Chapter 18: The Beast

Y/n's POV:

Henry and I walked inside of the Demon's lair. Ink dripped from the walls, but that was no shocker. One thing that did catch me off guard was the proof of what Joey talked about in all those audio logs from earlier.

There were human-looking creatures behind glass covered in ink and were being rained on with even more ink. They looked like Lost Ones. It was sickening to know that Joey had done such a thing to such innocent people.

"You weren't kidding," Henry muttered under his breath. "Joey really did do some messed up stuff with all this ink."

"I know. It's... horrible."

I walked up to the wall and pulled a lever next to the door which made the giant door ahead of us begin to open up. We walked forward to find television screens with tons of the cartoons we've made which gave me a rush of nostalgia. They were cartoons of The Butcher Gang, Alice Angel, Boris the Wolf, and Bendy. All of which when things were normal; when they were the cartoon version of them that I knew. The cartoons Henry made. Their true selves.

Not the Alice Angel who was trying to kill everyone for her own selfish desires; it was the sweet and beautiful Alice Angel.

Not the Boris that Susie had killed and ruined; it was the Boris that was my best friend.

Not the Butcher Gang that was constantly carrying weapons around and trying to attack us; it was the fun Butcher Gang, all of which were so different and unique.

And not the Bendy we all knew around here, that drips with malicious ink and wears a demonic smile 24/7. It was the cute little cartoon Bendy; the one me and Henry created back when we were younger.

For the first time in a long time, I actually felt some happiness at the studio by the sight of what Joey Drew Studios used to be.

"Wow. I forgot about most of these," Henry said in awe.

"I know. Me too. I miss it."

Straight ahead of us was a big weirdly-shaped throne. Resting on the seat was an audio log.

"What's this?" Henry asked.

"Only one way to find out," I said with a shrug before clicking the play button only to hear Joey's voice.

"It's simply awe-inspiring what one can accomplish with their own hands! A lump of clay can turn into meaning if you strangle it with enough enthusiasm!

"Look what we've built! Y/n, Henry, we created life itself! Not just on the silver screen, but in the hearts of those we've entertained with our fancy moving pictures!

"But when the tickets stopped selling—when the next best thing came along—only the monsters remained... shadows of the past.

"But you can save them, Henry and y/n! You two can peel it all away!

"You see, there's only one thing Bendy has never known: he was there for his beginning... but he's never seen..."

"...The End..." Henry muttered, finishing Joey's sentence with him as he picked up a reel that said The End on it.

The audio log clicked, coming to an end. Henry and I both looked up to see Bendy standing behind his throne with his infamous smile. He looked down at his hands, which started growing insanely big. Then he covered his face, bending down behind his throne. I could see him shaking quite a bit.

Suddenly, one hand grabbed the top of the throne and the other grabbed the armrest before Bendy pushed himself up and stared us down. He was bigger than ever. He looked even more horrifying than he did before. He had a vicious grin with huge, sharp teeth. He started off with a grin before his smile dropped and he let out a thundering roar. I could barely comprehend what was happening because within seconds he backhanded Henry and I, throwing us against the other side of the room.

"Henry!" I shrieked, getting to my knees and grabbing his hand to try and help pull him up. He groaned in pain as he began to sit up. "Henry, are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," he insisted, letting me help pull him up. "Now come on, we have to find some way to get rid of Bendy!"

I helped him to his feet, and we instantly hid behind a corner. Bendy was constantly running in straight directions, disappearing into the walls before reappearing in another area to do the same thing. It was a little... strange.

"What in the world are we supposed to do?" Henry asked.

"I don't know..." I thought about it for a while when I got an idea.

"Henry, give me the glass looking tool."

"What?" he puzzled. "Why?"

"Just give it to me!"

"Well, alright." He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to me. I looked around the room with it until I found an arrow on the floor that was pointing towards a lever on the wall in front of it.

"That's it!" I realized. "I think all we need to do is pull all the levers in this room without Bendy getting a hold of us!"

"Are you sure?"

"It's the only thing that makes sense!"

"Alright. Should we stick together?"

"Probably. If we split up, only one of us could use the glass looking tool, and I think it'd be better if we could both use it," I decided.

"Good point," he agreed. "Now come on, let's get this over with."

Henry and I wandered around the room, finding as many levers as we could. There were more than I expected. But we managed to discover Bendy's pattern of where he'd move to and where, which made it easier for us. Once we pulled the last one, we found a hallway which had two giant doors slowly opening up.

"What's this?" I wondered, beginning to walk inside.

"Woah there, y/n," Henry stopped me. "We don't know what's in there."

"Well, what else are we supposed to do?" I asked. "We've found every single lever. They seem to be what opened these doors. I'm pretty sure this is where we have to go."

Henry took a deep breath. "Alright. Let's do this thing."

We walked inside, finding a few more televisions with cartoons on the walls. There were splats of ink all over the floor. Straight ahead of us was a message in ink that wrote, "Who's laughing now?"

There were four tall pillar-looking pipes in each corner of the room. I wasn't sure if they were filled with ink, but I assumed they were.

"What do we do now?" Henry asked, his voice echoing as he wandered around the room with me. 

"I don't know. There doesn't seem to be any sign of Bendy here."

"Hey, what's this?" Henry suddenly asked. I turned to my side to see him turning a turnwheel that was on the wall.

"Henry, you might want to be caref-"

Henry didn't listen to me, but instead twisted the turnwheel. Four lights next to it lit up and we heard a loud thump behind us. I whipped my head around to see Bendy again.

Henry cringed. "Whoops."

Bendy looked around, trying to find us. Once he noticed us, he let out a roar before charging towards us. Henry quickly pushed me out of the way and Bendy stumbled over.

"That bastard nearly killed me!" I yelped.

"I know! We have to find out how to stop him!"

Bendy quickly made his way to his feet again, and began charging at us once again.
The direction Henry and I went in passed by one of the pipes, causing the Demon to run into one. The pipe burst and ink began to explode out of it. Bendy let out a loud shriek.

"That's it!" I realized. "The pipes!"

"What about them?"

"We have to get Bendy to break them!"


"Trust me! I think this might work!"

Henry opened his mouth to respond, but Bendy let out another loud roar, stopping him. I grabbed Henry's wrist and ran with him past another one of the pipes, causing Bendy to run into it and breaking that one as well.

"Alright, that's two," Henry said. "Just two more."

Just then, Bendy let out another roar and began charging towards us again. This time, Henry the one who pulled me out of the way. Just as expected, Bendy came charging towards us and ending up breaking a third pipe.

"One more. Come on, let's get behind the last pipe!"

Once we were behind the last pipe, we waited for Bendy to get up so that he could run towards us and break the last pipe. Sure enough, he came charging towards us, smashing the last pipe into pieces.

"There! It's broken! Now what?" Henry yelled over the loud noises of shattering glass, flooding ink, and Bendy's roaring.

"Look! That door!" I exclaimed pointing towards a door that was just starting to open. "Come on, let's go that way!"

The two of us sprinted out of the room. We followed the pathway that it led to, only to find ourselves right in front of Bendy's throne again.

"Oh no," Henry groaned. "What now?"

Instead of answering, I snatched the reel that he had taken earlier after listening to Joey's audio log.

"Hey, what are you-"

I pushed the reel into a small opening next to the throne that the reel fit perfectly in. It spun around a bit once it was inside and adjusted into place.

"Huh. That was easy..." Henry said, taking a deep breath. Suddenly, we heard a noise from behind us. Henry and I whipped around to see Bendy right behind us. He stretched out a claw reaching for us with a ferocious roar, but stopped once one of the television screens turned on and began flashing lights. Bendy turned to look at it when the words The End appeared on it.

The Demon screeched and turned away, facing another one of the television screens, but that one had the exact same words written on it, making Bendy turn away once again.

He turned towards us and let out another roar but stopped once lights all around started glowing. I looked around to see that all the screens now said "The End." Bendy covered his face with his giant claws, trying to block out the bright lights of the screens.

"What's up with him?" I asked Henry.

"I... I don't know..." Henry answered, watching as the Demon began struggling to survive.

"It's over," I thought to myself with excitement. But the excitement was short-lived when the lights got too bright for me to handle.

The next thing I knew, I had blacked out.
