Chapter 13: Rescue Party

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to see that I was in a dark room. I couldn't see anything. I tried to sit up from the chair I was sitting in, but all of a sudden realized I couldn't; I was tied to the chair.

"Henry!" I called out. "Henry, help me!"

"Oh, y/n," a sly voice said. "I hate to break it to you, but your boyfriend isn't here to save you this time."

I recognized that voice. That sounded like...

"Alice! What do you want?!" I snapped. "Where's Henry?! What did you do to him?!"

"Oh hush, darling!" She protested, putting a finger up to my lips. "Who knows where Henry is. But I do have someone else who you might like to see."

Just then she turned on the lights. Boris was on the other side of the room and strapped down to a board. Once he saw me, he beamed.

"Boris!" I gasped. "Boris, I missed you!"

"Oh how sweet," Alice said. "The two best friends are finally reunited!"

"Let him go, Susie!"

"That's not my name!" She roared. "My name is Alice Angel!"

"Oh, you think you're an angel?" I scoffed. "What sort of angel holds an innocent wolf and an innocent girl hostage?! You're no angel!"

"An angel who deserves to be beautiful does that!" She seethed. "That's my only goal—my only purpose—to be beautiful! And you two are just the ones to do that for me!"

"But why him?" I asked, breaking down into tears. "Why? You've already killed all those other Boris'! Just stop already!"

"I can't stop! Not when I'm so close to being the perfect angel Joey said I would be!" Alice snapped. "And Boris here is the most perfect Boris out of them all! And you... you're the most perfect... lovely... beautiful girl I've ever seen! You've been like that all your life! And it's not fair! I want your beauty! I need it!"

"Then take me!" I begged. "If I'm so great then kill me instead! Just don't hurt Boris!"

I heard a quiet cry come from Boris. I looked over at him to see him shaking his head frantically.

"Oh come on; he insists otherwise!" Alice protested. "Why don't we all compromise? I can kill both of you! Or even better; I can use you both as bait for Henry! He'll be just itching to find you both. Then once I have him, I can kill him too!"

"No! Not Boris and Henry!" I pleaded.

"Don't worry, my little errand girl," Alice said in a soft but harsh tone as she put a hand on my chin and tilted my head up so that my teary eyes met with hers. "Everything is just as it's supposed to be."

"Alice... please... have some mercy..." I sobbed.

"Oh, y/n, you have nothing to worry about; you'll get your turn to die too. But I'll make sure that you get to watch your precious boys die first." She smirked and looked over at Boris before looking at me again.

"In fact, why don't we start right now?"

Henry's POV:

"Y/n!" I called out. "Y/n, can you hear me?!"

There was no answer.

"Don't worry, I'll be there in just a moment!" I promised. I was about to jump out of the vent myself, but I figured it would be better if I didn't. Who knew how far down that drop was?

I continued through the vents, until I finally came to an exit. As soon as I stepped out, I heard Alice start speaking to me.

"What a dedicated boy!" she mocked. "Willing to go through so much to find his little wolf friend and his precious sweetheart."

"What did you do with them?!" I yelled back. "Where are they?!"

"Oh calm down!" she snapped. "There's no need to get so mad. Just keep moving forward; then maybe you'll find Boris and y/n. But I'd hurry up if I were you. You better get them before it's too late."

Suddenly I heard y/n's voice. "Henry! Don't–"

Her voice was immediately cut off. Don't what?

I shook the thought away. I needed to focus on saving her and Boris.

In front of me was a set of stairs and next to it on the walls it said "Come up and see me". 

I headed up the stairs to find another message halfway saying "Almost there". I walked just a little further to find a room with pictures and blueprints all around. It looked like someone had been planning on making something.

In the center of the room, I played the audio log that was resting there. I played it while I walked around the room to see if there was anything helpful to hear a voice that sounded unfamiliar.

"For forty years, I've built attractions that stagger the imagination! Colossal wonders such as the world has never seen! I have earned my legacy with sweat.

"But right in front of everyone... high level investors, Wall Street tycoons... the ever-tactless Joey Drew introduces me—the great Bertrum Piedmont—as Bertie! Like I was his child!"

Now I remembered him. Bertrum Piedmont: the man who helped Joey with building Bendyland. I felt bad for him, honestly. Joey tried taking credit for his work.

"You may be paying me, Mister Drew! But you don't own me!" Bertrum continued angrily. "I'll build you a park bigger than anything YOU could ever possibly conceive!

"But before you go taking any bows, Mister Drew, know that this achievement will belong to me... and to me alone!"

Geez. Joey must've really made Bertrum mad.

I then noticed a lever that had the word Storage written above it. I pulled the lever to hear a door opening from the lower level that I had come in.

I headed down the stairs and walked into the room to see Bendyland; but someone had written the word "hell" over land, making it say "Bendy Hell."

The place really was nothing like I had ever seen. Joey wasn't lying in that audio log that I found on the Demon Path from earlier; he really did believe that he could make such big things happen. Talk about a man of dreams.

In fact, I had never even seen this place before. I had seen it when it was being built, but I never actually saw the finished product.

It wasn't really finished though. There was still probably a lot more that needed to be done.
It was no wonder things were so tight with money. This must've cost a ridiculous amount of money. Joey clearly wasn't a very thrifty person.

At first I couldn't seem to find anything helpful in the area; but I did find an audio log that was in between what appeared to be two closed off minigames. I played it to hear Wally's voice.

"These guys down in the warehouse get to play games all day while I'm stuck cleaning up after 'em!" he complained. "They keep locking themselves out of their own back room.

"So I says to 'em, 'look guys', I says, 'you're smart, right? Here's an idea! Why not rig these games up to knock open the door if ya win? It'll be fun for you guys, and it saves me the trip down here every day.'

"They went for it like a dog to pot roast.

"I tell ya! If these guys don't start realizing who the real genius is, I'm outta here!"

I couldn't help but laugh. I remembered that; Wally always complained about everyone making such big messes here and how he'd have to clean up after them. He was so proud of himself when he got them to finally stop.

I continued walking around when I came across what I suspected was a haunted house. I had never been inside of it, but I remembered when it was being built.

"This haunted house seems like the way to go," I realized. "But it's going to need some power."

I looked over to the right to see four little levers and one big one. It said "Power Station" above it, meaning it probably controlled the power to the haunted house. This shouldn't be too hard. I could do this.

I had to. I had to do it for Boris and y/n.

"Hang in there, you two. I'm coming."
