lunch + greta

Both me and Bev sat in the bathroom during in lunch. It became normal for us. We've been doing it since.... Everything happened.

The red head suddenly breaks the silence. "Its kind nasty now that I think about it, you know eating food in the bathroom."

As I was about to reply the sound of the bathroom door makes me stop.

"Come on out, slut and her bitchy sister. " I could instantly tell it was greta by her squeaky, annoying voice.

I groan in annoyance, looking over at Bevs face.

"We just wanted to remind you that you're trash. Just so you don't forget. "

We both look up seeing a trash bag, both of us Insinctly put our backpacks onto of our heads, shielding us from the trash as best as we could.

The bathroom door closes. I gag at the smell. Really, what was in the that trash? And why was it watery? The thought made me even more nauseous.

"I think I'm going to thro--" I cut my own self off, throwing up off to the side.

Bev moves her feet, cuddling up to the wall. "Ew."

I wipe my mouth. "Maybe, we should leave. "

She happily agrees. "We smell like shit. "

"We could always just go home?" Beverly suggests.

"Dad should be home. " that's all I really needed to say for Beverly to take her suggestion back.

"I have perfume in my bag, we can just like spray it on us. "

We both agree on just going about our day, after spraying about the whole bottle of perfume on ourselves.

The bell for fourth period rings. We both walk out of the bathroom as a whole bunch of kids gather in the hallway, trying to get to their next class.

I finally find my fifth period walking in. "Nice of you to join us. "

I could sense the passive aggressiveness in the teachers voice. "Uh yeah. "

I glance around the room, trying to find a seat.

"The only seat -- because you were late -- that is open is beside henry Bowers. "

I groan, sharing a glance with henry. "Absolutely not. "

"Missy, are you really talking back to me?" The teacher says, staring at me.

I let it a exaggerated sigh, shuffling over to the seat in the very back next to the blonde boy.

𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦.



