky ink and walked over to the hall closet. I tried to open it, only to find that it was locked.

But that wasn't a problem. I knew exactly where the keys were; right where y/n always hid them: the trash.

I checked all the trash cans in hope to find the keys to Wally's closet. After a few minutes of checking, I finally found them in one of the trash cans in the recording studio.

All thanks to y/n for telling me where those keys were thirty years before.

I headed back over to the closet and unlocked it. But all I found was an audio log.

"Are you kidding me?!" I groaned with frustration. Finding nothing else to do, I clicked the play button to hear Sammy's voice.

"Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I have mine. To enter you need only know my favorite song:

"The violin shudders with a piercing voice. The piano delicately calls. The drum thunders in triumph. And the piano returns in graceful harmony.

"Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you."

So just play each of those instruments in that order and his so-called sanctuary would be opened? That shouldn't be too hard... that is if I were a musician it wouldn't be. And besides, what song was I even supposed to play, anyway?

It didn't hurt to just give it a shot. I guessed I should just play whatever I could think of. Maybe I could still remember some of the stuff y/n taught me if I tried hard enough.

I headed back over to the recording studio. The first thing I did was pick up a violin that was resting on one of the chairs. I tried to remember how y/n taught me to hold it.

"The shoulder rest obviously rests on your shoulder. Then you rest your chin here. Now you hold the neck with your left hand."

I then picked up the bow and played an open note on one of the strings. It didn't sound too horrible. For a non musician at least... hopefully.

I headed over to the piano and sat down on the bench. Now, what was something simple y/n taught me?

"Now break up the scale like that and play each note at once: there you have a chord."

I played what I thought I remembered y/n teaching me a chord was. I assumed I got it right since it actually sounded quite nice.

I walked over to the opposite side of the room where the drum was and noticed the mallet sitting on top.

"No no no, you're holding it wrong. Hold it like this."

I picked up the mallet in what I assumed was the right way and hit the drum. That was easy enough.

I went back to the piano once more then played a chord again. Suddenly the gate to my left began opening to what I guessed was Sammy's sanctuary.

I guess y/n forcing me to learn how to learn how to play music really did come in handy.

I walked inside and saw three basses on my left as well as a violin on one of the shelves to my right.

I walked through a little further and saw a desk that had a Bendy plushie like the one I found for the pedestal earlier, a piece of sheet music, and two candles. There was also a music stand and a banjo right next to it. On the wall I saw another message written in ink.

"Sing a happy song, whistle a merry tune, wait for his arrival, he's coming very soon."

I shook my head, deciding not to question it. I looked to the left to see huge pipes filled with ink and another valve that had a sign saying "flow" right above it.

One down. One more to go.

Y/n's POV:

I stood hiding behind the barrel, breathing as quietly as I possibly could, hoping that Henry wouldn't walk by and see or hear me.

Why the hell was he even here? Did it seriously take him two years to finally decide to come here to the studio? Maybe Joey wasn't lying about him coming after all.

Maybe he could help me. But who knows? He probably didn't even care about me anymore. Why should he even care about helping me?

But then again, I didn't give a damn about what he thought of me. I was so done with this place, I would be willing to do anything to get out of here. Even if that meant confronting my ex-fiancé who I had been bitter towards for the past thirty years. But that didn't mean it would be easy.

My thoughts were interrupted when I noticed the ink in the stairwell started to drain. Finally! Boris was able to do it!

I began limping down the steps, but before I could get very far down I saw Boris approach me. I turned to look at him.

"Boris, I can't believe you did it!" I exclaimed. "What did you do to drain the ink?" Boris shrugged with a confused look on his face.

"Were you not the one who drained it?" I asked. Boris shook his head.

"Then who–" I stopped. That's was a dumb question. I knew who drained it.

"Nevermind," I said, shaking my head. "Let's just get down here so that we can finally fix my leg."

I headed down the stairs with Boris' help. Ink still stained the floor, but at least we were able to walk around in it. As soon as I got down, I noticed one of those searcher creatures made of ink appeared.

"Ugh, you stupid little-! I thought I told you bastards to stay away from me!" I cursed.

Finding no other way to get rid of the creature made of ink, I picked up a chair next to me and tossed it at the searcher making it fade away.

"I hate those guys," I grumbled. Boris tapped me on the shoulder and pointed towards a drawer in the corner. My angry scowl turned into a happy smile as I walked over to it.

I pulled out each drawer to find some medical wrap. I took a seat on the old bed next to the drawer and began to wrap it around my leg. But right before I could finish, I heard footsteps coming towards the infirmary.

"Shoot! It's him!" I gasped. "I can finish this later. We gotta hide!" Boris gave me a confused look, wondering who I was talking about.

"I'll explain later. Just... come on, down there! You hide behind that crate, I'll hide behind the Bendy cutout!"

I stuffed the rest of the medical tape in my pocket and scurried down the stairs as fast as I could. I hid behind the Bendy cutout that was leaning against the wall as Boris crouched down behind the crate. It was only a matter of seconds until I heard footsteps heading down the stairs. I peeked out from behind the Bendy cutout to see Henry walking around.

I couldn't help but admire him. He looked so similar to the way he did the last time I saw him years earlier, yet different at the same time. As much as I hated to admit it, he still looked quite handsome. Apart of me wanted to dash out to him and throw my arms around him and tell him how much I missed him; another part of me wanted to leave my hiding place and walk over to him so that I could slap him across the face for not showing up for two years while I rotted down here in the studio.

But I figured it was better not to do either. I had to stay hidden until the time was right.

I noticed him walk up to and pull the lever for utility access before looking over at one of the ink pipes and rubbing his temples with frustration.

"Oh no. What happened to the other valve?" he groaned.

His voice even sounded similar to how it did years ago; so gentle and calming.

Then I got an idea. Apparently he was searching for the second valve. And little did he know that it was right beside the crate that Boris was hiding behind. Why not mess with him a little bit?

I grabbed the valve then turned to Boris. "Stay here," I whispered as quietly as possible to him before dashing out the doors that had just opened with the utility access lever. It led to a river of ink that went in a circle. Surely there was a searcher down here. With this much ink, it would be nearly impossible for there not be at least one of them.

Right on cue, I instantly saw a searcher. It was easy to notice since it for some reason had a hat on. It didn't try to attack me though, like all the other searchers normally did. I walked up to it and held out the valve.

"In just a few seconds, a man will come down here," I said to the searcher quietly enough so that Henry wouldn't be able to hear me. "He's looking for this. Don't let him get it. Okay?"

The searcher simply just took the valve from my hand and stood there the same way he did before I had walked in. Suddenly I heard footsteps growing closer to where I was.

"Thanks," I said to the searcher. "I gotta head out now."

I ran down the inky tunnel, desperately hoping that there might be somewhere for me to hide.

At what was almost the very end of the tunnel I came across a large barrel. It wasn't much, but it was my only hiding place.

Honestly, I was surprised Henry hadn't found me yet. There weren't very many places to hide here in the music department.

I knew I should let him find me eventually, but for now I was too worried. I just didn't know how to approach him. We hadn't talked for years, and it would probably be really awkward trying to start up a conversation with him again.

My mind kept wandering until I heard the sound of footsteps splashing in ink growing closer and closer. Looks like Henry was trying to find that valve of his.

Once he walked past me and headed into the next room I could hear the faint sounds of the searcher I had just met as he kept running away from Henry so that he couldn't get the valve. Eventually I heard the sound of a crate crashing onto the ground followed by Henry's voice.

"Sorry I had to do that. Nice hat though."

I cringed. Henry killed that searcher, didn't he? Maybe I shouldn't have told the searcher to mess with him like that.

Within seconds I watched Henry walk out with the valve in his hand and head towards the direction he came from. I once again started following him, but in a discreet enough way so that he didn't notice me. I couldn't deny that I felt somewhat proud of myself for being so sneaky.

Once I got back to the infirmary, I could hear the valve turning as well as Henry muttering something before walking back up the stairs. I gestured for Boris to come with me to continue following Henry.

"You don't think I'm being creepy by following him around so much, do you?" I questioned. Boris cringed, making me frown.

"Geez, thanks a lot." He crossed his arms.

"Okay, okay, I guess you're right; maybe it is a little creepy," I admitted. "But I have my reasons for doing this!"

Without giving him a chance to respond, I continued walking in the direction that Henry was going while Boris followed.

I watched from a distance as Henry headed into Sammy's office and pulled the lever for the pump control before walking back out.

As he headed out of the hallway, I noticed someone start to walk out from the recording studio.

"Wait a minute..." I muttered. "Is that-"

Before I could finish my sentence I saw the figure made of ink walk out and sneak up behind Henry before hitting him in the head with something, knocking him out. Then he said something that made me recognize him instantly.

"Rest your head; it's time for bed. In the morning you may wake; or in the morning, you'll be dead."


"Come on, come on! No no no, dammit! I can't believe we lost them!" I yelled once I realized that I had lost Sammy and Henry. I knew very damn well that Henry was in danger, considering how crazy Sammy was. Who knew what he'd do to Henry.

Suddenly, I heard Sammy's voice form the overhead speakers.

"There we go now. Nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we? No, we wouldn't."

"Oh no. Sammy, what are you doing?" I muttered with fear.

"I must admit I am honored you came all the way down here to visit me," Sammy continued. "It almost makes what I'm about to do seem cruel."

"Let him go, you psychopath!" I screamed, hoping he could hear me. But he probably couldn't, considering he just kept rambling more and more nonsense to Henry without taking even a moment to listen to me.

"Wait. You look familiar to me... that face..."

For a split second I felt a little bit of relief inside of me, hoping that Sammy might recognize Henry and let him go. But that relief instantly went away once he continued rambling his nonsense. It only took me a little while to realize that he was doing this all for Bendy.

Sammy would do anything for Bendy. Now matter how cruel it seemed. He wouldn't let Henry live at any cost.

"And then I will finally be freed from this... prison. This inky... dark... abyss I call a body," Sammy went on after more ranting. There was silence for a few seconds before Sammy shushed Henry... even though he wasn't saying a word.

"Shhh... quiet!" Sammy hissed. "Listen! I can hear him. Crawling above. Crawling!"

"Come on, you gotta let him go!" I begged, wishing he could hear me. But it was obviously no use.

"Soon he will hear me... he will set us free."

"No he won't! Bendy will never set you free no matter how hard you try to please him! There's nothing you can do, so just give it up! Don't do this!" I cried out.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep. It's time for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed. In the morning you may wake; or in the morning, you'll be dead."

"No..." I mumbled. It was over. Henry didn't stand a chance now. The moment the Ink Demon found him, he'd kill him in an instant. I blocked out the rest of what Sammy was saying. It hurt too much to listen to and to know that Henry would soon be dead. And I didn't get the chance to say goodbye... to truly say goodbye. Boris put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

But then I heard Sammy start yelling at Bendy to stay back. Was Bendy seriously going after... Sammy?

It was when I heard a horrified scream from Sammy that I knew he was a goner. The Ink Demon got Sammy instead.

"Henry must be alive still!" I exclaimed. "I gotta go get him before the Ink Demon can get to him next!" I began to run towards the door, but Boris grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, trying to pull away. "I gotta go save Henry!" Boris shook his head doubtfully.

"I know it's dangerous, but I gotta do it for him! I have to make sure he's safe!"

Boris only grabbed my arm tighter and for one of the first times ever he gave me a stern look, almost like a warning for me to stay back.

Finally, I stopped fighting back and hung my head down with disappointment. "I could've prevented this from happening," I muttered. "Maybe if I had confronted him earlier, this might not have happened. Maybe I could've stopped Sammy. But now Henry's probably going to die and it's my fault."

Boris shook his head as if he were trying to reassure me that it wasn't my fault. But it didn't matter. I knew that it was; at least partially. I didn't say anything in response.

After a few minutes of standing there in sadness, I finally heard a door nearby slam shut. I shot my head up. Then I heard the door to the room we were in open up.

Oh gosh. Who the hell just came into the room?

I backed up a little with fear but stumbled over a can of bacon soup causing it to roll out.

"No! Come on, y/n, you're so stupid!" I thought to myself.

"Hello?" I heard a voice say. "Someone there?"

My eyes widened. I knew that voice.

"I know you're in here. Come out and show yourself."

Without hesitating, Boris walked out from behind the corner to confront the person who had just walked in the room.


A/N: Sorry if there were any grammar mistakes. I did all the editing for this chapter on my phone.
And just wait for chapter 7, that's when things are gonna get actually good.
