
Everyone turns to look at me and Henry as we walk into he school hand-in-hand. Most girls looked jealous, most boys looked confused.

Attention was never really my thing, but as everyone stares I don't really mind it.

He kisses my cheek as we finally stop walking right in front of the Bowers gang. Victor looked shocked. If his jaw was any farther dropped it probably would break. Belch had the same expression utter confusion. Patrick was the one I feared. He looked pissed.

"Hey guys... " I say breaking the silence.

"What the fuck. You guys- you're- you-" Victor shutters out before ultimately giving up just letting out laughter belch joining it.

Patrick stood in the same place arms crossed with a scawl on his face.

I look down at the ground my face heating up. "Yep." Henry turns to me. "You wanna go get your stuff for class?"

I nod and he follows me to my locker. "Patrick is pissed. " I state the obvious after grabbing my math textbook and homework. "Yeah I could tell. "

The bell rings causing me to smile at him and kiss him on the cheek. "I'll see you after class. "He grabs onto my waist. "Can't we just skip?"I push him away by his chest. "No. Go to class. "

Saying my goodbyes I make my way to class only to be late.

"Y/n l/n. Why are you late?"

My face heats up in embarrassment as everyone turns to stare at me. "Uh.. I was... " The teacher just crosses her arms and stares at me. "No. I don't want your excuses go sit down. "

All throughout the day people had been staring and whispering about me. I didn't really mind it at first it was kinda nice knowing people didn't think I was invisible, but now it's annoying.

I grab my tray of food and walk towards the table the table with Bev and her friends.

They all just stare at me as I sit down. "Hey guys.. "

"Are you really fucking Henry Bowers?" Richie says, bluntly causing Eddie to smack him on the arm. "Richie!"

"What! I'm just trying to clear the air. " Richie exclaims, shrugging his shoulders like he did nothing.

I roll my eyes, focusing my gaze on my tray in front of me.

"So... How was your day?" Stan says trying to change the subject.

Stan was ultimately my favorite of bev's friends. Bill was certainly number two.

"Good. Other than people staring at me. "

I notice Richie mumbling something making Eddie smack him again. The two boys break out into a fight. Which they did a lot. Like literally everyday.

After listening to Richie and Eddie bicker out and forth for the whole lunch I was about ready to go let Patrick beat me up.

"Hey henry, remember when you asked me to skip?"
