Both me and Bev decided to go to the pharmacy since Beverly needed tampons.

I walk over to the aisle that had a sign that says 'femine products. '

Bev picks out a box of tampons and we both start walking to the counter.

We dodge the aisle with gretta, walking to the next aisle only to see the losers club. Bev hides the product behind her back and all the boys just stare at us. "You okay? "

Bev just simply nods at bill. "I'm fine. Whats wrong with you?"

"None of your business. " Eddie says from beside bill holding handfulls of stuff. "There's a kid outside. Looked like someone killed him. "

"W-we need supplies, but we don't have enough money. "

I finally speak up. "I can help. I know a thing or two about injuries... "

Both me and Bev look at each other. "And we can... Help with the money thing. "


Both me and Bev stood at the counter staring at the blonde man. "I like your glasses Mr. Keene. "

"You look just like Clark Kent. " I add on to her statement, smiling at the man.

He chuckles at this, fixing his glasses. "Oh. I don't know about that.

"Can I try them?" Bev says, sparing a glance in my direction.

He agrees, taking off his glasses and hands them to the red head.

Bev puts on the glasses, staring at the man. "What do you think?"

Mr. Keene leans on the counter closer to the girls making me uncomfortable. "Well, how about that? You look just like Lois Lane. "

Bev smirks at the same in front of her, looking over at me. "Really?"

The girl goes to hand the glasses back, knocking over a display. "Shoot, I'm so sorry. "

As he leans down to pick it up I grab bevs hand sprinting towards the door after grabbing the tampon box and cigarettes.

Both of us get outside the pharmacy. "God, that sucked! He was so weird. "

Suddenly bill walks out of the alleyway just staring at us well more specifically Bev.

I zone out ignoring them. Not really wanting to hear them flirt or something.

Walking down the alleyway I see Eddie, richie, Stan and the new kid.

"Ben from sosh?"

I panic looking at the boy, sitting on the ground. "Are you okay?"

"Oh no. I'm good. I just fell. " I could tell it was a lie, but I didn't push it any further.

"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers. " he says and my eyes widen. I forgot how violent Henry is. When I was dating patrick he was always nice to me, but I mean he did slam me into a locker yesterday.

"Shut it R-richie. " bill says, from beside Bev. Richie just rolls his eyes. "Why? It's the truth. "

I squat down beside Ben, looking at his wound, a big H was carved into his side.

My hand comes up to cover my mouth. Oh my god.

I ignore Bev and bill talking. "Do you know how to patch him up?"

Eddie just turns to me, staring at me blankly. "Yeah. I mean I'm not a doctor, but I did my best. "

I Pat him on the shoulder standing up. "It looks good. Just keep a eye on it to make sure it's not infect. There's no telling what Henry does with that knife. "

Everyone goes silent as bill invites Bev to the quarter with them tomorrow. "Since were inviting anyone. Y/n you should come. "

I roll my eyes at Richie. I mean I have nothing better to do, but I genuinely can't tell if it was a genuine invite.

Bev grabs my hand, dragging me along with her out of the alleyway.

As we turn the corner I turn towards her. "Bill asked you to go with them! He probably likes you!"
